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‫‪lower UTI‬‬

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Urinary tract infection

(UTI) a general term, refers to invasion of
the urinary tract by bacteria.
classified of UTI
1. Upper UTIs
2. Lower UTIs
Cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis
other classfication
• Uncomplicated Lower or Upper UTIs
community-acquired infection; common in young
women and not usually recurrent
• Complicated Lower or Upper UTIs
Often nosocomial (acquired in the hospital) and
related to catheterization; occur in patients with
urologic abnormalities, pregnancy,
immunosuppression, diabetes mellitus, and
obstructions and are often recurrent
lower UTIs
• Predisposing factors for UTIs:
1. Stasis of urine in the bladder
2. Contamination in the perineal and urethral
3. Instrumentation
4. Reflux of urine
5. Previous UTIs
6. pregnancy
7.diabetes mellitus
Common causative organism

1. Escherichia coli.
2. Streptococcus faecalis.
3. Klebsiella.
4. Pseudomonas aerugionsea.
5. Staphylococcus epidermidis

• Urethritis is inflammation of the urethra


1. Microorganisms
2. Trauma
3. sexually transmitted disease
Signs and symptoms include
1. Dysuria.
2. Frequency.
3. Bladder spasms.
4. Urethral discharge
Medical diagnosis:
1. Urinalysis
2. cellular studies:
Microscopic hematuria,Pyuria
3.Urine cultures
Medical treatment

• acoording causes:
1. the cause is a chemical irritant
2. An antibiotic Cephalexin (Keflex)

• inflammation and infection of the bladder wall

• causes
.1.Bacterial contamination.
2. Prolong immobility.
3. Renal calculi.
4. Urinary deviation – indwelling
5. Female gender.
• About 90% of UTIs are caused by
Escherichia coli.
•In most cases, the causative organisms

first grow in the perineal area

and then ascend into the bladder

Signs and symptoms:-
1. Dysuria.(burning painful)
2. .Hematuria.
3. Fatique.
4. .Urine color (dark tea) or cloudy.
5. Incontinence.
6. Mild fever.
7. .Frequency.
8. nocturia
Medical diagnosis:-

1. Diagnosis: direct history and Physical

2. routine urinalysis collected
cloudy urine
,presence of WBCs, bacteria,
and sometimes red blood cells (RBCs) in the
• Treatment of uncomplicated cystitis:
(Bactrim, Septra)such as sulfamethoxazoleand

• Complicated cystitis: ciprofloxacin (Cipro)

and other antibiotic acoording cultureresultt
• Estrogen used as an intravaginal cream may prevent
recurrent UTIs in postmenopausal women
• Drugs
• e.g. Nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin,Furadantin),
Patient teaching plan

• Avoid tight – clothing in the perineal area.

• ) Avoid coffee, tea, orange, apple because these
irritate the balder.
• Maintain a high fluid intake and empty your
bladder often.
• Drink a glass of water before and after
intercourse to flush the urethra.
• Teach about hygen .

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