Foro de Clase Intermedio 1

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1. What are your YOUR ACADEMIC abilities? And what are some rules at
HOME / UNIVERSITY? Use modal Verbs: Must / Mustn’t
My academic skills are:
Being analytical
Being corroborative
Being a person who loves to read
Being curious

Some rules at HOME

I must wake up early
I must make breakfast for all my family
I must clean the house before go to work
I mustn´t arrive home too late
I mustn´t go to sleep without washing the dishes

2. What did you do last weekend? Who were you with? What was it like?
Las weekend I stayed at home with my children, we watched movies and played
together, it was like the mother´s life.

3. What type of food do you usually have for breakfast / lunch or dinner on a day?
Use quantifiers. For example: a lot of, lots of, (a) little, (a) few, some, any, much,
I usually eat a lot of rice in breakfast, lunch and dinner, I like to fry some eggs and
banana to eat with the rice, sometimes with a little bit of chili pepper or mayo.

4. What are some similarities and differences between you and the members of
your family (minimum 3), use comparative and superlative adjectives
considering physical appearance and personality? Make a list of 10

My sister is fat as me
My dad is sick as me
My mother is woman as me
My dog likes to go out like me

I am not thin as my daughter

I am stronger than my son
I don’t like to go to work as my sister likes
I am not as punctual as my mother

Comparative and superlative

1. My sister is fatter than me
2. My father the tallest of my family
3. My mother is the best cooker
4. My sister is slower than me.
5. My son is the happiest in my family.
6. My daughter is the best runner in the family.
7. I am the most responsible in my room.
8. My father eats more than me.
9. My sister likes to ride motorbike more than me.
10. I love the rainy days more than all my family members.

5. Write down a paragraph (60-80 words) about your future plans, consider
one topic from these ones:
In the future I will travel around the world selling something that actually I
don’t know, but i´ll like to visit a lot of countries and eat delicious food while i
´m still young, because when the person get old the live start the decay.

6. Write down a paragraph (60 -80 words in total) giving recommendations

about the following situations:
To get early to the job you need a good alarm sound, you can use your
favorite song, it works like a bomb to our nervous system, then you mustn
´t return to bed, this is the worst trap, you must drink some water or make
5 minutes of exercises to activate the body, the rest is the most important,
you have to sleep around 8 hours.

7. What do you miss most just before Pandemic “Covid-19”? Why - Explain?
I miss the pandemic restrictions because I am police, and I could walk around with
freedom at the empty streets, shopping without waiting log times to be served.
Before pandemic covid 19 all was chaotic like now.

8. Share in this FORUM an embarrassing situation you or somebody else has

ever had?
I was at work too late typing documents and I was so tired, finished and prepare
to go home, when I watched my fat boss sleeping nude at his office, I got out
running from there.

9. What do you think of students who cheat on exams? What do you do

to do well on exams?

Sometimes people thing that cheating is the solution for their problem, but it´s not at
all, finally you don´t learn and you are supposed to pay for learning, so you are losing
money when you do that. On exams I try to study a lot to get good ratings, I like to do
it with a friend, she helps me to understand better.
10. How often do you use social networking? What do you use it for?
I use social network everyday a lot of hour per day to watch funny videos and
laugh a bit during my boring job or at home to learn about recipes or something

11. What do you prefer: Online Learning or In-Classroom Learning? Why?

I prefer online learning because I can study and work at the same time and its
easier to manage my times and attend my family.

12. Christmas is very soon. How do you usually celebrate Christmas? What would
you like as a present this year? Why?
I always celebrate Christmas with my family, cooking a delicious turkey or
pork, I thing the food is the best present, because it goes directly to your
stomach and doesn’t need posterior cares or store, so I´ll like a piglet for

13. What is 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage between living in the city and
living in the countryside? Explain each one.
An advantage of living in the city is that everything is near from you, you
can go everywhere.

A disadvantage of living in the Chiclayo city is that the rain destroys the
roads and make so difficult to arrive to work or go anywhere.

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