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Applied Energy 179 (2016) 523–530

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Photovoltaic maximum power point tracking under fast varying

of solar radiation
A. Belkaid a,b,⇑, I. Colak c, O. Isik c
Department of Electromechanics, University of Bordj BouArreridj, El-Anasser 34030, Bordj Bou Arreridj, Algeria
Automatic Laboratory of Setif (LAS), University of Setif 1, El Maabouda, Street of Bejaia, 19000 Setif, Algeria
Engineering and Architecture Faculty of Istanbul Gelisim University, Turkey

h i g h l i g h t s

 An INC-MPPT technique is improved for PV plant.

 Dynamic efficiency of the basic INC under a gradual irradiance profile is improved.
 Energy conversion efficiency is increased by approximately 5%.
 Stringent irradiance profile with different shapes is selected as in EN50530.
 A robust tracker is proposed for variable irradiance, temperature and load.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Perturb and Observe (P&O) and Incremental Conductance (INC) are widely used as Maximum Power
Received 29 January 2016 Point Tracking (MPPT) techniques in Photovoltaic (PV) systems. But, they fail under rapidly varying of
Received in revised form 1 June 2016 sunlight levels. This paper proposes a new MPPT technique, which can make a distinction between per-
Accepted 10 July 2016
turbation in the reference voltage and sudden-changing of sunlight and thus optimize the PV system effi-
ciency. This method consists on a modified INC algorithm, which is used to fine-tune the duty cycle of the
DC/DC converter in order to avoid divergences of the maximum power point (MPP) when using basic INC
under fast varying of luminosity levels.
Photovoltaic system
Incremental Conductance
The proposed PV-MPPT system, which is composed by a step-up converter as the interface to feed the
Maximum power point tracker load, is tested by simulation within the Matlab/Simulink software by taking into account the luminosity,
Step-up converter the temperature and the load variation. The simulation results are satisfactory and demonstrate that the
Modeling improved INC technique can track the PV maximum power at diverse operating conditions with the most
Simulation excellent performance, the energy conversion efficiency is increased by approximately 5%.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction nected. In each operating condition, there is just one and unique
particular point that makes the PV array in functioning at its max-
The solar energy has many advantages compared with fossil-fuel imum power. In most PV applications (stand-alone system, hybrid
energy. It is inexhaustible, free of charge, naturalness, clean, no eco- system and public grid connected system), it is very important to
logical pollution, and with modular character, which allows con- exploit the peak power provided by the photovoltaic generator.
struction of the solar array at different power levels. On the other To achieve this goal, a power electronics device with an adequate
hand, it has an important disadvantage, which is the low efficiency MPPT technique is needed [1–5]. Many of these MPPT algorithms
of conversion of light to electrical energy [1]. Moreover, the power have been published in several references [6–9]. These methods
harvested by a PV generator depends on a number of factors, such vary in many aspects such as the necessary sensors, the complexity,
as the luminosity, the temperature, and the load in that it is con- the cost, the efficiency, the convergence rapidity, the accurate
tracking when temperature and/or luminosity vary, and equipment
required for the implementation or popularity [10]. A full analysis
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Electromechanics, University of Bordj of 30 different MPPT algorithms can be found in [6].
BouArreridj, El-Anasser 34030, Bordj Bou Arreridj, Algeria. Among these techniques, Perturb and Observe [11–17] and
E-mail addresses: (A. Belkaid),
Incremental Conductance [2,17–21] are algorithms most
(I. Colak), (O. Isik).
0306-2619/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
524 A. Belkaid et al. / Applied Energy 179 (2016) 523–530

commonly used in the literature due to their simplicity of imple- voltage and sudden-changing of sunlight and thus avoid diver-
mentation and independence to PV array parameters. Other tech- gence from the MPP. An additional contribution is the selecting
niques based on different principles are fractional short circuit of stringent profile for the irradiance variation as suggested by
current that estimates the optimal current by short circuit current EN 50530 [17,37]. This irradiance profile consists on different
[22], fractional open circuit voltage that estimates the optimal shapes such as the ramp up, the step down, the step up and the
voltage by the open circuit voltage [23], the neural network [24], ramp down. These diverse shapes are capable to confirm truthfully
the fuzzy logic [10,25] and the Sliding Mode Control-based MPPT the efficacy of the proposed tracker under static and dynamic
(SMC) [1,26–29]. Most of these algorithms are iterative, based on states. As a result, this work is done to improve the dynamic effi-
the disruption of the cyclic ratio of the converter by a small incre- ciency of PV conversion chain with a modified INC that can
ment. These techniques can track the MPP with great precision decrease the probability of diverging away from the peak power.
under stable conditions. But it still reveals compromise between To compare the proposed tracker with the basic one, the tracking
speed pursuit and the reliability of prosecution when the values efficiency parameter is taken into account.
of load or weather conditions change rapidly. A lot of researchers This paper is organized as follows. PV panel and boost chopper
made changes to these algorithms in the objective to improve models are given in Sections 2 and 3 respectively. Then Maximum
them. In Ref. [30], two different implementations for the INC algo- Power Point Tracking Algorithms are introduced in Section 4.
rithm were applied to PV pumping system; the first one is with ref- Subsequently, the basics of classical and modified INC techniques
erence voltage perturbation in combination with a PI regulator to are given. Thereafter, Section 5 depicts the results of simulation.
regulate the power converter duty cycle; the second one is without Finally, the conclusion section summarizes highlights the achieve-
PI controller in which the duty cycle is employed straight as the ments of this study.
control parameter. It was found that the direct duty cycle control
exhibits better energy efficiency than the first control by about 2. Equivalent circuit and characteristics of PV panel
2%. The INC direct duty cycle control was firstly implemented in
solar array using Cuk converter by Safari et al. [31]. This last The solar cell is the basic elementary component, which can
method is considered in the present paper as basic INC. It perturbs transform directly the sunlight into electricity. Assembly of cells
the duty ratio until the peak power is reached with a fixed step in series forms a module. The equivalent circuit of the PV module
size. However, it suffers from the low speed tracking and the losing is illustrated in Fig. 1 [20,21]. A series-parallel assemblage of mod-
tracking direction when rapid changes occurred in environmental ules forms an array. The PV panel can be described mathematically
conditions. For that reason, many researchers introduce the vari- by the following set of equations as in [38,39].
able step size in INC MPPT [32,33]. Basic and variable step size " ! #  
INC techniques are also not capable to respond precisely in fast- V pv þ ðNNps ÞRs Ipv V pv þ NNps Rs Ipv
Ipv ¼ N p Iph  Np Is exp 1    ð1Þ
changing of solar radiance [2]. That is why the authors of [2] have ns av t Ns
proposed a variant of variable step size INC method with a permit- Np
ted error Ipv þ V pv dVppvv  < 0:06 to mitigate inaccurate answers of where Ipv is the PV array output current (A), V pv is the PV array out-
the conventional INC (fixed step size) during sudden changes in put voltage (V), N s and N p are the number of PV modules connected
sunlight levels. But this last work should be checked with a profile in series and parallel, respectively, ns is the number of PV cells
of gradual change of irradiance. Therefore, this paper proposes a connected in series in one string, Rs and Rp are respectively the PV
new and simple INC to reduce the probability of losing tracking module series and parallel resistances (Ω), a is the p-n junction ide-
direction that may be occurred and thus to enhance the energy ality factor.
efficiency of the PV system. The photo-current Iph depends on solar irradiance G and tem-
The INC algorithm is among the Hill-Climbing techniques [34]. perature T as follows:
Through adjusting the duty ratio of the converter, it drives up G
the operating point on the power versus voltage curve to achieve Iph ¼ ½Isc þ ki ðT  T  Þ ð2Þ
the MPP which is at the top. This method offers advantages such
as simple implementation, fast convergence speed, high efficiency where ki is the short circuit current temperature coefficient, Isc is
and low cost [6,19,31], but also some disadvantages: The first one the short circuit current at standard test conditions (STC) that are:
is the incessant unwanted oscillating of the operating point around solar irradiance G ¼ 1000 W=m2 , cell temperature T  ¼ 298 K and
the MPP [35,36], once the tracking control reaches the vicinity of a spectral distribution AM 1.5.
the PV panel maximum power. As a result, this steady-state undu- The reverse saturation current Is varies with temperature
lation causes the energy losses. The second one is that the algo- according to the following expression:
rithm can lose its tracking direction, i.e. it can deviate away from Isc þ ki ðT  T  Þ
the MPP, when the change in the luminosity is rapid [19,35], espe- Is ¼   
cially if the irradiation varies according to a slope. For the reason exp V oc þknvs vðTT
that the algorithm is not capable to determine if the change in
the power is due to the perturbation of the voltage or due to the
change in the irradiance. This divergence also causes the power
loss and thus a decrease in the efficiency. Another problem to con-
sider is that many researchers test their algorithms with simple
irradiance profile (constant or step). Consequently, the improve-
ments in performance cannot be truthfully demonstrated. In order
to reduce the effect of these drawbacks, this paper proposes a new
MPPT control based on a modified incremental conductance. The
proposed tracker is similar to the old one, but it incorporates two
tests consisting in change in current and voltage with same signs.
The added part is for the fast-varying of the sunshine. Therefore,
the new INC can distinguish between perturbation in the reference Fig. 1. Solar module equivalent circuit.
A. Belkaid et al. / Applied Energy 179 (2016) 523–530 525

Table 1 L iL
MSX 60 solar panel specifications [1].
I pv
Parameter Value D
STC power rating P max 60 W G
Open circuit voltage V oc 21.1 V u =1
G V pv
Short circuit current Isc 3.8 A
P C1 K C2 Vo R
Voltage at maximum power V opt 17.1 V V u=0
Current at maximum power Iopt 3.5 A
Temperature coefficient of V oc 0.08 V/°C
Temperature coefficient of Isc 0.003 A/°C

V pv
PWM I pv

Fig. 4. Diagram schematic of the proposed photovoltaic system.

MPPT algorithm adjusts incessantly the DC–DC Boost converter

duty cycle. Comparing this duty ratio to a saw signal, a PWM signal
is generated. The control input u is the switch position; it takes 0
when the switch is open or 1 when the switch is closed. Based
on the Kirchhoff’s first and second rules, the dynamic model of
the converter can be written [1,5].
Fig. 2. PV module curves under diverse irradiance levels, temperature 25 °C: < didtL ¼ V pvLV o þ VLo  u
current-voltage (blue); power-voltage (red). (For interpretation of the references to   ð4Þ
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) : dV o ¼  V o þ iL  iL  u
dt RC 2 C2 C2

where V o and iL are the load voltage and the current across the
inductor, respectively.
The output voltage of the boost converter V o can be expressed
in function of the input voltage V pv and its duty cycle d:

Vo 1
¼ ð5Þ
V pv 1  d

Eq. (5) demonstrates that incrementing (decrementing) the voltage

reference V pv can be done by decrementing (incrementing) the con-
verter duty cycle d.

4. Maximum power point tracking algorithms

Fig. 3. PV module curves under diverse temperatures, irradiation 1000 W/m2:
current-voltage (blue); power-voltage (red). (For interpretation of the references to 4.1. Classical INC technique
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

The INC algorithm tracks the MPP by comparing the sum of

incremental conductance plus instantaneous conductance of a PV
where V oc
is the open circuit voltage at STC conditions, kv is the panel with zero [41]. It is based on the fact that the slope of the
open circuit voltage temperature coefficient, and v t ¼ kb T=q is the curve power vs. voltage dV ¼ I þ DDVI  V of the solar panel is zero
thermal voltage, kb ¼ 1:38065  1023 J=K is the Boltzmann’s con- at the MPP, positive on the left of it and negative on the right. If
stant and q ¼ 1:60218  1019 C is the charge of an electron. the slope is positive, the operating point must be moved to the
The model described by the equations above was implemented right by increasing the module voltage. If it is negative, the operat-
in Matlab software using the known reference specifications for a ing point must be moved to the left by decreasing the module volt-
60 W solar module (Table 1). The levels of solar irradiance and cell age. Finally, when the slope is null, the operating point is at the
temperature were varied and the corresponding characteristics MPP and thus the algorithm stop the voltage adjustment. A scheme
were plotted, as shown in Figs. 2 and 3. describing this algorithm is illustrated in Fig. 5 [17,42,43]. The
accuracy and rapidity in which the algorithm tracks the MPP
depends on the size of the increment of the reference voltage or
3. Modeling of the step-up chopper of the reference of the duty cycle.
Two main handicaps are reconciled to this method; the first one
The power converter selected in this study is a kind of step-up is the oscillating of the operating point around the MPP in steady
chopper, it is inserted in order to interface the PV output to the state, the second is that the algorithm can easily lose the pursuit
resistor as shown in Fig. 4. Its objective is to track the MPP of the of the MPP if the solar radiation varies quickly [14,44]. When the
PV array. A coil, a capacitor, a diode and an IGBT controlled with irradiation varies instantly as step, the MPP tracking sounds well.
a PWM signal, build this converter and it transforms input voltage But, if the irradiation changes according to a slope, the tracking will
to the output voltage as a step up transformer [40]. As shown in be bad. The algorithm is not able to determine if the change in the
Fig. 4, two sensors are required for measuring V pv and Ipv . The power is due to the perturbation of the voltage or due to the
526 A. Belkaid et al. / Applied Energy 179 (2016) 523–530


Measure V ( k ), I ( k )

No Yes
ΔV = 0

Yes ΔI Yes
I+ V =0
ΔV ΔI = 0
I+ V >0 ΔI > 0
No No
Yes Yes

d = d + Δd d = d − Δd d = d + Δd d = d − Δd

V (k ) = V (k − 1)
I (k ) = I (k − 1)


Fig. 5. Flowchart of the basic INC algorithm.

change in solar radiation. This principle is shown in Fig. 6. That’s of the perturbation. One can say that the new algorithm must act
why we chose an irradiation profile with various shapes to check contrary to the old algorithm when the system functions under
the performance of the proposed method. fast-varying conditions. This principle is explained in Fig. 7, which
is given in the flowchart of the modified INC algorithm. The added
part with respect to the old algorithm is indicated in yellow color.
4.2. Modified INC technique
It consists of two tests consisting in change in current and voltage
with same signs. It indicates the fast-varying of sunlight.
In stable conditions of fixed irradiance level and temperature,
the current vs. voltage characteristic shows well that the change
in voltage leads a change in current with differing sign. If perturba- 5. Results of simulation and discussion
tion in voltage leads a perturbation with same sign in current, the
PV array is in sudden varying atmospheric conditions. Contrary to In this section, based on the modeling given above for different
the traditional method, the modified INC algorithm can distinguish components of the standalone PV system shown in Fig. 4, a
between these two operating conditions and thus avoid divergence Matlab/Simulink simulation is realized. The system is composed
in the case of the second circumstances by changing the direction of the boost converter that is located between an MSX 60 module

Fig. 6. Divergence of INC algorithm when the luminosity varies.

A. Belkaid et al. / Applied Energy 179 (2016) 523–530 527


Measure V ( k ), I ( k )

No Yes
ΔV = 0
Yes ΔI
I+ V =0
ΔV Yes
No ΔI = 0
Yes ΔI No
I+ V >0
ΔV > 0 ΔV
ΔI > 0
&ΔI > 0
No No
Yes No
ΔV < 0 Yes

&ΔI < 0 Yes

d = d + Δd 2 d = d − Δd d = d − Δd1 d = d + Δd d = d − Δd

V (k ) = V (k − 1)
I (k ) = I (k − 1)


Fig. 7. Flowchart of the modified INC algorithm.

as a power supply and a resistance as a load. The boost converter is Fig. 9 depicts the comparison of the peak power tracking
controlled by an IGBT gate signal with a switching frequency of between the modified and classical INC technique. It can be seen
f ¼ 10 kHz. The inductor and capacitors are used as filters: that the modified algorithm exhibits better performance than the
L ¼ 5 mH, C 1 ¼ 1000 lF, C 2 ¼ 470 lF. classical one, especially in dynamic response. The classical method
In fact, the article aims at exhibiting the performance and effi- presents a poorer performance than the new method under
ciency of the proposed new INC MPPT controller, and comparing decreasing solar radiation and an even lower performance when
it with the classical one. So, to reach this goal, a stringent profile solar radiation is increasing. It demonstrates that the basic INC pre-
was chosen to change the solar radiance, maintaining the temper- sents divergence from the MPP under slope changing irradiance
ature fixed at constant value of 25 °C and the resistive load at levels. The proposed MPPT can resolve this problem. One can say
R ¼ 30 X. The tests were done for duration of 3.2 s. The duty cycle that the new INC improve the performance of the conventional
increments used for the INC algorithm was about of Dd = 0.0002, one.
and for the modified method were Dd ¼ 0:0002, Dd1 ¼ 0:0005, Fig. 9(b) depicts the evolution of converter duty cycle under the
Dd2 ¼ 0:00009. irradiance change for these two algorithms. Part (c) of the same fig-
First of all, the traditional INC tracker was tested under the irra- ure illustrates the tracking efficiency comparison. The tracking effi-
diance profile change. Second, the proposed INC tracker was also ciency T eff is the average MPPT efficiency; it is evaluated as [34]:
tested under the same conditions. The irradiance profile and the Rt
matching simulation results with both algorithms are exposed in PMPP
T eff ¼ R0t  100 ½% ð6Þ
Fig. 8. The results shown in part (b) and (c) of Fig. 8, consist on P
0 pv
the waveforms of PV current Ipv ðAÞ, voltage V pv ðVÞ, power P pv ðWÞ
and output voltage V o ðVÞ. where P MPP is the power obtained by a given MPPT method and Ppv
From these results, it can be confirmed that the different gran- is the theoretical available power.
deurs have achieved similar values as given by the PV characteris- From Fig. 9(c), it was found that the average efficiency of the
tics (Fig. 2) for constant solar irradiance. In addition, the basic INC is about T eff ¼ 91:39% and for modified INC is about
waveforms of Ipv ðAÞ, Ppv ðWÞ are significantly affected by the T eff ¼ 96:40%. One notices that the tracking efficiency of the pro-
change of sunshine than V pv ðVÞ, which is only slightly affected. posed MPPT technique is increased by approximately five percent.
Also, by comparing V pv ðVÞ to V o ðVÞ, it can be confirmed that the According to the above-obtained results, it concludes that the
power converter used is a step-up voltage type. proposed method guarantees better dynamic response under fast
Under the standard tests conditions (G = 1000 W/m2, T = 25 °C), varying solar radiation when the change follows an upward or
the PV module generates an average of 60 W of power, 17.4 V of downward slope.
voltage and 3.5 A of current. These output values vary when the After, we test the proposed controller with two other parame-
irradiance level decreases or increases. It can be noticed that the ters influencing the PV system, which are the temperature and
PV voltage is just slightly affected by the change of the irradiance. the load.
528 A. Belkaid et al. / Applied Energy 179 (2016) 523–530

Fig. 9. Comparison of tracking performance between classical and modified INC

Fig. 8. Results of simulation: (a) irradiance profile, (b) with basic INC algorithm, and algorithm: (a) tracking of MPP, (b) duty cycle evolution, and (c) tracking efficiency.
(c) with modified INC algorithm.

For the temperature, the changing profile is as in Fig. 10(a). It

evolves as stair amount from 0 °C to 25 °C and then to 50 °C. The
irradiation is kept constant at 1000 W/m2 and the resistor is fixed
to 30 Ω. The obtained results are illustrated in Fig. 10(b). It can be
seen that the waveforms of V pv ðVÞ, P pv ðWÞ are reverse proportional
to the change of temperature and Ipv ðAÞ is only slightly affected.
The last test is for the load changing as shown in Fig. 11(a). The
matching results are presented in Fig. 11(b). They demonstrate that
the PV grandeurs the power, the voltage and the current are not
affected by the resistance modification.

6. Conclusion

In this paper, the modeling, simulation and control of a stand-

alone photovoltaic power electricity generation system has been
proposed by incorporating a power electronics converter to permit
the use of the PV array at its maximal power. The proposed PV-
MPPT system has been implemented under MATLAB-SIMULINK
A control strategy based on an improved INC technique was
developed in order to regulate the power output of a solar system,
which comprises photovoltaic generation, a boost DC-DC converter Fig. 10. (a) Temperature variation profile, and (b) results of simulation with
that is able to step-up the load voltage. proposed algorithm.
A. Belkaid et al. / Applied Energy 179 (2016) 523–530 529

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