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Instructions to candidates.

• Read all the instructions carefully.

• Do not open this paper until you are told to do so by the invigilator.
• When you are told to start , choose one correct answer from the a
suggested answers.
• If you do not understand the instructions, ask the invigilator to explain
them to you before you start.
• Answer all questions on a separate sheet provided.

1. Which one is a cereal?
A. covo B. cotton C. soghum D. beans

2. Which one is a way of saving water?

A. Watering plants using a horse pipe
B. Watering plants using a bucket
C. Flooding water into the field
D. Bathing water under running water

3. Gravel particles when felt by fingers are

A. smooth B. rough C. soft D. crooked

4. ………………is an example of an indigenous vegetable.

A. Pumpkin leaves B. Cabbage C. Lettuce D. Beans

5. Which one is a compound fertilizer?

A. Organic fertilizer B. Pellets
C. Humus D. Ammonium Nitrate

6. What helps organic fertilizers to mature?

A. The soil B. The sun C. Micro organisms D. Water

7. Water flows from higher to ……………..level.

A. lower B. grater C. bigger D. full

8. The removal of ……………is called soil erosion.

A. manure B. top soil C. bricks D. rocks

9. A perennial river
A. flows through out the year B. flows once a year
C. experiences floods D. dries up quickly

10. ………………….is a major plant nutrient

A. Magnesium B. Boron C. Phosphorus D. Calcium.

11. Which plant belongs to legume families?

A. Beans B. Sorghum C. Millet D. Maize

12. ……………………….is an example of flowers

A. Daisy B. Ornamental trees C. Shrub D. Bush

13. Which one is the most important factor to consider when preparing for a
A. Seed shop B. Water source
C. Tools storeroom D. Manure

14. What is a fireguard used for?

A. Bring rainfall B. Produce manure
C. Protects plants from fire D. Protect plants from pests

15. Very little rainfall results in
A. drought B. bumper harvest C. profit D. more yields

16. Dogs are vaccinated against

A. typhoid B. rabbis C. cholera D. new castle

17. Which animal feeds on the food shown in the picture?

A. Goats B. Bees C. Rabbits D. Fish

18. Which plant is toxic?

A. Elephant Ear B. Rape C. Tomatoes D. Carrots

19. Which one is an advantage of exotic trees?

A. They grow fast B. They grow on their own
C. They are all sweet D. They take long to mature

20. What are annual flowers?

A. Flowers that live for one year or a season
B. Flowers that germinate on their own
C. Drought resistant flowers
D. Flowers that produce seeds.

21. Which season does wheat and barley grow well?

A. Summer B. Autumn C. Spring D. Winter

22. A ……………is an example of a landform.

A. tree B. hill C. grass D. a house

23. The interaction of living and non - living organisms in an environment is called
A. season B. ecosystem C. weather D. climate

24. Plants are ……… a food chain.

A. producers B. consumers C. herbivores D. carnivores

25. Complete the food chain below

Grass Grasshopper X
A. Maize B. Hen C. Sorghum D. Millet

26. Which one is an example of a herbivore?
A. Lion B. Pig C. Snake D. Cow

27. Decomposers help in breaking dead animals and plants and mix them with
A. Soil B. Water C. Air D. Ash

28. Asexual reproduction is the same as

A. fertilisation B. vegetative C. buds D. tubers

29. __________ helps to transfer pollen grains.

A. Water B. Sunlight C. Insects D. Climate

30. Which part is labelled X?

A. Pollen grains B. Anther C. Stigma D. Petal

31. In ICT ,LAN stands for

A. Leading Area networks B. Low Area networks
C. Local Area networks D. Linking Area networks

32.Which one is an example of applications used for making video games?

A. Super Mario Maker B. Topography
C. Internet D. Web

33. One can protect his phone information by

A. putting a password B. by hiding the phone
C. by researching on the internet. D. putting a phone cover

34. What is computer addiction?

A. Adding information into a computer
B. The act of excessively using a computer
C. Using the computer
D. Damaging the computer

35. What is meant by the term multimedia?

A. Using several different forms of communication
B. Networking
C. Typing documents on the computer
D. Saving information on the computer

36. The picture shows a

A. Plate B. Speaker C. Radio D. Modem

37. Which one is not a network component?

A. Hub B. Modem C. Router D. Memory card

38. Which one is a function of blue tooth?

A. Chewing
B. Colouring on the computer
C. Transferring files between smart gadgets
D. Fixing electronic devices

39. What kind of a network topology is shown on the picture?

A. Star topology B. Bus topology
C. Ring topology D. Network

40. What is an e-mail?

A. Electronic mail B. Electronic communication
C. Electrical letter D. Quick messenger

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