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St Activity


judge- Kayan

Lawyers- Pradyumna (Against), Khushi (For)

The one who sits beside the lawyer- Prapti.

Wife- Anushka (Sister- Rida) (Mother-Gunjan) (Father-Vishal)

Husband- Rehan (Father- Rohit) (Mother- Prapti)

Policemen- Pratham, Aarush

Neighbours- Siaa, Aniket

Narrator- Piyush and Siya


Piyush N1- There is a woman who has been beaten up very badly by her husband for the sake of

Siya N2- This scene is of a court room where the victim is pleading against the culprits.

(Everyone stands when Kayan is entering)

Ruzainah- Everyone rise, the judge is entering.

Kayan- (Firm voice) I request everyone to be seated.

Kayan- May I know what’s the matter for today.

Khushi- The Husband is harassing my client for dowry.

Pradyumna- Please don’t lie in front of our honourable judge.

Pradyumna- Sir, this lawyer isn’t telling the truth.

Pradyumna- Sir, Like China, the husband must give the dowry to the in laws.

Khushi- We’ve banned China like 2 years ago so you should also get the dialogue banned.

Kayan- Order! Order! Stop all that nuisance.

Pradyumna- I would like to seek your permission to request the neighbour Siaa to come in the
witness box.

Kayan- Go ahead!

Siaa- (Keeping the constitution in hand) Whatever I say, I will speak the truth, nothing but only the
Judge- You may proceed.

Siaa- Thank you your honour.

Siaa T- I saw the husband, he wasn’t beating his wife. This lawyer and her client both are very
lunatic behind her innocent husband. These evil people will make the poor husband guilty without

Judge- Noted!

Judge- Thank you! The next hearing is scheduled for tomorrow. The court is adjourned.


(Everyone stands when Kayan is entering)

Shravani- Everyone rise, the judge is entering.

Kayan- (Firm voice) I request everyone to be seated.

Kayan- The defence can give their eyewitness.

Khushi- I request the neighbour Aniket to come in the witness box.

Shravani: I request Mr. Aniket to come in the witness box.

Aniket: Whatever I say, I will speak the truth, nothing but only the truth.

Aniket: I heard the wife sobbing alone from her room’s window. I went to her in disguise and
asked what’s the reason for her sadness is, but she refused to tell and when I saw marks on her
body, then I understood that this was for DOWRY!

Kayan- Noted! I order the Wife and The Husband to come in the witness box.

Wife- (In a faint voice) Respected judge! I am very tensed and sorry for my husband. But at some
point, he is extorting money from my family. I don’t know what to do. From past 4 years I am
suffering from my in – laws.

Khushi- Point to be noted your honour!

Kayan- defence?

Pradhumnya- I would like to request you to please grant me the permission to call the husband in
the witness box.

Kayan- Permission Granted!

Ruzainah: everyone rise, The judge is entering

Husband- (In a stern voice) Thank you your honour. Whatever I say I will be only saying the truth.

Kayan- You may proceed!

Husband- Your honour! She is blackmailing me for my ancestral house and money. She married to
me for the sake of money and that’s it.

Kayan- Any proofs regarding the case?

(Policemen enter)

Aarush and Pratham: (salutes Kayan) Jai Hind sir! We have proofs regarding this case. I seek your
permission to present them.

Kayan: Go ahead!

(The policemen present the photos)

Kayan: Hmmm! Is this the reality?

Policemen: Yes! Your honour. We have taken these pics from the husband’s house at night.

Khushi: Your honour! I have something to show you. This footage was recorded by my secret
camera which was installed in Anushka’s room. When she came to me for help, I immediately told
her to install this camera in her room.

(Khushi shows the footage of husband beating his wife for dowry)

(Scriptwriter’s speech on dowry and harassment)

Kayan: By all the facts and figures, I Judge would like to announce the husband and the family as

Kayan- So now, I order a judgement against the Husband and family for 10 years imprisonment
and a sum of 1 lakh rupees penalty. The court is adjourned

(All the characters come together and say Thank you)

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