CL Group 7"cv"

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CV [CURRICURUM VITAE] is a detailed summary of an individual educational background , work

experience , skills achievement and other relevant information .It a comprehensive document that aims
to present candidates professional profile in a structured format.
CV; A comprehensive summary of an individual’s education, professional history, and accomplishments
that is used to apply for academic, research and teaching positions.
CV; is a work document that presents your education, work experience, skills, achievements and
interests in a clear, concise and effective manner, emphasizing your suitability for the job your applying
C V ; Is a marketing tool designed to sell an individual’s skills and experience to a prospective

Application letter; is a formal document that accompanies a resume or CV when applying for a job. It
usually addressed to the hiring manager or employer and serves as an introduction to the candidate.
The purpose of an application letter is to provide additional information about the applicant’s
qualifications, skills, experience and interest in the position. It’s also known as a letter.
Application letter; Is a document that accompanies a resume or CV and is tailored to the job or position
for which the individual is applying. It is used to introduce oneself and to provide information about
one’s qualifications, experience and interest in the position. A CV and an application letter is an
inseparable formal writing since they depends on each other. A CV have the sections such a personal
details, education background , work experience , other working skills, hobbies and interests and
references. Also an application letter contains the sections such as sender’s address, date, references,
address of the addressee, salutation, title of the letter, body of the letter, ending of the letter, signature
and the name of the sender. A CV and an application letter is related in the following reasons.

Personal information; Both contains the personal informations such as applicant’s name ,sender’s
address, phone number, e-mail address, sex ,date of birth, nationality and the age of the applicant. The
personal information helps to know better the applicant, also is the identity of the applicant since it
shows what kind of the applicant by his or her age ,sex, nationality and the address of the applicant.

Demonstration communication skills ;Both the CV and the application letter provide an opportunity
for the candidates to demonstrate their communication skills . The CV showcase their ability to present
information in a clear organized and concise manner , And the application letter allows them to
showcase their writing skills , professionalism and attention to detail .Both are official writing which
follows a specific format of writing. For example an application letter starts with the sender’s
address ,date, references, address of the addressee, salutation, title of the letter, body of the letter,
ending, signature and name of the sender ,also a CV follows the specific organization in writing.

References; Both the CV and an application letter has a reference where in the CV it written at the
end and in an application letter the references appears up in the left side before the address of the
addressee . For example UDSM/AC/PF538/6, where AC stands for academic staff, PF538 stands for
personal file no 538 and 6 stands for the number of the letters written to the particular staff until that
particular time. In an application letter the reference show how many times the letter written about the
same topic and in the CV the references shows the people who knows well the applicant.
Skills; Both the CV and an application letter the applicant should list the relevant skills such as
computer skills, language skills and technical skills in a CV and in an application letter the applicant
should also list the skills, but it should focus on how those skills will help the applicant to perfom the job
effectively. For example I’m skilled in computer and language skills.

Education; The CV’s applicant should list the educational qualifications by including the primary
education, ordinary level education, advanced level education, colleges level and universities education
including the degrees earned ,the names of schools and institutions and the year of studies should be
mentioned. And the application letter the applicant should list the education background and it focus on
in which ways the education prepared the applicant for the job or position applied for. This helps to
know the type of applicant in his or her level of education, for example he or she has masters, degree,
diploma and phD.

Working experience; Both a CV and an application letter an applicant should list the previous working
experience by including the job title, name of the organization and the duties performed and the
applicant should explain clearly the experience attained in a CV and the application letter should
highlight the applicant’s relevant experience and explain how it has prepared an applicant for the
specific position. In both professional experience helps to understand the applicant experience gained
from different organization, for example in 2018 to 2023 I worked at Buguruni deaf student school.

Awards; The CV’s applicant should list the awards or other honors received by an applicant from
different organization or schools as well as colleges awards .For example I’m awarded as the best
students in Mbeya region in 2015 and the application letter an applicant should briefly explain the
relevant awards or honors to demonstrates the applicant’s qualifications and achievements. This helps
to know how the applicant is the best in different matters such as academic performance and how the
applicant serves the society or helps people in the society.

In a nutshell; A CV and an application letter is very important in academic writing since it helps
people in applying for different jobs such as teaching, also it plays a big role in the official matters such
as the conduction of an interview where the skills, experience, personal information are obtained
through the application letter and a CV. An application letter and a CV are inseparable academic writing
since they depends on each other where a CV is attached in an application letter and both are used to
show the qualifications of an applicant.

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