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‘These rumours have not affected his work in the least. Dr. Strand is indeed a genius. His development ‘work on 313 Stormers has not been equalled since the days of the first Stormers, and his writings are exten- sive. These works include numerous technical manuals, which have given thousands of bio-engincersa guiding light to follow in the field of bio- genetic creation. There arealsoafew unfortunately now outof print, books that deal with the psychological effect of stress in the workforce, from labourers to corporates. These books have been in constantuse by the work force of Karma to help them cope with the pressure, and also in the Department of Psychology and Psy indard teaching material forits students. One volume in partic- ular is considered to be the bench- mark in its field; ‘Soul Demons’, a guide to the the psychoses of the subconscious, which completely changed the way _ psychologists viewed the entire psychoanalytic pro- fession. Dr. Strand takes a geeat interest in the BPN circuit, as he sill Feels more affinity towards the operatives of SLA Industries than to those in the Corpo- rate Sector. He has helped many op- eratives with their careers, and his most recent protege has been the aptly named Phantom, Although Dr. Sirand claims that he does it because he knows what its like trying to get sated on that long ladder of success, the allegations of ‘bastard children’ keep crawling out of the woodwork ~but are soon laid to rest, often along ‘with their writers. Dr. Emest W, Strand, SCL 2F.9, has been the Controller of Karma for the last 140 years. If he were a Shaktar, then his reign would probably be unstoppable -but a human? This ex tended life span extended by nthe subject of many ebates on the ‘abuse’ of Karma tech- nology, mainly referring to the use of the prohibited drugBS/8974/A, still in its experimental stages after 90 years of research. This anti-gerasone (anti: ageing) drug coupled with endless Nuke Tendon implants and Karma replacement organs has already given Dr. Strand almost three times the av- erage life span. It is rumoured that BS/8974/A has extremely detrimer effects on both the body and the brain, but these rumours, if rue, have not seemed to affect Dr. Strand in any way. Itis also whispered that in the later half of 894 SD., Dr. Strand had a Stormer heart replace his own. Whether true ornot, we can expect to seea lot more Dr. Strand, So much for the theory thatonly Necanthropeslive forever ma has be lesha Collins ‘The next member of Phantom Pre a 2D.4, Although her celebrity status is, not quite in the same league as that of Dr. Strand, she has nonetheless had a glittering career with Karma, Bor in ‘Mort Central 42 years ago, Dr. Collins was the only child of two Phantom Pregnancy technicians and she fol- lowed in their footsteps, as was to be expected, After graduating from ‘Meny, lesha returned to Mort Cent and began working on the 313 Stormer program, which was her life’s ambition. In 880 SD., Dr. Collins took over control of the 313 project from Professor Nikihel Ckroczie on his re- tirement, when she was only 25, and since then she has continued pro- ducing work of the highest The most notable of her achie\ ments came in 882-883 SD, When working closely with Dr. Emest Strand, the DNA condensing gene was created, allowing Stormer g codes to be compressed by 75%, thereby reducing the cost of growing a Stormer by a similar percen During her time as Project Head for the 313, Dr. Collins has had an exem- ary and untarnished career with only a short break of two months in ancy is Dr. lesha Collins, the summerof 883SD., whenshetook a forced leave of absence due to stress, That behind her, Dr. Iesh Collins returned to her position, where she has been ever since. She too has been taking an interest re- cently in young up and coming oper- atives, though her support has come more intheformof financial help, and her most recent investment has also been in the aforementioned Phan- tom. The trend of givingaid tostarting operatives could become very popu: lar in the light of Dr. Collins and Dr. Strand’s continuing examples. Judy Brock Deakins Next on ourlist is Judy Brock Deak: ins, the youngest official in Phantom Pregnancy. At the age of fourteen Judy became the youngest person ever to receive a degree in biogenet. ics. At fifteen, she had passed the entrance exam for the University of Biogenetic Implementation, On en. tering this prestigious seatof learning, she concentrated on biogenetic his tory, gaining her degree six months later. It was at this point, just before her seventeenth birthday, that Dr. Emest Strand’s eye fell on her during ,, Where he was astounded by her intimate knowledge of the Stormer. Judy soon found herself whisked away to the Phantom Preg- nancy facility in Mort Central where she was to continue her studies in biogenetic history, concentrating on the Low Wave. By 897 SD., Deakins, now a professor, had been placed in control of all Karma archives and two

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