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Proform for nouns : one,someone,all ,any,each,none,either,neither

Proform for adverbial: here,like,then,like it,like that

Proform for predicate and predication: do,can,many,should,so do that,do it

Proform for direct object clause : so,not

Grammatical cohesion

Repetition - eg : Are you Ok ...Yes I am (OK)

Ellipsis Expandsion - eg : Will you lose the game ? Probably

Replacement - eg : How much did it cost you ? (It cost me) 79 $


Enumeration : First,second

Addition : also,moreover,likewise,then ,in addition

Transition: now,by the way,with respect to

Noun phrase : The Cold War has ended Summation : then ,all in all,to sum up,in conclusion,in short
Existential presupposition
Possessive constructions : Tom's car is new,your book is new Apposition: in other words,for example,that is to say
Logical cohesive devices
Markers : know,glad,realized,aware,regret,.... Result: consequently,as clues,nevertheless,hence,so,therefore
Factive presupposition
Cohesion in English
Example : She didn't realized he was ill --> He was ill Inference:in that case,in other words,otherwise

Markers : dream,imagine,pretend, Reformulation or replacement: better,rather,in other words,again

Non-factive presupposition
Example : He pretends to be ill --> He is not ill Contrast: instead,on the contrary,on the other hand,but
Markers : stop,again.continue,take ,start,leave,enter,come ,go,arrive,finish Concession: however,though,still,inspite of,despite
Lexical presupposition
Example : Mary stopped running --> mary used to run Comparision : more,as,less,least

Markers : Wh-question : What ,Where,When,Why,.. Reiteration= Repetition

Structural presupposition
Example : Where did you buy that book ? --> you bought a book The use of synonyms
Lexical cohesive devices
Marker: conditional structures ( If clause),wish The use of antonyms
Counter factual presupposition
Example : If I were rich I could travel arounf the world --> I am not rich Association : words having the same semantic field

Anaphoric :points back ( nhìn đằng trước)

Eg - A: where are you going ? B : Out . Make yourself as informative as is required
The maxims of Quantity
Discourse Reference (D.R) Cataphoric : points foward ( nhìn đằng sau )
Example - A: are you at the office? B: Yes,I am.You will see me at room 12 of Halley building Do not make your contribution more informative than is required
Discourse Analysis
Example - A: I might win the lottery B: Yes,and pigs might fly ! Do not say what you believe to be false
The maxims of Quality
Addressor : speaker ,writer,... and Addressee: hearer ,reader,...
Eg - A : Where is he right now ? B : People say he is in prison Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence
The co-opperative principle ( Grice ) : The principle comprises four maxims Implicatures
Audience: overhearer,...
Eg - A: Where's the roast beef ? B : The dog looks happy Be relevant The maxim of relevant

Topic: range of language used

Eg : It's great to go camping Avoid ambiguity
Setting: place,time,...
Eg - A : Did John like the joke ? B : His lips turned slightly upwards Be brief The maxims of manner
Channel : Speech,writing ,signal ,ect,...
Eg - A : What happened ? B : The teacher came in and the students left. Be orferly Context Features of context according to Hymes
Code : Standard English,dialect ,spoken English,ect...

Eg : Close the door,please , Can you pass me te salt ? Directives : requests,commands or suggestions
Message-form : chat,talk,tale,chart,ect,...

Eg : I promise I will be there on time , I swear I didn't eat the last cookie Commissive : promises,vows,or threats
Event :a meetimg,a lecture,a wedding,...

Eg : the sky is blue,I think it will rain tomorrow Representative : truth ,stating ,claiming ,describing Classification of speech acts : According to Searle Speech acts
Key : Evaluation ( a good speech, an interesting love letter,...

Eg : I declared the name's ship Elizabeth, I appoint you the new team leader Declaratives : declaring,pronouncing,appointing,and resigning Purpose : outcome the participants want to happen

Eg : Thank you for your help , What a great day ! Expressives : thanks ,apologies,congratulations,like,dislike,joy
The transactional function : transmit the information - eg : Can you show me the way to HPU
Functions of Language
The interactional function : conveys personal attitudes or establishes social trlations -eg : You look beautiful in that dress, How was your weekend ?

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