Cas Ford Pinto W. SHaw - Questions en Anglais

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Still, GM rejected requests to recall the pickups and repair them, and later the Georgia Court of Appeals threw out the jury's verdict on a legal technicality—despite ruling that the evidence submitted in the case showed that GM was aware that the gas tanks were hazardous but, to save the expense in- volved, did not try to make them safer. Expense seems to be the issue, too, when it comes to SUV rollovers. After nearly three hun- dred rollover deaths in Ford Explorers equipped swith Firestone tires in the late 1990s, Congress ‘mandated NHTSA to conduct roll-over road rests on all SUVs. (Previously, the agency had ‘relied on mathematical formulas based on acci- dent statistics to evaluate rollover resistance, rather than doing, real-world tests.) In. August 2004 NHTSA released its results, and they wer- en’t pretty—at least not for several of Detroit's ‘most popular models. The Chevrolet Tahoe and ‘he Ford Explorer, in particular, have between a 26 and a 29 percent chance of rolling over in a ingle-vebicle crash, almost twice that of models from Honda, Nissan, and Chrysler. The Saturn ‘Vue couldn't even finish the test because is left: scar suspension broke, leading General Motors +0 recall all 250,000 Vues. Ford and General Motors have the anti- rollover technology necessary to make their SUVs safer. ‘The problem is that rollover sen~ sors and electronic stability systems add about $800 to the price of a vehicle, so the compa- nies have offered them only as options. The same is true of side-curtain airbags to protect occupants when a vehicle rolls over. They cost about $500. Improved design—wider wheel tracks, lower center of gravity, and reinforced roofs to protect passengers in a rollover— ‘would also help. Embarrassed by the test re: sults, the companies promised to make more safety features standard equipment on new SUVS, Lawsuits by rollover victims ate also prodding the companies to enhance their CHAPTER TWO Normative Theories of Ethics 86 commitment to safety. Two months before NHTSA released its results, Ford bad to pay .369 million in damages—one of the largest personalinjury awards ever against an auto~ maker to a San Diego couple whose Ex plorer flipped over four-and-a-half times when they swerved to avoid a metal object on the highway. Discussion Questions |, What moral issues does the Pinto case raise? _ Suppose Ford officials were asked to jus: tify their decision. What moral. principles do you think they would invoke? Assess Ford’s handling of the Pinto from the per- spective of each of the moral theories dis- ‘cussed in this chapter. 3. Utilitarians would say that jeopardizing motorists docs not by itself make Ford's action morally objectionable. The only orally relevant matter is whether Ford gave equal consideration to the interests ‘of each affected party. Do you think Ford did this? Is cost-benefit analysis a legitimate tool? “What role, if any, should it play in moral deliberation? Critically assess the example ‘of cost-benefit analysis given in the case study. Is there anything unsatisfactory about it? Could it have been improved upon in some way? Speculate about Kant’s response to the idea of placing a monetary value on a hu- man life. Is doing so ever morally legitimate? What responsibilities to its customers do you think Ford had? What arc the most important moral rights, if any, operating in the Pinto case? ‘Would it have made a moral difference if the savings resulting from not improving, the Pinto gas tank had been passed on to Ford's customers? Could a rational cus- tomer have chosen to save a few dollars land risk having the more dangerous gas = os JD Syfom woisés ysnug oxp dep pamoys ssouny eyory asmouodo ‘Apmus ruerzoduan ue up “siouopuo. saxo souIDja:d ou lun slouop pue ‘uorreiggo 10 afzeqp ano4puaa 24 spoou Oya suodue o1 age S14 “pjos tou 240g s2}p!>U 51 pools ‘woneuop poojy yo air -sis Gtiunjos e vo éjamus says Urey e016) Wy aouas9g Breer JeUOKEN, a4 enUO> Ay Aupoumoo saypo Suv 241 pjos pur aysinog st sos pain a1p ur poureigo ewsed pa pooig ae Tey Sjoeurxouddy “wow Sumypou st Soy PRN 2y} wt sworsks Zunoysew poolg pozeI> ~J2UuOD Jo aouaistx9 ayp ang ‘exiurey tH Aston enue da pasins yseu ay UO sionpord Bunadwos unwp ayes ss9q 1 sey >pyon P JS o4 Buosm ar sf {Aojouyoe seu wows ‘24 pinod a sv ayes se ou st ae4p ‘onpoad © [ps 03 ssouisng Joy Suosa4 1 5 “¢] Train yezoaas qua suouaSu8e we pou jeuors Suns busty uouma%08 yes0] aq) ype Suowenozon sayy -stouop axtizodsoud feapr tuotp ape sagin weouyy aay ean fexoaae jo Setyox! pooyg ays aia punos Says Ajennunay “Bunsoy oxssuaxx0 pip ‘swueymsuas’ jeorpour J© tear paysfeab © Jo aoiape amp pio tpue SpINpHIOM poysseos fouoMPLiaN euseT 12 Pog J s20m0s mau 304 Bupjo0] ue84 ways Suedwoo qf, “suaidma: ut pauiods! aime spaeday jo Sse jeiouos ypeoneuiep sapes S.PuonPuaN] euIse.g poseoism Sunoyacan SuneAoUUE yBhOWRTY “JoYoxE pur 98 Wu 29e9 veyp a1edwuO eypeap sy OWN woUUEYS 205 apqsuodsar FYE) se 0) 289 (Philp op Ut apronuoy feurauD 48 An punoy sq x04 proy pynoys “5 zsioumsuon 30 9101 24p ut 910% Soup pu pasianas a19m Suomsod ayp jr ar Aq apige on Buggin 2 Sroumipeaueut pynoy. esoalpewoga a spus se sueuiny won 3 s20q epazqesioauun 9g fupeear sup We) 2feU @2 ou I [Pe S3f Sou uey watiasosdun Aaapes yet 3 230ur 3809 pinom a uayiy, ssn pasess 94 ayBlu woRDe sprog jo uxt 347-4 qdoI!o9p siranoge szat67 -s0 feauod pyoa pey prog sizeyyy ques S80uI8ng pus AUdosOHYd [OW + 3NO Luvs OB

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