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Grade 1

Italian Terms

1. a tempo in time, indicating a return to the 回復原速

original speed after rit, rall.
2. accelerando (accel.) gradually getting faster 漸快
3. adagio slow 慢板
4. allegretto fairly quick 稍快板
5. allegro quick 快板
6. andante at a walking pace 行板
7. cantabile in a singing style 如歌唱一般的風格
8. crescendo (cresc.) gradually getting louder 漸強

9. da capo (D.C.) from the beginning 從頭再奏

10. decrescendo (decresc.) gradually getting softer 漸弱
11. diminuendo (dim.) gradually getting softer 漸弱

12. dolce sweet, soft 甜美的,柔和的

13. f (forte) loud 強
14. ff (fortissimo) very loud 十分強

15. fine, al fine end, to the end 完結,直至結尾

16. legato smooth 圓滑地,流暢地
17. mf (mezzo forte) moderately loud 中強
18. moderato at a moderate speed 中板
19. mp (mezzo piano) moderately soft 中弱
20. p (piano) quiet 弱

21. pp (pianissimo) very quiet 十分弱

22. rallentando (rall.) gradually getting slower 漸慢
23. ritardando (ritard. or rit.) gradually getting slower 漸慢

24. staccato (stacc.) detached, short 斷奏

KidsTHEORY 2022
Grade 2
Italian Terms

1. alla marcia in the style of a march 進行曲風格

2. allargando broadening, getting a little slower and 漸慢及漸強,逐漸寬廣
probably also a little louder
3. con moto with motion 活躍地,流動地
4. con, col with 用,帶有
5. dal segno (D.S.) from the sign 從記號處奏起
6. e, ed and 和,與,及
7. espressivo (espress.) expressive 有表情的
8. fp (fortepiano) loud, then immediately soft 開始強,隨即弱

9. grave very slow, solemn 嚴肅的,極緩慢的

10. grazioso graceful 優美的,優雅的
11. largo slow 廣板

12. lento slow 慢板

13. ma but 但是
14. meno less 少些

15. meno mosso less and less 速度稍慢

16. molto very, much 十分,很
17. non troppo not too much 不太‥‥的
18. più more 更多的,較多的
19. più mosso more motion 稍快
20. poco, poco a poco little, little by little (gradually) 少許,逐漸地

21. presto faster 急板

22. ritenuto (riten.) held back 突慢,立即放慢
23. senza without 沒有,不,去除

24. vivace, vivo lively, quick 生動的,活潑的

KidsTHEORY 2022
Grade 3
Italian Terms

1. agitato agitated 激動地,興奮地

2. andantino slightly faster than andante 小行板,比行板稍快
3. animato lively, animated 活潑的,有生氣的
4. ben very 好,很,非常
5. con forza with force 有力量地
6. energico energetic 充滿精力地
7. giocoso playful, humorous 喜悅的,愉快的
8. leggiero light, nimble 輕快地,輕功地
9. maestoso majestic 莊嚴地,堂皇地

10. marcato, marc. emphatic, accented 強調的,加重音的

11. pesante heavy 沉重的
12. prestissimo very fast 極快,最急板

13. prima, primo first 第一的,主要的

14. risoluto strong, bold 堅強的,有力的
15. scherzando playful, joking 滑稽的,開玩笑的

16. semplice simple, plain 單純的,純樸的

17. sempre always 始終,常常,一直
18. sforzando, sforzato sfz, sf accented, forced 加強的,突強的
19. simile (or sim.) continue in the same way 同樣地,相似地
20. sostenuto, sost sustained 持續的,保持的
21. subito, sub. suddenly 突然,立刻

22. tranquillo calm 平靜的,寧靜的

23. triste, tristamente sad 傷心的,悲傷的

KidsTHEORY 2022
Grade 4
Italian Terms

1. affettuoso tenderly 深情的,溫柔的

2. alla breve with a minim beat, equivalent to 二二拍子
3. amabile pleasant, amiable 可愛的,溫柔的,愉快的
4. appassionato with passion 熱情的,有激情的
5. assai very, extremely 很,甚,極
6. come prima as before 如初,如前
7. comodo, tempo comodo convenient, at a comfortable speed 舒適的,悠閒的速度
8. con brio with vigour 精力充沛地,有力地
9. deciso with determination 堅定地

10. larghetto rather slow, but slightly faster than largo 小廣板,頗慢
11. mesto sad 悲傷的,悽慘的
12. misterioso mysterious 神秘的

13. ritmico rhythmically 有節奏性的

14. rubato, tempo rubato with some freedom of time 彈性速度,伸縮速度
15. stringendo gradually getting faster 加速,逐漸加快,漸快

French Terms
16. animé lively, animated 活潑的,有生氣的
17. douce soft, sweet 溫柔的,甜蜜的
18. lent slow 慢板,緩慢
19. modéré at a moderate speed 中板,中等速度

20. retenu held back (a little slower) 速度減慢,放慢

21. vite quick 快速的,迅速的

KidsTHEORY 2022
Grade 5
Italian Terms

1. a niente at nothing 直至什麼都沒有

2. ad libitum, ad lib. at choice 隨意處理
3. attacca go straight on 緊接,不停頓地接著演奏下去
4. cantando singing 歌唱
5. con dolore with grief 悲痛地
6. con spirito with spirit 精神飽滿地
7. doloroso sorrowful 悲痛的,悽慘的
8. largamente broadly 寬闊地,莊嚴地
9. morendo dying away 漸漸消失

10. perdendosi dying away 漸漸消失,漸弱而慢

11. quasi as if, resembling 好像,近乎
12. rinforzando, rf, rfz, rinf reinforcing 加強,增強,強調

13. smorzando, smorz dying away in tone and speed 漸漸消失,漸慢而弱

14. sonoro resonant, with rich tone 響亮的,洪亮的
15. sotto voce in an undertone (below the voice) 輕聲,輕聲地唱

German Terms
16. langsam slow 慢,緩慢
17. lebhaft lively, equivalent to vivace 活潑的,敏捷的
18. mässig at a moderate speed 中板,中等速度
19. ruhig peaceful 平靜的,寂靜的

20. schnell fast 快的,快速的

21. traurig sad 傷心的,悲傷的

KidsTHEORY 2022

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