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An Energy Signature is much like a fingerprint.

Energy signatures
are unique to the individual plant, animal, human or other life
form, such as a forest or a school of fish. An example of an
energy signature would be a Kirlian photograph. Other systems
exist with which to measure such subtle fields and signatures.

These signatures can be used to identify others when astralling,

reading the person or what have you. It is a way of knowing who
exactly you are connecting to. It makes a template of sorts of
an individual, thereby making it easier to actually remember the
entity one is trying to connect with. One can realize both
positive and negative levels inside the signature also among
health issues if they exist in the individual.

An experienced psychic vampyre can usually tell from the signature

of another vampyre what type they are (Ex: Sanguine, psi, astral,

"Reading" or "scanning" another person's energy signature can

tell you things about them by the "feel" of it- such as emotions,
motives, health problems, etc.

You each hold your individual energy signature, so to speak. In

this, you create your own combinations of energy that you project
as you manifest through your emotions, your thoughts, your physical
feelings, all of your senses, inner and outer. There are many
working elements to you, and all of these are expressed through

Your individual expression of tone and vibrational quality and

personality are so very highly unique and individualized to you
yourself that it may be compared to physical fingerprints not
being duplicated within the physical expression of any other
individual throughout your history within your physical dimension.

There are no two identically the same, and in this, you each hold
a particular energy signature which is unique to yourself.

In this, you create your own combinations of energy that you project
as you manifest through your emotions, your thoughts, your physical
feelings, all of your senses, inner and outer. There are many
working elements to you, and all of these are expressed through
energy. There are countless you’s of you.

In like manner, you within physical focus are continuously creating

the same type of action, but you do not think in these terms. You
think of yourself as being a singular entity. Therefore, you also
think to yourselves – and believe – that if you are projecting
through consciousness, you are projecting yourself – that you
identify as you, this singular entity – away from the physical
vessel of your body into other areas, but you do not view yourself
as projecting into many, many, many areas simultaneously and
interacting in all of these areas and situations simultaneously,
for you are directing your attention singularly. But in actuality,
your reality moves quite similarly within physical focus as it
moves within nonphysical focus. In this, you are merely focusing
your attention singularly. Therefore, you view yourself as one
singular entity and all of your projections as one singular

Now in this, as a whole, so to speak, there is a tremendous

interconnectedness, and therefore none of the elements, none of
the you’s, in a manner of speaking, move not in conjunction with
any of the other you’s of you. These are all of the aspects of
you within one focus. This is not the entirety of essence. This
is merely the manifestation of one focus and all of the aspects
that are associated with that one focus. In this, you may be
manipulating energy within your focus to be directing of very
many aspects of you in very many different directions.

Each idea is made of words, which are made of letters, each of

which has a sound vibration. Every whole thought is a collective
sound vibration. These need not be spoken aloud for them to exist
in the universal ethers...because they are all electrons, neutrons
and protons and this makes up each individual's energy signature.

Just like the radio waves of many stations are also "in the air,"
even though we can't see them, as they are on a different wavelength.
Just by thinking about a given thing, you are "tuning in" to its
own vibration, its own signature of energy in the universe - similar
to turning on a radio and tuning to the correct channel which is
what one does when realizing other's energy signature. Its a way
of focusing in on a specific person, psychic's do it all the time
as well as a channeler among those also that believe in sacred

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