New Round-Up 6 TB-40-51

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(Units 1-3)

NAME ........... .... ........... .......... .... . CLASS ... ..... ... .... .... .. .. ... ..... .... .. .. .

DATE .... .... ..... .. ... .......... ...... ........ MARK ... ..... .. .. ..... .. .... ................. .

(Time: 50 minutes) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

1. Choose the correct item.

1 Tim Burton .••.• his first film in 1971. 8 This time tomorrow, I.•••• on the beach.
A directs C directed A am sunbathing
B was directing o has directed B have sunbathed
2 He's looking forward •••.• his old school C will be sunbathing
mates again. o sunbathe
A to seeing C to see 9 There's no point in ...•• to persuade her.
B to have seen 0 seeing She won 't change her mind.
3 I ..•.. run much faster when I was younger. A to try C tries
A could C was able B try o trying
B should o would 10 The first train to Manchester ..••. at 7:30
4 Mark has been •..•. in magic since he was every morning.
a child. A leaves C will be leaving
A interesting C interestingly B will leave o is going to leave
B interest o interested 11 Be quiet. The baby •••.• be sleeping in the
5 Kate •• . •• hard for her exams these days. next room.
A will study C has studied A may C would
B is studying o was studying Bought 0 should

6 You ••••• do the washing-up. I've already I 12 He .•••. the light and lay down on his bed.
done it. A was turning off C turned off
A mustn't C don't have B is turning off o turns off
B needn't 0 couldn 't 13 I'll never forget ••..• Craig for the first time.
7 • • • • • I borrow your pen for a moment? A meets C meeting
A May B Will C Shall o Would B to meet o meet

Points: - )
( 13x2 26

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(Units 1-3)

2. Fill in the correct particle.

The printer is constantly breaking ........ ; 4 The doctor brought the man .•...... by
we'll have to buy a new one. patting him on the cheek.
2 The play was called ........ due to a 5 An electronics shop in the town centre was
number of the actors falling ill. broken ........ last night.
3 Samantha came .•.....• a great deal of 6 The detective is carrying ........ an
money when her wealthy aunt passed away. investigation into the robbery.
Points: - )
( 6x2 12

3. Fill in the correct preposition.

1 The thief was caught by the police and 4 Sue is very good ........ Chemistry; it's her
charged ....•... shoplifting. best subject.
2 I'm afraid there is no hope ........ repairing 5 You must be accompanied ........ an adult
this computer. to see this film.
3 Mike acquainted himself ........ the 6 New York is famous ........ its skyscrapers
customs of Japan before his visit. and delicatessens.
Points: - )
( 6x2 12

4. Rephrase the following sentences using the words in bold.

The last time I met him was five years ago.

have I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. five years.
2 He was too short to reach the top shelf.
tall He •.•••••.......•.................••••.•••••..•••. to reach the top shelf.
3 Shall I set the table?
like Would ••• ,................................................... the table?
4 She spent hours writing the letter.
took It ......•.•••••.••••..•.•...•.•...••.•••••...•.•.•..•...••.... the letter.
5 When did you move to the suburbs?
since How long •••..•.••••.••••.••••.••..•••••.•.••.••••••••••. to the suburbs?
6 It wasn't necessary for him to wear a suit to the wedding, but he did.
worn He . • • . . • • • • . • • • . . . . • . • . • • • . . . . • • • . • . • • . . . • • . . . . • •. a suit to the wedding.
Points : - )
( 6x2 12

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f rest 1 (Units 1-3)

5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1 Kate ... . . . . . (read) that book since ten 4 Richard usually ........ (travel) to school
o'clock this morning. by bus.
2 He ......•. (watch) TV when the phone 5 She ........ (not/leave) the house yet.
rang. 6 Jane ........ (listen) to her MP3 player
3 Ken ........ (know) Neil since 1994. right now.
Points : - )
( 6x2 12

6. Underline the correct item.

You couldn't/mustn't park here. It's not 4 May/Shall I borrow your calculator for a
allowed. moment, please?
2 You can/might borrow my car as long as 5 You needn't/mustn't eat the dessert if you
you promise to drive carefully. don't like it.
3 Sarah should/ought be more careful with 6 He could/would read when he was five.
her spelling.
Points : - )
( 6x2 12

7. Put the verbs in brackets into the -ing form or the infinitive.

Are you planning 1) •••••••••••• (go) to the beach this summer? If you are, then
why not try an extreme water sport! Kitesurfing involves 2) •••••••••• • • (hold
on) to a kite and using the wind it catches 3) •••.•••••••• (pull) you across
the water while you stand on a surfing board. It began in Europe in the late
1970s and every year its popularity keeps on 4) •••••••••••• (grow). At first,
kitesurfing can be very challenging. Most beginners have difficulty
5) ••••• (keep) their balance on the board and find it impossible to
travel more than a few metres without 6) •••••.••.••• (fall) into the
water! The best advice is to take some lessons to learn the basics. You'll
soon get used to 7) •••••••••••• (balance) on the board and will be
able to enjoy the most exciting sport on water!

Points: - )
( 7x2 14

Total : - )
( 100
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(Units 1-6)

NAME .... ...... ..... ............. ... .... ...... CLASS .... ............... ... ... .... .. .... .....

DATE .... ...... ........... ..... .. ... ....... .... MARK .... .. ..... ....... ... ... .... ...... ...... .

(Time: 50 minutes) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

1. Choose the correct item.

• . .• . what she said, she couldn't persuade 8 I've just finished watching the most ••...
him to join the club. film ever.
A No matter C Whereas A thrilled C thrill
B However D Whatever B thrilling D thriller
2 Debra ..... her mobile phone stolen 9 Greg is . . . .. athletic of all my brothers.
yesterday. A less C the least
A is having C was having B the less D less than
B has D had 10 They spoke quietly ....• wake up the
3 She didn't hear me calling her this morning children.
because she . . . .. to her MP3 player. A so as not to C for fear
A was listening C is listening B to avoid D in order not
B listens D listened 11 Feta cheese . . . .. in Greece.
4 Jim was acting •. . .. he was the manager. A produces C is producing
A how C as though B produced D is produced
B in the way D the same way 12 Would you mind ..•.. me £5 until
5 The pancakes were made . . . .. flour, eggs tomorrow?
and milk. A lend C lends
A with B by C like D as Blending D to lend
6 Stephen is ..... of all the students in the 13 That was a delicious meal. You cook very
class. ..... ,

A taller C taller than A well C best

B tallest D the tallest B better D good
7 She likes to go ice-skating . . . .. the winter.
A while B during C as D when
Points: - )
( 13x2 26

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(Units 1-6)

2. Fill in the correct particle.

1 The government decided to do ........ with 4 Stella has been trying to cut . . . . . . .. on the
the controversial tax. amount of sweets she eats.
2 Karen drew ........ from the window when 5 She tried to smile, but her voice gave
she saw the stranger outside. . ....... the truth that she was deeply upset.
3 Paul gave . . . . . . .. smoking last summer for 6 The real estate agent drew ........ a
health reasons. contract for the sale of the house.
Points : - )
( 6x2 12

3. Fill in the correct preposition.

Trevor dreams ........ travelling to Japan 4 That doll looks identical ........ one I have
one day. at home.
2 Gary has been lacking ........ confidence 5 Tanya is very popular ........ all her
since he lost his job at the bank. workmates in the office.
3 The couple had a quarrel ........ which 6 The film was completely different ....... .
holiday destination they should choose. anything he had seen before.
Points: - )
( 6x2 12

4. Rephrase the following sentences using the words in bold.

1 Kevin is always professional when he is at work.

way Kevin always ••.•.••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••• when he is at work.
2 Cindy is studying law because she wants to become a lawyer.
view Cindy is studying law .•...•••.••••••.•••••••••••.•.••••••••••••• a lawyer.
3 John drove George to the airport last night.
by George .•.••••••••..••••••.••••.•••••••.••.•....•• to the airport last night.
4 Kathy got the job although she was unqualified.
despite Kathy got the job ••••••••••••.•••.••••.....••.••.....• she was unqualified.
5 The child's mother insisted that he finish his homework.
made The child ..••..•...••••.•...•.....•..•.•••......•......••• his homework.
6 Peter is nowhere near as talented as Becky.
far Becky is •••••.••••.•••••••••.•••••.••...•.......•.•.....••.••...• Peter.
Points: - )
( 6x2 12

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(Units 1-6)

5. Read the email and fill in the gaps.

Hi Eric!
Greetings from New York! I'm having a great time here. The weather is
a little 1) • • • • • • • • • • •• (cold) than in England, but I really don't mind.
This city is far 2) •• • • • • • • • • •• (interesting) than any city I've been to
before. And it's huge! The streets are much 3) •••••••••••• (wider)
than back home and the buildings are 4) • • • • • • • • • • •• (tall) as well.
Actually, it's 5) •••••••.•••• (large) city in the USA! And there is so much to see and do here.
I've already visited some of 6) • • • • • • • • • • •• (fascinating) museums and cultural sites. The
Metropolitan Museum, for example, has one of 7) •• • • • • • • • • •• (good) collections of art in the
world. But 8) • • • • • • • • • • •• (impressive) attraction of all was the Statue of Liberty. The view
from the top was really amazing! Well, I'd better finish up now. See you when I get back!

Points: - )
( 8x3 24

6. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use
the correct passive form.

An Austrian actor is going to receive the award.

The award is going . • • .. . . . . • . • . • • • • • •• by an Austrian actor.
2 The pop star will open a new shopping centre.
A new shopping centre • • • • • • • . . • . . . . . • • • •• by the pop star.
3 Are the students organising an end-of-term party this year?
Is an end-of-term party • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .• by the students this year?
4 They may have found the criminal.
The criminal • • • • . • . . . . . • • . • • • • •• found.
5 They say the couple have announced their engagement.
The couple • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . . . • •• have announced their engagement.
6 People think that Paris is the most romantic city in the world.
Paris . • • • . • • . . • • • • . • • • • •. the most romantic city in the world.
7 He hasn't done the washing-up yet.
The washing-up • . • • • • • • • . • . . • • . • . •• yet. Points: - )
( 7x2 14

Total: - )
( 100

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(Units 1-9)

NAME ........................................ . CLASS .. .. ..... .... ... ................ .... ... .

DATE ....... ... ....... .. ... ..... ...... .. .. ..... MARK ................................. ....... .

1. Choose the correct item.

John ..... about being the fastest runner in

the school. 8 ..... we get up on time, we could catch
A boasted C exclaimed the early train to Glasgow.
B insisted o demanded A What if C Otherwise

2 If only I .•... travel around Europe, but I

B Providing o Unless
don't have the money. 9 Ann said she would go shopping the .....
A would C could day.
B will 0 should A following C after

3 It was such a surprise ..... Penny at the

B past o before
wedding. 10 If I have time, I ..... my grandparents
A to see C saw tomorrow.
B see o be seeing A would visit C visit
B will visit 0 am visiting
4 Rebecca ..... that the concert started at 8
o'clock. 11 The Odyssey was written ....• Homer.
A spoke C told A as C from
Basked o said B with 0 by

5 Three miles . . . .. a long distance to travel 12 He said that he ..••. for me for half an
on foot. hour.
A has C is A had been waiting
B were Dare B is waiting
C waits
6 She is by far . . . .. student in the class.
o will be waiting
A the smartest C more smart
B smarter 0 smart 13 The dentist advised me to brush my teeth
twice ..... day.
7 Maggie knows how to dance .. . .. waltz.
A an B the C a D one
A a B the C an 0-
Points: - )
( 13x2 26
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(Units 1-9)

2. Fill in the correct particle.

They have organised a babysitter to look 4 Jane's grandmother passed ........ in
. . . . . . .. their child while they are out. March last year.
2 Pull yourself ........ and stop acting like a 5 I'd like to make a cake but we've run
5-year-old! ........ of flour.
3 Suzanne puts . . . . . . .. £100 from her wages 6 I'll let you .....•.. this time, but if I catch
each month to save for a holiday. you speeding again, you'll be in trouble.
( points: - )
6x2 12

3. Fill in the correct preposition.

1 Carla spends a large amount of her wages 4 She was .. . . . . .. a loss for words when her
........ rent. brother announced his engagement.
2 My grandmother made these woollen gloves 5 Students are being warned .... . . .. walking
........ hand. alone at night.
3 The elevator was .•.....• of order, so they 6 The factory workers are ........ strike due
were forced to take the stairs. to poor working conditions.
( pOints : - )
6x2 12

4. Rephrase the following sentences using the words in bold.

"I'm sorry I broke the plate," he said.

apologised He . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... the plate.
2 I advise you to wear a suit to the interview.
would If I ..•.....•••••••••••..•......••••..•••••••••.•• a suit to the interview.
3 They gave us some very beautiful furniture.
given The furniture •.....••••••••••.••••.....••••••••...•...... very beautiful.
4 They got lost because they didn't ask for directions.
not They •••••..•••••.•.••.•••••••••.•••••••• if they had asked for directions.
5 A little oil is in the bottle.
amount A .............................................................................................................. in the bottle.
6 The couple told the manager they were dissatisfied with their room.
complained The couple .............................................................................................. . their room.

Points: - )
( 6x2 12

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(Units 1-9)

5. Turn the sentences into reported speech.

1 "I am doing a crossword now", he said. 4 "I can repair your car tomorrow," the
mechanic said.
2 "We may go on a picnic next weekend", they
said. 5 "It is snowing outside," she says.

3 "I will start the job on Monday," Conrad said. 6 "If you mix red with yellow, you get orange,"
the art teacher said.

Points : - )
( 6x3 18

6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

If I had more money, I .............. (buy) 3 If Susan comes to the party, Kim
a new car. .. .. .. .. .. .... (come) too.
2 If you had not been driving so fast, you 4 Unless you arrive early, you ............. .
. .. .. .... .. ... (not/crash) into the tree. (not/get) a seat on the bus .
Points : - )
( 4x2 8

7. Fill in: a, an, the or-.

Are you interested in going on 1) .••.•.••...• city break this year?

Then, why not visit Milan, 2) ............ second largest city in
3) .••..•.••.•• Italy. Milan is most famous for its fashion industry.
You can visit 4) •••••••••••• huge selection of designer label shops
in Via Montenapoleone or go window shopping in the Galleria
Vittorio Emanuele, 5) ....•....•.. oldest shopping mall in the world! Milan also has
6) ••....••.••. large number of cultural attractions. 7) ....•...•••. Brera Art Gallery, for example,
holds 8) ••..•.•..•.• impressive collection of 9) ..•••....•.. Italian paintings, many dating back to
10) ••.•...••••. Renaissance period. And of course no visit to Milan is complete without
11) ••••..••.•.• visit to the Church of Santa Maria delle Graziea, home to Leonardo de Vinci's famous
mural The Last Supper. All in all, Milan is 12) ............ amazing tourist destination that has
something to offer for every taste. Points : - )
( 12x1 12

Total : - )
( 100
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(Units 1-12)

NAME ... .. ........ ..... ....... ........... ..... CLASS ......... .... .... .... ... ....... ........ .

DATE .... ... ... ..... ........... .... .... ..... ... MARK ..... .... ... ... ..... .... ... .... ... ... .. . .

(Time: 50 minutes) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

1. Choose the correct item.

Karen is speaking to ••... on the phone 7 I haven't seen Emma the . • • •• summer.
right now. A every B all C each D whole
A anyone C everyone 8 I can 't stand people ••... rubbish on the
B no one D someone street.
2 Detective novels are ••••. he enjoys A throwing C to throw
reading. B throws D throw.
A what C who 9 He ••••. his pet hamster every morning
B which D where before school.
3 .•••• idea was it to order pizza? A has fed C is feeding
A Whose C Who B feeds D feed
B What D Which 10 She is really generous, ••••• ?
4 Ann rarely goes ••••• since her car broke A is she C wasn't she
down. B was she D isn't she
A nowhere C everywhere 11 I wish I ..... that film when it was shown at
B anywhere D somewhere the cinema.
5 •••.. was it that you realised you had lost A see C had seen
your keys? B would see D was seeing
A Who C When 12 Did you all enjoy ..... at the amusement
B What D Which park?
6 I will send you a text message . • • •• I arrive A yours C you
at the hostel. B yourselves D yourself
A the moment that 13 ••••• were you talking to for so long?
B by the time A Whoever C However
C until B Wherever D Whatever
D immediately
Points : - )
( 13x2 26
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(Units 1-12)

2. Fill in the correct particle.

1 Clean the wound or an infection could set 4 Ann really stood ........ in the crowd with
the orange shirt she wore to the party.
2 I was taken ........ by Paul's insulting 5 They've gone to the train station to see their
comments about my appearance. daughter ........ .
3 I was surprised by the amount of people 6 He used a calculator to work ........ the
who turned ........ at the charity event. total cost of the holiday.
Points: - )
( 6><2 12

3. Fill in the correct preposition.

1 It's ........ the law to drive without a 4 He walked . . . . . . .. ten flights of stairs to get
license. to the top floor.
2 The cat leaped ........ the puddle to avoid 5 ..... . . . our astonishment, the magician
getting wet. made the rabbit disappear.
3 .. . . . . .. Friday evenings, Sue usually goes 6 Ian has an appointment to see the doctor
to the cinema with her friends. .. ...... midday.
Points: - )
( 6><2 12

4. Rephrase the following sentences using the words in bold.

I didn't break the window.

who It wasn't ••••.••.••••••••••••••.••••.•••••••.•••••••.•••••••• the window.
2 Everyone came to the party except Leonard.
person The only ........................................ to the party was Leonard.
3 Is there a bank near here?
know Do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. a bank near here?
4 Don't tell anyone my secret on any account.
should On no .................•.............................. anyone my secret.
5 She is a student. He is a student, too.
them Both . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. students.
6 Where is the first aid kit located?
idea Have ...•.....•.•...............•..•............ the first aid kit is located?
Points: - )
( 6x2 12

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(Units 1-12)

5. Fill in the correct personal pronouns, possessive adjectives or reflexive


Dear Aunt Julie,

I'm writing to thank 1) ....•... for the card and money you sent
2) ........ last week. 3) ........ was really thoughtful of you
to remember 4) .......• birthday. I spent the money on a new pair
of tennis shoes. 5) ........ look great and I can't wait to wear
6) ........ the next time I go to tennis practice!
On my birthday, 7) ........ went out with a few of my friends.
8) ........ went to a Japanese restaurant in the city centre. The food was delicious and the
waiter even gave 9) ........ all a free dessert at the end! And I got some lovely gifts from my
friends. My best friend, Jane, gave me a scarf and a beautifully decorated birthday card that she
had made by 10) ........ . 11) ........ is really artistic. Actually, it's 12) ........ birthday
next week so I have to make sure to get 13) ........ something nice in return!
By the way, I heard you're going on holiday to Spain next week. I hope you enjoy 14) ........ and
I look forward to seeing you when you get back!
Points: - )
( 14x1 14

6. Write questions to which the words in bold are the answers.

1 I'm looking for the car keys. 5 There is a little sugar in the bowl.

2 Karl is the shortest player on the team. 6 Linda is 18 years old.

3 The purple dress costs £20. 7 Martha went to bed at midnight.

4 I had dinner at Lisa's house last night. 8 He didn't come to school because he was

Points : - )
( 8x3 24

Total : - )
( 100

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