Acpp - Grade Vi - French - L-9

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Annual Curriculum and Pedagogical Plan
GRADE-VI, SUBJECT- FRENCH Lesson 9 Les loisirs préférés des Français
Topic – Lesson 9 Learning Outcomes Assessment Teaching Learning Strategies/Activities Resources Interdisciplinary
Les loisirs préférés tools
des français
No. of Periods 6
When- January

• Sub-topics: • Sharing of the tasks with the students for this ● List of vocabulary
• Les adjectifs Students will be able to - Concept Sheet project and asking for their inputs
interrogatifs ● Redesigning the tasks if required ● Workbook
➢ Understand and use Notebook
• Les adjectifs ● Designing the rubric for each
adjectifs interrogatifs task in collaboration with the
● Smartboard
démonstratifs and démonstratifs.
• Les verbes - ➢ Conjugate and use
● Format
dire, lire, the verbs "dire," Sheets Task 1: Role-Play Question formation : ● Quiz
écrire, décrire "lire," "écrire," and • Organize the class into pairs or small
• Discussion: "décrire."
groups, ensuring diversity in each group.
Comment Reflection Sheets
écrire une ➢ Engage in a • Provide each pair or group with a scenario
lettre en discussion on writing or situation where they need to ask
français a letter in French.
questions using "quel," "quelle," "quels,"
➢ Art
and "quelles." ➢ Communication
• Allow time for groups to discuss and plan
their role play based on the given ➢ Culture

scenario. ➢ Education
➢ Life Skills
• Encourage creativity and emphasize the
correct usage of question words.
• Have each pair or group perform their role
play in front of the class.
• Focus on the formation of questions and
the proper use of "quel," "quelle," "quels,"
and "quelles."

• Task 2: Discussion: Comment Écrire une

Lettre en Français:
• • Discuss the format and structure of a
formal letter in French.
• • Highlight key phrases and expressions
used in French letters.
• • Engage in a class discussion on the
importance of formal communication.

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