2nd Sem. Values Exam 7

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NAME: ____________________________________________ SCORE: __________________

GRADE&SECTION: ________________________________ DATE:
TEACHERS’ NAME: ___________________________________ SUBJECT:

I. TRUE OR FALSE: write True if the statement is true and write False if it’s not.
______________1. Saying Allahu Akbar to start the prayer.
______________ 2. Subhana Rabbiyal Adhim is recited in ruku or bowing position.
______________ 3. Perform a wudu after the salah.
______________ 4. Praying towards proper direction of the Qibla (mecca).
______________ 5. Rabbana lakal hamd is recited in standing position after the ruku.
______________ 6. Assalamu Alaykum warahmatullah is recited at the beginning of salah.
______________ 7. Subhana Rabbiyal A’la is recited in sujud position.
______________ 8. Allahu Akbar means Allah is the greatest.
______________ 9. Ensure your area is not clean.
______________ 10. In performing salah, female clothes should cover the whole body
besides hands and face.
II. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Incircle the correct answer.
1. It recited in sujud or prostration position.
a. Subhana Rabbiyal A’la
b. Subhana Rabbiyal Adhim
c. Rabbana lakal hamd
2. It recited in ruku or bowing position.
a. Subhana Rabbiyal A’la
b. Subhana Rabbiyal Adhim
c. Rabbana Lakal hamd
3. It is recited in standing position after ruku.
d. Subhana Rabbiyal A’la
e. Subhana Rabbiyal Adhim
a. Rabbana Lakal hamd
4. It is recited in sitting position after sujud.
a. Rabbigfir li
b. Sami’ Allahu liman hamidah
c. Allahu Akbar
5. Obligatory (missing is considered a sin, just not as great as a fardh salah)
a. Wajib b. Sunnah c. Fardh
6. It is voluntary.
a. Nafl b. Wajib c. Fardh
7. Imperative missing this salah considered a grave sin.
a. Sunnah b. Fardh c. Nafl
8. It is not intended to just be a mandatory enactment.
a. Muslim b. Salah c. none of the above
9. It means the Allah is greatest.
a. Allahu Akbar b. Sami’Allahu liman hamida c. bismillah
10. Subhana Rabbiyal A’la means.
a. How perfect is my lord, the highest
b. Oh my lord! Forgive me.
c. Glory be to my lord almighty
11. Subhana Rabbiya Adhim means
a. How perfect is my lord, the highest
b. Oh my lord! Forgive me.
c. Glory be to my lord almighty
12. Rabbighfir li means
a. How perfect is my lord, the highest
b. Oh my lord! Forgive me.
c. Glory be to my lord almighty
13. Rabbana lakal hamd means
a. Our lord, to you be the praise.
b. Allah hears those who praised him
c. Allah is the greatest
14. Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem means
a. In the name of Allah who is kind and merciful.
b. Our lord, to you be the praised
c. None od the above
15. They offers prayer out of humility and love to show their inner devotion to Allah
because he or she depends on him.
a. Spanish
b. Muslim
c. Christian

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