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Trinity Convent High Secondary School Sheorinarayan

M.M.20 class 12th subject -biology pp1 examination 2022-23


1) fill in the blanks

1) there are…………………………......pairs of nucleotide in one turn of DNA helix

2) DNA replication is always …………………….......

3) ...................................base is not found in DNA

4) DNA gyrase helps in ................................ of DNA

( 5) DNA is a ……………………………………......

Question2-- write short answer of following question ( any 1 )

1)messenger RNA .

2 )DNA packaging .

3) RNA .

Q 3 )-right long answer

1) explain DNA replication by semi conservative method ?

2) explain DNA structure by Watson and Crick model?

3)give introduction of DNA and it's evidence for genetic material..?

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