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A. What thoughts does the film spur in you?

A sense of sorrow and regret permeates the movie as it emphasises the fallout from desperate
decisions motivated by drug addiction and a need for money. It examines the disastrous effects
of impulsive decisions that result in a startling realisation and intense guilt.

B. What is your emotional response to this film?

The film evokes a mix of shock, sadness, and a profound sense of tragedy. It’s just so sad and
heart-breaking that he killed his own mother just for the money.

C. What moments, character, or ideas resonated with you while watching the film?
The early desperation brought on by addiction and the shocking turn of events when the victim
turns out to be the protagonist’s own mother are the parts of the movie that really speak to me.
The narrative makes one think about the ramifications of acting on impulse, the complexity of
interpersonal connections, and the emotional upheaval that follows a terrible error. It’s a moving
and thought-provoking story because of the enduring themes of betrayal and regret.

D. What themes are present in the film?

The film explores several themes, including :
 Addiction
 Tragedy
 Desperation
 Betrayal
 Consequences of Impulsive Actions
 Remorse and Guilt

E. What is this film saying about the world?

The film seems to convey a message about the harsh realities of addiction, desperation, and the
destructive consequences of impulsive actions. It touches on themes of betrayal, illustrating how
individuals can be driven to extreme measures when grappling with addiction and financial
struggles. Additionally, the shocking revelation that the victim is the protagonist’s own mother
Adds a layer of tragedy, highlighting the profound impact of one’s choices on personal
relationships. Overall, the narrative suggests a cautionary tale about the dark paths that can
unfold when individuals are pushed to their limits in a challenging world.

F. Why would someone want to watch the film?

To show awareness about drugs and also reflect actions from the film. It often aim to educate,
create awareness, and generate discussions around the impacts, dangers, and consequences of
substance abuse. They can offer insight into the realities of addiction, its effects on individuals
and communities, and potentially serve as a cautionary tale. These films may also provide
information on resources available for help and support.

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