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Art is long and life is short: is a proverb that suggests that works of art las much
longer than human live.
Stage play: A representation in the theatre
Be no oil painting: if someone is no oil paiting they are not good-looking
Blank canvas: refers to something with no contect such that it can be easily filled
with completely new things
Con artist: refers to a person who makes a living by swinding people
Drama queen: refers to a person who tends a react to every event or situation in
an over-dramatic or exaggerated
Fine art
reders to something requiring highly developed techniques and skills.
stage whisper
you say it in a loud whisper with the intention of being overheard.
paint something with a broad brush
to describe something in general terms, without mentioning specific details and
without paying attention to individual variations.
Poetic justice
refers to a situation in which virtue is rewarded and vice is punished, in such a way
that this justice seems proper and ironic.
To put in the same line (horizontal, vertical or perpendicular) two or more objects
Be art and part of
art refierred to the bringing about of an action and part to the participation
Poetry in motion
This idiom refers to something that is graceful and beautiful to observe
Thumbnail sketch
Refers to a small picture or to a short description
This term is used to describe anytype of artwork that is religious.
Tar with the same brush
Means to describe someone or something using the same undesirable attribute,
especially unjustly
Is refered to someone that engage any activity as a hobby but also, as an
adjective, can be used to describe the unexperience of anybody in something.
Term that means a skill developed by practice.
to a fine art
refers to something done in a way that is based on highly developed skill.
under canvas
to be in a tent.
state of the art
refers to something that reflects the highest level of development, something that is
very up-to-date.
A qualified site where people teach art
Abstract painting
A painting that don't represent the real life.
Related to the result of an abrasive put on any work.
Art exhibition
An exposition of different types of art or something done that is amazing.
Art history
The study of the historical artworks
Art historician
A person that studies the art history.
Art lover
Someone that likes the art.
Art market
A physical venue where artworks are sold.
Art museum
Actual places where art is exposed to the people
Any person that creates art
Well begun is half done
When you begin a project or task properly, it will be easier to successfully complete
the rest
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Every person has a different idea of what beauty is and whether something is
beautiful or not depends on who is looking at it
Creation that can't be called art
To be striking
A work of art that is very noticeable or outstanding
To bear fruit
Something that produces positive or successful results
To break with convention
An artist who doesn't do things in the traditional or expected way
The person that guides an orchestra
To bring something to life
When an artist finishes his artwork
To be eye-catching
When a work of art has something that captures your attention
To grab someone
If a work of art captures your attention
To put the finishing touches on something
When you are adding the last improvements to an artwork
This term refers to the straight line of an object that divides it by the middle of the
In a painting the substance that makes the pigment stay in it.
The capacity of an artwork to have bright.
The people that go to see a performance
This word means the group of performers and what they do ex: at the theatre, the
list of actors and who they represent.
To play a single instrument or an orchestra in a theatre with audience.
A composition of lines and colors or the gerund of the verb to draw
The performance of any art in public
Art for art's sake
The idea that a work of art has no purpose beyond itself.
Have (or get) something down to a fine art
Talking about art is to use light colors to create a chill sensation, to change from a
sensation of stressed out dark to a calmer sensation
In a song, the sang part written
Main character
In theatre, the most important character
Is the best artwork that the artist has done
Coordinated group of instruments guided by a conductor
The representation of an stage play or to play an instrument.
The verb referred to perform an stage play or to perform an instrument
An stage play is divided in acts and an act is divided into this ones.
A type of art that hitting a block of rock, commonly of marble, with a chisel creates
A draw of someone or yourself
A short comic representation
Where a stage play is performed
Still life
A type of painting where only is drawn food
A synonym for song
A person that performs stage plays
A person that creates music with instruments and a partiture
The person that directs a stage play
The person that plays the drums
The person that plays the guitar
In painting. Is the nature drew and in some paintings is used as background.
A venue where paintings are exposed and, sometimes, sold
To move someone
When a work of art "makes you react
Well begun is half done.
When you begin a project to task properly, it will be easier to sucessfully complete
the rest.
A person that makes music
The person that his job is to paint
A person that performs a stage play
The person that plays the piano
The person that creates works of art sculpting the rock
A person that writtes its own songs and sing
A synonym of singer
Synonym of impressed
Something that you aren't interest in makes you feel B___d
When you don't know what it's happening you feel C______d
When you feel very sad and you don't want to do anything(there is a psychological
issue related with this feeling)
When you go to any event with high expectations and they aren't accomplished
When you see something squeamish you feel D_______d
When you do something that you aren't proud of
When you are nervous to see or do something. Also when you are doing a activity
that you like.
Impressed, amazed are synonyms of F_______d
Rude slang One who falsely claims to have knowledge about a topic.
For example: When a poet start to connect ideas and to write them, they are only
good ideas of a theme. in this case we say that he is i______d
Con man
Someone who makes a living by swindling people
Hype artist
Someone who produces aggressive promotional material for a living
Scared of something

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