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In the domains of HRM and hierarchical behavior, worker job satisfaction is a crucial
area of focus. It includes things like productivity, financial success both physically
and mentally, non-appearance, and overall enjoyment in life, which is quite different
from inspiration. job satisfaction examines an employee's deep state and reflects their
commitment to their job and association. It also addresses their mindset and attitude
towards their work and association. Its personal character, dependence on outcome
satisfaction, link to related viewpoints, and function as a compelling element for work
are four major components.

The degree of self-motivation, job satisfaction, and overall job satisfaction that a
representative experiences are indicators of their level of work fulfillment. When a
representative observes stable employment, opportunities for career advancement, and
a harmonious work-life balance, it manifests. Inferring that job satisfaction is

Job satisfaction yields a range of positive outcomes:

Enhanced Employee Efficiency: Satisfied employees tend to perform more

efficiently, positively impacting overall workplace productivity.

Increased Employee Loyalty and Commitment: Job satisfaction fosters higher

levels of loyalty and commitment among employees, resulting in a more dedicated

Elevated Company Profits: Employee job satisfaction is linked to higher company

profits, as contented employees often contribute to improved organizational

Improved Employee Retention: Job satisfaction plays a key role in retaining

employees, reducing turnover rates, and ensuring the stability of the workforce.
Job Satisfaction Factors
Unpredictably linked to a representative's mental health is work satisfaction.
Representatives who are happy and fulfilled are intrinsically motivated to achieve, but
unsatisfied employees show sluggishness and blunders and may become accountable
to the company. Work fulfillment is influenced by a number of factors and elements,
such as:

• Compensation and Benefits: Fulfilment is improved by serious and fair pay


• Career development: Significant opportunities for growth and progress towards job

• Maintain a healthy balance between enjoyable and important activities: A successful

balance between work and personal life is essential.

• Praise and Rewards: Praise and rewards for successes encourage job fulfillment.

• Employer stability: A strong feeling of security in one's job improves overall


• Testing and Important Work: Identifying tasks that are in accordance with a
representative's skills
Several theories indeed contribute to the assessment and measurement of employee
job satisfaction in the workplace. Here are two standouts:

Abraham Maslow's "Order of Necessities" theory contends that human beings have a
hierarchy of needs, ranging from basic physiological needs to more weighty ones like
self-esteem and self-realization. The degree to which a work meets these various
requirements may be used to evaluate how fulfilling a job is.

Herzberg's hypothesis about cleanliness The Two-Variable Hypothesis of Frederick

Herzberg distinguishes between inspirations and cleanliness factors, which are
external variables like as organisational structures, pay, and working conditions. It is
easier to assess the impact of these factors on employee satisfaction when you are
aware of them.


• The review's goal is to examine employee job satisfaction, a crucial factor in well-
informed hierarchical direction.

• By accepting this assessment, a thorough perspective of employee job satisfaction

and its influencing factors is sought.

• The review also aims to analyze the effects of employment fulfillment on several
reliable outcomes.

• Measuring the level of representative satisfaction with their current

occupations is the objective.
• To examine the many components that contribute to exemplary job
•The evaluation intends to delve into pertinent perceptions of position
•The study seeks to determine the impact of job satisfaction on employees at
Legacy Food Varieties Restricted's overall professional development.


• The scope of the evaluation is limited to HERITAGE Food types. Restricted. • The
review's level is distinctive, including an examination of representative requirements,
confidence, and the foundation of a cordial air, which adds to an improved work
understanding. • However, the review's attention stays on perceptual viewpoints and
doesn't dive into reasonable real factors. The review's degree takes into account a
variety of factors, including working circumstances, compensation, benefits, how
partners and superiors treat you, your reliability, your goal-setting skills, and your
opportunities for promotion.

The chosen methodology for this study is designed to facilitate effective data
collection. The survey method has been employed to gather information, specifically
from employees. This approach allows for systematic data accumulation and analysis,
enabling comprehensive insights into the research objectives.


Research Design refers to the blueprint outlining the methods and procedures
employed to obtain necessary information.


Primary data refers to firsthand information acquired by the investigator through
methods such as direct observation, face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews,
and mailing questionnaires. It constitutes original information gathered for a
specific research objective. In the context of the current study, primary data was
collected by personally contacting respondents. This approach ensures that the data
obtained is directly relevant to the research goals and is not influenced by
Secondary data comprises information that has already been collected for a
different purpose and exists elsewhere. In this study, secondary data was obtained
from published sources, often originating from companies' records. Population
refers to the total collection of both living and non-living entities that are the
subject of investigation in a statistical study. It encompasses the entire group being
studied, providing a comprehensive scope for analysis and understanding.
To determine the sample population for the study, a "Purposive-Cum convenient
sampling" approach was employed. This method involves a deliberate selection of
participants based on specific criteria while also considering practical convenience.
The sample size comprises 100 employees currently employed at HERITAGE

The research was conducted over 45 days.


 Questionnaire
 Percentage method
• It's possible that not all of the review's concepts will apply to the entire association.

• Some of the review's questions are related to individual and hierarchical data, which
can encourage employees to hold back their responses.

• Employees were reluctant to answer to questions because they were concerned that
the board may misinterpret their comments and have negative consequences.

• The knowledge of the subject, which was seen as being extremely private, prevented
a full inquiry in certain areas.

• A thorough examination of subjective indicators, such as worker satisfaction,

necessitates a deeper comprehension of the baffling factors affecting representative
pleasure. This takes more time than was available throughout the scope of the

Concurring to. RAJA and V. VIJAY ANAND (2017), it is declared that work
fulfillment has an immediate connection with an expansion in hierarchical
responsibility, eventually prompting elevated efficiency. The paper's essential goals
envelop a few features: assessing position fulfillment, distinguishing its viability, and
knowing the different elements - both individual and hierarchical - that add to
representative work fulfillment. The review tries to extensively evaluate the effect of
occupation fulfillment on authoritative responsibility and dive into the complex
impacts that shape representative fulfillment inside the working environment.

Agreeing toMrs. Shweta Rajput, Mr. Mayank Singhal, and Mr. Shivkant Tiwari
(2014), it is underlined that work fulfillment and representative faithfulness present
huge difficulties for directors in contemporary workers the executives. The review's
point of convergence was to analyze the impact of occupation fulfillment on worker
steadfastness, explicitly inside the setting of academicians. The exploration planned to
reveal the perplexing connection between work fulfillment and the responsibility of
representatives. Moreover, the review investigated the assorted variables that add to
both work fulfillment and representative dedication in the scholarly area.

Concurring with toSamto Hadi Isnanto (2021), the review is equipped to clarify the
meaning of occupation fulfillment and investigate strategies for its improvement. The
examination procedure includes a far-reaching writing survey, where important
investigations concerning position fulfillment are fastidiously inspected and integrated
to shape a compact end. The review draws upon tests from distributed diaries
spreading over the previous ten years (2011 - 2021), basically obtained through
Google Researcher, with a particular spotlight on the focal variable of occupation
fulfillment. The review's discoveries, obtained from the blend of different diary
surveys, feature that work fulfillment assumes an urgent part in building up
representative commitment and hierarchical responsibility. Moreover, it adds to
reducing representative turnover rates and raising worker efficiency inside
In a review byFirmanAlamsyah Ario Buntaran, Dicky Andika, and Vita Yuli Alfiyana
(2019), it is featured that worker execution is fundamentally impacted by the degree
of occupation fulfillment experienced in the working environment. The review
highlights the imperative job of satisfying worker privileges in forming authoritative
execution. The examination intends to measure the degree to which work fulfillment
influences representative execution. The discoveries uncover an outstanding and
compelling commitment originating from the impact of worker fulfillment on
improving representative execution.

In the review directed by Shiha A. K. (2016), it is inferred that work fulfillment is an

emotional feeling of satisfaction that representatives experience when their
occupation satisfies their expected necessities and assumptions. Fundamentally, work
fulfillment includes the multifaceted scope of profound reactions an individual has
towards their work, epitomizing their general feelings and responses towards their

As indicated by the examination by Evita Bellani, Sri Rezky Ramadhani, and

Muhammad Tamar (2018), representative commitment arises as a vital variable
impacting both worker efficiency and hierarchical execution. The review's discoveries
show that hoisting position fulfillment holds the possibility to emphatically influence
representative commitment, in this manner upgrading generally speaking hierarchical

The exploration directed by Ivaneevich and Donnelly (2012) examined the association
between authoritative design and occupation fulfillment. The review focused on an
example of 295 exchange sales reps inside a level hierarchical construction. The
discoveries uncovered that these workers showed more elevated levels of fulfillment
concerning independence and self-realization. Moreover, they encountered
diminished degrees of tension and stress, prompting upgraded proficiency in contrast
with their partners working inside medium and tall hierarchical designs.

The review directed by Nemanja Lekić and Jelena Vapa-Tankosić (2019) zeroed in on
breaking down work fulfillment inside the public area in the Belgrade locale,
analyzing two particular periods (2017 and 2010). The examination is expected to
evaluate whether different elements, including pay, cooperation with associates,
advancement possibilities, compensation strategy, communications with bosses, and
occupation nature, are straightforwardly and emphatically connected to general work
fulfillment. The elements of the Gig Enlightening File - work, pay, advancements,
management, and collaborators - were considered for assessment. Work fulfillment
was measured utilizing an adjusted work fulfillment survey, and the inspected aspects
enveloped compensation, colleague cooperation, the potential for headway, and
associations and compatibility with bosses.

In a review directed by ElbeviPelit, Yuksel Ozturk, and Yalcin Arslanturk (2011), the
essential objective was to survey the impact of representative strengthening on work
fulfillment. The exploration enveloped 1,854 members utilized at five-star lodgings in
Turkey. The discoveries uncovered that positive angles adding to work fulfillment
included associations with partners and actual working circumstances, while the
negative perspective was fundamentally connected with compensation, demonstrating
issues of out-of-line installment. Remarkably, this study stood apart by considering
both conduct and mental strengthening as parts of strengthening, offering a more
thorough viewpoint contrasted with past examinations that frequently centered around
just a single perspective.

Avsit Tansel and SaziyeGazioglu directed a review (2014) to investigate the

relationship between occupation fulfillment and administrative mentalities towards
workers, as well as firm size. They utilized information from a connected manager
representative review led in England. The examination zeroed in on four somewhat
underutilized proportions of occupation fulfillment: fulfillment with work impact,
fulfillment with pay level, fulfillment with a feeling of achievement, and fulfillment
with boss regard. The review's key discoveries showed that in bigger firms, the nature
of the executive's representative connections would in general be less agreeable as
contrasted with more modest firms. Subsequently, work fulfillment levels were lower
in bigger firms. The review recommended that the less positive administration
representative elements in bigger firms may be a huge component adding to the
noticed lower work fulfillment. The review presumed that upgrading the executive's
worker connections in bigger firms could prompt enhancements in different parts of
representative fulfillment, while additionally supporting efficiency and diminishing
Lilian M. de Menezes led a review (2012) to investigate the association between
quality administration, representative strengthening, and occupation fulfillment.
Regardless of the common idea of expanded work requests and increased work, the
exploration scene introduced a blended and restricted point of view on the connection
between representative work fulfillment and quality administration rehearses. This
study meant to dig into this relationship in a more extensive financial setting while at
the same time considering the effect of human assets, the executives rehearse that
emphasis on direct worker contribution. The review used information from the Work
Environment Business Relations Study of 2004, which enveloped English working
environments and included experiences into explicit quality and human assets the
board rehearses, representative work fulfillment, and other related results. By utilizing
idle variable examination, the review distinguished the manners in which businesses
moved toward quality administration, work advancement, and high contribution of the

In (2020) Anton Saman conducted a review to research the effect of remuneration on

work fulfillment and representative execution inside a Mining Organization. The
information assortment process included meetings, perceptions, and a survey of
important writing. The review enveloped 51 representatives, and an information
investigation was performed utilizing the Halfway Least Square (PLS) strategy. The
review's discoveries showed that remuneration essentially affected work fulfillment
and furthermore noteworthily affected representative execution.

In (2021) Eiman Tamah Al-Shammari led a review to survey work fulfillment levels
among IT laborers in Kuwait and recognize both unmistakable and theoretical
variables impacting their work fulfillment. The exploration is meant to feature
positive fulfillment patrons in Kuwait's IT occupations through a six-factor
underlying model enveloping pay, work environment, elusive advantages, backing,
correspondence, and in general fulfillment. A designated snowball graphic review was
disseminated through WhatsApp messages to Data Innovation laborers, bringing
about 209 substantial reactions. Factual examination utilizing SPSS programming
uncovered that IT representatives revealed a normal degree of fulfillment.
Furthermore, certain business-related factors showed a huge relationship with work
fulfillment, with work positions being strikingly connected to fulfillment. The review
showed that people in administrative roles announced higher fulfillment levels
contrasted with those in non-driving jobs.

The Indian food sector is on the thin edge of considerable expansion, steadily increasing its
contribution to the global food trade with time. As can be seen from its significant potential
for improving esteem, particularly within the realm of the food processing business, the food
sector has emerged as one of crucial growth and benefit in India.
The Public Authority of India, which accounts for over 32% of the nation's overall food
market, has significantly contributed to the development and expansion of the food handling
sector. The Service of Food Handling Businesses (MOFPI) is successfully promoting
initiatives to grow businesses in this area. In order to demonstrate its responsibility to assist
industrial growth, the public authority has granted support for initiatives including joint
ventures, new organisations, updated licences, and the establishment of 100% commodity-
based units.
Market Size: 70% of all completed trades are driven by retail exchange, and the Indian food
and staples market has grown to become the sixth largest in the world. An enormous order
covering 32% of the country's completed food market is placed by the Indian food handling
sector. With regard to creation, utilisation, sends out, and predicted expansion, this makes it
perhaps India's largest industry, ranking as the fifth driving sector. It is unquestionably
essential that the food processing sector contributes significantly—roughly 8.80 percent of
Net Worth Added (GVA) in Assembling and 8.39 percent of GVA in Horticulture—to these
sectors' respective GVAs. In addition, this sector accounts for 17% of India's total exports
and accounts for 6% of the total contemporary business. Unexpectedly, the market for fine
Indian food has been valued at US$1.3 billion, representing a notable CAGR of 20%. This
major development emphasises the company's important contribution to the economy and its
real potential for growth.
Additionally, a large expansion in its degree is expected to be reflected in a significant
growth in the natural food industry in India by 2021.
India's online food ordering market is still in its early stages, but it is expanding significantly
and quickly. Particularly important is the progress made by online meal delivery platforms
like FoodPanda, Zomato, TinyOwl, and Swiggy, who have successfully assisted growth via
crucial coordinated efforts. These organisations emphasise the coordinated food industry's
enormous potential and optimistic future. The Gross Product Worth (GMV) for this region is
predicted to reach US$ 300 million in 2021, reflecting an outstanding 190% growth rate year
over year. These numbers show how the region is growing and has a strong grasp on the

Speculations: According to data provided by the Branch of Modern Strategies and

Advancement (DIPP), there has been a significant influx of Unfamiliar Direct Investment
(FDI) in the Indian food handling sector, totaling an impressive US$ 7.54 billion between
April 2000 and Walk 2021. The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) projects that growth
will take a far more substantial turn in the next ten years, with initiatives totaling up to US$
33 billion potentially coming together. This deluge of guesses might potentially result in huge
job openings, estimated at 9,000,000 man-days. With such impending advancements, the
region is clearly playing a vital role in promoting economic growth and expanding
commercial opportunities across the nation.
A few significant developments in this field have recently occurred:

• With a massive investment of US$ 519 million over the next five years, online goliath
Amazon plans to join the Indian food retail market. This move offers the promise of altering
the industry and increasing its intensity.
Frooty Bubble, an addition to Parle-G Agro Pvt Ltd's Mango Frooty line, would be
distributed throughout 1.2 million retail outlets from one end of the nation to the other. The
organisation plans to constantly increase its annual profit in 2021 from Rs 2800 crore (US$
0.42 billion) to Rs 5000 crore (US$ 0.75 billion). This crucial addition underscores Parle-G
Agro's aim for growth and its responsibility to capture a larger share of the market.
• Cargill Inc., a US-based food company, aims to double its marked customer business in
India by 2021. In order to establish a dominant position in the sunflower oil classification and
place itself among the top three brands in India, the agreement included expanding retail
reach to around 800,000 outlets and acquiring supporting pieces of the pie.
• MadeOver Doughnuts (MoD) has developed a system for expansion in India and intends to
build nine more MOD outlets by the year 2021.
Danone SA is primarily focused on bolstering its food business in India, which is the South
Asian market that is growing the fastest. The organisation intends to launch 10 new products
in 2021 with the goal of tripling its revenue in India by that same year.
• Uber Advances Inc. plans to introduce its meal delivery service, UBER-EATS, to India with
projects spread out throughout several metropolitan areas and locations.
Government Initiatives: The Public authority of India has embraced a number of significant
initiatives to enhance and support the food handling sector in the country, including: •
Working to advance the food handling industry through changes, such as allowing 100%
Unfamiliar Direct Speculation (FDI) in food item marketing. This is coupled with a variety of
motivations at both the national and state levels, as well as significant areas of strength for a
self-reinforcing inventory network framework. • In the Association's Financial Plan for 2021–
20, the Public Authority set aside a dairy handling foundation reserve worth Rs. 8,000 crore
(US$ 1.2 billion).

• Facilitating new direct venture (FDI) criteria for the region and enabling up to 100% FDI in
food item internet businesses via the planned course.
• With plans to invest around Rs. 482 crore (US$ 72.3 million), the Sanitation and Principles
Authority of India (FSSAI) is focusing on enhancing the food testing system in India. In this
project, 59 current food testing research facilities will be updated, and 62 new multifunctional
testing laboratories will be established around the nation.
• To consolidate internationally accepted practises in the field of compost research, the Indian
Chamber for Manure and Supplement Exploration (ICFNR) has adopted a crucial effort. This
important endeavour offers the potential to improve food security for the greater population
by allowing ranchers access to high-quality composts at affordable prices. This project
demonstrates a persistent commitment to developing rural initiatives and preserving a reliable
food hub for the nation.
• The Service of Food Handling Ventures displayed a Human Asset Improvement (HRD)
map that was specifically focused on the food handling industry. The Public Mission on Food
Handling, which carries out this strategy via state legislatures, focuses on improving the skills
of the local human resource base.

The strategy consists of four distinct components, each designed to advance and improve the
food handling industry:
• Foundation of framework offices to assist degree and recognition programmes within the
food handling field.
• The implementation of Enterprise Development Projects (EDPs) to support the growth of
inventive skills and endeavours.
• The Foundation of Food Handling Preparing Focuses (FPTC), which provides specialised
training and instruction in food handling.
• The planning of openings at reputed organisations operating on both a state and federal
level, contributing to the general development and upgrading of aptitude in the sector.

Future plans for the food handling sector call for a strong mix of cleanliness and quality
assurance methods. The combination of methods like Total Quality Management (TQM),
ISO 9000, ISO 2000, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), Good
Manufacturing Practises (GMP), and Great Cleaning Practises (GHP), has a lot of
advantages. The company stands to gain a sizable amount of benefits by implementing these
It immediately ensures strict adherence to standards of quality and hygiene, safeguarding
consumer prosperity. Additionally, this strategy puts the company in a position to explore
global competition fairly successfully since it equips it to compete on a global basis.
Additionally, these measures support the acceptance of goods by new buyers, promoting
increased demand and market entry. Finally, adopting these practises enables the company to
be on the cutting edge of globally regulated processes by keeping it in line with cutting edge
international standards and new advancements. In an unquestionably integrated and
competitive global commercial centre, this extensive system emphasises the company's
responsibility to both consumer government help and encouraged growth.
Organisations in India that handle food:
The Legacy Gathering is a prominent player in India's secretive sector and was founded in
1992 by Mr. Nara Chandra Babu Naidu. Under Legacy Food Sources Ltd., the group operates
via five divisions: Dairy, Retail, Agri, Pastry kitchen, and Environmentally friendly
electricity. The group's annual revenue has topped Rs 2026.99 crore.
Originating in 1935, Kissan was initially introduced to
cater to British settlers in India. In 1950, under the
leadership of the Late Mr. Vittal Malya, the UB Group
acquired Kissan from Mitchell Bros. Later in 1993,
Hindustan Unilever Ltd assumed control from the UB
Group. Throughout its history, Kissan has embraced
innovation as a core approach, driving its evolution
sinceits inception.

With a workforce of approximately 900 employees

spanning India and international locations, LT
Foods holds a significant presence. The company's
notable brand 'Dawaat,' introduced in the 1980s,
has risen to prominence as a leader within the
industry. Bolstered by a robust nationwide
distribution network, LT Foods excels in the
domestic market, offering a range of products
including branded rice, wheat, and pulses. This
remarkable journey underscores the company's
impact and reach within the food sector.

Raindrops Basmati Rice is proudly brought to you

by REI Agro Ltd, renowned as the world's largest
basmati processing company. Originating in 1994,
REI Agro Ltd embarked on a mission to unify the
fragmented basmati rice sector. Over time, REI has
emerged as a premier player in India's food
industry and is listed on the Bombay Stock
Exchange (BSE), National Stock Exchange (NSE),
as well as the London Stock Exchange (LSE). This
impressive journey signifies REI's transformative
impact within the realm of basmati rice and beyond.

Modern Dairies stands as a prestigious entity with

an array of certifications including ISO: 9001, ISO
2000, ISO 17001 (environment management), and
HACCP (food safety). Renowned for its
commitment to quality, the company operates in
the heart of the milk-rich region in Karnal,
strategically positioned on National Highway No.
1, a mere 166 Km from North Delhi. Modern
Dairies is a leading manufacturer of an extensive
range of milk and milk products, symbolizing
excellence and strategic location.

Nestlé made its foray into India by establishing its

inaugural factory in Moga, Punjab, in 1867. Since
then, its presence has expanded to include four
offices and approximately eight manufacturing facilities across the country. Nestlé's
journey in India spans over nine decades, marked by a unique bond of trust and
dedication with the Indian populace. The company's endeavors in India.

Founded in 1989, Kohinoor has established its

footprint across more than 60 countries. Renowned
for its premium basmati rice brand, the company
also boasts an extensive range of food offerings,
encompassing wheat flour, ready-to-eat curries and
meals, simmer sauces, cooking pastes, spices,
seasonings, and frozen foods. Presently, Kohinoor's
clientele extends to the USA, Canada, and beyond,
showcasing its global presence and diverse product

HatsunAgro Product Ltd., founded in 1970, stands

as India's largest private-sector dairy. Renowned for
its pioneering efforts in advancing dairy products,
the company operates a vast network, encompassing
chilling centers across 68 locations, a fleet of over
1,348 contract vehicles, and extensive milk sheds
spanning 10 districts in Tamil Nadu and three
districts in Karnataka. With an impressive outreach,
Hatsun plays a pivotal role in the dairy industry,
contributing to the nation's milk production and

Parle Agro, established in 1929 as the Baroda

Bottling Company, has grown into the largest
Indian food and beverage enterprise. The original
Parle Company, owned by the Chauhan family,
gained fame for its iconic offerings like Frooti and
Parle-G. Over the years, Parle Agro has expanded
its presence and influence, currently boasting a
substantial revenue of Rs 2,200 Crore. This
company's evolution and diverse product range
underline its significant contribution to India's food
and beverage sector.
Originating in 1924 with the inception of the MTR restaurant, MTR Foods has
evolved into a revered Indian heritage brand. As a household staple, MTR Foods has
solidified its market dominance in the southern region of the country and is now
poised to establish a robust pan-India presence. Its expansion efforts encompass the
northern, western, and eastern regions, reflecting its commitment to becoming a
prominent player across the entire nation.

McCain Foods INDIA, a fully owned subsidiary of

McCain Foods Limited in Canada, has been
actively involved in agriculture research and
development (R&D) since 1957. It has played a
pivotal role in advancing the frozen food market in
India and neighboring countries. The company's
range of products finds extensive use in prominent
fast-food chains, hotels, and restaurants,
contributing to their culinary offerings.

Ruchi Soya Industries ranks among India's top five

FMCG companies, boasting a remarkable turnover
exceeding Rs 26,000 crore. It has earned a spot
among the 50 swiftest-growing FMCG companies
globally and stands as a leading cooking oil
manufacturer and palm plantation entity in India. In
its journey, the company has diversified into
producing soya foods, bakery fats, and vanaspati
products, further solidifying its presence in the market.

Amul, an Indian dairy cooperative headquartered

in Anand, Gujarat, was established in 1946.
Currently, it is overseen by the Gujarat Co-
operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd
(GCMMF), a collaboration owned by
approximately 3 million milk producers in the
state. The formation of Amul as a cooperative was
a direct response to the exploitation faced by small-scale milk producers.

KRBL Ltd, boasting a remarkable 150-year legacy

since its inception in 1889, holds the distinction of
being India's inaugural integrated rice company
with a comprehensive product chain. As of today,
KRBL has secured the leading position in the
Indian rice industry, standing unmatched and
unparalleled in every facet. The company's strong
and strategically positioned brand enjoys a wide-
ranging presence in both domestic and
international markets.
Exports of processed food and related products:

India's exports of processed food and related products, encompassing animal products,
exhibited significant growth during the period FY11–19, achieving a commendable
Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 11.74 percent, ultimately amounting to US$
19.2 billion. Notably, key export markets for food products have predominantly been the
Middle East and Southeast Asia. In the fiscal year FY20*, India's exports in this category
totaled US$ 1.3 billion.
Food processing and its segments
The food processing industry holds a prominent position within India, standing as one of the
largest sectors and securing the fifth spot in terms of production, consumption, and exports.
Recent data indicates that the food processing sector is projected to reach an impressive US$
258 billion in FY19. Throughout FY19* (up to December 2020), the food processing industry
significantly contributed to India's GDP, accounting for approximately 18 percent through


Laid out in 1992 by Sri Nara Chandra Babu Naidu, The Legacy Gathering is a quickly
extending Private Area Undertaking in India, enveloping five unmistakable business
divisions: Dairy, Retail, Agri, Pastry shop, and Sustainable power. These divisions work
under the lead organization, Legacy Food Varieties Restricted (previously Legacy Food
Sources (India) Restricted). Prominently, Legacy Food varieties accomplished a yearly
turnover surpassing Rs. 1726.99 crores during the monetary year 2015-14.

At present, Legacy Food varieties' scope of milk items partakes in areas of strength for a
presence in a few states including Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil
Nadu, Maharashtra, Odisha, and Delhi. The organization's retail locations are decisively
situated in Bangalore, Chennai, and Hyderabad. Their coordinated Agri tasks are situated in
Chittoor and Medak Locale, shaping an urgent starting point for the retail area. Moreover, the
cutting-edge Bread kitchen division is arranged in Uppal, Hyderabad, Telangana.

In 1994, Legacy Food Varieties Restricted (HFIL) directed an effective Public Issue to raise
reserves, which got a staggering oversubscription of multiple times. The organization's
portions are right now recorded under the B1 Class on both the Bombay Stock Trade (Stock
Code: 519552) and the Public Stock Trade (Stock Code: HERITGFOOD).
About the pioneer:

Sri Nara Chandra Babu Naidu is a prestigious and visionary head of the 21st 100 years,
described by his dynamism, logic, progress, and visionary viewpoint. His yearning to elevate
rustic families through agreeable undertakings drove him, alongside his partners, to lay out
Legacy Food varieties in 1992. Jumping all over the chance introduced by the Public
Authority of India's Modern Approach of 1991, he effectively understood his central goal of
advancing success in-country networks.

Right now, Legacy Food Varieties has laid out its market presence across every one of the
provinces of South India. This broad reach stretches out its advantages to more than 3,000
towns and advantages around five lakh ranchers inside these states. At the same time, Legacy
actually serves the requirements of north of 6 lakh clients while utilizing more than 700
people straightforwardly. Furthermore, the organization by implication sets out work open
doors for in excess of 5,000 individuals. Strikingly, Legacy's process started with an
unassuming yearly turnover of Rs. 4.38 crores in 1993-94, and its deals turnover has
stunningly developed to almost Rs. 300 crores by the monetary year 2005-2006.

Sri Naidu has held a scope of regarded and recognized positions throughout his vocation,
including the job of Boss Priest of Andhra Pradesh. He has additionally filled in as a
Clergyman for Money and Income, a Priest for Chronicles and Cinematography, and an
Individual from the A.P. Authoritative Gathering. His diverse commitments have traversed
different areas and highlight his obligation to public help and administration.

Sri Naidu's unprecedented achievements have gathered him plenty of regarded honors,
including titles, for example, "Individual from the World Monetary Discussion's Fantasy
Bureau" (Time Asia), These esteemed honors feature his significant commitments and
worldwide acknowledgment, highlighting his effect on both the public and global stage.

In the year 2000, Sri Naidu was noticeably highlighted in Work Week magazine's rundown of
50 pioneers leading change. He was perceived as a relentless promoter of innovation and for
his devoted endeavors to upset the territory of Andhra Pradesh. This affirmation highlights
his powerful job in driving extraordinary drives and embracing mechanical headways.

Forward-looking articulations:

Our central goal is to encourage flourishing inside provincial Indian families through helpful
drives while furnishing clients with clean, reasonable, and advantageous admittance to "New
and Solid" food items.


Our vision is to turn into a dynamic billion-dollar association with a cross-country presence
by 2020. We mean to accomplish this by reliably charming clients with our "New and Sound"
food items, setting a benchmark for industry-driving quality.

Our immovable responsibility lies in cultivating expanded success and strengthening the
cultivating local area through our unmistakable "Relationship Cultivating" Model.

We intend to turn into the favored manager by encouraging business, supporting professional
desires, and offering imaginative pathways to upgrade representative thriving.

Legacy Motto:

At the point when you are sound, you are solid

"Your joy gives us pleasure."

We live for your "Well-being and Satisfaction"


Quality arrangement of HFIL:

"We are dedicated to accomplishing consumer loyalty through the arrangement of cleanly
handled and bundled Endlessly milk Items. Our attention stays on the continuous
improvement of item and administration quality by embracing trend-setting innovations and
"At the core of Legacy's pith dwells an inherent, unexpressed commitment to reliably
fabricate and give quality items, supplemented by persistent endeavors to refine processes
and develop a positive climate."
Directed by its moral devotion and continuous quest for quality greatness in Milk, Milk
items, and Frameworks, Legacy puts critical significance on surveying and refining quality
benchmarks, in addition to their compelling execution. Each aspect of its activities, from
Handling and Quality Control to Buy, Stores, Promoting, and Preparing, is carefully
recorded, incorporating complete quality designs for every division.
In the present, Legacy sees the ISO certificate not just as an image of achieved objectives, but
rather likewise as a measure to perceive and recognize continuous goals. While this denotes a
beginning, Legacy has done whatever it takes to lay out and carry out practically identical
quality frameworks across a significant number of its different offices, certifying its
obligation to reliable quality principles and ceaseless improvement.

Milk Makers:
• Changing rustic families' ways of life by:
• Guaranteeing consistent pay through helpful endeavors.
• Advancing ladies' association in pay age.
• Safeguarding against cost abuse by disorderly areas.
• Offering productive milk costs.
• Supporting milk efficiency through information and augmentation exercises.
• Moving from dangerous horticulture to dairy cultivating.
• Giving monetary guide to steers buy; protecting dairy cattle.
• Laying out Steers Medical services Habitats.
• Providing first class Cows feed.
• Arranging "RythuSadasu" and Video projects to teach ranchers about dairy

• Brief Conveyance of Value and Nutritious Items
• Giving excellent endless milk items at sensible rates
• Accentuation on Dietary benefit
• More than 400,000 fulfilled clients
• Raised client satisfaction
• all day, every-day helplines (<10 day-to-day protests)

• Ceaseless Preparation and Ability Advancement for Representatives
• Powerful Execution Examination to Lift Inspiration
• Impetuses, Rewards, and Awards to Encourage Representative Commitment
• Legacy's Directing Maxim: "Increase the value of All that You Do"

• Consistent Profit Installments Since Initial public offering (January 1995)

• Main concern to Financial backer Assistance; No Notification from Administrative
Specialists beginning around 2001 With respect to Financial backer Help
• Straightforward Revelations

Joint efforts:
• Doehlar: Specialized joint effort in milk drinks, yogurt beverages, and organic
product seasoned drinks.
• Accentuation on Tetra Pak organization for item bundling.
• Alfa-Laval: Gives very good quality hardware and specialized help.

Potential Work Age:
• More than 3500 representatives are important for Legacy.
• In excess of 9500 obtainment specialists have acquired independent work in country
• In excess of 5000 deals specialists are partnered with the organization.
• Work for the young through monetary and creature farming help for laying out
Smaller than usual DAIRIES.
• Creating exceptionally well-being cognizant items for society.
Characteristics of the board standards:
• Client center: Understanding and meeting changing client needs and assumptions.
• Individual Contribution: Advancing collaboration and outfitting individuals' true
• Initiative: Laying out the consistency of direction and cultivating a quality culture all
through the association.
• Process approach: Assessing the proficiency and adequacy of each cycle.
• Frameworks approach: Fathoming the grouping and connection of cycles.
• Genuine methodology: Guaranteeing exact direction.
• Consistent improvement: Upgrading business results through continuous cycles.
• Advancement of providers: Guaranteeing convenient and proper items and

Item/Market wise execution:

The complete turnover for the monetary year 2006-07 was Rs 341 Crores, contrasted with Rs
292.02 Crores in 2005-06. Legacy right now disseminates quality endlessly milk items in the
territories of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu. In the year 2006-07, fluid
milk deals added up to Rs. 28,329.79 lakhs, an increment from Rs. 24,525.23 lakhs in the
earlier year. Deals of milk items, including mass deals of cream, ghee, and margarine, arrived
at Rs. 5,781.59 lakhs, up from Rs. 4,677.21 lakhs.
Milk deals:
In 2006-07, Andhra Pradesh encountered a wonderful 23% development, arriving at 2.38
lakh liters each day (LLPD) contrasted with 1.93 LLPD in 2005-06. Tamil Nadu
accomplished a 13% development, coming to 1.53 LLPD in 2006-07 rather than 1.35 LLPD
in 2005-06. Generally, there was a 6% development, coming to 5.49 LLPD in 2006-07
contrasted with 5.16 LLPD. Seasoned milk deals saw an amazing development pace of 77%
north of 2005-06, while buttermilk deals expanded by 45% over a similar period.

Perceiving the significant development possibilities inside the fluid milk market, the
organization has formed techniques to expand its market presence in current areas and
venture into new business sectors, to twofold incomes from its dairy business throughout the
following three years. To accomplish this goal, the organization is setting out on huge
development endeavors in the dairy area, putting over Rs 20 crores in 2006-07 and an extra
Rs 10 crores in the ongoing year to improve milk acquisition abilities.
FOR Chiefs and SENIOR Administration
PREFACE: This Set of rules and Morals (alluded to as the "Code") has been embraced by the
Top managerial staff of Legacy Food sources (India) Restricted (alluded to as "the
Organization"). The Code applies to all Chiefs and individuals from the senior
administration, including faculty vital to the center supervisory group and practical tops of
the organization (alluded to as the 'Individuals'). The Code is compelling from December 23,
2005. This Code assists Individuals with keeping up with great guidelines of business direct,
encourages moral and moral lead, and advances a culture of genuineness and responsibility,
to set a guide to others in the organization.
The Code is definitely not a thorough approach and may not cover what is happening that
might emerge during the organization's tasks. Individuals are expected to maintain the
standards and pith of the Code in all communications and exchanges with the Organization.
Severe Consistence: All Individuals are committed to working inside the constraints of their
conceded power and are liable for making very educated, smart, and adjusted choices and
arrangements that serve the Organization's and investors'/partners' well-being.
To maintain the Organization's thorough principles, the accompanying standards/set of rules
should be complied with in all undertakings. To administer consistency with this code, the
Organization assigns the Organization Secretary as the consistency official. The consistency
official is open to Individuals for requests and help with sticking to the code.
Irreconcilable situation The expression "Irreconcilable situation" alludes to situations in
which monetary or individual contemplations might actually sabotage, or give the presence of
subverting, the objectivity of expert exercises. Such struggles emerge when the interests or
gains of one individual, element, or organization conflict with those of another individual,
substance, or organization.
All Individuals are supposed to avoid partaking in any business, affiliation, or undertaking
that might actually conflict with the Organization's advantages. Struggle circumstances can
arise in different settings. While it may not be achievable to address each possible situation, a
few run-of-the-mill occasions that could lead to irreconcilable circumstances, whether
genuine or potential, are framed underneath:
I. Individuals should swear off taking part in any movement or business that hampers their
responsibility or obligations to the Organization, or that contentions with or subverts the
Organization's advantages.
ii. As an overarching rule, Individuals ought to avoid participating in deals with family
members or with a firm/organization where a family member or related party stands firm on
an outstanding situation.
iii. In situations where participating in a connected party exchange is unavoidable,
Individuals are committed to uncovering their advantage in the exchange to the Board or the
President of the Organization straightforwardly. Exact records of such exchanges will be
maintained by legal commands.
Trustworthiness AND Respectability: Each Part is supposed to maintain genuineness,
uprightness, and reasonableness in the entirety of their undertakings, both for the
Organization and in their ability. Behaving sincerely, with a feeling of obligation,
watchfulness, expertise, and determination, they should engage their subordinates with free
judgment. Their activities ought to reliably line up with the Organization's well-being while
at the same time satisfying their trustee obligations.
The unrivaled nature of our items and the viability of our administrations, presented at a
cutthroat cost, act as the foundation of our business approach. Benefits ought to never
legitimized depending on unjustifiable or untrustworthy practices. All Individuals are
supposed to keep up with the greatest possible level of norms of respectability in the entirety
of their cooperation inside the domain of business connections.
Protected innovation Strategy
All Individuals bear a huge obligation to perceive and defend the scholarly properties,
proprietary innovations, and private data claimed by the Organization, its clients, or its
partners. This protection is fundamental for the Organization's proceeded with progress.
"Licensed innovation Freedoms" (IPR) envelop protected or possibly patentable creations,
brand names, copyrightable subjects, and proprietary advantages.
CORPORATE Open doors
Individuals should advance the Organization's legal advantages at whatever point such
Retail Sales

The Retail Sales report, released monthly, gauges consumer spending and is a crucial
component of the US GDP. Retail companies contribute data on their sales and inventories,
with 5,000 firms in the initial survey and 12,000 in the final one. The advanced estimates are
derived from a subset of the complete US CB retail and food services sample. This report
provides insights into economic trends and consumer behavior.
1. What age group do you belong to?

Table – 4.1 Employee age

20 – 29 42 42

30 – 39 45 45
40 – 49 8 8
50 & above 5 5
TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.1 Employee age




20 – 29 30 – 39 40 – 49 50 & above

From the above outline, 45% of the representatives matured between 30 - 39 years, 42% of
workers matured between 20 - 29 years, and 8% of the workers matured between 40 - 49
years where 5% of the workers matured 50 years or more are working in Legacy food sources
2. What is your gender?

Table – 4.2 Employee gender

Male 63 63
Female 37 37
Other 0 0
TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.2Employee gender



Male Female Other

From the above outline, it is clear that most of the labor force contains male applicants (63%)
while the remainder of the labor force contains female up-and-comers (37%).
3. What is your salary?

Table – 4.3Employee salary

15k – 20k 45 45
21k – 25k 30 30
26k – 30k 19 19
Above 30k 6 6
Total 100 100

Figure – 4.3Employee salary





15k – 20k 21k – 25k 26k – 30k Above 30k

From the above information, it is obvious that most of my example size (45%) have pay rates
shifting between 15 thousand to 20 thousand, while 30% of the example size gets
compensations differing between 21 thousand to 25 thousand, alongside 19% of test size gets
pay between 26 thousand to 30 thousand. Just 6% of the example size gets over 30 thousand.

It is seen that the organization likes to give more compensation to experienced up-and-
4. Are you convenient with your working hours?

Table - 4.4 Working hours

Extremely satisfied 35 35
Satisfied 20 20
Neutral 5 5
Dissatisfied 15 15
Extremely dissatisfied 25 25
TOTAL 100 100

FIGURE - 4.4Working hours




Interpretation: 5

From the above graph and table, it is obvious that 35% of the respondents are very happy
extremely satisfied Satisfied Neutral
with their ongoing working hours,20% are fulfilled 5% of respondents are impartial, 15% are
Dissatified Extremely dissatisfied
disappointed and 25% are incredibly unsatisfied with their ongoing working hours.
5. Are happy with your workplace?

Table – 4.5Employee workplace

Very happy 30 30
Somewhat happy 40 40
Neutral 18 18
Not happy 12 12
TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.5Employee workplace





Very happy Somewhat happy Neutral Not happy

From the above table, obviously, 40% of respondents are fairly cheerful while30% of
respondents are extremely content with their work environment just 18% of respondents are
neutralwhile12% are not content with their working environment
6. Do you feel you have too much work to do?

Table – 4.6Employee workload


Often 8 8
Some times 8 8
Not usually 36 36
Rarely 48 48
TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.6Employee workload





Often Some times Not usually Rarely

From the above table, certainly, the responsibility isn't high as 48% of the respondents
seldom have an excess of work another 36% accept that responsibility isn't typically more, 8
% concede they have a lot of work sometimes and 8% need to work excessively.
7. How are the safety measures provided by the company?

Table – 4.7Safety measures


Excellent 42 42
Good 38 38
Fair 15 15
Insufficient 5 5
TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.7Safety measures





Excellent Good Fair Insufficient

From the above table, it is clear that the security estimates given by the associations are
brilliant as 42% and 38% of respondents have a positive outline of the well-being measures
and just 15% and 5% accept that the security measures are fair and inadequate.
8. Is your relationship cordial with your supervisor?

Table – 4.8 Relationship with supervisor


Very much 55 55
somewhat 25 25
Not really 15 15
Not at all 5 5
TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.8Relationship with supervisor





very much somewhat Not really Not at all

From the above table, the connection between workers and their managers can be noticed,
55% of respondents have serious areas of strength a with their boss 25% of respondents have
a moderate relationship with their boss 15% and 5% of the respondents don't have a cordial
relationship with their manager.
9. Your supervisor is not partial in the company?

Table – 4.9 Supervisor is not partial


strongly agree 44 44

Agree 36 36

Disagree 12 12

Strongly disagree 8 8

TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.9Supervisor is not partial





Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree

From the above table, it is evident that the supervisors are not partial to the employees as
44% strongly agreed and 36% agreed to the question but 12% disagreed and 8% strongly
10.Does your supervisor consideryour idea while makinga decision?

Table – 4.10Employee Idea Consideration


Always 56 56
Often 34 34
Rarely 7 7
Never 3 3
TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.10Employee Idea Consideration



Always Often Rarely Never

From the above table, obviously, 56% and 34% of the respondents concur that managers
consider their worker's thoughts likewise just 7% differ and 3% of respondents accept that the
boss doesn't think about them.
11.Do you get proper support from your co-workers?

Table – 4.11 Support from co-workers


Always 24 24
Often 34 34
Sometimes 40 40
Rarely 2 2
TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.11Support from co-workers





Always Often Sometime Rarely

From the above table, obviously, their connection with associates is very great as almost 40%
of the respondents concur that they find support from their colleagues at times and 34% of
respondents get support frequently from their associates while 24% of respondents generally
get support from their associates in the interim just 2% accept that they don't get support from
their collaborators.
12.Do people have concern for one another and tend to help one

Table – 4.12 Employee concern for one another

strongly agree 46 46
Agree 40 40
Disagree 10 10
Strongly disagree 4 4
TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.12Employee concern for one another




Strongly agree Agree Disagree strongly disagree

From the above table, obviously, in this association, individuals have worried more than one
another as 46% unequivocally concurred 40% concurred just 10% differed and 4%
emphatically disagreed. With the above information, we can express that there is a positive
workplace at Legacy Food varieties Restricted.
13.Are refreshment facilities satisfactory for you?

Table – 4.13 Refreshment facilities


Very satisfactory 15 15

Satisfactory 20 20

Unsatisfactory 45 45

Very unsatisfactory 20 20

TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.13Refreshment facilities




Very satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Very unsatisfactory

From the above table, obviously, 45% of representatives are unsatisfied with the reward
offices presented by the organization 20% of respondents accepted that reward offices are
palatable 20% of respondents are exceptionally unsatisfied and just 15% of respondents are
extremely happy with the reward offices given by the organization.
14.Are the rooms provided by the company good?

Table – 4.14Restroom facilities

Very good 33 33
Good 47 47
Fair 16 16
Poor 4 4
TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.14Restroom facilities





Very good Good Fair Poor

From the above table, it is very clear that 47% of the respondents accept that bathrooms given
by the organization are great 33% accept that offices are excellent 16% of respondents accept
that the offices are fair and 4% of respondents accept that bathrooms are poor.
15.Parking space provided by the company for your vehicles is

Table – 4.15Parking space for vehicles


Very satisfactory 27 27

Satisfactory 43 43
Unsatisfactory 18 18
Very unsatisfactory 12 12
TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.15Parking space for vehicles





Very satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory very unsatisfactory

From the above table, obviously, 43% of respondents are happy with the stopping offices
given by the organization where 27% of respondents are exceptionally fulfilled 18% of
respondents are unsatisfied with the stopping offices and 12% of respondents are extremely
unsatisfied with the stopping offices given by the organization.
16.Appropriate salary is paid for the work you do.

Table – 4.16 Employee salary for their work


strongly agree 19 19
Agree 63 63
Disagree 12 12
Strongly disagree 6 6
TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.16Employee salary for their work



Strongly agree Agree Disagree strongly disagree

From the above table, it is apparent that the respondents are happy with their compensation as
63% concurred and 19% firmly concurred while Just 12% differ and 6% unequivocally
clashed. This shows that the compensation given by the organization to workers is proper.
17.Promotional activities are satisfactory in the organization?

Table – 4.17 Promotional activities


Very satisfactory 28 28

Satisfactory 42 42

Unsatisfactory 14 14

Very unsatisfactory 16 16

TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.17Promotional activities





Very satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Very unsatisfactory

From the above table, it is very evident that workers are happy with their opportunities for
advancement as 42% are fulfilled and 28% are extremely fulfilled. While just 14% were
unsatisfied and 16% were exceptionally unsatisfied.
18.Allowances provided by the organization are satisfactory?

Table – 4.18Employee allowances


Very satisfactory 10 10
Satisfactory 35 35
Unsatisfactory 40 40
Very Unsatisfactory 15 15
TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.18Employee allowances




Very satisfactroy Satisgactory Unsatifactory Very unsatisfactroy

From the above table obviously, 40% of the representatives are unsatisfied with the
recompenses and different advantages given by the association while35% of workers are
happy with remittances given by the organization and 15% of representatives accept that
stipends are extremely unacceptable where10% of the respondents accept that stipends given
by the organization are exceptionally agreeable.
19.Does your boss motivate you to achieve the organizational goals?

Table – 4.19 Employee motivation


Always 12 12

Often 34 34
Sometimes 36 36
Rarely 18 18
TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.19Employee motivation




Always Often Sometimes Rarely

From the above table, it is obvious that 34% of the workers are frequently spurred by the
chief and 36% of the representatives are at times propelled by their chief, while 12% of
workers feel that they are constantly roused by their supervisor where 18% of workers are
getting persuaded by their manager once in a blue moon.
20.Your supervisor motivates you to increase your efficiency at a time
when you’re not Productive.

Table – 4.20 Motivation to Increase Employee Efficiency


Always 18 18

Often 44 44

Sometimes 22 22

Rarely 16 16

TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.20Motivation to increase employee efficiency

16% 18%



Always Often Sometimes Rarely

From the above table, it is evident that an employee's boss motivates the employee when he is
unproductive and helps him to be productive as 44% often get motivation from the boss,
while 22% of employees sometimes get motivation from the boss and 18% believe that they
are always motivated by their boss. Only 16% of employees are rarely motivated by their
21.Do you agree that your job has an impact on the success of the

Table – 4.21 Employee job impact on the success of the company


Strongly agree 44 44

Agree 50 50
Disagree 6 6
Strongly disagree 0 0
TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.21Employee job impact on the success of the company




Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree


From the above diagram, obviously, 50%& 44% of respondents feel that they add to the
outcome of an organization, and 6% of respondents can't help contradicting the assertion.
22.Overall, are you satisfied with your job?

Table – 4.22Employee job satisfaction


Very satisfied 34 34
Satisfied 34 34
Unsatisfied 20 20
Very Unsatisfied 12 12
TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.22Employee job satisfaction





Very satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied

From the above table, it is clear that the General fulfillments of the respondents are great as
68% of the respondents are happy with their occupation Just 20% and 12% of respondents are
unsatisfied with their work.
23.Are you satisfied with your compensation?

Table – 4.23 Employee satisfaction towards compensation


yes 67 67
No 33 33
TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.23Employee job satisfaction



yes No

According to the review, it is clear that 67% of the representatives feel that they are happy
with the remuneration, while 33% of the workers feel that they are not happy with the pay
24.Do you believe that your efforts are acknowledged for the work you
put in?
Table – 4.24Acknowledgement of Employee Efforts
Yes 15 15
No 40 40
Sometimes 45 45
TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.24Acknowledgement of Employee Efforts




Yes No Sometimes

According to the study, it is apparent that 45% of the representatives feel that they are some
of the time perceived for their diligent effort while 40% feel that they are not recognized for
their diligent effort and 15% of the workers feel that they are perceived
25.Do you enjoy the company’s culture?

Table – 4.25Company culture


Yes 25 25
No 35 35
Sometimes 40 40
TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.25Company culture




Yes No Sometimes

According to the review, it is obvious that 25% of the workers will partake in the
organization's way of life, 35% of the representatives abhor the organization's way of life and
just 40% of the workers are some of the time happy with the organization's way of life.
26.Do you look forward to coming to work every day?

Table 4.26Interest of EmployeesTowards Work Every Day


Yes 55 55
No 25 25
Sometimes 20 20
TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.26Interest of employees towards work every day




Yes No Sometimes


From the above table 55% of respondents are anticipating coming to work
consistently, 25% are not showing any interest in coming to work consistently, while
20% are now and again ready to come.
27.Will you be working in the same organization in the next two years?

Table – 4.27Employee interest in working in the same organization


Sure 48 48
Not Sure 40 40
Depends 12 12
TOTAL 100 100

Figure – 4.27Employee interest in working in the same organization




Sure Not Sure Depends

According to the study, 48% of the representatives will take care of business in a similar
association in the following two years, and 40% of the workers are not prepared to work in a
similar association in the following two.



• 45% of the workers are matured between 30 - 39 years
• It's found that most of the labor force contains male up-and-comers (63%) and female
applicants (37%).
• 45% of representatives have pay rates fluctuating between 15 thousand to 20 thousand
• 35% of representatives find their functioning hours advantageous.
• Around 40% are decently happy with their work environment.
• 48% experience low responsibility trouble.
• 42% trust well-being proportions of Legacy Food sources Restricted.
• 55% see a friendly relationship with bosses.
• 44% consider managers unprejudiced.
• Bosses esteem representative suppositions in choices.
• Positive colleague connections upgrade generally speaking organization development.
• 45% find reward offices unsuitable.
• 47% are happy with bathroom offices.
• 43% are happy with stopping arrangements.
• 63% accept their compensation is suitable.
• 45% are happy with limited-time exercises, while 40% find stipends insufficient.
• 36% note incidental persuasive endeavors by managers.
• Half accept their jobs influence organization achievement.
• 68% are happy with their present place of employment.
• 67% are happy with remuneration.
• Representative difficult work frequently slips through the cracks.
• 40% have blended sentiments about organizational culture.
• 55% show eagerness to come to work, mirroring a positive climate.
• 48% express interest in remaining inside a similar organization, demonstrating low

• Adaptable Hours: Consider extending adaptable working hours because of 35%

• Work environment Improvement: Address working environment worries to
support the 40% moderate fulfillment.
• Responsibility The executives: Carry out systems for the responsibility of the
board for the 48% with low weights.
• Wellbeing Correspondence: Reinforce correspondence on security measures,
taking into account the 42% trust level.
• Administrative Relations: Cultivate positive administrative connections,
expanding on the 55% positive insight.
• Unbiased Management: Support fair-minded oversight in light of the 44%
• Worker Association: Support representative contribution to choices, given the
worth put on conclusions.
• Associate Bonds: Feed positive colleague relations, crucial for by and large
• Office Redesigns: Further develop office conveniences, tending to the 45%
• Bathroom Quality: Recognize the 47% fulfillment with bathrooms.
• Stopping Arrangements: Take care of stopping worries for the 43% wanting
• Straightforward Pay: Keep up with straightforward correspondence on pay, with
63% substance.
• Advancement and Remittances: Survey advancements and recompenses, taking
into account 40% and 45% opinions.
• Inspiration Consistency: Cultivate ordinary worker inspiration past the 36%
intermittent endeavors.
• Job Importance: Accentuate individual effect on organization achievement, noted
by half.
• Work Fulfillment: Support work happiness for the 68% communicating
• Pay Acknowledgment: Perceive the 67% fulfillment with remuneration.
• Valuing Endeavors: Upgrade acknowledgment endeavors to address
inconspicuous difficult work.
• Social Improvement: Work on organization culture given 40% blended
• Positive Climate: Keep a positive work air, reflected in the 55% readiness.
• Maintenance Concentration: Influence low turnover (48% readiness) for
maintenance techniques.
The discoveries and ideas provide us with a decent comprehension of what representatives
like and what needs improvement at Legacy Food varieties Restricted. Obviously,
representatives value positive associations with bosses and partners, and they realize their
work matters for the organization's prosperity. On the other side, there are regions like
offices, remittances, and responsibilities that could be better. Open correspondence about
pay, security, and company values is significant as well. By rousing representatives reliably,
recognizing their persistent effort, and making a cordial climate, Legacy Food varieties can
make its workers more joyful and bound to remain. This approach ought to prompt more
joyful representatives, better cooperation, and a more grounded organization generally.

1. "Human Resources Management" by David A. Decenzo and Stephen P. Robbins (2002),

Seventh edition, published by John Wiley & Sons.

2. "Research Methodology Methods & Techniques" by C.R. Kothari (1990), published by


3. "Organisational Behavior" by Stephen P. Robbins (October 2000), Ninth edition, published

by Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi.

4. "Personnel/ Human Resource Management" by P. Sunna Rao (2000), published by Kumar

Publishers Private Limited.

5. "Personnel Management and Industrial Relations" by P.C. Tripathi (1978), published by

Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.



1. What age group do you belong to?

a) 20 – 29
b) 30 – 39
c) 40 – 49
d) 50 & above

2. What is your gender?

a) Male
b) Female
c) Other

3. What is your salary?

a) 20k – 29k
b) 30k – 39k
c) 40k – 49k
d) 50k and above

4. Are you convenient with your working hours?

a) Extremely satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Dissatisfied
e) Extremely dissatisfied

5. Are happy with your workplace?

a) Very happy
b) Somewhat happy
c) Neutral
d) Not happy

6. Do you feel you have too much work to do?

a) Often
b) Sometimes
c) Not usually
d) Rarely

7. How are the safety measures provided by the company?

a) Excellent
b) Good
c) Fair
d) Insufficient
8. Is your relationship cordial with your supervisor?
a) Very Much So
b) Somewhat
c) Not Really
d) Not at All

9. Is Your supervisor not partial in the company?

a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly disagree

10. Does your supervisor consider your idea while makinga decision?
a) Always
b) Often
c) Rarely
d) Never

11. Do you get proper support from your co-workers?

a) Always
b) Often
c) Sometimes
d) Rarely

12. Do people have concern for one another and tend to help one another?
a) Strongly Agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly Disagree

13. Are refreshment facilities satisfactory for you?

a) Very Satisfactory
b) Satisfactory
c) Unsatisfactory
d) Very Unsatisfactory

14. Are the roomsprovided by the companygood?

a) Very Good
b) Good
c) Fair
d) Poor
15. Parking space provided by the company for your vehicles is satisfactory?
a) Very Satisfactory
b) Satisfactory
c) Unsatisfactory
d) Very Unsatisfactory

16. Appropriate salary is paid for the work you do.

a) Strongly Agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly Disagree

17. Promotional activities are satisfactory in the organization?

a) Very Satisfactory
b) Satisfactory
c) Unsatisfactory
d) Very Unsatisfactory

18. Allowances provided by the organization are satisfactory?

a) Very Satisfactory
b) Satisfactory
c) Unsatisfactory
d) Very Unsatisfactory

19. Does your boss motivate you to achieve the organizational goals?
a) Always
b) Often
c) Sometimes
d) Rarely

20. Your supervisor motivates you to increase your efficiency at a time when you’re
not productive.
a) Always
b) Often
c) Sometimes
d) Rarely

21. Do you agree that your job has an impact on the success of the company?
a) Strongly Agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly Disagree

22. Overall, are you satisfied with your job?

a) Very Satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Unsatisfied
d) Very Unsatisfied

23. Are you satisfied with your compensation?

a) Yes
b) No

24. Do you believe that your efforts are acknowledged for the work you put in?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Sometimes

25. Do you enjoy the company’s culture?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Sometimes

26. Do you look forward to coming to work every day?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Sometimes

27. Will you be working in the same organization in the next two years?
a) Sure
b) Not sure
c) Depends

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