Major Project1

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for degree of

Bachelors of Textile Technology

Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology


Submitted To: Submitted By:

Dr A Mukhopadhyay Mohnish (18110029)

Professor Praphull Sharma (18110039)

Department of Textile Technology Rajat Jindal (18110043)

Vermedeen (18110067)
Table of content
1. Introduction
2. Literature Survey
2.1. HSV
2.2. HSV Range
3. Work done till now
4. Challenges
5. Work to be done further
6. References
Color is a psychophysical sensation and it is very important in daily life for
humans. The color of a textile material is often one of its most important features.
Color is a subjective perception and in a color-using industrial environment,
objectivity is of great importance.

Whiteness is recognised as a special colour attribute and much research has been
conducted in order to define whiteness colourimetrically (Luo et al., 2005). The
quantification of whiteness has long been of importance to a number of industries
including paper, paint, plastic and laundry industries, and a number of whiteness
indices have been developed to address their needs.

A body emits light when some electrons in it lose energy [4]. There are more
than 150 Color-space conversion methods available in OpenCV. But we will
look into only two, which are most widely used ones: BGR ↔ Gray and BGR
↔ HSV [6]. For Color conversion, we use the function cv. cvtColor (input image,
flag) where flag determines the type of conversion. By manipulating HSV value
we can get any colour we want (Bradley Steven, 2013). White is of various hues
but limited saturation and Value [6]. We can say HSV range of white is [0-180,0-
5%,95-100%] [15]. So, if fabric is new and white it has HSV values 0-180, S- 0-
2%, V-100% [15]. So, if we could find the S, V value range of whole fabric then
we could find the quantative value of whiteness in the fabric [8].


2.1 HSV

1. Hue — are colours and what hue we see is dependent on the wavelength of light being
reflected or produced. I doubt I need to tell you what a colour is and since colour and
hue are synonymous you should know what a hue is as well. One thing I will remind
you about is we all perceive colour differently. The hue you see may not be the same
hue I see.[1]

2. Saturation (chroma) — refers to how pure or intense a given hue is. 100% saturation
means there’s no addition of Gray to the hue. The colour is completely pure. At the
other extreme a hue with 0% saturation appears as a medium Gray. The more saturated
(closer to 100%) a colour is, the more vivid or brighter it appears. Desaturated colours,
on the other hand, appear duller.[1]
a. How saturated a hue appears also depends to a degree on what colours it’s next
to. A 50% saturated hue placed next to a 25% saturated hue will appear more
vivid than were the same hue placed next to a 75% saturated hue.[1]

3. Lightness (value) — the relative degree of black or white mixed with a given hue,
measures the relative degree of black or white that’s been mixed with a given hue.
Adding white makes the colour lighter (creates tints) and adding black makes it darker
(creates shades). The effect of lightness or value is relative to other values in the
composition. You can make a colour seem lighter by placing it next to a darker
a. The greater the difference in value between elements, the greater the contrast
between them. Because of this, lightness is a good way to show contrast and
indicate hierarchy among elements. About 7 steps of lightness is the maximum
variation the human eye can discern. Beyond that it becomes hard to distinguish
the differences.[1]


Figure : The x axis denotes hue, with values in (0,180), the y axis denotes saturation with
values in (0,255). And for every H and S value there is corresponding V value [8].

Hue is just another word

for colour, and it generally refers to a
specific slice of the colour wheel:
the blue slice, the orange slice, the
yellow-green slice, and so on [2].

Saturation is the intensity of a

colour. Highly saturated colours are
those that appear bright and pure.
Desaturated colours are ones that
look dull, muted, or greyed out [6].

Value is the lightness or darkness

of a colour compared to a scale of
greys that go from near white to
near black [6].


After reading various research articles it’s clear that to identify whiteness of fabric we need to
identify HSV vales of fabric so that we can relate it with computer language.
1. we made a python program.[13]
2. Firstly, we read the image using OpenCV library. [13]
3. Then we convert it into HSV format. [13]
4. Then we create a mask of desired whiteness range by varying HSV values. [13]
5. Then we apply the mask on original image. [13]
6. Then we compare the image with original image using Brute force and give the
quantative results as output. [13]


1. Light intensity of photo varies with camera and environmental factors

2. Light value of HSV also varies with lustier of fabric
3. To make a better mask we need a wrinkle free image of fabric. Otherwise result will
be affected
4. Getting a ideal fabric for reference is challenging
5. Having same conditions for every data is a big challenge
6. Collecting data is also difficult.


1. We need to build a working algo for this purpose

2. Then we have to test all its limitations
3. So that we can update it as much as we can
4. Then we make this algo automatic for every user


1. Steven Bradley, The Fundamentals of Design, 1,1 (2013)

2. Ravindran G., Integrated Feature Extraction for Image Retrieval 2,2 (2013)
3. Wei-Ling Chen, Chung-Dann Kan, Chia-Hung Lin, Ying-Shin Chen and Yi-Chen
Mai Hypervolemia screening in predialysis healthcare for hemodialysis patients
using fuzzy Color reason analysis 13,1 (2013)
4. Watson’s Textile design and Color seventh edition Woodhead publishing
limited.7,1 (2004)
python/, on Sat Nov10 2021 14:10:00
6. Open cv documentation Generated for OpenCV by doxygen, on Sat Nov 10 2021
7., on Sat Nov 29 2021
8., on Sat Nov
30 2021 15:30:00
9., on Sat Dec 1 2021 10:00:10
10., on Sat Dec 1 2021 15:40:10
11., on Sat Dec 2 2021 11:10:10
12., on Sat Dec 2 2021 15:50:30
jupyterlab-or-apache-zeppelin, on Sat Dec 3 2021 15:20:30
14., on Sat Dec 4 2021 14:18:00
15., on Sat Dec 4 2021 15:00:12

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