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i ii iii Iv v vi vii viii ix x


i ii iii iv V
@1Marks =5marks

a) Sample A is eukaryotic cell and sample B is prokaryotic cell. @01marks =02marks.
b) 03 points@01marks=03marks
Cell in sample A (eukaryotic) Cell in sample B (Prokaryotic cell)
(i)They have membrane bound-nucleus They lack membrane bound nucleus
(ii)They have linear DNBA material Have circular DNA
(iii) Eukaryotic cell are larger and more They are small in size
(iv)They have membrane bound organelles They do not have membrane bound
such as mitochondria organelles

c) Caption=01, 6 labels @0.5 =03marks, Diagram =01; Total = 05MARKS

Sample B the structure of Bacteria Sample A the structure of Euglena

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a) Black bread mould 01.5mark
b) Zygomycota 01.5mark
c) Any 3 advantages@ 01mark=03marks
i. Are important in decomposition of dead organisms.
ii. Used in genetic engineering and research
iii. Used in biological studies for example in biology practical in learning kingdom
d) Kingdom fungi 01marks
 Cell wall made up of chitin 01mark
 Thread like structures called hyphae 01mark
 The lack chlorophylls hence cannot photosynthesize their food. 01mark
a) Any 4points@01marks=04marks

Part of the digestive Food substances digested

(i)Mouth Cooked starch (Carbohydrate)
(ii)Stomach Soluble milk protein(caseinogen)
(iii) Dudenum Protein/starch(carbohydrate)/ lipids
(iv)Ileum Maltose/ sucrose/lactose/peptides

b) Any 3points@01marks=03marks
i. The ileum has secretory glands that secrete digestive enzymes.
ii. Contain mucus that ensures constant lubrication of internal walls for effective
digestion of food.
iii. Has blood capillaries to ensure food absorption and transportation of food
nutrients from the ileum instantly and hence maintain the diffusion gradient.
iv. The ileum is very long about six metres to ensures maximum absorption of the
end products of digestion
v. Have thin lining to allow easy absorption and diffusion of nutrients in the body.
vi. Have folded inner wall to increase the surface area for absorption of the digested
food into the blood stream.

a) Any 3points@01marks=03marks
i. Biological charts-This presentation of complex biological systems into simple
pictures or diagrams.
ii. Biological; are sculptures that represent a particular organ or system of a real
iii. Preserved specimen; this are collected organisms or parts of organisms that are
preserved for learning purposes.
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iv. Cages; is an enclosure often made up of wire mesh or bars in which birds, rabbit,
mice or other small animals are kept.
v. Aquarium- A special vessel that is used in the laboratory for keeping live aquatic
animals such as fish.
Grand total =10marks

a) Pandemic is a communicable disease (infectious) that becomes widespread in a large
geographical area such as a continent or the whole world, for example AIDS
An endemic disease that occurs in a given area constantly. For example, malaria and
bilharzia are endemic in many areas where there are stagnant water. 02marks

b) Communicable is are disease that can be transmitted or spread from one person to
another for example AIDS, malaria, cholera, tuberculosis, typhoid, and ringworm
while non-communicable diseases are diseases that cannot transmitted from one
person to another for example ulcers. 02marks

c) (i)Malaria 01marks
ii) Cause; -A protozoa called plasmodium 01marks
Transmissions; By a female anopheles mosquito 01mark
iii) Any 3points@01marks=03marks
 Killing mosquitoes.
 Sleeping under nets.
 Draining stagnant water
 Cutting down trees
 Using mosquitoes spray
 Using ant-malarial drugs treatments.
Grand marks = 10marks

a) Any 5 points @01marks=05marks
i) Adequate space; Adequate is important to allow students to carry out
experiments effectively. Also facilitates free movement in the laboratory, hence
reduce chances of accidents.
ii) Proper lightning; It helps students to see instructions, warning signs, safety
symbols, labels on reagents bottles and procedures for carrying out
iii) Good ventilation; Is an important aspect to ensure safety in the laboratory. It
help in the circulation of air and removal of fumes and gases to prevent
suffocation. Hence protect laboratory users from exposure to toxic substances.

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iv) A source of water; - Water is used as a solvent, for boiling, washing, and
cleaning of laboratory apparatus and specimens. Laboratory water should be
pure and clean to avoid contamination that may compromise test results and
affect laboratory users.
v) Source of heating A variable source of heating is needed to ensure successful
experiments. For example, heating water and reagents.
vi) Adequate storage room;- This is used for keeping apparatus, chemicals,
biological models and specimens.
b) Binomial nomenclature;-Is a scientific system of naming organisms using two part-
name. The first part of the name represents the genus and also called generic name.
The second part of the name represents specific epithet. 01marks
c) Any 4points@01marsk=04marks
(i) All scientific names must be written in Latin language or if is in a different
language, the name must be Latinized.
(ii) The name should have two parts, the first part represents the genus and the
second part represents the specific epithet.
(iii)The generic name is written before the specific the epithet.
(iv) The generic name must start with a capital letter
(v) The specific epithet begins with a small letter.
(vi) In a published documents such as books, scientific names should be written in
italics, for example Zea mays and Homo sapiens. When handwritten, the name
must be underlined separately. For example Zea mays and Homo sapiens.
Grand total marks=10marks
a) (i) First aid 01marks
ii) Importance of first aid giving;-Any 4) points@01marks=04marks
 It serves life of a victim.
 It encourage recovering and healing.
 It bring hope to the victim.
 It prevent death.
 It prevent permanent disability to the victim/injured person.
b) Any 5points@01marks =04marks
i) Do not tie the bitten area because that will cause swelling due to restricted blood
ii) Do not cut the bitten area because that will cause more opening of the wound.
iii) Do not suck the blood from the bitten area because it can cause infection to
both the victim and first aid provider.
iv) Do not apply herbs unless you are uncertain that they are helpful to that
particular kind of venom.
v) Do not provide the victims with hot drinks, coffee, and tea as it can accelerate
the rate of heart beat thus leading to rapid spreading of venom throughout the

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9. Any four (4) points each with detailed explanations@02.5marks=10marks
i) Burying; some forms of wastes can be buried in the ground. Burying can take
place in; -
ii) Pit latrine in which a hole is dug in the ground and a wooden or concrete
platform with a hole over the pit is built so that people can use the latrine
safely. The sewage in a pit is decomposed by bacteria. When the pit is full it is
covered with the soil and a new pit latrine is dug.
iii) Tipping and landfills; - In urban centers each household is supposed to have a
litterbin for wastes. Truck regularly collect the wastes and take them to
dumping sites. This is called tipping. Dumping can be in the form of dump or
landfill. There are two types of landfills; -
 An open hole in the ground where is dumped and latter buried, and latter
buried, and from the environment using clay or plastic liner.
 Sanitary landfills, a structure built into the ground where waste is
isolated from the environment using clay or plastic linear.
iv) Incineration; is the process of burning materials until they are completely
destroyed into ashes. Wastes are burnt inside a facility called an incinerator,
this is usually done for hazardous materials such as health care wastes.
v) Recycling; is the process of turning waste materials into useful products. For
example, used plastic material are taken back to the factory for making new
plastic items.
vi) Composting; this is the process of making manure from biodegradable organic
waste. To do composting, dig a hole and throw in all organic waste produced
domestically or commercially. Compost can also be produced by using a heap
instead of a hole. Example of wastes that can be composted are branches of
Grand total =10marks

10. Introduction 01marks, 7points each with detailed explanations @02marks=

Immunity is the ability of the body to fight against infections; -
a. Poor nutrition;-Poor nutrition has negative effect on the immune system. People
who do not get a balanced diet are easily attacked by diseases. It is important to
have adequate amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and mineral
salts in our diet in order to improve the body immunity.
b. Lack of vaccination; If a person is not vaccinated against some diseases, there is
higher chance of getting infected. For example, a child who is not vaccinated
against measles may get the infection easily if there is an outbreak. Once a person
gets a disease, it is too late to vaccinate hence he or she have to get medical

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c. Genetic disorders;- Some people are born with conditions that affect their body
immunity. For example people with sickle cell trait are less prone to malaria.
Likewise children with down’s syndrome are more prone to respiratory tract
d. Incomplete treatments; If a sick person does not take a complete dose of
treatment for an infection or disease, this may affect immunity as the disease
causing microorganisms are not completely destroyed and can therefore be
reactivated easily, causing the infection or disease to recur.
e. Attack by pathogens; Pathogens are the organisms that cause diseases. Some
pathogens such as HIV destroy white blood cells, which are important part of the
immune system. This makes the body more susceptible to infections.
f. Extreme stress; Stress is the failure of the person to cope with problem he or she
is facing. A person may experience stress when he or she contracts disease or gets
bad news such as death of a close relative. A person may experience stress due to
accidents or any other condition that affect the body, for example loss of body parts
like legs or arms. This situation may lower body immunity
g. Damage to the skin; the skin acts as barrier, preventing organisms from entering
the body. When the skin is damaged, for example due to severe burns or numerous
cuts, this barrier becomes weak. Disease causing microorganism can enter the
body easily.
h. Age;-Children under five years and people above sixty years have low body
immunity to some diseases such as malaria and flu.
Grand total =15marks

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