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Thank you for taking part in the RDS2 beta test. Please reference this user guide throughout your

Operational Limitations:
1. Max delivery altitude 35m AGL
a. What happens if you use less tether?
i. Nothing. It will deliver more slowly.
b. What happens if you use more tether?
i. Higher risk of tether overflowing from spool. 45m is
the max length of tether that will fit on the spool.
2. Min delivery altitude 15m AGL
a. What happens if you deliver below 15m?
i. Higher risk of tether overflowing from spool.
3. Payload delivery weight range 1kg to 10kg
a. What happens if you deliver less than 1kg?
i. Using the box-release hook
1. Higher risk of mid-air ejection. Lighter
boxes can more easily fall out of the
box-release hook.
2. Higher likelihood of a mid-air ground
ii. Using the generic hook
1. Higher likelihood of a mid-air ground
detection. Hook and payload will stop
b. What happens if you deliver more than 10kg?
i. We have not yet found critical failures. Tether, box,
handle will wear more quickly.
4. Payload pickup weight range 2kg to 5kg
a. What happens if you pick up less than 2kg?
i. Using the box-release hook
1. Higher risk of mid-air ejection as the box
rotationally aligns and secures to the drone.
ii. Using the generic hook
1. No known issue
b. What happens if you pick up more than 5kg?
i. Using the box-release hook
1. The RDS2 will struggle to rotationally align
the box and secure to the drone.
2. Motor may enter overheat protection and
payload will coast to ground.
ii. Using the generic hook
1. Motor may enter overheat protection and
payload will coast to ground.
5. Box-release hook failure modes
a. Not fully released. Sometimes in high wind conditions, the tether is pulled upwards by wind and
prevents the hook from fully ejecting from the box strap.
i. If this happens, stop the delivery. Do not reel up a box that is not properly secured.
b. Releases, then rehooks the box. Sometimes the tether just so pulls the hook back into the strap upon
i. If this happens, stop the delivery. Do not reel up a box that is not properly attached to the hook.
6. Hook swing risk
a. In high wind conditions, the hook may swing during the
final approach to the drone. If it hooks onto the drone or
RDS2, please stop the reel-up.

7. Do not stand under the drone during operation.

8. Check boxes and handles for wear after use.

a. Boxes and handles can be reused for testing.
b. We recommend strapping new box handles after every day
of testing. Wear and tear increases with box weight.

9. Check tether, especially around the stalk, for wear after use.
a. Tether can be reused for testing.
b. We have not yet encountered tether failure up to ~300
deliveries and pickups.

10. Wear gloves while operating the RDS2, such as loading tether or

11. Please only power the RDS2 with 6S batteries.

a. We will ship a power converter board in an upcoming
hardware update which will enable use with 12S batteries.

12. Do not remove ballasts from box-release hook

a. We will allow this in an upcoming hardware and software

13. Do not fly in poor weather. The RDS2 is not IP rated.

Operational Procedures:

1. Box strapping procedure

a. Lighter boxes <2kg
i. Strap against the top edge of
the box. This shifts the box’s
COG farther away from the
box-release hook and is more
b. Heavier boxes >2kg
i. Strap closer to the center of
the box. This shifts the box’s
COG closer to the
box-release hook and
reduces stress on the strap
c. Always strap the handle above the
center of the box.

2. Loading procedure
a. Using the box-release hook
i. Secure box-release hook under box strap, wings resting against strap.
ii. Secure safety loop over tip of hook
iii. Hold down the reel-up button (right button)
iv. Once stalk fully enters tunnel, payload status shows “Attached”
b. Using the generic hook
i. Secure payload to the generic hook
ii. Hold down the reel-up button (right button)
iii. Once stalk fully enters tunnel, payload status shows “Attached”

3. Deliver procedure
a. Using the box-release hook
i. <2kg boxes must be loaded before takeoff. Delivering after a pickup could risk mid-air ejection.
1. Payload status showing “Attached”
2. “Deliver”
ii. >2kg boxes can be loaded after takeoff or picked up.
1. Payload status showing “Attached”
2. “Deliver”
b. Using the generic hook
i. No auto-release functionality
ii. Payload status showing “Attached”
iii. “Reeldown”

4. Pickup procedure
a. Using the box-release hook
i. Gentle load before takeoff. Tap both load buttons simultaneously.
ii. Arrive onsite. Reel-down.
b. Using the generic hook
i. Not yet supported. Hook will stop halfway to the ground.

Packing List:

1. RDS2 with lidar

2. Accessories
a. Tether
b. Debugger
c. Generic hook
d. Extra springs(0.6mm,0.7mm,0.8mm,1mm)
e. Programmer
f. Box strapping tape
g. Box strapping bookmark
h. Molex 3P cables
i. M600 lidar mount screws*
j. M600 rail spacers*
k. M600 Pi usb cable*

*Only included on units for customers testing on the DJI M600 Pro



Performance Specs:

2kg Delivery Time-On-Site

10m 28s

15m 34s

20m 41s

25m 51s

30m 62s

35m 65s

Recommended Tests:
Box auto-release delivery
1. Strap box
2. Load box into RDS2, attached
3. Take off, fly to destination
4. Deliver
5. Hook returns to drone, attached
6. Return to home

Generic hook delivery

1. Load item such as a backpack handle into the generic hook
2. Secure generic hook with item into RDS2, attached
3. Take off, fly to destination
4. Reel down
5. Item will stop automatically upon touchdown
6. Personnel removes item from generic hook
7. Reel up
8. Hook returns to drone, attached
9. Return to home

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