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AP* Calculus BC Exam DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. At a Glance Total Time ‘hour, 45 minutes Number of Questions 45 Percent of Total Score 50% Weiting Instrument Pencil required art A ‘Number of Questions 28 Time 55 minutes Electronic Device None allowed Part B ‘Number of Questions 7 Time 50 minutes Electronic Device Graphing calculator required Instructions Section I of this exam contains 45 multiple-choice questions and 4 survey questions, For Part A, fil in only the circles for numbers 1 through 28 on page 2 of the answer sect. For Part B, fil in only the circles for numbers 76 through 92 on page 3 of the answer sheet. The survey questions are numbers 93 through 96, Indicate all of your answers to the multiple-choice questions on the answer sheet. No credit will be given for anything written in this exam booklet, but you may use the booklet for notes or scratch work After you have decided which of the suggested answers is best, completely fil in the corresponding circle on the answer sheet, Give only one answer to cach question, If you change an answer, be sure that the previous mark is erased completely. Here is a sample question and answer. Sample Question Sample Answer e000 Chicago isa (A) state ity (©) country (D) continent ) village Use your time effectively, working as quickly as you can without losing accuracy. Do not spend too much time on any one question. Go on to other questions and come back to the ones you have not answered if you have time. It is not expected that everyone will know the answers to all of the multiple-choice questions Your total score on the multiple-choice section is based only on the number of questions answered correctly. Points are not deducted for incorrect answers or unanswered. questions FormI Form Code 4LBP6-S 68 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA CALCULUS BC SECTION I, Part A ‘Time—$5 minutes ‘Number of questions —28 A CALCULATOR MAY NOT BE USED ON THIS PART OF THE EXAM. Directions: Solve each of the following problems, using the available space for scratch work. After examining the form of the choices, decide which is the best of the choices given and fill in the corresponding circle on the answer sheet, No credit will be given for anything written in the exam book. Do not spend too much time on any one problem, In this exam: (1) Unless otherwise specified, the domain of a function f is assumed to be the set of all real numbers x for which F(x) is a real number (2) The inverse of a trigonometric function / may be indicated using the inverse function notation ~! or with the prefix “are” (e.g., sinlx = aresin x). any part of tis page egal GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA eat PShsingexy M2 B32 Co M2 — @& nonexistent 2. For time 1 > 0, the position of a particle moving in the xy-plane is given by the vector ‘What is the velocity vector of the particle at time # = 27 @ (b “) ®) (i. “) © (3.34) any pat of tis page Te lesa GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA a, 1 > ost <2 for att integers n 21, then ay is ma Consider the series Say. I a; = 16 and a ayo B) 2 ou () 32 ©) divergent int -(2y we y= (2). then 2 = xt Sx* sxt Sx4(2x +1) (x+)* (+t ° (ri)? ® (e+1* (A) 5(1+3)* ®) any pat of tis page Te lesa GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 5. Which of the following gives the total area enclosed by the graph of the polar curve r = sin 26 for 050528? A) [P Hesin20| a0 @ [losin 204 do © J" Hesin 207 a0 © Fs 20)? do ® ["E(esin20)° 6. The slope of the line tangent to the graph of y = In(I- x) at x =-I is wa @™ + of Mm @w1 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA x 2 22 | 24 f(x) | -05 | -03 | -01 7. Let y = f(x) be the solution to the differential equation £ = f°(x) with initial condition (2) = 3. Selected values of f” are given in the table above. What is the approximation for f(2.4) if Euler's method is used, starting at x = 2 with two steps of equal size? (A) 2.80 B) 282 © 284 D) 2.92 ®) 3.16 ol 2 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA t 9. Which of the following gives the length of the curve defined by the parametric equations x(t) = Pp and y(t) = from t= 0 to r= 17 1 (a) [ire ae 1 rz @) [itv ar ar 1 © [live a © [Par a FF ® f\prse any pat of tis page Te lesa GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 10. Let be the function given by f(x) = 3 -2x. If g is a function with derivative given by £'(x) = £(2),/(w)(—3), on what intervals is g increasing? 3 and [ ol mt SJ eay O | a ©) [3 3, e0) only any pat of tis page Te lesa GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA xfolif2[3[4]sl[e fe) Lo] s | 2}-r} 2] 0} 3 11. The function f is continuous on the closed interval [0, 6] and has values as shown in the table above. Using the intervals [0,2], [2,4] and [4,6], whats the approximation of [”/(x) dx obtained from 2 midpoint Riemann sum? @™o @®3 ©4 @Ds wes 12.0 fxPsinxe de = (A) 2x05 24 fx? cos x de B) ~stoon + 2f oon. de (©) sin x +2f x008 x de La @) -4x'cosx + ® Fr'sinx—xPcosx+C GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, -10- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA “@ @) © ©) ® GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, M AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 14, The figure above shows the graph of a function f: Which of the following could be the second-degree Taylor polynomial for f about x = 2? (A) 2-x- (B) 24x-0 2 (© 2-(x-2)+(-2) (D) 24+(x-2)-(x-2)* (EB) 2+ (x2) +(x-2)* GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 12. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 15. What are all values of p for which the series diverges? Tp AP en 1 w pst 0 1 (B) p< z only 1 © pez ©) p>S ony (E) The series diverges for all p. 16. If cos(xy) = ay 5 “Lis 1, then the value of S* when x = and y =1is ©o o> ® am Tee GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, -13- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 17. Let f be the function defined by f(x) 4 What is the average value of f on the interval [4, 6] ? 1 5 oy Lind 3 1 a) B® © znz @) n> © 5in2 18. Let P be the second-degree Taylor polynomial for e?* about x = 3, What is the slope of the line tangent to the graph of P at x=37 (A) 26° (B) e* (©) 26% () 4e* ©) 10e* GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 14. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 2 19, What areal values of x forwhich f° is equal 007 (A) -2 only (B) Oonly (© 2only (D) -2 and2 only (B) ~2, 0, and 2 20. A curve C is defined by the parametric equations x(f) = 341° and y(t) = an equation of the line tangent to the graph of C at the point where ¢ = 1? + St. Which of the following is GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 15. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA & an alternating series test be used with this series to verify convergence at x? (A) 6 B) 4 ©2 (D) 0 ® -1 21. The power series has radius of convergence 2, At which of the following values of x can the 22. Let f be the function given by f(x) = + What is the coefficient of x* in the Taylor series for f° about x = 1 1 3 1 “ : O-= O-~ O-—F OF ® GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, -16- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 3 = (A) 3tan! x +C @) 3in|x? + x]+C © zl? +3|+€ e+ () 3in] i[+¢ xtl ®) 3n/X*> jr any pat of tis page Te lesa GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 17 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 24. Which of the following series converge? Lae (A) Tonly (B) Tonly (© Monly (D) Land Tl only (©) 1.0, and 1 25 ©o OE @& nonexistent lary part of tis GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, -18- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 26. Let f be the function given by f(x) = x’ — 2x? + 5x —16, For what value of x in the closed interval [0, 5] docs the instantaneous rate of change of f equal the average rate of change of f over that interval? 5 5 2 ao ®) 3 OF ) 3 @ 5s GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, -19- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA = and the x-axis for x > 3, then the area of R is 27. IE R is the unbounded region between the graph of y = rs oO Bm OF © rel (©) infinite 3 (n3)? any pat of tis page Te lesa GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -20- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 28. A particle travels along the x-axis so that at time 1 2 0 its velocity is given by v(t) =~ 6r +8, What is the total distance the particle travels from r= 0 to 1 = 3? wr Bs ©% m2 ws END OF PART A OF SECTION | IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, YOU MAY CHECK YOUR WORK ON PART A ONLY. DO NOT GO ON TO PART B UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. -21- B B BB B B B BB CALCULUS BC SECTION I, Part B ‘Time—50 minutes ‘Number of questions —17 A GRAPHING CALCULATOR IS REQUIRED FOR SOME QUESTIONS ON ‘THIS PART OF THE EXAM. Directions: Solve each of the following problems, using the available space for scratch work. After examining the form of the choices, decide which is the best of the choices given and fill in the corresponding circle on the answer sheet. No credit will be given for anything written in the exam book. Do not spend too much time on any one problem, BE SURE YOU ARE USING PAGE 3 OF THE ANSWER SHEET TO RECORD YOUR ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS NUMBERED 76-92. YOU MAY NOT RETURN TO PAGE 2 OF THE ANSWER SHEET. In this exam: (Q)_ The exact numerical value of the correct answer does not always appear among the choices given. When this happens, select from among the choices the number that best approximates the exact numerical value (2) Unless otherwise specified, the domain of a function f is assumed to be the set of all real numbers x for which J() is areal number (3) The inverse of a trigonometric function f may be indicated using the inverse function notation f~! or with the prefix “arc” (¢.g., sin!x = aresin x). any part of tis page egal GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, -24- B B BB B B B BB 76. A music group expects to sell a new compact disc (CD) at the rate R(t) = 20,000e~°!" CDs per week, where 1 denotes the number of weeks since the CD was first released. To the nearest thousand, how many CDs are ‘expected to be sold during the first 12 weeks after the release? (A) 5,000 (B) 11,000 (©) 57,000 () 127,000 (B) 240,000 77. Let f be a function that is continuous on the closed interval [1, 3] with f(1) = 10 and /(3) = 18. Which of the following statements must be true? (A) 10 < f(2) <18 B) fis increasing on the interval [1,3] (©) f(x) =17 has at least one solution in the interval [1, 3] (D)_f’(x) =8 has at least one solution in the interval (1, 3) ©) f s(2)de > 20 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, -25- i) 12345678 12345678 78. The graphs of the piecewise linear functions f and g are shown above. Ifthe function his defined by h(x) = f(x)g(x), then (2) is (A) 2 ®) 13 ow @) 20 ©) nonexistent 79. The number of people who have entered a muscum on a certain day is modeled by a function f(t), where ¢ is measured in hours since the museum opened that day. The number of people who have left the museum since it opened that same day is modeled by a function g(). If f/(¢) = 380(1.02") and g(t) = 240 + 240: sn( 5 4), at what time 4, for 1 < 1 < 11, is the number of people in the museum at a maximum? wt (B) 7.888 (©) 9.446 (D) 10.974 ®u GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, -26- x Joli l2]3 7 fs | 23.6 ra folals|- 80. The derivative of the function f is continuous on the closed interval [0, 4]. Values of f and f” for selected 4 values of x are given in the table above. If J" /(t) dt = 8, then (4) = (ayo 3 os (D) 10 & 13 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, -27- Graph of f 81. The figure above shows the graph of the function f. If g(x) = ff “f(0) dt and the shaded region has an area of 2, what is the value of ¢(2)? a 3 (@) 2 ©o 1 2 82. A particle moves along the x-axis so that at time 1 > 0 the position of the particle is given by x(0) = 0.514 ~ 151° — 27? + 6t 1, What is the velocity of the particle at the first instance the particle is at the origin? (A -4071 B) ~2.088 ©o wy 5153 ©) 6 any part of tis page egal GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, -28- B B BB B B B BB A2A\4sN8 Graph of f” 83. The graph of ”, the derivative of a function fis shown above. Which of the following could be the graph of f? 1 I. UL. y y y O1A3 45678 0112345678 0112345678 (A) Tonly @®) Monly (©) Mronly (D) Land I only (&) UW and Il only -29- GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, a) k 84. The figure above shows the region A, which is bounded by the x- and y-axes, the graph of f(x) = for x > 0, and the vertical line x =k. If k increases at a rate oft units per second, how fast is the arca of region A increasing when k =? 3 5 3 ayo @®> oF GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, -30- B B BB B B B BB 85. The function f is defined on the open interval 0.4 < x < 2.4 and has first derivative /’ given by (x) = sin(x?). Which of the following statements are true? I. f has a relative maximum on the interval 0.4 < x < 2.4. IL, f has a relative minimum on the interval 0.4 < x < 2.4. IIL. The graph of f has two points of inflection on the interval 0.4 < x < 2.4. (A) Tonly (B) Tonly (© Monly (D) Tand I only (©) [and I only GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, -31- B B BB B B B BB 86. The position of a particle moving along the x-axis is given by a twice-differemtiable function x(t). If x(2) <0, x(2) < 0, and x”(2) < 0, which of the following statements must be true about the particle at time 1 = 2.7 (A) The particle is moving toward the origin at a decreasing speed. (B) The particle is moving toward the origin at an increasing speed. (© The particle is moving away from the origin at a decreasing speed. (D) The particle is moving away from the origin at an increasing speed. () The particle is moving away from the origin at a constant speed. 87. 1 0.$ b $2, for what value of b is Jcos(e" dx minimum? (ayo (B) 0.452 © 1145 (D) 1.550 ©) 2 any part of tis page egal GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, -32- Graph of f 88, The graph ofthe Sanction fis shown in the figure above. The value of im (134) ix wt B) 2 ©3 (D4 (©) nonexistent 89. The velocity of a particle moving along the x-axis is given by v(t) = 2 - rsint for 0 < 1 < 2. What is the total distance traveled by the particle between t= 0 and 1 = 27 (A) 3.637 (B) -1.973 () 1531 @) 2539 (E) 3.637 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, -33- B B BB B B B BB 90. A cup has the shape of a right circular cone. The height of the cup is 12 em, and the radius of the opening is 3 em, Water is poured into the cup at a constant rate of 2 cm? /sec. What is the rate at which the water level is rising when the depth of the water in the cup is S cm? (The volume of a cone of height h and ras ris given by V = Enh) 22 miu (A) Ze— cmisec 96 ° B) FBg¢ emsee 2 © Zz ombsec 2 @) gy emisec 1 ® Zypq cmlsee any part of tis page egal GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, -34- B B BB B B B BB 91. The number of students in a school who have heard a rumor at time 1 hours is modeled by the function P, the solution to a logistic differential equation. At noon, 50 of the school’s 500 students have heard the rumor. Also at noon, P is increasing at a rate of 20 students per hour. Which of the following could be the logistic differential ‘equation? “@ # Tash (500 - P) @) 2 - Fp (s00-P) © 2-4 r(so-P) ©) 2 = HP I500 =P) ® # = FP ls00 -P) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, -35- B B BB B B B BB 92. Let f be a positive, continuous, decreasing function. If Sr dx = 5, which of the following statements about the series )” f(n) must be true? mi A Yerln)=0 = s(n) converges, and Y(n) <5 ma ai © Lsr=s5 «oy Soy comeren ond Eye) > 5 Est = ©) Ys (n) diverges. at any pat of tis page Te lesa -36- GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, B B B B B B B BB END OF SECTION! IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, YOU MAY CHECK YOUR WORK ON PART B ONLY. DO NOT GO ON TO SECTION II UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE DONE THE FOLLOWING. * PLACED YOUR AP NUMBER LABEL ON YOUR ANSWER SHEET © WRITTEN AND GRIDDED YOUR AP NUMBER CORRECTLY ON YOUR ANSWER SHEET ¢ TAKEN THE AP EXAM LABEL FROM THE FRONT OF THIS BOOKLET AND PLACED IT ON YOUR ANSWER SHEET AFTER TIME HAS BEEN CALLED, TURN TO PAGE 38 AND ANSWER QUESTIONS 93-96. -37- Section Il: Free-Response Questions This is the free-response section of the 2016 AP exam. Itincludes cover material and other administrative instructions to help familiarize students with the mechanics of the exam. (Note that future exams may differ in look from the following content.) AP* Calculus BC Exam DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET OR BREAK THE SEALS ON PART B UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Ata Glance Total Time 1 hour, 30 minutes Number of Questions 6 Percent of Total Score 50% Writing Instrument Either pencil or pen with black or dark bide ine Weight The questions are weighted equally, but the parte of question fare not necessarily siven equal weight, Part A Number of Questions 2 Time 30 minutes Electronic Device Graphing calculator required Percent of Section l Score 333% Part B Number of Questions 4 Time 60 minutes Electronic Device None allowed Percent of Section l Score 65.8% Poteet Obes PLEASE PRINT WITH PEN: 1. Firstewo letters of yourlast name 4. Unless I check the box below | grant the College Board the united right to use, Firstletter of your frst name repraduce, and publish my tree-responce materials, beth writen an ora, for 2. Date af birth ‘educational research and instructional Durposes. My name andthe name of my {onool wil not be used in any way in = Oe Connection with my free-response materials | underetand that am Tree to Imark’Na® with ne effect on my eeare or its reporting No, Ido not grant the College Board these rights Agi schoo co Instructions The questions for Section IL ate printed in this booklet. Do not break the seals on Part B until you are told to do so, Write your solution to each part of each question in the space provided. Write clearly and legibly. Cross out any errors you make; erased or crossed-out ‘work will not be scored, Mantge your tie crefuly. During the tied portion for Pat A, wotk only onthe Gucsuons in Pat A You are permuted to toe fou easter to sale an equation ad Ire erratve af function at point or elcute the vale oft definte integra, However you mast deaiy indste the slap of your gueston, namely the enon, Fanon, or integel you ae using I you ue otter baltin tures ef programs you Imes show the mathemati steps neccary to proce your ress During the ted Portion for Part B, You may continue to work on the questions in Pat A wtbout the use Weedeater For each prof Seton, you may wish to look over the questions ble starting to work on them Tis not expected Unt everyone willbe able complete part ofall yeesions * Show all of your work. Clery Ibe any functions, graphs, able, or other objects that You tse Your work wil be scored on Ue eoreetner and complcenes of Your melnods {heel as your ansyers Angers yaout supporting work wi ual et feeve tre Justcatons rete thal You give mathemati (noncalulaton ease + Your work must be exresed in standard mathematical notation sae an ealelatar syne or example, fx may not be writen a fant, X, 1, 9) + Unless otherwise specified, answers (oumeri or algebraic) need not be simplified you tse decimal approtimations in ealcstions, your work wil be scored on accacy. Unless otherwise specified, your final answers should be accurate to three places after the decimal point + Unless otherwise specified, the domain of a function fis assumed to be the set ofall zeal numbers x for which (2) is a teal number. Form I Form Code 4LBP6-S 68 CALCULUS BC SECTION IL, Part A ‘Time—30 minutes Number of problems—2 A graphing calculator is required for these problems. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, Do not write beyond this border. 11132121 21 «21 21«%21«21 1 The curve C in the xy-plane is given parametrically by (x(?), y(0)), where 4 = tsin| forl <1 <6. (a) Find the slope of the line tangent to the curve C at the point where 1 = 3. (b) For 1< f-< 6, whats the value of 1 at which the line tangent to the curve C is vertical? Continue problem 1 on page 5. Fopiog Sikp puokeq sisi Ou oq Do not write beyond this border. 11132121 21 «21 21«%21«21 (© Find the length of the curve C for 1s <6, (@ Given y(1) = 2, find (3). nauthoried copying or eure sry part of hs page GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, Fopiog Sikp puokeq sisi Ou oq Do not write beyond this border. 22 22 22 22 2 2 ’ (weeks) ol) (games per week) o | 3 | 6 | wo | 1 160 | 450 } 900 | 2100 | 2400 2. A store tracks the sales of one of its popular board games over a 12-week period. The rate at which games are being sold is modeled by the differentiable function G, where G(t) is measured in games per week and 1 is measured in weeks for 0 <1 < 12. Values of G(t) are given in the table above for selected values of 1. (@) Approximate the value of G’(8) using the data in the table. Show the computations that lead to your answer (2 (©) Approximate the value of ["G() dt using a right Riemann sum with the four subintervals indicated by the 2 table. Explain the meaning of I G(t) dt in the context of this problem. Continue problem 2 on page 7 Fopiog Sikp puokeq sisi Ou oq Do not write beyond this border. 22 22 22 22 2 2 (©) One salesperson believes that, starting with 2400 games per week at time 1 = 12, the rate at which games will be sold will increase at a constant rate of 100 games per week per week. Based on this model, how ‘many total games will be sold in the 8 weeks between time ¢ = 12 and t= 20? (@) Another salesperson believes the best model for the rate at which games will be sold in the 8 weeks between time r= 12 and 1 = 20 is M(r) = 2400e7°"")" games per week. Based on this model, how many total ‘games, to the nearest whole number, will be sold during this period? GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, Fopiog Sikp puokeq sisi Ou oq END OF PART A OF SECTION II IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, YOU MAY CHECK YOUR WORK ON PART A ONLY. DO NOT GO ON TO PART B UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. CALCULUS BC SECTION I, Part B ‘Time—60 minutes ‘Number of problems—4 No calculator is allowed for these problems. DO NOT BREAK THE SEALS UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, -13- Do not write beyond this border. 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 CALCULATOR ALLOWED Graph of f 3. The function f is defined on the interval -5 < x < c, where c > 0 and f(c) = 0. The graph of f which consists of three line segments and a quarter of a circle with center ( above. ) and radius 2, is shown in the figure (a) Find the average rate of change of f over the interval [-5, 0]. Show the computations that lead to your answer (0) For 5 & xc, lt g bethe function defined by o(x) = J f() dh. Find the coordinate of each point of inflection of the graph of g. Justify your answer. Continue problem 3 on page 15 14. Fopiog Sikp puokeq sisi Ou oq Do not write beyond this border. 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 NO CALCULATOR ALLOWED (©) Find the value of ¢ for which the average value of f over the interval -5 3. The function hh is defined by h(x) = (5) Find h’(6) in terms of . GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, ornaioreot a a any part ofthis pagel lege, 15. Fopiog Sikp puokeq sisi Ou oq Do not write beyond this border. 444444 44 4 4 NO CALCULATOR ALLOWED 4, Let R be the region bounded above by the graph of y = e~*, below by the x-axis, on the left by the y-axis, and on the right by the vertical line (a) Find the area of R in terms of m. m, where m > 0 is a constant (b) Region R is revolved around the horizontal line y 3 to form a solid. Write, but do not evaluate, an expression involving one or more integrals that gives the volume of the solid, -16- Continue problem 4 on page 17 Fopiog Sikp puokeq sisi Ou oq 444444 44 4 4 NO CALCULATOR ALLOWED (©) Find the value of the eal number & > 1 such that [A-" de = 2, or show that no such k exists. 1d this border. Fopiog FiRp puoxeq ai Do not write bey! authorized copying or eure of GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, sry prt of his page i leg, “17 Do not write beyond this border. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 NO CALCULATOR ALLOWED 5. For 0 <1 < 24 hours, the temperature inside a refrigerator in a kitchen is given by the function W that satisfies dW _ 3cost the differential equation SF = 3508 Attime 1 = 0 hours, the temperature inside the refrigerator is 3°C. W(t) is measured in degrees Celsius (°C), and t is measured in hours, (a) Write an equation for the line tangent to the graph of y = W(t) at the point where f = 0, Use the equation to approximate the temperature inside the refrigerator at ¢ = 0.4 hour. (b) Find y = (1), the particular solution to the differential equation with initial condition W(0) = Continue problem 5 on page 19. -18- Fopiog Sikp puokeq sisi Ou oq Do not write beyond this border. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 NO CALCULATOR ALLOWED (©) The temperature in the kitchen remains constant at 20°C for 0

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