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Research article

Presented by: Hareem Imran

A research article is a written document that outlines the methodology, results, analysis, and
conclusions of a research study. It’s usually created by researchers and scholars in diverse fields
and is used to share new information, insights, or developments within a particular area of study.
These articles often go through a peer-review process before being published in academic
journals to ensure their accuracy and credibility
To summarize a research article effectively, follow these steps:

1. Read Carefully: Begin by reading the entire research article thoroughly to understand its main
points, methodology, results, and conclusions.

2. Identify Key Components: Highlight or jot down the main components of the article, such as
the research question, methodology, key findings, and conclusions.

3. Focus on the Abstract: The abstract is a concise summary of the entire article. Start by
reading the abstract to get an overview of the study.

4. Break Down the Structure: Divide your summary into sections corresponding to the article's
structure, such as introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.

5. Write a Clear Introduction: Summarize the introduction by briefly explaining the research
topic, its importance, and the research question or hypothesis.
6. Describe the research design, data collection methods, and sample size in a few sentences.
Highlight any unique or important aspects of the methodology.

7. Summarize Key Findings: Condense the main results of the study into a concise paragraph or
bullet points. Mention the most significant findings and trends.

8. Discuss Implications: Provide a brief overview of the discussion section. Highlight how the
researchers interpreted the results, any limitations mentioned, and the implications of the

9. Conclude Succinctly: Summarize the conclusion of the article by restating the main findings
and their broader implications for the field.

10. Edit and Condense: Review your summary to ensure it is concise while accurately
conveying the essential points of the article. Avoid including unnecessary details or excessive
technical jargon.

11. Check Accuracy: Verify that your summary accurately represents the content of the original
article. Avoid misinterpretations or taking information out of context.

12. Avoid Personal Opinions: Stick to objective, factual information in your summary. Avoid
adding your own opinions or analysis.

Writing a research article involves several key steps. Here’s a general guide to help you get

1. Choose a Research Topic: Select a topic that interests you and is relevant to your field of
study. Make sure it’s specific enough to be manageable but also has room for meaningful

2. Conduct a Literature Review: Research existing literature to understand what’s already

been studied and identify gaps in knowledge. This will help you position your research
within the larger context.
3. Define Your Research Question or Hypothesis: Clearly state the research question you
intend to answer or the hypothesis you want to test. This sets the focus for your study.

4. Design Your Study: Plan your research methodology, including the research design, data
collection methods, sample size, and any instruments you’ll use. Ensure your methods are
rigorous and suitable for addressing your research question.

5. Collect and Analyze Data: Gather data based on your chosen methods. Analyze the data
using appropriate statistical or qualitative techniques, depending on your research design.

6. Organize Your Article: Structure your article with the components mentioned earlier:
title, abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion,
conclusion, and references.

7. Write Each Section: Start by writing the introduction, providing context, and explaining
the research problem. Then move on to the literature review, detailing relevant studies.
Describe your research methodology in the next section, followed by presenting your

8. Discuss and Interpret Results: In the discussion section, interpret your findings, relate
them to the research question, and consider their implications. Address any limitations
and suggest areas for future research.

9. Craft a Strong Conclusion: Summarize the main findings, restate the significance of
your work, and highlight its contributions to the field.

10. Revise and Edit: Review your article for clarity, coherence, and proper grammar. Edit
sections as needed to improve the flow of information and the overall readability.
11. Cite Sources: Properly cite all the sources you referenced in your article using the
appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

12. Peer review: Before submitting, consider sharing your article with peers or mentors for
feedback. Incorporate their suggestions to enhance the quality of your work.

13. Submit for Publication: Choose a suitable academic journal and follow their submission
guidelines. Your article will likely go through a peer-review process, where experts in the
field evaluate its quality and relevance

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