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1.What is Gauss Theorem?

Find out electric field due to positively charged infinite long straight wire using Gauss theorem.

Find out field due to infinite sheet having positive charge.

Find out electric field due to spherical shell using Gauss theorem.

2. Find out electric field on axial line and on Equatorial line of electric dipole.

3. Find out the expression for torque acting on a dipole placed in uniform electric field.

4. Find out the expression for potential energy of dipole in electric field and discuss the condition of
stable equilibrium and unstable equilibrium.

5.What is drift velocity? Derive its expression.

6. Establish relation between current and drift velocity.

7.Differentiate Kirchoff’s law.

8.What is Wheatstone bridge? Find out the condition of balanced bridge.

9.Find out expression of force acting between 2 parallel current carrying conductor of infinite length and
define one ampere.

10. Explain the construction principle and working of moving coil galvanometer. How it can be converted
into ammeter and voltmeter.

11. Enlist 5 point of differences between diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic substances.

12. Explain the construction, working and principle of AC generator and transformer.

13.State Faraday’s Law of electromagnetic induction.

14. What is Lenz’s law? Show that it is in accordance of law of conservation of energy.

15.What is self inductance? Write down the S.I.unit of self inductance and derive its expression for a
long solenoid.

16. What are electromagnetic waves?

Learn their wavelength range uses and source of production.

17. State and derive lens makers formula.

18.Derive Prism formula.

19. What is total internal reflection? What are the conditions under which it takes place?

20.What is optical fiber? Explain its working.

21.How refracting prism are used to reorient the image at an angle of 90 degree and 180 degree.

22.What is wavefront? How it is different from ray? Discuss different 3 types of wavefront.

23.State Huygens principle. Prove the law of reflection and refraction using Huygens theory.

24. Enlist 5 point of difference between interference and diffraction

25 Enlist 5 Point of difference between interference and diffraction.

26. What is photoelectric effect? Draw the following graph. Kya Hua.

Photocurrent versus intensity.

photo current versus potential at different frequency

Photo current versus potential at different intensity.

27.What are the laws of photoelectric emission?

28. Enlist 6 properties of photon.

29.EnlList 6 characteristics of nuclear force.

30 Draw graph showing the variation of nuclear forces versus distance.

32 Draw graph of binding energy per nucleon versus mass number and. Explain nuclear fission and
nuclear fusion on the basis of this graph.

33. Differentiate between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor

34. Differentiate between P type and n type semiconductor. Draw their energy band diagram.

35. Differentiate between conductor, semiconductor and insulator on the basis of bang gap and energy
level diagram.

36. Name 2 processes involved in the formation of PN junction and explain them.

37. Discuss forward and reverse biasing of. P and junction diode.

38. Draw VI graph of PN junction. Diode. During forward and reverse bias.

39.Draw the diagram of half wave rectifier with input and output waveform.and explain its working.

40.Draw the diagram of full wave rectifier and with input and output waveform and explain its working.

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