Bubble Lesson - PRT - Lubna Hameed

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Possible Cues Language Targets

Babbling/Sound Pairing
What it is: • Emphasize beginning sounds such as /b/ for bubble or blow, /p/
for pop.
• Bubbles, round, big/little, big-bigger.
• Include gestures such as the sign for more or patting chest for “my
What it does: turn.”
• Blow, pop, up/down, fast/slow, dip, catch, stop/go, stomp. Initial Requesting/Rejecting
Other concepts: • Place body part pieces into clear, closed containers so pieces are
in view, but out of reach.
• Help me, my turn, wash/dry, dirty/clean.
• Instructor pauses with wand ready to blow bubbles. Use carrier
• Prepositions (on/off, in/out, under/over). phrases for student to fill in “ready, set... go” or “1, 2, 3 blow.”
• Comments: Look! It’s big! I got one! This is fun! I did it! I • Give the student a bubble wand with no bubble juice.
see bubbles!
Expanding Phrases
• Descriptors: Big/small, fast/slow. Count bubbles.
• Sentence starters: I see…. I have…. Can I have ?

Advanced Concepts:
• Prepositions: in/out, behind, under, over.
• Opposites: up/down, dirty/clean.

Generalization/Expand Play

Combine with other toys:

Play Targets
1. Bring in balloons and blow both up in the air.
Describe differences.
2. Use big glasses or play glasses to look for the bubbles.
Readiness for Play
3. Blow bubbles into play cups in the kitchen area. Practice taking turns blowing or trade wands. Pop bubbles by stomping or
clapping them.
Generalize play to other locations/activities:
• Try to catch bubbles with a net, with the wand or with a puppet.
1. Incorporate into recess or water table.
Beginning Play Skills
• Say “do this” and model blowing bubbles or catching bubbles. Have a
puppet eat the bubbles or pretend to blow them.
Play Directions
• Provide a verbal direction such as: blow the bubbles up high or on the
ground, stomp the bubbles.
Functional Play/Beginning Pretend Play
• Put wand in front of a fan to blow the bubbles or in an air popper ball
• Instructor is silly with how to blow the bubbles, blow with your ear or
eye or nose.
Advanced/Symbolic Play
• Bubbles area car wash for cars or other toys.
• Act out a story such as “Mrs. Wishy-Washy”. Instructor models using
plastic animals to act out the animals getting dirty and then washed
by Mrs. Wishy-Washy.
• Pretend to blow something over.
• Use bubble wand as a magic wand.

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