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73. (MB) I'm on my way to Los Angeles to present the new advertising campaign to the client.

(MA) That's quite an honor. How long will you be there, Juan?
(MB) I'm not sure yet. It depends on the success of the presentation! (8 seconds)
74(WA) I hope the new training manuals we ordered arme before Friday. The handbooks took
so long to get here! (WB) That's because they were shipped by truck. This time they're using
express airmail. We should get them tomorrow.
(WA) Wonderful! Because we can't carry out the training without them. (8 seconds)

Go on to the next page. (8 seconds)

75. (WB) Are you still working, Hans? I thought you'd gone home hours ago.
(MA) I still have some work to do on this computer program for the purchasing department.
(WB) Well, don't stay too much longer. We have that divsion meeting eary in the moming. (8
76. (MA) we leave for Seattle this afternoon at three forty-five on flight eight-one-seven.
(WB) What time will you arrive in Seattle?
(MA) We're scheduled to land at nine fifteen ths evening. (8 seconds)
77. (WA) Why hasn't the color printer been fxed yet?
(WB) We'va called about it three times already.
(WA) Three times? This is taking too long. Let's call another repair company. It needs to be
taken care of right away. (8 seconds)
78. (MA) I finally managed to find a suitable apartment in the city.
(WB) That's good! Don't forget to let the personnel department know about your change of
(MA) You're right-thanks for reminding me. In fact, I'll e-mail them right now. (8 seconds)
79. (WA) I'll see you later, Sue. I'm late for my statistics class.
(WB) I thought the class ran from January to March! It's April already.
(WA) We missed some days because of the wealher, so the teacher decided to extend it to
later this month. (8 seconds)
80. (MB) The director wants to talk to you about purchasing more equipment for the
laboratories. She's her office now.
(WA) OK. Does she need me to bring anything?
(WB) She didn't say. Just give her a ca before you walk over there. (8 sconds)

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