Strahd Loves Man Kills N°1

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We Chose Hell Lurid

I bid you the inaugural issue of Strahd Loves, Man
Kills, a Ravenloft fanzine for the fifth edition of Dungeons &
Dragons. This zine was inspired in equal parts by my enduring
love of the Ravenloft setting and by the recent release of Van Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft
Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft. Keep in mind that this zine presents features many interesting
my own idiosyncratic vision of the setting. You will find much locations tailor-made for
within these pages that diverges from the setting’s canon, but my adventures set in the Land of the
hope is that SLMK will give you new toys to play with and inspire Mists, but there is always room for
your own unique take on Ravenloft. more sinister sites. This
This issue contains the following features: installment of Lurid Locations
• Lurid Locations. This feature is dedicated to new and presents two new areas to explore
revised areas of the Ravenloft setting. In this installment, I in your campaign: the Wychbog
present Strega Hollow and the mysterious and miraculous and Strega Hollow.
wilds of the Wychbog. The Wychbog is an eerie fen in
• Baleful Backgrounds. This feature presents three new which the ill and dying sometimes
backgrounds for characters: country squire, cultist, and find supernatural succor. Of course, nothing is ever truly free in
cut-wife. Ravenloft, as you will see when you meet the Sisters of the
• Seeds of Evil. This feature details an adventure seed you
can use to craft a scenario set in Ravenloft. This issue’s Although it is commonly believed that Viktal is the sole
installment, entitled “The Thing in Elbert’s Parlor,” posits a populated town in Tepest, an obscure community known as Strega
visit to an uncle who has just added a mummy to his Hollow sits at the foot of the Brujamonte mountains. This article
collection of antiquarian artifacts. expands upon and alters the presentation of the folk horror
domain of Tepest to add a community in the grips of a diabolic cult
• Cryptic Alliances. This feature adds additional secret
of witches pledged to the service of Asmodeus.
societies and factions to Ravenloft. In this installment, I
detail the Cult of the Rotmaiden, a circle of druids devoted
to Zuggtmoy. Strega Hollow as a Domain of Dread
• Tragic Heroes. This features give advice on creating I’ve presented Strega Hollow as an addition to Tepest, but if you
characters who fit Ravenloft’s horrific mood. This would rather use Strega Hollow as its own separate folk horror
installment focuses on troubled troubadours. domain, consider Magda Vargori its Darklord. Her torment is
• Random Ruin. This feature presents a random table to that the love she feels for her daughters is never returned. She is
enrich your game. This installment is a table meant to doomed to have her children turn against her as usurpers. As a
generate a grandiose title for your campaign arc. domain, Strega Hollow’s Mist talismans might take forms such as
• Forbidden Tomes. This feature presents a bibliography a pendant shaped like an inverted pentagram, a silver coin
of a particular genre of horror for your edification and stamped with Asmodeus’s profile, or a defaced holy symbol.
entertainment. This installment explores folk horror.
Dread Possibilities
If the Sisters of the Wychbog do not suit your purpose in adding
this location to your game, consider replacing them with one of
the following alternatives:

The slumbering angel. An angel was interred within the

Wychbog in a deathless sleep after it nearly died trying to defend
a penitent pilgrim from an attack by fiends. The healing power of
the woods is simply the holy grace emitted by the celestial's
presence. Learning of the link between the angel's fate and the
curative aspect of the Wychbog poses a difficult moral quagmire:
would it be better to unearth and revive the angel or keep it
buried and retain the Wychbog as a place possessing
supernatural therapeutic effects?

The kindly ones. There are two hidden factions who quietly
make war against each other within the Wychbog. One faction is

Wychbog comprised of kindly fey creatures who heal the sick they find
within the woods. The other is a coterie of necromancers who
The Wychbog is a swampy forest that can be placed in any domain collect the bodies of the dying and use them as the raw materials
that could feature a wooded fen. The woods are avoided by the needed to construct an army of the living dead. If the fey are not
populace of any settlements nearby, save by those seeking a cure aided in stopping the necromancers, their undead army will
to an otherwise fatal illness. Stricken individuals left within the eventually be unleashed on the land as a ravening horde of
Wychbog sometimes find themselves miraculously restored to zombies, skeletons, and bog mummies.
health. However, most who enter the Wychbog hoping for a
remedy disappear and are never heard from again. A serpentfolk cult. The Wychbog is home to a yuan-ti cult who
sometimes provide healing to those they discover within the
Those who emerge cured from the Wychbog have encountered
marshy lands they have claimed. Individuals restored to health
the Sisters of the Wychbog. Wicked Hattie, Crooked Nell, and Ada
are sent back to their communities as living weapons—at any
Rottentooth are three ancient hags who live in a rustic stone cabin
moment the healed person could transform into a monstrous
deep within the wetlands. They have the stats of a night hag,
giant snake and attack their fellow citizens.
green hag, and annis hag, respectively. The Sisters of the
Wychbog never disguise their terrible natures under palatable
illusions. All three sisters are corpulent and slavering; they wear The Feywild spring. Those who are cured in the Wychbog have
leather butcher’s aprons stained with blood and viscera. discovered a magical spring whose healing waters originate in the
Feywild. Unfortunately, the waters also affect their memories. At
When the Sisters of the Wychbog encounter a dying humanoid first, they find themselves unable to remember the spring that
in their territory, they make that person a poisonous offer—they affected their miraculous cure. Once they return from the
will cure whatever ailment besieges the sufferer, but in return that Wychbog, other memories begin to fade until nothing of the past
person must bring them a living child as payment. If the Sisters remains accessible.
take a shine to the child, it is transformed into a hexblood. If the
child proves truculent or unpromising, it is eaten—the Sisters of
the Wychbog find the flesh of children to be a delectable treat.
Strega Hollow Noteworthy Features
Those familiar with Strega Hollow know the following facts:
The town of Strega Hollow was initially founded as a mining camp
when rich veins of silver were discovered in the mountains of the • The silver mines of Strega Hollow produce unusually fine
Brujamonte. The mining operation grew prosperous, enabling the ore. Strange merchants bearing Mist talismans arrive from
camp to expand into a fully fledged town. Then, disaster struck. A outside Tepest to trade for the town’s silver.
series of mine collapses began to plague Strega Hollow. Without • Although they hold no official offices within the town, the
its silver lifeblood flowing freely, the townsfolk fell into despair women of the Vargori family govern Strega Hollow.
and the town’s death seemed all but assured. • The Vargori clan worships Asmodeus and are all too eager
The town was granted a new lease on life when the women of to initiate others into his cult.
the Vargori family arrived from out of the Mists. To the relief of • Worship of the gods and conventional faiths have been
the town’s stakeholders, the Vargori women had ready coin to outlawed in Strega Hollow. Though the town is kept in
purchase their claims on the disaster-prone mines. With the mines good repair, its churches have fallen into ruin and any
now under their sole ownership, the Vargoris still faced one remaining statues or icons of the gods have been defaced.
challenge: convincing the populace to enter their employ and • The countryside around Strega Hollow is haunted by Old
return to the perilous mines. Samael, a monstrous goat who is especially fond of the
The Vargori family held a meeting in the town square. Magda flesh of priests.
Vargori offered the townspeople a strange and blasphemous
proposition—if they would renounce their gods, they would be safe
within the mines and the town would once again know the Stregani Characters
prosperity of old. The townsfolk initially jeered at this proposal, Characters from Strega Hollow tend come from rural
but within the week the town’s most desperate citizens resumed backgrounds, and are usually either laborers who work in the
mining under the auspices of the Vargori family. These miners mines or artisans and farmers supplying the goods needed by the
were paid well by the Vargoris, and the combination of the town’s miners. Most residents of Strega Hollow are human, but
working miners’ sudden affluence and the absence of any further characters whose mothers are witches of the Vargori family will
catastrophes within the mines set a powerful example. Soon the invariable be tieflings. When players create characters from
majority of the town’s miners had resumed their work and Strega Hollow, consider asking them the following questions.
abandoned their faith in the gods.
In time, it became apparent that the Vargoris practiced the Why did you leave Strega Hollow? Those within the town
unhallowed ways of diabolic witchcraft. Nevertheless, the Vargori lead prosperous lives due to the occult power of the Vargori
family were viewed as the town’s saviors, and the people of Strega family. What caused you to leave a life of comfort and fortune
Hollow even began to accept the Vargoris’ open practice of black behind?
magic because it was intimately tied to their own enrichment and
security. Many of the townspeople have been converted to the How do you feel about the Vargori family? The Vargoris
worship of the archdevil Asmodeus, whom they view as the author dominate the town of Strega Hollow. Do you hate the influence
of the town’s return to plenty and ease. As long as the mines they wield or do you regard them as a necessary evil?
remain fruitful and safe, the people see no reason to turn their
hearts and minds back to the reverence of the gods. What do you miss about Strega Hollow? Feel free to invent
a tradition, custom, or local delicacy from Strega Hollow that you
have never found elsewhere.
Settlements and Sites The House of Rackrend
Strega Hollow’s mining operations have brought the citizens a The Rackrends are a decrepit family of necromancers who own a
comfortable level of wealth that is reflected in the cleanliness and crumbling estate on the outskirts of Strega Hollow. Their house
general upkeep of the town itself. The streets are in good repair sits at the base of a brackish tarn and has seen better days.
and brightly lit at night, the buildings are kept structurally sound, Although the house emits an aura of stoic endurance, its
and the populace seems happy and well-fed. However, anyone who foundations are cracked and the land around it is choked with
stays within the town begins to notice that not everything is what black weeds.
it seems on the surface. Occult symbols decorate the facades of the The remaining members of the Rackrend family have inherited
town’s shops and homes, the townspeople make casual references an ancestral duty to maintain the magical wards keeping an
to the glory of Asmodeus in conversation, and the street signs are aberration imprisoned within a glass coffin in the tombs that lie
written in both Common and Infernal. under their home. This aberration takes the form of a beautiful
young woman who appears to be sleeping—the rise and fall of her
The Black Manse chest is visible inside her glass sarcophagus. If she were to awaken,
she would prove to be a star spawn seer. As part of the
Once they established themselves in Strega Hollow, the Vargori ritualistic vigil that keeps the aberration incarcerated, the
family built a magnificent mansion called the Black Manse at the Rackrends wear black garb decorated with the yellowed bones of
heart of the town. Their home has a foreboding atmosphere, as it their ancestors and paint their faces to resemble macabre skulls.
is constructed of ebony stone, the windows are obscured by blood-
red curtains during the day, and the manse’s roofs are decorated
with grotesque gargoyles. Townsfolk claim to have seen the The Vargori Family
gargoyles stretch their limbs before settling back into their The Vargori family of witches control the town of Strega Hollow by
customary positions; some even say they have witnessed the ensuring its continued prosperity through the diabolic pact they
gargoyles take flight during the night, yet they always return with have forged with Asmodeus. In truth, the women of the Vargori
the coming of dawn. clan worked in secret to cause the disasters that nearly ruined the
The interior of the Black Manse is opulent and richly appointed town. Their sudden appearance in Strega Hollow as its saviors was
in gold filigree. Visitors with a knowledge of arcana will note that not happenstance—it was part of a carefully engineered plan.
the decorative motifs inside the house all carry a whiff of the The family is led by the long-lived matriarch Magda Vargori,
infernal. Deep within the mansion are ritual chambers in which and it consists of her strangely innumerable daughters and
the Vargoris pledge their servitude to Asmodeus. menfolk from the town who have married into the family. Men
who join the clan always assume the Vargori name, and they know
The Houndsman’s Pub better than to meddle in the affairs of the family’s women. All of
The Houndsman’s Pub is a rough tavern that is mostly frequented the children born to the family are daughters and the women of
by the town’s miners. Cavernous chambers beneath the pub host the Vargori family are always tieflings no matter who fathers them.
illicit blood sports, such as pugilism and rat-baiting. Miners who The women of the Vargori clan are easily recognized in Strega
attend these events at the Houndsman’s Pub place exorbitant bets Hollow. Their bodies are marked by scars denoting Asmodeus’s
on them; literal fortunes change hands night to night. The tavern favor, such as occult words written in the Infernal script, arcane
also has several private rooms that can be rented on an hourly sigils, and other diabolic symbols. The witches of the Vargori
basis. These rooms have been enchanted to make them safe family serve Asmodeus as his loyal handmaidens. Their ultimate
against scrying and other forms of divination magic. The witches goal is to summon Asmodeus from the Seven Hells so that he
of the Vargori family use these rooms to meet with anyone they might rule Tepest and eventually bring the various domains of the
deem too dangerous to invite into their home. Land of the Mists under his sole control.
Magda Vargori Ivara Vargori
Magda Vargori is the tiefling matriarch of the Vargori family, a Although she plays the part of a bookish and naive young woman,
powerful warlock, and the unofficial burgomaster of Strega Ivara Vargori is a tiefling witch who does Asmodeus’s bidding.
Hollow. The townsfolk look to her for guidance, as it is openly Ivara poses as an innocent, scholarly girl who dresses like a prim
known that her connection to Asmodeus keeps the town and its and proper schoolmarm, but this guise is calculated to make her
mines thriving. Magda has the stats of a warlock of the fiend. appear harmless or perhaps even in need of protection. However,
Despite having a massive family of daughters, some of whom she is unafraid of using others to get what she wants.
look to be in their twenties, Magda appears to be a comely woman Like her mother, Ivara has the statblock of a warlock of the
in her mid-thirties. She is especially proud of her mane of curly fiend. She is highly knowledgeable about arcane matters and is
auburn hair. Magda has lived for centuries; her youth and beauty familiar with most languages. Ivara is currently Magda Vargori’s
have been preserved by her pact with Asmodeus. She fears that if favored child, but they both know it is only a matter of time until
she were to ever displease her master, he would revoke her they strive against each other.
longevity and let time ravage her body. Personality Trait. “When taken together, power and
When the mood strikes her, Magda selects a new paramour knowledge are the strongest intoxicants.”
from the population of Strega Hollow to be her consort. Indeed, Ideal. “I will replace my mother as matriarch of the Vargoris.”
characters visiting Strega Hollow may have the misfortune of
Bond. “My family is my entire world.”
finding themselves the object of Magda’s rekindled interest in
romance. When Magda becomes pregnant, the term of her Flaw. “I burn with impatience to be recognized as a powerful
pregnancy lasts only six months before she gives birth to a new witch in my own right.”
member of the Vargori coven.
However, Magda suffers from a strange curse related to her Old Samael
daughters. She is fated to love her daughters dearly, but they are Old Samael is a legendary beast that prowls the countryside
destined to vie against her for control of the Vargori family when around Strega Hollow. Old Samael takes the form of a massive
they come into their own powers as members of the clan’s diabolic goat with jet-black fur, fearsome curling horns, and eyes that
cult. Magda has slain several of her children over the long years, as smolder with infernal flame. Use the statblock of a hell hound
they always eventually rise against their mother in opposition to for Old Samael.
her leadership of the family; each instance of a daughter dying by Old Samael often attacks those who have come to free the
her hand haunts Magda. people of Strega Hollow from the Vargori’s family’s influence, but
Personality Trait. “Asmodeus lives on our lips and in our he also assaults travelers seemingly without rhyme or reason. He
hearts.” has an especial taste for the flesh and blood of priests, clerics, and
Ideal. “I want others to depend on my benevolence and devout followers of the gods.
largess. The townsfolk should bow and scrape in deference.” The infernal goat is actually a faithful servant of the Vargori
Bond. “I love my daughters, even when they contest my clan, rather than a mythical beast. The apparently random
leadership of the family.” violence he metes out to wayfarers is meant to remind the people
Flaw. “My life would be worth nothing without my youth and of Strega Hollow that they are safe within the town as long as they
good looks.” please the Vargori witches and accept the protection offered by the
archdevil Asmodeus.
Adventures in Strega Hollow
The horror of Strega Hollow is that it is a town where evil operates
in plain sight. The witches of the Vargori clan illustrate the allure
and rewards that alliances with dark entities can bring.

Strega Hollow Adventures

d6 Adventure
1 The characters are asked to venture into the mountains of
the Brujamonte to find magical herbs needed to remove a
horrific curse from an innocent miner who has offended
Ivara Vargori.
2 The family of an abducted spiritualist has tasked the
characters with retrieving the medium from Strega Hollow.
The spiritualist is being forced by grieving parents to
continuously channel the specter of their deceased child.
3 A coven of witches calling themselves the Church of Hala
present themselves as benign members of a beneficent,
nature-venerating sect. They enlist the characters to thwart
the Vargori witches from summoning Asmodeus into the
Baleful Backgrounds
Domains of Dread. This section of Strahd Loves, Man Kills presents three
4 A mine shaft has been collapsed by cruel and malicious fey backgrounds that are especially well-suited to folk horror
from Mount Arak. The characters are drafted to save the scenarios or for creating characters who hail from eerie rural
miners trapped within and repel the horrific fey creatures domains in the Land of Mists. A cut-wife, for example, could
who have claimed the shaft as their lair. originate in Valachan or Barovia—or perhaps even travel as a
member of the Carnival. A cultist would likely find themselves
5 A charlatan’s fraudulent medicines are giving false hope to a particularly at home in Tepest or other domains shaped by the
wealthy (but terminally ill) widow. He must be exposed presence of the fey, fiends, or aberrations. A country squire could
before his chicanery claims another life. be native to any domain in which the landed gentry possess
6 The Vargoris approach the characters with a request: rescue estates, such as Mordent or Borca.
a witch of the Vargori clan from being offered to Viktal’s The county squire was inspired by my love of eighteenth- and
Mother as part of the Tithe. If the characters are able to save early nineteenth-century novels and the bumbling, benevolent,
her from being sacrificed, they will be offered a magical and sometimes outright villainous gentry they often feature. The
boon as payment. cut-wife background was directly inspired by the Cut-Wife of
Ballentree Moor in the second season of Penny Dreadful. The
Inspirations cultist was inspired by a number of folk horror sources, but I had
recently re-watched Black Death and Season of the Witch before
The witches in Salem, Penny Dreadful, and Joseph Delaney’s
writing that background, so let’s blame those films for my
Last Apprentice series inspired the Vargori clan. Think of Strega
Hollow as the town the coven at the end of The Witch would
found or as the part of Ravenloft where D&D’s infamous Tasha
would feel quite comfortable.
Country Squire Ideals
d6 Ideal
A background for landed gentry, rural lords, and the remnants of
once-great families. 1 Familial Honor. I value my family's good name over my
own life. (Neutral)
Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Nature
2 Sublimity. The beauty of nature must be protected from
Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set, vehicles (land) the march of progress. (Chaotic)
Equipment: A set of fine clothes, a riding crop, a gaming set, a 3 Tradition. The time-honored ways of country life must be
contested deed to a tract of land, a belt pouch containing 15 gp preserved. (Lawful)
4 Pleasure. Pursuing one's own satisfaction is the greatest
Feature: Position of Privilege good. (Evil)
Thanks to your status among the gentry, people are inclined to 5 Modernization. I am fixated on the newest developments.
think the best of you. You are welcome in high society, and the (Any)
common folk make every effort to accommodate you and avoid
6 Charity. I believe in improving the lot of my fellow man
your displeasure. You can secure an audience with a local noble if
where possible. (Good)
you need to.

Personality Traits Bonds

d6 Bond
d8 Personality Trait
1 Somewhere out there is my bastard child, to whom I feel
1 I like to treat others to food and drink to show my
duty-bound to secure a prosperous future.
gregarious nature.
2 I am trying to pay off my family's outrageous debts.
2 I prefer the fellowship of the working man to that of the
nobility. 3 I am engaged to a family friend, but do not love them.
3 My family has a long and storied family tree, and I won't let 4 I am the patron of a charitable institution.
anyone forget that fact. 5 I would move heaven and earth to regain the trust of my
4 I will a tale unfold—and my tales are never brief. long-lost love.
5 I use polished manners to make an impression. 6 My loyalty to the ruling class is unswerving.
6 There is no deed, true or untrue, that I won't boast of.
7 I digress with long, flowery descriptions of the beauty of the
countryside in conversation. d6 Flaw
8 My word is inviolate. 1 A pretty face is hard to pass by.
2 I never back down from a challenge to my honor.
3 Sometimes the common folk need to be reminded of their
natural inferiority.
4 Scandalous rumors follow me wherever I go.
5 I have a weakness for drink and other intoxicants.
6 I have trouble holding onto money.
Cultist Personality Traits
d8 Personality Trait
You belonged to a cult that venerated an otherworldly entity such
as a fiend, fey, or powerful aberration. You may have been 1 Old habits die hard. I still have an insatiable curiosity about
inducted into the cult by your family or a loved one, or you may arcane lore.
have joined the cult because it gave you a sense of belonging. 2 Deferring to the authority of others has become second
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Religion nature to me.
Tool Proficiencies: Alchemist’s supplies, herbalism kit, or 3 I prefer to keep my own council.
poisoner’s kit 4 Without my fellow cultists I feel adrift and unable to make
Languages: Abyssal, Infernal, Sylvan, or Deep Speech my own decisions.
Equipment: A set of common clothes, a specious book of cult 5 I feel I must cling to religious tenets so that I do not
beliefs, a tool (one of your choice), a belt pouch containing 10 gp backslide into the beliefs instilled into me by the cult.
6 I resent anyone having power over me and lash out when
Feature: Cult Born given orders.
Thanks to your affiliation with cultists, you can easily identify 7 I am paranoid that the cultists I used to associate with will
anyone who is a member of a cult similar to your own if you spend hex me or hunt me down.
time either observing them or conversing with them. You are 8 I am haunted by the rites I took part in.
adept at noticing tell-tale signs—such as runic markings or cult
sigils—that could alert you to the presence of the occult. Ideals
d6 Ideal
Distinguishing Mark 1 Atonement. I cannot repent fully for my past until I
Membership in a cult is usually denoted by the adoption of an perform a righteous act that balances the scales. (Good)
unusual bodily adornment or a physical transformation that
2 Power Hungry. If I learned anything from my time in the
occurs during a cult’s initiatory rites. Choose the distinguishing
cult, it was that power must be taken no matter the cost.
mark of your cult or roll on the Distinguishing Mark table.
3 Redemption. I must find others brainwashed by cultists
Distinguishing Mark and free them from corruption. (Lawful)
d8 Distinguishing Mark 4 Hammer of the Witches. I must stamp out all evil cults,
1 You wear bits of bone tied into your hair. even if it means wanton destruction and the loss of innocent
2 Runes have been branded onto your body. lives. (Chaotic)
3 You still wear jewelry, such as rings or amulets, that are 5 Seeker. Now that I am away from the cult, I need to find a
recognizable to those steeped in occult lore. greater meaning in my life. (Any)
4 Your flesh is tattooed with magical sigils. 6 Lorekeeper. I must learn as much as I can about cults so
5 You bear the marks of ritual scarification. they can be documented and studied. (Neutral)
6 Somewhere upon your body is a third nipple.
7 Your teeth are sharpened fangs.
8 Under the light of the new moon you appear far older than
your years.
d6 Bond
1 A close friend, family member, or lover still belongs to the You provided medical care to the women of a rural community,
cult and I cannot let go of them. easing their burdens in ways that a more conventional doctor
would never dare. You services included herbal contraceptives, the
2 The cult forced me to do things I knew to be wrong. I want
treatment of menstrual complaints, and abortions.
revenge against them.
Skill Proficiencies: Medicine, Nature
3 I stole an important item when I left the cult and cannot
bear to part with it. Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism kit
4 I helped someone who was marked for sacrifice escape. Now Languages: One of your choice
I feel responsible for their life. Equipment: A canvas apron, crude surgeon's tools, an herbalism
5 I feel kinship with all outcasts. kit, a worthless bauble you accepted as payment, a set of common
clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp
6 I know others who have escaped similar backgrounds. They
are my true family.
Feature: Sister-bond
Flaws When you visit a rural settlement you will be recognized for what
you are. Your craft may not be respected, but the women of the
d6 Flaw community will do what they can to assist, shelter, and feed you.
1 I have spilled enough blood in this lifetime and can be They will protect you from threats if they can, unless you have
moved to violence only on behalf of someone else. proven yourself to be a danger to them or it would risk their own
2 I cannot allow myself to enjoy life and take pleasure only in lives or livelihoods.
my own pain.
3 The thought that I am wrong for leaving the cult nags at me. Personality Traits
4 I am enraged when I witness any form of abuse. d8 Personality Trait
5 I drink to forget my time in the cult. 1 The lot of women is a hard one, and I do what I can to make
6 I hear voices in my head that command me to do awful their lives easier.
things. Sometimes I heed them. 2 Innocence is rare and must be protected.
3 I have seen such blood and misery in my time that acts of
violence do not shake me.
4 I avoid people and wish to foster as few personal
relationships as possible.
5 My craft is a humble one. It is to be pursued without the
expectation of recognition or excessive recompense.
6 Although my skills are not often valued by men, I will make
them respect me.
7 I crave to learn more of the arts of medicine.
8 I feel great empathy for the suffering and wish to provide
them with what comfort I can.
d6 Ideal
1 Balance. Moral judgments about those I treat are not mine
to make. (Neutral)
2 Benefaction. I make life less painful, less dangerous, and
less fearful for those I treat. (Good)
3 Pride. I am skilled at what I do. (Any)
4 Power. I do what I do because of the power over life and
death that it grants me. (Evil)
5 Duty. I will treat any woman, because that is what my
calling demands. (Lawful)
6 Innovation. I ply my trade so that I might discover new
methods of treating women's complaints. (Chaotic)


Seeds of Evil
d6 Bond
1 My mentor is still living, and I often seek advice from her.
2 A young woman from my community is interested in
learning the ways of my trade from me. What follows is an adventure seed suitable for any composition of
3 I saved the life of the first woman who came to me for aid, characters—so long as one of them has room for a previously
and we are now as close as kin. unmentioned uncle to appear in their family tree.
4 A noblewoman once secretly sought out my services.
5 I have many small self-inflicted scars on my arm, one for
each woman I have tended. The Thing in Elbert’s Parlor
6 There is a rival cut-wife in the vicinity who is unskilled and One of the characters has an eccentric antiquarian uncle named
unsafe. I will do everything I can to undermine her. Elbert, and there a multitude of reasons why the party could find
themselves at this home. A few possibilities include:
Flaws • Uncle Elbert has sent word through the Keepers of the
Black Feather that he desperately needs to talk to his niece
d6 Flaw or nephew about the inheritance he plans to leave them.
1 Most men are beasts, and I am disdainful of them. • The party is on the run from a powerful enemy, and Uncle
2 I am gruff, ill-mannered, and casually cause offense. Elbert’s house offers safe haven.
3 Women who obey social expectations annoy me. • As an antiquarian, Uncle Elbert might be just the man for
4 A powerful person blames me for the death of their child. the job of identifying an obscure arcane item that has come
5 I am addicted to the narcotic herbs that are part of my trade. into the party’s possession.
6 My devotion to my profession has left me isolated and alone, • The niece or nephew has heard that Uncle Elbert’s health is
and I resent that. failing; this may be their last chance to see him before his
unfortunate demise.
When the characters arrive at Uncle Elbert’s home, he sits them
down in his parlor for tea and biscuits. Elbert is also keen to show
them his latest acquisition: a mummy from Har’Akir that is kept in
a display case held shut by a sturdy lock. The characters will also
notice the brooch that Uncle Elbert wears. Characters steeped in
the arcane may realize that the brooch’s design is akin to that used
in rites of soul transference.
During the first night of the party’s stay under Uncle Elbert’s
roof, the mummy will telepathically communicate with one (or
perhaps all) of the characters. The mummy claims that the
creature posing as Uncle Elbert is an imposture and that Elbert
died a few weeks prior. Uncle Elbert’s body is currently inhabited
by an evil spirit that lurked within an accursed object among his
collection of oddities and antiquities. Or so the mummy says.
The mummy suggests that the only way to defeat the unholy
being dwelling inside Uncle Elbert’s stolen flesh is to release it
from the display case currently imprisoning it. The characters will
likely be wary of this idea, especially when the mummy

Cryptic Alliances
desperately tries different tactics to convince the party to open the
display case and grant it freedom.
Uncle Elbert may well catch the group in the act of
communicating with the mummy or otherwise examining the This installment of Cryptic Alliances divulges the secrets of the
display case. If he does, he will fly into an uncharacteristic rage. Rotmaiden cult, a sect of corrupt druids who serve Zuggtmoy. The
Clearly, something is not right with Uncle Elbert. The characters cult can operate in any domain capable of sustaining fungal life.
have now been drawn in a quandary: something is wrong in Uncle

The Cult of the Rotmaiden

Elbert’s house, but the mummy could lying in order to trick them
into releasing it from the case. A few possibilities suggest
themselves for how this adventure resolves:
The Cult of the Rotmaiden is a circle of nihilistic druids devoted to
• The mummy is murderous and merely wheedles for its
Zuggtmoy, the Demon Queen of Fungi. Rotmaiden cultists wear
release so that it can slay all who are present in the house.
furs that they have allowed to become sodden and rife with fungal
• Destroying the strange brooch Elbert wears will banish the growths. The cult’s goal is to cleanse the land of what they see as
entity possessing his corpse, but the mummy will not tell the sadistic degeneracy of civilization and clear the way for the
the party this fact until after it is released. rebirth of the “pure” natural world promised by Zuggtmoy.
• Both of the previous possibilities are true. For the members of the Cult of the Rotmaiden, the desire to
ravage the Land of Mists with fungal infections is the promise of
Inspiration vengeance against a world that has wronged them; all members of
the cult have suffered abuse and seek revenge. Typical members of
This adventure seed was inspired by Icy Sedgwick’s short story the Cult of the Rotmaiden include formerly oppressed serfs,
“Something Wicked This Way Slithered” in the collection Black mistreated children, and people who have been wrongfully
Dog & Other Gothic Tales. imprisoned for crimes they did not commit.
Rotmaiden Cultists
Rotmaiden cultists use the druid statblock with additional
abilities from the Circle of Spores subclass. Higher-ranking
members of the cult use the archdruid statblock similarly
modified with abilities from the Circle of Spores subclass. The cult
is sometimes assisted by demons aligned with Zuggtmoy and evil
myconids. This feature gives five brief
outlines of heroes you might create
Dahlia Medlozka as characters to face the horrors of
Once a criminal confined to a brutal prison labor camp, Dahlia Ravenloft. Each Tragic Heroes
Medlozka escaped with Zuggtmoy’s aid and eventually became the segment will revolve around a
hierophant of the Cult of the Rotmaiden. She is a thin, pinched common theme. The theme of this
human woman in her late twenties—though the world’s cruelty has installment is troubled
prematurely aged her. She wears moldering furs and a ushanka troubadours.
that is festooned with purple and black fungi. Her back is deeply
scared by the lash she was subjected to in the camp. Blackened Skald
Although Dahlia is a hardened woman, she has great empathy Unlike most entertainers,
for those who are abused or oppressed. She views the cult not as blackened skalds do not specialize
an extension of an evil agenda, but rather as a tool of liberation in romantic ballads or songs of
through which the wronged can make the civilized world pay for heroism. Their music is morbid,
its misdeeds. She hopes that the cult’s efforts can usher in a better dark, and misanthropic. They unveil the violent truths of the
world in which all become equal as Zuggtmoy weaves together the multiverse; they sing of cosmic desolation and promote a bleak
consciousness of every living being into a biological tapestry worldview. Blackened skalds are immediately recognizable—they
devoid of individual will. paint their faces with stark black and white pigments to give
Dahlia has statistics similar to that of an archdruid, though themselves a startling, demonic appearance. Some alarmists claim
like most members of the Cult of the Rotmaiden she also has that the music of blackened skalds is corrupting and encourages
several abilities from the Circle of Spores druid subclass. blasphemy, arson, diabolism, murder, paganism, and necromancy.
Personality Trait. “I will do anything it takes to survive in Suggested build: Goliath Phantom rogue
this cruel, heartless world.”
Ideal. “The people who harmed me will pay dearly.” Crossroads Nightingale
Bond. “The downtrodden are my brothers and sisters.”
Not everyone has the natural musical talent to be a bard, even if
Flaw. “I am haunted by the brutality of my imprisonment in the admiration of an adoring audience is their dearest wish. The
the labor camp.” crossroads nightingale was unable to achieve success through
conventional hard work, practice, and determination, so they
turned to darker forces for aid. A midnight sojourn to an accursed
crossroads led to a meeting with a devil who proposed an unusual
deal: do the fiend's bidding in return for musical skill and access to
infernal magic.
Suggested build: Lightfoot halfling Fiend patron warlock
Dirge Singer
Although most musicians aspire to leave their audiences feeling
joyous and inspired, this troubadour sings songs that render
Random Ruin
crowds maudlin and weeping: their ballads tell of the tragic When you’re stuck for inspiration, nothing beats a random table.
downfall of the great dwarven heroes. As sorrowful as their music
may be, there is still magic in those old songs of slain warriors and
fallen thanes; in combat, the dirge singer's mournful strains and Campaign Arc
melancholy melodies embolden them to acts of bravery worthy of Use the following table to randomly generate a title for your
the subjects of their repertoire. campaign arc in the style of the Castlevania games or Ravenloft
Suggested build: Hill dwarf Bladesinging wizard novels. Roll once on each column and combine the results to
create a title that suggests a new direction for your game or charts
Murder Balladeer a course to a larger theme in your campaign.

Kartakass is home to many thrilling styles of musicianship, but Campaign Title

none raise the hair on the back of the neck quite so well as the
chilling art of the murder ballad. This troubadour travels the Land d100 [Noun] of (the) [Noun]
of the Mists to collect new tales of horrific slayings, dark magic, 01-02 Abyss Abominations
and warped passions; sometimes these terrible events are even 03-04 Aria Agony
witnessed firsthand by the balladeer in their wanderings. These 05-06 Asylum Anguish
monstrous affairs are woven into musical cautionary tales that
warn the populace of the horrors that lurk in the night and the 07-08 Bride Black Rose
violence roiling within the hearts of fallible mortals. 09-10 Castle Blood
Suggested build: Human College of Eloquence bard 11-12 Chorus Carrion
13-14 Chronicles Cruelty
Psalmist 15-16 Church Dark Souls
The psalmist is a proselytizer who eschews the fire and brimstone 17-18 Circle Darkness
sermon in favor of spreading the holy word of their god through 19-20 Court Dead
song. The songs of a psalmist reiterate creation myths, relate 21-22 Crescendo Death
religious parables, and impart spiritual truths through the 23-24 Curse Decay
combination of instrument and voice. The psalmist’s goal is to
draw the listener toward the light of salvation through divinely 25-26 Dance Desolation
inspired performance. When a psalmist rushes into battle against 27-28 Dawn Despair
the forces of darkness, they do so with a song in their heart that 29-30 Dreams Dissonance
spills forth from twixt their lips, filling the air with the radiant 31-32 Elegy Doom
tones of the music divine.
33-34 Empire Dread
Suggested build: Human Light domain cleric
35-36 Eve Dusk
37-38 Eyes Fallen
39-40 Forest Fate
41-42 Fortress Fear
Forbidden Tomes
43-44 Harmony Forbidden
45-46 Heart Frost
47-48 Kiss Grave
49-50 Lake Grotesque Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft features a fantastic discussion of
different genres of horror. Unfortunately, the one thing it doesn’t
51-52 Lament Heartbreak
include is a list of inspirations you can turn to for each of the
53-54 Legacy Horror genres it covers. This feature aims to add to Van Richten’s Guide
55-56 Lords Innocence by providing a list of media you might want to read or watch to
57-58 Mansion Madness deepen your understanding of those genres. The first genre I’m
covering here is folk horror. These selections are not intended to
59-60 Melody Malice
be comprehensive—these are merely my favorite examples of the
61-62 Mirror Midnight folk horror genre.
63-64 Mists Moon
65-66 Nocturne Morbidity Bunn, Cullen & Tyler Crook. Harrow County.
67-68 Omens Night Burton, Tim. Sleepy Hollow.
69-70 Opera Perversion Carroll, Emily. Through the Woods.
71-72 Order Putrefaction Christensen, Benjamin. Häxan.
73-74 Palace Rot Davidson, Andy. The Boatman’s Daughter.
75-76 Portrait Ruin Eggers, Robert. The Witch.
77-78 Promise Secrets Feigelfeld, Lukas. Hagazussa.
79-80 Reflection Shadow Gavin, Richard. Sylvan Dread: Tales of Pastoral Darkness.
81-82 Requiem Sin Haggard, Piers. The Blood on Satan’s Claw.
83-84 Ritual Sorrow Hand, Elizabeth. Wylding Hall.
85-86 Rondo Suffering Hardy, Robin. The Wicker Man.
87-88 Sabbath Terror Hawthorne, Nathaniel. “Young Goodman Brown.”
89-90 Seas Torment Hurley, Andrew Michael. The Loney and Devil’s Day.
91-92 Sonata Tortured Souls Jackson, Shirley. “The Lottery.”
93-94 Symphony Twilight James, M. R. “Casting the Runes” and “Oh, Whistle, and I’ll Come
95-96 Tapestry Violent Passions to You, My Lad.”
97-98 Tomb Whisper Jones, Stephen Graham. The Only Good Indians.
99-100 Tower Winter Machen, Arthur. The Great God Pan and “The White People.”
Mills, Daniel. Revenants and The Lord Came at Twilight.
Reeves, Michael. Witchfinder General.
Schwartz, Alvin. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark.
Smith, Christopher. Black Death.
Stoker, Bram. The Lair of the White Worm.
Wheatley, Dennis. The Devil Rides Out.

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