Cost Center Distribution

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Points to Ponder

1. Cost Element Distribution - Link the Cost Center Distribution on Project's Task form.
Make it user friendly by minimum clicks
2. Purchasing cost distribution - Which Type of Purchase we have to allocate with project

1. Cost Center Distribution

Create button to create new Cost center

Call the functionality from model=account.analytic.account

On save this cost center account should attach with the Project. Cost center report can be view
by clicking on the Cost center fly error in Project

Add a new tab for Purchase. All the purchases related to this project will display in this tab

And this tab will show the following columns in the table
Vendor Bill No. Amount PO
Create a button under the PO column. On clicking user can directly land on the RFQ.
model=purchase.order. Here user have to select the cost center so that the purchases can be

Cost Center Results

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