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B7.VA,VIA, VIIA GROUP ELEMENTS CTC VA GROUP ELEMENTS Very Short Answer Question 1, Nitrogen exists as diatomic molecule and phosphorus as P,. Why? A. Nitrogen has small size, Hence it can form multiple bonds phosphorus has large size. Hence it cannot form multiple bonds. Nitrogen molecule is highly stable. Why? Due to small size, high bond order, low bond length, high Bond Dissociation Energy. 3. How do you account for the inert character of dinitrogen? ‘A. High Bond Dissociation Energy 4, What is inert pair effect? A. The reluctance of ns electrons to take part in chemical bond formation. PH, is a weaker base than NH, Explain. A. Nitrogen has small size. Hence it has more electron density. NH, forms hydrogen bonds, but PH, does not. Why? A. Nitrogen has small size and high electro negativity. Ammonia is a good complexing agent. Explain with an example. A. NH, contains lone pair of electrons CuSO, +4NH, ~ [Cu(NH;),}SO, ‘A mixture of Ca,P, and CaC, is used in ‘making Holme’s signal. Explain. As Containers containing Ca,P,, CaC; are pierced and thrown in sea. Then gases are evolved. ‘These gas burn and serves as signal. NO is paramagnetic in gaseous state, but diamagnetic in liquid and solid states. Why? 10. M. 12. 14, 15. In gaseous state it exist as monomer and contains unpaired electron, but in solid state it exist as dimer and does not contain unpaired electron. Give uses of Ammonia? 1. In the preparation of fertilizers. 2. Used as refrigerant. H,PO, is diprotic while H,PO, is monoprotic. Why? In H,PO,, 2 hydrogen are attached to oxygen. In H,PO,, I hydrogen is attached to oxygen. What happens when white phosphorus is heated with cone. NaOH solution in an inert atmosphere of CO, ? P, reacts with conc. NaOH to form NaH,PO, and PH, in inert atmosphere of CO, P, +3NOH + 3H,0—Stsnopieeot_, 3NaH,PO, + PH Iron becomes passive in cone. HNO, why ? Fe+2HNO, > Fe0+H,0+2NO, After formation of FeO layer, it acts as protective layer and Fe becomes passive, Give an example of a) acidic oxide of phosphorus b) neutral oxide of nitrogen P,0,, P,Os (or) P4Og, P,Ojg are acidic oxides of phosphorus + they form acids on hydrolysis, Ex: P,0,) + 6H,0 > 41,P0, N,O, NO are neutral oxides of nitrogen, They are neither acidic nor basic. How does PCI, react with a) CH,COOH b) CH,OH and ©) water PCI, + 3CH,COOH ~>3CH,COcI + H,PO, PCly+ 3C}HLOH — 3C,H,C1 + H,P0, PC1, + 3H,0 — H,PO, +3 HCI FAST TRACK IPE for Sr. Students _. 3 ‘CHEMISTRY, Short Answer Questions : 1. How does PCI, react with the following? a) water b) CH,OH ¢) CH,COOH aag 8) PCI, + H0 (cold) > POC; + HCL b)CH,OH + PCI, > C3H,C1+ POCI, +HCI ‘©)CH,COOH + PCI, > CH,COCI+ POCI, + HCI @) PCI, + 2Ag—> 2AgCI+ PCI, Long Answer Questions : @ How is ammonia manufactured by Haber’s process? Explain the reactions of ammonia. a) ZnSO, ») CuSO, c)AgCl A. Haber’s Process: 1) It involves direct combination of nitrogen and hydrogen. N; +3H, 22> 2NH, AH =—92k5/mole This reaction is a) reversible) exothermic ©) volume decreases Favorable conditions: ‘According to Le Chatelier's principle 1) Low temperature 450 - 500°C 2) High pressure 200 - 300 atm 3) Catalyst Finely divided iron 4) Promotor Molybdenum Process: 1)N, and H, are mixed in 1:3 volume ratio 2) Mixture is compressed to 200 ~ 300 atm pressure 3) Then the mixture is introduced in the catalyst chamber at 450 - 500°C 4) Then ammonia is produced. '5) This ammonia is cooled. Then liquid NH, is produced. 6) NH, is dried over quick lime @ Reactions: 2) ZnSO, +2 b)CUSO, + ANH, > [CHINH,), SO, e)AgCL+ 2NH, > (Ag(NH,), ICT How is nitric acid manufactured by Ostwald’s process? How does it reacts with the following. a Cu Zn OS, DP, ‘Ostwald’s Process: 1) Step I: Ammonia is oxidized by ai HOH Z(H): + (NH,)80, AL presence of Pr catalyst at 800°C to give nite oxide. 4NH, +50; == — no + 08,0 2 SCN a i 2) Step I: NO is oxidized to NO, by air ata temperature below 100°C. 2N0+0, YS 42NO, 3) Step III: NO, is dissolved in water in the presence of oxygen HNO, is formed. 4NO, +2H,0+0,—>4HNO, Concentration: HNO, is concentrated by 1, Distillation ~ then 68.5% HNO, is formes: 2. Dehydration - then 98% HNO, is formed with ‘cone, H,SO, Reactions: 8) Cu+4HNO, ~ Cu(NO,), +2NO, + 24:0 b) Zn+4HNO, — Zn(NO,); +2NO; + 28:0 ©) Sy +48HNO, + 8H,S0, + 48NO, + 16H, 4) Py +20HNO, + 4H,PO, + 20NO, +4820 1, Which is used for drying ammonia? A. CaO is used for drying ammonia. FAST TRACK IPE for Sr. Stude™® + [Fas > _ {gr CHEMISTRY, QO What is tailing of mercury? How is it removed? Ae When ozone gas is passed through liquid mercury, the mercury loses its meniscus and sticks to the glass surface. This is called tailing of mercury. 2Hg +0; > Hg,0+0, ‘The meniscus can be regained by shaking it with water, 3. Give the hybridization of sulphur in the following, a)SO, b)SO, ©) SE, 4) Sk, A. (@) SO, Sp? (b) SE, > Sp'a (© SO,;>Sp? @) SF, > Sp'a? © Why 11,0 is a liquid, while HLS is a gas? H,0 contains intermolecular hydrogen bond, but H,S does not contain. 5. Out of O, and O, which is paramagnetic. Why? A. 0, paramagnetic because it contains 2 unpaired electrons. 6. Why are Groop 16 eleients called chalcogens? A. All 16 groups elements always occur as metal oxides, metal sulphides, metal selenides or metal Tellurides. Hence they are called chalcogens (ore forming). SO, can be used as an antichlor. Explain X. 80, can be used as an antichlor for removing chlorine from a fabric after bleaching. SO, +2H,0+Cl, HS, +2HCL Explain the structures of SF, and SF, In SF, central atom sulphur undergoes pid? hybridization so that it has octahedral geometry. In SF, central atom sulphur undergoes sp'd hybridization. , Out of the five hybrid orbitals fifth orbital occupied by lone pair of electrons. The molecule possess distorted trigonal bipyramidal structure, SF Structure SF, Structure, Short Answer Questions : : Explain in detail the manufacture of sulphurie acid by contact process. A. It has 3 steps 1) Burning of sulphur in oxygen produces SO, $+0, 380, 2) Sulphur dioxide is oxidized catalytically with atmospheric air to form SO, 280, +0, —4% 5 250, 3) Pure SO, is absorbed in 98% con H,SO, to form oleum. Oleium is diluted with water to form sulphuric acid S03 +H,S0, > H,S,0, H,S,0, +H,0> 2H,S0, Long Answer Questions @ How is ozone prepared from oxygen? Explain how does it reacts with the following a) Pbs b) KI c) Hg d) Ag ©) CH, CH, A. Preparation: 1) Pure, cold and dry O, is subjected to silent electric discharge, then ozone is formed. 2) This process is carried out in an apparatus called ozonizer, 30, ae Reactions: a) Ozone oxidizes black Pbs to white PbSO, PbS +40, ~ PbSO, + 40, ) Ozone oxidizes moist KI to I, 2K1+H,0+0, ->2KOH +1, +0, 20,, AH = 284.5kI mole FAST TRACK IPE for Sr. Students 4 through liquid «y When ozone #6 passe b tigud peur then mercury 18S meniscus a ek to te walls of conaine® ‘This is called tailing of mercury 2Hg+ 93 9 Hg,0+ 02 t 4) Orone oxidizes AB (0 Ag,0 ‘Ag+ 05-7 AB:0+ 02 «) Ethylene oxidizes oz0n6 "6 ethylene ozonide jg in the presence of 2° which on bydrolys dust gives formaldehyde i 0. /™ CH, = CH, +03 Ch aie o—0o 2211424 2HCHO + H202 ‘Acetylene oxidizes ozone to acetVIENE CBs: ‘ch on hydrolysis in the presence cozonide whi of Zn dust gives slyoxal- VIIA GROUP. ELEMENTS. Very Short Answer Questions: Electron gain enthalpy of fluorine is less than that of chlorine ~ explain. ‘A. ‘Due to small size of fluorine inter electronic repulsions are strong, so fluorine has a least tendency to accept an electron, hence it has | Jower electron gain enthalpy than chlorine, | Bond dissociation enthalpy of F, is less than that of C1, explain ‘A. Fluorine atom is very small, and F ~ F bond | Jength in F, molecule is also small. Hence inte | electron repulsion and inter nuclear repulsion takes. place which results in the lowe dissociation enthalpy of fluorine than chlorine, 4 A. a) A Q A. F, and Cl, with water? rit " ets with water f0 produce jiy Chlorine reacts wit in presence of ight to produce _susligh_,2HC1+[0] sunli nascent oxyge? ch, +20 (on) o> HCI+HCIO while HCI is a gas © , molecular Cl, + He! xplain ? BF is a liquid s liquid HCI HF exist a jue to intel hydrogen bond in it. HCL is @ gas as there is m0 hydrogen bond. What happens when Cl; a) Slakedlime ) Nal 2) When Cl, reacts with slaked lime. Blea ching powder is formed. > Ca0Ch + H,0 Bleaching powder reacts with Ca(OH), + Cl, ) When Cis passed into a solution of Nal in water Iodine is Liberated. ‘Nal + Cl; —22-+2NaCl + I, ‘What is aquaregia ? Write its equation with gold & Platinum. ‘Aquaregia is a mixture of Cone. HC! and Cone HINO, in 3 : | ratio. It is used for dissolving noble metals like gold and Platinum ‘Au+4H* +NO3 +4CI- = AuCl; +NO+2H,0 3Pt+16H" +4NO3 +18CI” = 3PIClz? +4NO +8420 How is chl How is lorine manufactured by Deacons Dea eeaeiae athod: Cl, can be prepared bY gas with at P presence of CuCl, at th amospheri oxygen in 4HC1+0, 2 0,9 2C + 3H,0 FAST TRACK IPE for Sr. Students HEMISTR' 8, Chlorine acts as a bleaching agent only in the presence of moisture - explain, A, Chlorine is a powerful bleaching agent, bleaching action is due to oxidation in the Presence of water, to liberate nascent oxygen, Cl, +H,0 2HC1 +(0) Coloured substance +(0) — colourless 9. Give the oxidation states of halogens in the following: 9) CLO b) CIOy ©) KBrO, d) NaClO, (June 2015 TS) A. Compound Halogen —_ Oxidation state co a H 10; a +3 KBrO, Br +5 Naclo, Cl +7 Short Answer Questions ‘Write the name and formulae of the oxoacids of chlorine. Explain their structures and relative acidic nature. A. Chlorine forms four oxyacids. They are, 1, Hypochlorous acid - HOCI 2. Chlorous acid — HCIO, 3. Chloric acid - HCO, 4, Perchlorie acid - HCIO, 1. Hypochlorous acid (HOC): * Chlorine undergoes SP? hybridisation in” ground state. + Shape is linear 2. Chlorous acid (HCIO,) ; * Chlorine undergoes SP? hybridisation in first excited state. * Shape is angular q@ ‘om 3. Chlorie acid (HCIO,) * Chlorine undergoes SP? hybridisation in second excited state * Shape is pyramidal g Cl, of | So OH 4, Perchloric acid (HCIO,): %* Chlorine undergoes SP* hybridisation in third excited state % Shape is tetrahedral 9 | rf YH Relative acidic nature: HCIO, > HCIO, > HCIO, > HOCI What are interhalogen compounds? Give some examples to illustrate the definition, How are. they classified? Interhalogen compounds: Halogens react with each other forming binary compounds known as inter halogen compounds. Ch +R, —*52C1F; Cl, +3F, 44 2c1R, Ex: CEP,C(R,,IF, etc. Structural Aspect: In the compounds central halogen atom shows different hybridised states depends upon the bonding. FAST TRACK IPE for Sr. Students a [a7] 1 Bi ICL Fintexcited mm SF, BF Fee ‘Thitd excited state he, 0 oom oe tinear,A~X ‘trigonal bipyramidal with 2 lone pairs j (on) T-shape x Orhrone lone pait xxlza| x4 (or) square P3 cidified Long Answer Questions: @ How chlorine is prepared in the laboratory? How docs it reacts with the following? 2) Iron b) acidified FeSO, ¢) Todine @HS ©)NaS,0; ‘A, Preparation: 1) Oxidation of HCI with MnO, 4HCI+Mn0, -> MnCl, +2H,0+ Cly t 2) Oxidation of HCI with KMnO, 16HC1+2KMn0, > by Acidifid FeSO, : Cl, reacts with a FeSO, gives ferric sulphate. 2FeSO, + Cl +HSO, — Fer! (S04); +2HCL 6) Todine : Cl, reacts with iodine give iodie acid 1, + 6H,0 + SCh, > 2HI05 + 10HCI a) BS : Cl, reacts with H,S to give HC! and sulphur H,S+Cl, >2HCI+S €) Na,$,0j : Cl, reacts with Na,S,03 10 8° HCI and sulphur and Na,SO, Na,$,0, +Cl; +H, O-> Na,SO, +S+2HCl 2MnCl, + 8H,0+ SCI, + 2KCI @ How is chlorine prepared by electrolyti¢ 3) Deacon's process: Oxidation of HCI gives cl, 4HC1+ 0, —"2-92C1, +2H,0 Reactions = a) Iron (Fe) : Cl, reacts with Iron to give Ferric chloride 2Fe+3Cl; > 2FeCls method? Explain its reactions with a) NaOH b) NH, under different conditions? A. Principle: Brine solution is electrolysed Manufacture: 1) Nelson cell contains ‘U’ shaped perforated steel vessel. FAST TRACK IPE for Sr. Students > = 2) It acts as cathode 3) It is lined inside with asbestos 4) Brine solution is taken in the steel vessel $5) This vessel is suspended in a rectangular ion tank 6) Carbon rod is dipped in the brine solution which acts as anode 7) Steam is passed into the cell 8) On passing current chlorine gas is evolved and sodium ions diffuse through the asbestos and reach the cathode. 9) Steam reacts with Na* ions to form NaOH 2NaCl— 2Nat + 2CF ‘At Anode: 20 Cl, + 2e At cathode: 2H,0+ 2c” + 20H” +H, 2Na* + 20H” > 2NaOH Reaction with NH, i) Excess of chlorine reacts with NH, to form NCI, & HCI NH; +3Cl, NCI; +3HCL (excess) ii) Excess of NH; reacts with chlorine to form nitrogen and ammonium chloride 8NH, +3C1, +N, +6NH,CI (exces) Reaction with NaOH: i) With cold and dilute NaOH it gives NaCl and NaOCl 2NaOH + Cl; > NaCl+NaClO+H,0 cold ii) With hot cone.NaQH it gives NaCl and NaClO, 6NaOH +3Cl, > SNaCl+NaClO; +3H;,0 hot Very Short Answer Questions : Explain the structure of XeO,- A. Structure of KeO,} In XeO,, Xe undergoes SP? hybridisation due to the presence of one lone pair shape is pyramidal and bond ‘angle is 103° FAST TRACK IPE por Br. Students] @ A. Q @® A. A. @ A A. Q f t \ Give the preparation of a) XeOF, b) XeO,F, a) Preparation of XeOF,: XeOF, can be prepared by partial hydrolysis of Xe, XeF, +H,0 > XeOF, + 2HF b) Preparation of XeO,F,: XeO,F, can be prepared by partial hydrolysis of XeF, XeF, +2H,0 > XeO,F) + 4HF List out the uses of Neon ? i) It is used in discharge tubes and fluorescent bulbs for advertisement display purpose. ii) It is used in botanical gardens and in green houses. Write any two uses of Argon ? i) It is used for filling electric bulbs. ii) It is used in the laboratory for handling substances that are air sensitive. List out two uses of Helium ? i) Filled in balloons and tyres of aeroplanes. fi) Liquid helium is used as cryogenic liquid. Write the name and formula of the first noble gas compound prepared by Bertlett. Bertlett prepared Xe[PtF,] the first noble gas compound called xenon hexafluoro Platinate. In modern diving apparatus, a mixture of He and O, is used - Why ? ‘A mixture of oxygen - Helium is used as diluent for oxygen respiration mixture by sea-divers. Since helium does not dissolve in blood hence it does not cause a painful sensations called bends, when sea-diver comes out of water Noble gases are inert - explain. Noble gases are inert due to valence shell has completely filled octet (ns? ns*) electronic configuration except Helium (1s) Tonisation enthalpies are yery high Electron gain enthalpy is nearly zero ne (Se CHEMIST] 9. Why do noble gases form compounds with Shape is distorted octahedral due to the presence fluorine and oxygen only ? of 1 Jone pair. A. Noble gases form compounds with fluorine and oxygen only because they are highly electro- negative and with favourable electron gain . enthalpy. . Xe Short Answer Questions : F ie ° Explain the structures of- | a) XeR, b) XeR, F F A, a) Structure of XeR,: In the formation of XeF,. Xe undergoes SP°d b) Structure of XeOF,: hybridization in first excited state. Shape is In the formation of XeOF,, Xe undergoes sp'# linear due to the presence of 3 lone pairs. ea : hybridisation in second excited state ; Shape is square pyramidal —<— xe’ ° | ‘ . F b) Structure of XeF,: F F In the formation of KeF,, Xe undergoes sp'd? oe hybridisation in second excited state. Shape is square planar due to the presence of 2 © How are XeF,, XeF, and XeF, Prepared ? fone pairs, XeK,: XeF, is prepared by heating Xe and F, i oe 1:3 ratio in a nickel vessel at 673K and 1 bar Pressure, Xe+F, BE 4 XeR, XeF,: XeF, is prepared by heating and in 1:5 ratio in a nickel vessel at 873K and 7 bat pressure, Xe+2F, EK Xer, Explain the structures of a) XeF, , is ae wre XeF, is prepared by heating Xe and F, it :20 ratio in a nickel vessel at 600K and A. a) Structure of XeF, 60-70 bar pressure, In the formation of XeF,, Xe undergoes SP*d? isation in third excited state, Xe+3R, Set Xe ‘ST TRACK IPE for Sr, Students hybridit & ad n CG STE RS (St Teac iPE tose Student] ee — Why Zn‘? is diamagnetic where as Mn‘? is paramagnetic? ectronic configuration of Zn*? is JAr] 4s? 3d" it has no unpaired electrons, so it is diamagnetic, Blectronic configuration of Mn*? is Ar] 4° 3d° it has five unpaird electrons. So it is paramagnetic. Scandium is a transition element, But Zine is not why? In Se-[Ar]3d'4s* unpaired ‘4’ electron is present in the penultimate shell, hence it is transition clement, But in Zn-[Ar}3d!%4s? no unpaired ‘a electrons are present in the penultimate shell, hence it is not a transition element, CuSO, -SH,0 is blue in colour where as an- hydrous CuSO, is colourless why? 10, SHO water acts as ligand as a result it causes crystal field spliting. Hence d-d transiton is possible thus CuSO, -5H,0 is coloured. In the anhydrous CuSO,due to the absence of water, crystal field spliting is not possible hence it is colourless. Calculate the spin only magnetic moment of Fei, iz) fon. Spin only magnetic momentum (W)= n(n +2)BM Fe=26 =[Arj4s73d°s =[Ar]4s°3a% ithas 4 unpaired electrons Jaa) = A = 499M A. We 6 ee Cu"? ions are blue in colour, where ‘aqueous Zn'? jons are colourless. why? aoe configuration of Cu’? is [Ar] 48°30” it contains one unpaired electron, Hence it exhibits blue colour in aqueous solution, Elec- tronic configuration of Zn*? is [Arl4s°3d!°. Hence it is colourless. What is mischmetal? Give its compostion and uses. Misch metal is a well known alloy of Lanthanide metal, It cantain 95% Lanthanide metal and 5% Fe and small amount of §, C, Ca, Al It is used in Mg based alloy to produce bullets, shell and lighter flint. What is an alloy? Give example, ‘A homogeneous mixture of a metal with other metals (or) metalloids (or) non-metals, having physical properties similar to that of metal is called alloy Ex: Nichrome - 60% Ni and 25% Fe, 15% Cr What is chelate ligand? Give example, Ligand coordinating through two (or) more donar groups is called chelating ligand. Ex: Ethylene diamine What is an ambidentate ligand? Give example, A unidentate ligand which can ligate through two different atoms is called ambidentate ligand. Ex: NOz,SCN™ etc QW) why are dsblock elements called transition elements? ° The d-block elements are called transition elements because they exhibit transitional behaviour between highly reactive electroposi- tive s-block elements and electro negative P-block elements @ How many moles of AgC! is precipitated when A. ® Short Answer Question: A. 1 mole of COCI, is treated with AgNOy. ‘Three mole of AgC! is precipitated when 1 mole of COCI, is treated with AgNO, solution. CoCl; + 3AgNO, —> 3AgCl+Co(NO3); What is a ligand ? Ligand is ion (or) molecule which can able to donate electron pair to metal atom and can form coordinate covalent bond. Ligand may be positive or negitive ions or neutral species. Ex: NH,,H,0, Cr ete. Explain Werner's theory of coordination com- pounds with suitable example. Postulates: 1) Every complex compounds contain central metal atom (or) ion. 2) The metal atom (or) ion shows two type of valencies they are i) primary valency ii) secondary valency Primary valency: 1) It is equal to central metal oxidation number 2) It is completely ionisable 3) It is satisfied by only anions 4) It is non directional 5) It is denoted by dotted lines Secondary valency: 1) It is equal to central metal coordination number. d 2) It is not ionisable.’! 3) It is satisfied by negative ions and neutral molecules, 4) It is directional 5) It is denoted by continuous lines (__) 1) (Co(NHg)g)Cls, ya, Nes ~ Ns ‘co® INS ct ok ert @ What is Lanthanide contraction? what are the A. A. consequences of lanthanide contraction? The steady decrease in atomic or ionic radii in lanthanides is called lanthanide contraction. Reason: Poor shielding effect of 4f-subshell Consequences of lanthanide contraction: 1) Due to lanthanide contraction the covalent nature of La-OH bond increases from La '0 Lu 2) Due to lanthanide contraction, the basic chat acter of oxides and hydroxides decrease’ from La(OH), to Lu(OH), 3) Due to lanthanide contraction, second and third transition series elements are almost Similar size so it is very difficult to sepa" Pair of elements, Using IUPAC norms write the formulas f° the following, 1) Tetra hydroxo zin cate (tt) [Zn(OH)” 2) Hexa amine cobalt (IID) sulphate (Co(NHy)g),(SO4)s ST TRAGK IPE for Sr. Stude™™ ain - we GREMISTRY| 4) Potasium hexa cyano ferrate (II) K,(Fe(CN)g) 4 potassium hexacyano ferrate (III) K3[Fe(CN)g] 5) Potassium tetra chloro palladate (II) K,{Pael,] 6) Potassium trioxalato chromate (III) K3[Cr(C20,4)3] 7) Hexo amine cobalt (III) chloride [Co(NH3)¢]Cls 8) Diamine chloro methyl amine platinum (11) chloride [Pt(NH),CICH NH, JCL 9) Hexa aqua titanium (111) ion [Ti(H,0),}* 10) Tetra chloro nickelate (11) ion{NiCl,J> 11) Iron (III) hexa cyanide ferrate (i) -Fe,[Fe(CN)g © Write the characteristics properties of tran- sition elements. A. Characteristics properties of transition elements ’) Transition elements show variable oxidation states ii) They exhibit paramagnetic character ii) They form complex compounds iv) They form coloured hydrated ions and salts ¥) They form alloys vi) They show catalytic activity What are interstitial compounds? How are they formed? Give two examples. ‘A. ‘The compounds in which small atoms such as H, B, N, C occupy the interstitial spaces in the lattice of any metal are called interstitial com- Pounds, Transitional elements forms a few interstitial Compounds with elements having small atomic "adii such as H, B, Ny C. The small atoms of ae these elements get enter in between the empty spaces of the metal lattice. Ex: TiC, FeO, TIN Explain different types of isomerism exhibited by coordination compounds, giving suitable examples. 1) Structural isomerism : Two (or) More compounds having same molecular formula but different structural arrangements are called structural isomerism. Structural isomerism is mainly 4 types. ) Tonisation isomerism : Compounds having same molecular formula but give different ions in a solution is called ionisation isomerism. Ex: [Co(NH,)sBrI8O,, [Co(NH)sSO, JBr fi) Hydrated isomerism : Compounds having same formula but different number of water molecules attached to metal atom (or) ion as ligands are called Hydrated isomerism. Ex: (Cr(H,0)¢]Cly, [Cr(H,0)sClICl).H,0 iii) Linkage isomerism : It is shown by the compounds containing ambidentate ligand which can attach to the metal through more than one donar atom. Ex: [Co(NO,)(NH3)5]Cl; , [Co(ONO)(NH3)s]C1, iv) Coordination isomerism : Compounds having same formula but two central metal atoms (or) ions exchanges their ligands are called coordination isomerism. Ex: (Co(NH;),][Cr(CN),], [CO(CN) ]{Cr(NH)] Il) Stereo isomerism : compounds having same formula and structure but different Spatial arrangements of ligands around central metal atom (or) ion. PAST TRACK IPE f — Stereo isomers are mainly two types. Geometrical isomerism : When two identical groups occupy adjacent positions, the isomers are called cis isomers. When they are arranged opposite to one another that isomers are called trans isomers. Square planar complexes of MA;X,, MABX, etc., octahedral complexes of MA,X, and MAX, exhibits Geometrical isomerism. Ex: [PU(NH,),Cl,] NH QZ AZ PN a as HN" Trans Ol Optical isomerism : If two isomers are non super imposable, mirror images to éach other they are called optical isomers and the process is called optical isomerism. Octahedral complexes with 2 (or) 3 bidentate ligands shows optical isomerism. Ex: [CoCl, (en),]*,[Co(en),}* Write the TUPAC names of the following co- ordination compounds: a) [Co(NH,)4,(H,0)CICL, b) Ni(CO), ©) Ky{Fe(CN),] 4) (Cr(NH ),(H,0); ICI, A. a) (Co(NH,),(H,0)€NC1, Tetramine aquo chlorido cobalt (II) Chloride | b) Ni(CO), => Tetra carbonyl Nickel (0) c) K,{Fe(CN),]=> Potassium hexacyano Ferrate (II) | d) (Cr(NH)3(H0);)C1, = ‘Triamine triaquo chromium (Ii) chloride sh Sa Why do the transition metal ions exhibit characteristic colours in aqueous solution, Explain giving example, Hydrated ions and compounds of many transition metals are coloured. Ex: MnCl, in pink, CuCl, is blue, NiSO, is green, CuSO,.5H,0 is blue coloured, etc, The colour of the hydrated transition metal ions and compounds may be attributed to the presence of unpaired d-electrons. In the gaseouis state or isolated state of metal ion all the five d-orbitals in a subshell are degenerate. Degenerate Lon surrounded b> negative ions or polar molecules, But under the influence of approaching ligands (H,0) five degenerate orbitals are splitted into two sets of d-orbitals having different energies This phenomenon is called crystal field splitting. ‘When white light falls on a hydrated transition metal ion having at least one unpaired electron, it absorbs a characteristic colour fro visible region for d-d transition and transmit the complementary colour, For example, TTiGH,0),J** has one 3d electron Tt absorb green and yellow light (A= 500-57 nm) from visible region and transmits a mixt of red and violet light (A= 400-450 nm). Hen hydrated Ti** ion has purple colour. Simi! hydrated cupric ion (Cu) abosorbs orange | light from visible region and transmits complementary colour greenish blue. Tt cupric compounds have greenish blue col mo FAST TRACK IPE for Sr. Stude

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