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OO LTEaU very Short Answer Questions : Ve What are monosaccharides? 4, Monosaccharides are simple carbohydrates, which cannot be hydrolyzed to still simpler carbohydrates. For example Glucose and Fructose. }, What are reducing sugars? ‘A. The carbohydrates which can reduce Tollen's reagent or Fehling’s solution are classified as reducing sugars, Ex: Glucose and Fructose are reducing sugars. Reducing sugars contain free aldehydic or ketonic group 7 3. Write two main functions of carbohydrates in plants. A. 1. Carbohybrates are used as storage molecules such as starch in plants and Glycogen in animals. 2. Cell wall of bacteria and plants are made up of cellulose 4, Classify the following into monosaccharides and disaccharides ribose, 2-deoxyribose, maltose, galactose, fructose, and lactose. A. Ribose, 2-deoxyribose, galactose, and fructose are monosaccharides. Maltose and Lactose are disaccharides. 5. What do you understand by the term slycosidic linkage? A. In oligosaccharides and polysaccharides, the two monosaccharide units are linked together by an oxide or ether linkage formed by the loss of water molecule. Such a linkage between two ‘monosaccharide units through oxygen atom is called glycosidic linkage. What is glycogen? How is it different from Starch, The carbohydrates are stored in animal body 4% glycogen. It is also known as animal starch. CAST TRACK IPE for Sr. Sludent A 8. 10. -————umi_f he Its structure is similar to amylopectin and is highly branched Where as starch consists of two components 1) Amylose, which is linear polymer of o-D- glucose 2) Amylopectin, which is branched polymer of o.-D-glucose. What are the hydrolysis products of (a) sucrose and (b) lactose ? Hydrolysis products of sucrose are ‘ot -D- glucose and B-D-fructose where as hydrolysis. products of lactose are B-D-galactose and B- D-glucose. Enumerate the reactions of D-glucose which cannot be explained by its open chai structure. i) It does not react with Schiff's base. ii) It does not react with hydroxylamine iii) It does not form hydrogen sulphite addition product on reaction with NaHSO,. iv) It exists in two crystalline forms namely -D-glucose and [)-D-Glucose. What are the common types of secondary structure of proteins? 1, Pleated sheet structure or B-sheet structure in which poly peptide chains are fully extended linearly in space. 2. at-helix structure in which the polypeptide chains are coiledup to form a helix. The helical pattern is found to be right-handed and is called o-helix. ‘What type of bonding helps in stabilizing the a.-helix structure of proteins? There is an intramolecular Hydrogen bonding between -NH group of each amino acid residue an with /C=0 ‘of an adjacent tum of the helix. 100 Differentiate between globular and fibrous proteins. Globular Protein Polypeptides are lcoiled around to lgive spherical shape. Fibrous Protein Polypeptides run parallel one to another. |Soluble in water Ex: Insulin, Albumin Tn soluble in water Ex: Keratin, Myosin, . How do you explain the amphoteric behavior of amino acids? Amino acids are amphoteric because they can accept as well as donate a proton. HO A-cH-coo- [> HsN-CH-COoH HN-CH-Coo yg” NG re 4 R Amino acid in Zwitterion form LOW wx cx-cooe “Ho | R . What is the effect of denaturation on the structure of proteins? Chemically, denaturation changes the secondary and tertiary structure of proteins but does not bring change in its primary structure. The denatured protein loses its biological activity. For example, on boiling egg, the soluble form of globular proteins undergoes coagulation to give fibrous proteins which are insoluble in water. . How are vitamins classified? Name the ” vitamin responsible for the coagulation of blood. The organic compounds required in the diet in small amounts to perform specific biological functions for normal maintenance of optimum. growth and health of the organism are called vitamins. Vitamins are classified as water soluble and fat soluble, Water soluble vitamins: B and C. Fat soluble vitamins: A, D, B, and K, Vitamin K responsible for blood coagulation St. CHEMISTRY Why are vitamin A and Vitamin C essen, to us? Give their important sources, A. [Vitamins [Source Function Vitamin A | Fish liver | Essential for oil, carrots, | vision, promote, butter and | protein synthesis milk maintain normal | growth of bones, Vitamin C | Citrus fruits, | Collagen ainla, green | synthesis leafy prevents vegetables | scurvy, 16, What are nucleic acids? Mention their two important functions. ‘Nuclei acids: The constituents of chromosomes are responsible for heredity along with proteins called nucleic acids. Functions: 1) Responsible for protein synthesis in cell 2) Responsible for transfer of characters from one generation to another. What are different types of RNA found in the cell? ‘There are three types of RNA in the cell. These are i) Messenger RNA (mRNA) ii) Ribosomal RNA (RNA) iii) Transfer RNA (RNA) What are anomers? Cyclic hemiacetyl forms of suigars which differ in their configuration at C, of aldoses or C, of ketoses are known as anomers. Ex: 0.-D-glucose and B -D-Glucose ‘What do you understand by invert sugars? Invert sugar is a mixture of glucose and fructose. It is formed by hydrolysis of sucrost (G0) What is zwitter ion? Give one example A. In aqueous solution of amino acids, -COO# group transfers a proton to -NH, group a forms a dipolar ion, known as Zwitter ion. Ex: H,N-CH-COOH = H,N* -CH-CO0 A. 17. A. 18. 19. A. a FAST. TRACK IPE for Sr. Studen's y (CHEMISTRY 21. What are non-reducing sugars? A. Carbohydrates which can't re & AL ‘duce tollen's reagent and Febling’s solution are‘called ney: reducing sugars. Ex: sucrose Write two methods of Glucose? ') Glucose can be obtained by by sucrose (cane sugar) in prese, Preparation of (May 2014) wdrolysis of nce of acid CiaH20n1 + H20—" 50,H,,0, +CgH,.0, Sucrose Glucose Fructose ii) Glucose can be prepared in large scale by hydrolysis of starch with dil H,SO, at 393 K temperature and 2-3 atm pressure (CotlioOs), + FO snc .H,.0, ‘What are amino acids? Give two examples. Carbon compounds containing both -NH, (amine) and -COOH (carboxylic acid) ‘groups are called amino acids. These are the building blocks of proteins Ex: Glycine and Alanine Short Answer Questions : 1 AL A. What is the basic structur: between starch and cellulose? Both starch and cellulose contain a large number of D(+) glucose units. Starch consists of two components (a) amylose, which is a linear polymer and (b) amylopectin which is a branched polymer, but in both the 0: -D-glucose units are linked through ot -glycosidic linkage between C, of one glucose with C, of next glucose unit. Cellulose is only a linear polymer of B-D-glucose units joined through B- glycosidic linkage between C, of one glucose with C, of next glucose unit. ‘What happens when D-glucose is treated with the following reagents? i) HI ii) Bromine water iii) HNO, i) HI: D-Glucose on treatment with HI gives n-Hexane difference CH,OH -(CHOH), CHO" CH; ~ (CH: ), -CHs FAST TRACK IPE for Sti Students n—hexane A. ae fi) Bromine water : D-Glucose is oxidised to Glu- conic Acid on treatement with Bromine water cHO COOH I I (CHOH), Bs", (CHOH), I I CH,OH CH,OH Glucose Gluconic Acid ili) HNO, : D-Glucose is oxidised to saccharic acid on treatment with Nitric acid (HNO,) on cooH | mm. wt (CHOK), 5 Wines I CH,OH Coon anee Saccharie Acid What are essential and non-essential amino acids? Give two examples of each type. Out of 20 amino acids, which are required for Protein synthesis, the human body can synthe- size 10 amino acids, The amino acids in which the body can synthesize are called non-essential amino acids. Ex: Glycine and alanine The remaining 10 amnio acids in which the body is not able to synthesize are called essential amino acids, Ex: Leucine and Isoleucine Define the following as related to proteins: i) Peptide linkage ii) Primary structure iii) Denaturation i) The linkage (—CO—NH—) which unites various amino acid units in peptide molecule is called peptide linkage. fi) Primary structure: The sequence of amino acids in a protein molecule is called the primary Structure of protein. Different chemical and biological functions are due to the variation in Primary structure. GG — ii) Denaturation: The process of losing bio- logical activity and helical structure of proteins (0., 03 peptide by disturbing Hydrogen bonds by-varying temperature or chemical change (change in pH) is caliéd denaturation. ‘What are enzymes? ~ Erizymes are naturally occurring simple or “conjugate proteins which act as catalysts in the biochemical reactions In living organisms. Characteristics of enzymes: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) They are highly specific in their action. Each enzyme can catalyzé only a specific type of reaction. They can speed up non-catalyzed reaction to the extent of a ten million times. ‘They are active at moderate temperature (300 K) and moderate pH(6-8). Their action can be controlled or inhibited by certain organic or inorganic substances. Even a small amounts of enzymes can be highly efficient. What is the difference between a nucleoside ‘and a nucleotide? Nucleoside is Base + Sugar. Ex: Adenosine HO-H,C* Base fe x H H 3° , OH OH (@) anucleoside Nucleotide is base + sugar + phosphate Ex: AMP i -0-P-0-H0-H, Base os 7 a OH oH (b) a nucleotide Sr. CHEMISTRY] ‘The two strands in DNA are not identical, but are complimentary. Explain. DNA is a double helix in which the two strands of DNA are held by the hydrogen bonds between the bases on the two strands. Thymine (1) pairs with adenine through two hydrogen bonds and cytosine (c) pairs with guanine (G) through three hydrogen bonds. So opposite each adenine (A) on one strand there is always a Thymine (T) on the other strand and opposite guanine, there is cytosine (C). This means that the two strands of DNA are complementary to cach other. ‘Write the important structural and functional difference between DNA and RNA. The main structural difference between DNA and RNA are: i) In DNA, sugar is deoxyribose while in RNA it is ribose sugar ii) Piramidine base thymine is present in DNA only while uracil is present in RNA only. iii) DNA exists as double strand helix where as RNA exists as a single strand. Functional difference between DNA and RNA is that DNA has the property of replication. DNA controls the transmission of hereditary characters. On the other hand, RNA controls the synthesis of proteins. ® What is Zwitter ion ? Give an example ? In aqueous solutions the carboxyl grou? (-COOH) of amino acids a proton, which is being accepted by amino group (-NH,) resulting in the formation of a dipolar io” known as Zwitter ion. This is neutral, but contains both positive and negative charges. ry [fe CHEMISTRY| | a Give the source of the following vitamins and name the disease caused by their deficiency? a. [Vitamin] Source Deficiency disease A Fish liver, Xerophthalmia, carrots, butter | night blindness and milk D Fish, egg. yolk | Rickets, in children| and exposure | and osteomalacia | to sunlight {in adults E Vegetable oils | Sterility, Neurosis, like sunflower oil, Green leafy vegetables, egg yolk. K Green leafy vegetables, cow milk cabbage of heart muscles. Increased blood clotting time (Bite «brit note onthe structure of glucose. structures, Evidences in favour of open chain structure : Molecular formula of Glucose is C,H,,0,, Glucose has two kinds of structures ie., open chain, We 8 What are hormones. Give one example for each 4) Steroid hormones ii) Polypeptide hormones iii) Amino acid derivatives A. Organic compounds synthesized by ductless glands and carried by blood to target of the body are called hormones. i) Steroid hormones: Ex: Estrogen, Progesterone ii) Polypeptide hormones : Ex: Insulin, Glycogen iii) Amino acid derivatives : Ex: Thyroxine, Epinephrine cyclic Tollens reagent or Fehling’s sol. Reaction Reagent Product Conclusion 1) Acetylation ‘Ac,O/AcOH. Penta acetate —_| Presence of 5-OH groups 2) With Hydroxyl amine | NH,OH Oxime Presence of >C=0 3) Mild oxidation Bry HO or Gluconic acid | Presence of ~CHO > 4) Strong oxidation Conc.HNO, Saccharic acid _| Presence of ~CH,OH 5) Reduction HURed 'P’ n-Hexane Presence of six carbons in a straight chain Points in favour of cyclic structure: 1) It doesn’t react with schiff’s base, NH, & NaHSO, 2) It forms two isomeric glucosides 3) It exhibits mutarotation fasr TRACK IPE for Sr. Student a 103 os ¥ SCENT Conclusions : From all above points and based on other reactions, it is known that glucose in water exist as a mixture of open chain & ring structures in equilibrium i.e., a Glucose —===open chain form ——== B - glucose +111 #25 +19. 36% 0.02% 64% Open chain and cyclic structures of o.-D-(+)- glucose : CHO H—+—OH HOH H—+—OH H-+-0H CH,OH 13. Write notes on the function of different hormones in body ? A. | Hormone Source Chemical Nature Function Thyroxine Thyroid Amino Acid Regulates metabolism Insolin Pancreas Peptide Decreases blood glucose level Testosterone Testes Steroid Controls normal functioning of male sex organs Progesterone Ovary | | Steroid Prepares uterus for pregnancy @ Write the importance of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are essential for the life of both plants and animals. Some of the important uses of carbohydrates are 1) Honey is an instant source of energy. 2) Carbohydrates are used as storage molecules as starch in plants, as glycogen in animals. 3) Cell walls of bacteria and plants are made of cellulose. 4) Wood and cotton fibre contain cellulose. 5) Deribose and 2 -deoxy-D-ribose are present in nucleic acids. 6) Carbohydrates are present in biosystem in combination with many proteins and lipids. 7) The carbohydrate antibiotic that disrupts bacterial protein synthesis is Streptomycin. 8) They provide raw materials for industries like paper textiles etc. {04 FAST TRACK IPE for Sr. Students)

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