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(1.1) Concept Of Administration And Management.

Definition Of Administration:-
Management is a systematic way of managing
people and things within the organization. Management is an activity
of business and functional level.
Definition Of Administration:-
The administration is defined as an act of
administering the whole organization by a group of people.
Administration is a high-level activity.



1. Management is defined as the process of On the other hand, the administration is defined
administering an organization. as the process of managing the roles and
responsibilities provided to the employees.

2. A manager controls and guides the An administrator inspires and motivates the
employees to achieve the tasks assigned to employees to achieve their goals.

3. Management can be considered as a skill Administration can be considered as a process

wherein the people are organized, and the wherein the policies are set up and followed.
resources are put to work in an efficient

4. The authority of a manager is from the The authority of an administrator is only to the
lower to middle level. upper level.

5. A manager makes sure that the employees On the other hand, an administrator makes sure
follow the policies. that the policy is effectively formulated.

6. A manager has an executive role. An administrator has a decisive role.

7. A manager works under an administrator. An administrator does not work under anyone;
rather, he/ she has complete control over the

8. A manager manages the work of the An administrator is responsible for creating

employees. policies and following them.

9. Management is applied to business The administration is applied to several areas

organizations. like government offices, enterprises, hospitals,
educational organizations, etc.
10. A manager decides that who has to do the An administrator decides that what must be
work and how they will do it. done and when it must be done.

So, these are some of the major differences between management and administration. It is essential to note that
management and administration are significant parts of an organization. Now, let us look at some of the types of
management and administration.

Types of Management
Management is essential in business organizations. The major types of management are:

1. Strategic Management: Strategic management is defined as the management in which the manager's main
focus is strategy formation. It is an executive function followed by the manager.
2. Sales Management: A sales manager is responsible for managing the sales of a firm.
3. Public Relations: A PR manager is a connecting link between the organization and the people.
4. Marketing Management: A marketing manager is responsible for taking care of marketing strategies of
brands and products.
5. Operations Management: An operations manager handles the production of services and goods.
Operations management takes care of retail management and manufacturing management.
6. Supply Chain Management: A supply chain manager is responsible for giving a product from supplier to
7. Accounting & Financial Management: The role of a financial manager is to manage the finances and
accounts of the company.
8. Human Resource Management: The HR manager is responsible for hiring, training, rewarding, supervising,
and compensating the performance of the employees.
9. Project Management: A project manager plans, controls, and organizes the project of the company.
10. Risk Management: A risk manager identifies the threats and risks related to the organization and suggests
different ways to overcome them.
11. Quality Management: A quality manager controls, plans, and assures the employees of a safe working
12. Design Management: A design manager is responsible for creating new designs for the products and
brands launched by the company.

Types of Administration
1. Autocratic Administration: Autocratic administration is defined as the administration in which the administrator
follows dictatorship. In this kind of administration, the administrator takes decisions and imposes them on the
employees. The employees have to follow the orders of the administrators. Autocratic administration has the
following characteristics:

o Work under an autocratic administrator is completed on time.

o Autocratic administration is result-oriented.
o It affects the self-esteem of the employees.
o It reduces the enthusiasm among employees.
o It hinders the growth and innovation of the employees.

2. Democratic Administration: In democratic administration, the administrator follows the concept of democracy,
i.e., he/ she believes in cooperation and sharing. The administrator is flexible and sympathetic towards the need of the
employees. He/ she ensures that the employees have a safe working environment. The employees are respected and
are given the authority to make decisions for themselves. Democratic administration has the following characteristics:

o The employees enjoy freedom and liberty.

o The employees make their own decisions.
o The members of the organization work according to the decisions made by them.

3. Laissez-Faire Administration: In laissez-faire administration, there is no interference in the employee's matters.

The employees do whatever they wish to do. There is complete freedom in the workplace. Decisions are solely taken
by the employees. They work according to their will. Apart from the advantages, laissez-faire administration has
certain disadvantages. They are:

o The organizations can be in chaos and disorder.

o The quality of work is reduced.
o The employees do not practice professionalism.
o The employees do not follow the rules and regulations provided by the organization.

So, these are the types of management and administration that are practiced in several organizations. Administration
and management is an important part as it ensures smooth and efficient running of the organization. Thus, both
management and administration play an essential part in business organizations.

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