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Name: _____Neka Kardava______

Midterm 2
Task 1 (10 points)
Where necessary, insert indefinite article, definite article, some, one, or any
• She went shopping to buy _some__ clothes. She wanted one___ blouse,
_one_ skirt, and __any_ comfortable shoes. She saw _one_ cool dress and _one_
beautiful blouse. She ended up buying a___ pair of jeans and one___ sweater for the
chilly evenings.
• I haven’t heard _any__ good songs lately.
• I am working as _a__ waiter in __a_ restaurant right now.
• No, I don’t want to work in __any_ restaurant! It has to be _a_one_
restaurant in Paris where I used to go as a child!
• _some__ tea is a healthy beverage.
• This is _a__ nice tea. Go on, have a sip!
• __any_ books are amazing! They are so good for boosting our
• _some__ books I bought last week were not interesting at all.
• __any_ Water in __any_ Mediterranean Sea is very salty.
• The farmer goes to ___ on Saturdays.

Task 2 (10 points)

Identify Adjective or Adverb in each sentence
• Tom is very clever.- adverb
• He slowly left the room.- adjective
• She closed the door quietly.- adjective
• She opened the door easily.- adjective
• It’s easy to make mistakes.- adverb
• Sad song make me cry.-adverb
• Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.- adjective
• The exam was not too difficult.- adverb
• She smiles happily.- adverb
• Nino’s apartment is always very tidy.- adverb

Task 3 (10 points)

Put the Adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form (use than, much, more
where necessary)
Dear Hermione,
I am writing to tell you about my new
house. It’s __biggest_ (big) house I
have ever lived in. However, it is
also__ the most expensive___
(expensive) one. Still, it’s worth all
the penny, because it’s _nicer_than_
(nice) my old flat. Although the
garden is a bit __smaller_ (small),
there are lots of flowers here, so it’s
_more colourful than __ (colourful)
my old house. As for the rooms, they
are __more spacious_ (spacious) and
there is little __ (little) noise. The area
I live now is _the most__ (peaceful)
place I’ve ever lived in. The
neighbours are __the most quiet
than___ (quiet) here than anywhere
else, and they are _the most
friendly__ (friendly) I have ever met!

Task 4 (5 points)
Insert there, it or one
• By the time I got home, __it_ was nearly 10 o’clock.
• Come here, David, _there__ is someone here to see you. I think __it_ is
your friend George.
• – I need a dress for the party! – No problem, I will lend you _one__!
• _It_ wasn’t very much money left after the shopping spree.

Task 5 (5 points)
Insert this, that, these, or those
• What are you doing ___this _ afternoon?
• Who is _that __ man over there?
• I have been really busy _these__ past several weeks.
• - Hey! Luke got married last week! – Really? _that__’s wonderful!
• In _those__ days, people didn’t have cars!

Total: 40/___
Grade: 10/___

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