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School: Colegiul Național Pedagogic “Vasile Lupu” Iasi

Student teachers: Bozaru Cătălina Maria
Teacher coach: Viorica Codreanu
Teacher: Cristina Zgavirdici
Pedagogical teacher: Botezatu Vasilica
Date/Class: 6th of November/First Grade
Textbook: Comunicare în limba modernă engleză, clasa a IIa, Uniscan
Unit 2: My birthday
Lesson: Maths. Shapes.
Skills: Integrated
Time allowed: 45’
Vocabulary: language related to:
• Shapes of objects
• Numbers from 1 to 10
• Familiar objects and their shape
(examples: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, clock, table/desk, box, etc.).

Lesson aims:
• Reinforce previously achieved vocabulary and grammar related to shapes and numbers from 1 to 10
• Listening skills (practicing pronunciation, intonation, rhythm)
• Develop communicative skills (encouraging students to speak freely about school supplies)

Objectives (by the end of the lesson the students will be able to):
• Count the numers of shapes that they see in a given picture, using the numbers from 1 to 10
• Identify the written word for every shape and draw them
• Name the shapes of common object that they see day-by-day

Aids: laptop with internet access, white sheets, book, poster, bag (with school supplies), white board
Strategies (methods):
• Observation
• Explanation
• Reading
• Exercise

Possible problems:
1. The noise (Students are young and easily distracted.)
2. Students’ level of English (If some students have a lower level of English and they don’t like taking risks, they may not get involved in
the lesson. Also, some of them may not understand the task and they won’t ask for answers.)
3. The topic of the lesson ( Some of them may not like the topic and they may not want to get involved in the lesson.)
Bibliography: Manual de limba modernă engleză, clasa a IIa, Uniscan


3’ Warm-up „Shapes are all around” -to set the atmosphere
On youtube,
3’ Presentation Teachers introduce themselves. Then they tell the -to make the transition Teacher->Students
students, the subject and the objectives for the lesson between the previous
lesson and today’s lesson

- Today we are going to remember the numbers and

we will play with the shapes. Today’s lesson is -to help students stay
called: “Shapes” focused on the lesson’s
2’ Controlled practice Q: Let’s count from 1 to 10. -to check students
A: one, two. three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, understanding
10’ Watching and listening Listen to “Like a shape” song -to engage students in Plenary
using the target
Speaking vocabulary together
Repeat the lyrics after me and then let’s sing the song

Q: What was the song about?

A: The song was about shapes?
Q: What are the shapes you heard in the song?
A: The shapes are: circle, square, triangle and
Q: What are the objects that are a circle, a square, a
triangle and a rectangle?
A: The objects are: a ball, a box, a roof and a door.

15’ Controlled practice Students will open the work book at page 24. -to check understanding Teacher>Students
(Attached sheet 1). We will solve the exercise from
that page, using shapes vocabulary and numbers from
1 to 10.
Then I will write some words on the board which
represent the shapes. The students will read them and - to develop reading skills Reading
they will show us the shape by drawing it on the with
board. (triangle, circle, rectangle, square)

5’ Free pracice I will give them a work sheet that contains names of - to improve Associating
the shapes and give them another sheet containing the communicative skills
shapes, they should cut the shapes and put them next
to the name.

- to encourage students to
express freely
5’ Free pracice „Now let’s play a game. I am going to show you a - to encourage students to Speaking
picture of an object, and you will have to name the express freely
shape of it. Are you ready?” I will show the kids 4 to
5 pictures of common objects (Attachment bellow)
2’ Evaluation Teacher makes comments upon students’ activity -to motivate students in Teacher->Students
during the lesson the process of learning

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