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TYTANZ'18 QUESTION BANK TIRUNELVELI MEDICAL COLLEGE TYTANREIGNZ’19 FIRST MBBS QUESTION BANK ‘TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK INSTRUCTIONS * TYTANREIGNZ'19 Question bank is based on new curriculum of first year MBBS where Essay(15 marks) and Short notes(5 marks) are included * It covers almost all the Questions of previous University exams and the possible questions that might be asked in the future. %* As per the new curriculum, case based questions are quite popular, the students are asked to study the topics along with the Applied aspects and remember the differentiating symptoms TIME MANAGEMENT IN YOUR EXAM ESSAY - 40 mins for each question = 80 mins SHORT NOTES -7 mins for each question = 70 mins MCQs- 1min for 1 question = 20 mins REVISION = 10 mins * Agood presentation along with sufficient content can fetch you good marks Draw diagrams , flowcharts and cycles and make your presentation as attractive as possible. ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR EXAMS!!! TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK HUMAN ANATOMY General Anatomy 2 General Embryology 2 General Histology 3 Upper Limb 4 Lower Limb 6 Abdomen and Pelvis 7 (Along with related Embryology and Related Histology) Genetics 10 Thorax 10 Head and Neck 11 Neuroanatomy 14 (Along with related Embryology and Related Histology) TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 1.Blood supply of a long bone *** 2.Nutrient artery ** 3.Cartilaginous joint * 4.Types of synovial joint ** 5.Pivot joint * 6.Syndesmosis ** 7.Classification of joints with examples *** &.Functions & Classification of bones * 9. Classification of cartilage with examples 10. Sesamoid bone * 1LTypes of ossification 12.Skin 1. Describe in detail the congenital anomalies of the hear L.Spermatogenesis* 2.Oogenesis with diagram 3.Menstrual cycle* 4.Resuts of fertilization(First week development) 5.2nd week development** 6.Primitive streak** (3rd week development) 7.Yolk sac*** 8.Derivatives of 1st pharyngeal arch** 9. Derivatives of 2nd pharyngeal arch** 10.Development of thyroid gland TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 11. Development of face and its anomalies 12.Development of tongue**** 13. Development of palatine tonsil 14. Development of pancreas** 15.Midgut rotation** 16. Fate of aortic arches 17. Congenital anomalies of kidney 18. Development of atria 19. Development of kidney* 20. Development of diaphragm* 21. Development of interatrial septum** 22. Development of urinary bladder** 23.Paramesonephric duct 24,Structure of sperm* 25. Fetal circulation 26. Neural tube** 27. Folding of embryo 28. Tetralogy of fallot 29. Pituitary gland 30. Thyroglossal cyst Microscopic structure of cartilages(All 3 types) *** Microscopic structure of bone ** Microscopic structure of ganglion (sympathetic and spinal)* Microscopic structure of liver and spleen *** Microscopic structure of trachea** Histology of palatine tonsil *** Demilunes NOY PWN Pp TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 8. Histology of skin ** 9. Histology of submandibular gland 10.Histology of parotid gland 11.Microscopic structure of lung * 12. Microscopic structure of fundus of stomach 13.Microscopic structure of duodenum 14.Microscopic structure of appendix 15.Microscopic structure of kidney** 16 Histology of ureter 17.Microscopic structure of testes 18.Microscopic structure of ovary 19.Histology of hypophysis cerebri *** 20.Histology of thyroid and parathyroid ** 21 Histology of suprarenal gland 22.Histology of cerebellum** 23.Histology of cerebral cortex 24.Histology of cornea** 25.Histology of retina** - Location, structure, relations, blood supply, lymphatic drainage, histology and applied anatomy. *#* 2 oundaries and contents with relations. Axillary artery - formation, course, parts, relations, branches and applied anatomy, * 3. Brachial plexus - Formation, variation (pre and post fixed), branches and applied anatomy. *** 4. Shoulder joint - Type, articular surfaces, relations, ligaments, muscles producing movements and applied anatomy. ** 5. Median nerve - Formation, course, parts, relations, branches and applied anatomy. ” 6. Radial nerve - Formation, course, parts, relations, branches and applied anatomy. ** 7. Ulnar nerve - Formation, course, parts, relations, branches and applied anatomy. * 8. Elbow joint - Type, articular surfaces, relations, ligaments, muscles producing movements and applied anatomy. 4 TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 1. Lower end of the humerus. Cea eae 9. Muscles of scapular region/deltoid. 10. Rotator cuff, *** 11. Inter muscular spaces. ** 12. Axillary/ circumflex nerve. * 13. Anastomoses around the scapula. * 14. Cephalic vein. * 15. Biceps bract 16. 17. * 18. Changes at the Level of Insertion of Coracobrachialis. * 19, Cubital fossa. ** 20. Radial nerve in spiral groove. 's point. *** 21. Profunda brachii artery 22, Flexor Retinaculum. ** 23. Intrinsic muscles of hand. * 24. Lumbricals of hand. * 25, Supéfficial Palmar Arch.** 26, Ulnar nerve in hand. * 27. Median nerve in hand. ** 29. Cutaneous innervation of the 2 30/ ). . Movements and muscle producing movements of the shoulder joint. * 32. Elbow joint. * 33. Superior radioulnar joint. * p TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 34, Supination and pronation. **** 35. Wrist joint and muscle involved in movement of wrist joint. * 36. First carpometacarpal joint/ joint of thumb. * Lip joint - types , bones forming , ligaments, relations, muscles producing movements, applied anatomy **** 2. Femoral triangle - boundaries, contents femoral sheath, applied aspects*** 3.Great Saphenous vein - Formation, course, relations, tributaries, perforators, termination, applied anatomy 4 Sciatic Nerve-Root value, formation, course, branches, relations, applied anatomy 5. Knee Joint-Type, bones forming, ligaments, relations, movements, applied anatomy 6. Arches of foot- Types, bones forming, structures, applied aspects 1. Modifications of deep fascia of thigh** 2. Femoral triangle ** 3, Femoral sheath ** 4, Adductor canal*** 5. Structures under the cover of gluteus maximus * 6. Trendelenburg ‘s sign** 7. Muscles of back of thigh ** 8. Sciatic nerve ** 9. Arterial anastomosis on back of thigh 10. Popliteal fossa. **** 11. Ligaments of hip joint ** 12.Anastomosis around knee joint 13.Extensor retinaculum of leg 14.Peroneal retinaculum 15.Deep peroneal nerve 16.Ligaments and bursae of knee joint 17.Locking and unlocking of knee joint TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 18.Medical longitudinal arch 19.Ankle joint 20. Inversion and eversion of foot 21.Cutaneous supply of foot 22.Peroneal artery 23.Subtalar joint 24. Dorsalis pedis artery 25. Retinaculum in front of ankle 26.Freshers syndrome 27.Dorsum of foot 28. Musculocutaneous nerve of the leg 29.Superior and inferior extensor retinaculum 30.Plantar aponeurosis 31)Tibiofibular joint 32)Calcaneocuboid joint 33) Talocalcaneonavicular joint 34)Short saphenous vein 35)Perforating veins ‘TIPS : See all arteries and nerves course, supply and muscle attachments and innervation, ood supply for one mark and practical. 1. Inguinal canal -definition, boundaries, contents, applied anatomy. *** 2. Testis- external features, covering, structure, blood supply, lymphatic drainage, histology, development, applied anatomy** 3, Stomach- location, external features, presenting parts, relations, blood supply, lymphatic drainage, nerve supply, interior of stomach, histology, applied anatomy**** 4. Extra hepatic biliary apparatus- parts, relations, blood supply, histology, applied anatomy** 5. Duodenum- location, parts, relations, interior of duodenum, blood supply, histology, applied anatomy * TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 6. Pancreas — location, presenting parts, relations, blood supply, duct system, histology, development, applied anatomy *** 7. Portal vein — formation, course, parts, relations, tributaries, sites of porto-caval anastomosis, applied anatomy***** 8.Urinary Bladder — Parts, Relations, Ligaments, Interior, Nerve supply, Blood supply, Histology, Applied anatomy *** 9. Male urethra — Parts, features in each part, Blood supply, Applied * 10. Uterus — Measurements, Position, Parts, relations, supports of uterus, Blood supply, Lymphatic drainage, microscopic anatomy, Applied aspects ***** 11. Prostate — Parts, coverings, structures traversing, Lobes, zones, applied *** 12.Rectum- Relations, Mucosal folds, Blood supply, Nerve supply, Supports and Applied aspects * 13. Anal Canal — Extent, Relation, Interior features, Blood supply, applied ** 1. Umbilicus 2. Rectus sheath 3. Inguinal ligament /Poupart’s ligament * 4. Femoral sheath * 5. Femoral hernia 6. Inguinal hernia *** 7. Blood supply & lymphatic drainage of testes ** 8. Descent of testes *** 9. Mesentery 10. Hepatic renal pouch of Morrison ** 11. Lesser sac/ omental bursa *** 12. Recto uterine pouch of Douglas 13. Foramen epiploicum [of Winslow] *** 14. Stomach bed **** 15. Nerve supply of stomach 16. Blood supply & lymphatic drainage of stomach **** 17. Inferior (visceral) surface of liver 18. Ligaments of liver*** 19. Gallbladder 20. Second part of duodenum *** 21. Blood supply of duodenum 22. Development of pancreas ** 23. Porto-caval anastomosis **** 24. Meckel’s diverticulum ** 25. Vermiform appendix *** 26. Arterial supply of colon 27. Superior mesenteric artery ** 28. Inferior mesenteric artery ** 29. Kidney a) Structure ** b) Posterior relations * 30. Relations of ureter * 31. Openings of Diaphragm ** 32, Ischio anal fossa and its clinical anatomy *** 33. Perineal Pouches and its contents (Superficial and deep) **** 34, Pudendal canal ** 35. Pudendal Nerve *** 36.Internal pudendal artery * 37. Ligaments of bladder ** 38. Supports of Uterus *** 39. Blood supply of rectum ** 40. Internal Iliac Artery ** 41. Lumbar Plexus ** 42. Thoraco lumbar fascia 43. Coeliac trunk * 44, Coeliac plexus / solar plexus *** 45. Lumbar plexus 46.Psoas major TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK ‘1Trisomy/ Down syndrome*** 2.Turners syndrome*** 3.Karyotyping* 4.Klinefelter's syndrome*** 5.Mitosis 6.Meiosis 1. Coronary circulation (blood supply of heart) - origin, course, distribution, branches, termination, anastomosis, clinical significance. ***** 2. Interior of right atrium and correlate it with its development**** 3. Lungs - external features, lobes and fissures, relations, hilum, blood supply, nerve supply, bronchopulmonary segments, applied. **** 4. Intercostal nerves - origin, unique features, classification. Typical intercostal nerve - course, relations, branches, applied. *** 5, Oesophagus - level of origin, course, constrictions, parts, relations, blood & nerve supply, histology, applied 6. Arch of aorta - extent, relations, branches, histology, applied. 7. Typical intercostal space** 8. Trachea - length, extent, relation, histology, development, applied aspects 9, Mediastinum - definition, divisions, a note on posterior mediastinum, applied anatomy 10. Pleura - parts, recesses, blood & nerve supply, surface marking, applied aspects 11. Gross anatomy of left ventricle and development 1. Bronchopulmonary segments**** 2. Pleural recess*** 3. Pericardial sinus 4. Typical intercostal nerve**** 5. Internal thoracic artery ‘TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 6. Azygos vein*** 7. Hilum of lungs 8. Mediastinal surface of lungs**** 9. Venous drainage of heart 10. Cardiac plexuses 11. Coronary sinus*** 12. Thoracic duct** 13. SVC 14. Ligamentum arteriosum 15. Conducting system of heart 16. Posterior mediastinum*** 17. Superior mediastinum 18. interventricular septum 19. Pericardium 20. Cervical rib 21. Events at the level of sternal angle*** 22. Interatrial septum 23. Left ventricle - internal features Posterior triangle of neck ~ subdivisions, boundaries, contents, applied anatomy ** 2. Carotid triangle — Boundaries, Contents, Clinical anatomy *** 3. Parotid gland — location, presenting parts, Capsule, Relations, structures within the gland, Stenson’s Duct, Nerve supply, Histology, Development and applied anatomy **** 4, Submandibular gland — Location, parts, Relations, Wharton’s duct, Nerve supply, development and applied anatomy ** 5. Infratemporal fossa — Boundaries, Contents, Otic ganglion, applied anatomy. * 6. Temporomandibular joint - type of joint, articular surface and disc, ligaments, relations, Blood supply, Nerve supply, movements, applied aspects** 7. Pterygopalatine fossa ~ Boundaries, Communications, Contents and a note on Pterygopalatine ganglion, applied anatomy. * 8. Thyroid gland Location, Parts, coverings, Relations, Blood supply, Lymphatic drainage, Microscopy, Development, Clinical anatomy ***** " TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 9. Tongue — Parts, External features, Papillae, Muscles, Nerve supply, Blood supply, Lymphatics, Development and applied aspects **** 10, Pharynx — Boundaries, Subdivisions, Features, Pharyngeal wall, Muscles of Pharynx, Nerve supply, blood supply, applied aspects *** 11. Larynx — Cartilages, Joints, Ligaments and membranes, Muscles, Cavity, Blood supply, Applied aspects and a note on Rima glottidis ** 12.Lateral wall of nose — Bones and cartilages, Features, Blood supply, Nerve supply, Applied anatomy *** 13.Nasal septum- Bones and cartilages, blood supply and Nerve supply, Parts and lings of nasal Cavity, applied anatomy and a note on paranasal air sinuses. * 14. Middle Ear —Subdivisions, Boundaries, Contents, Measurements, Ear ossicles, Blood supply,Nerve supply, Applied anatomy **** 15. Extra Ocular Muscles **** 16. Meninges- Dural folds, blood supply, Nerve supply and a note on Dural venous sinuses applied anatomy ** 17. Cavernous Sinus — Location, Extent, relations, Structures in the lateral wall, Tributaries, Communications, Clinical Anatomy **** 18, Spinal cord- Extent, coverings, external features, internal structure, Tracts, blood supply, applied anatomy *** 19, Facial nerve- nuclei of origin, component, course, branches, termination. Describe lesions at various levels. Add a note on Bell's palsy. **** 1. Scalp - Nerve supply & blood supply* 2. Facial artery**** 3, Dangerous area of face 4. Bell’s palsy - Characteristic features 5. Lacrimal apparatus** 6. Platysma 7. Carotid sheath* 8. Sternocleidomastoid muscle** 9. Posterior triangle*** 10. Structures in anterior median line of neck** 11. Carotid triangle* 12. Ansa cervicalis*** 13. Suboccipital triangle 2 14, Parotid gland - Nerve supply 15. Hyoglossus muscle*** 16, Lateral pterygoid** 17. Maxillary artery 18. Mandibular nerve* 19. Otic ganglion** 20. Muscles of mastication** 21. Pterygopalatine ganglion* 22. Blood supply of thyroid gland* 23. Muscles of the tongue** 24. Inferior constrictor muscle** 25, Palatine tonsil** 26. Laryngeal cartilages* 27. Muscles of larynx 28, External carotid artery* 29. Internal jugular vein** 30. Styloid apparatus* 31. Nasal septum*** 32. Middle meatus* 33, Paranasal air sinuses* 34, Maxillary sinus**** 35. Tympanic membrane** 36. Extraocular muscles** 37. Ciliary ganglion**** 38. Blood supply of spinal cord**** 39, Superior orbital fissure** 40. Folds of dura mater 41, Superior sagittal sinus* 42. Lateral wall of nasal cavity 43, Temporo-mandibular joint*** 44, Spinal meninges & its modifications* 13 TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 1. Sulci, Gyri, Functional areas and blood supply of Superolateral surface of brain. 2. Sulci, Gyri, Functional areas and blood supply of medial surface of brain ** 3.Classify White matter of Cerebral Hemisphere and explain.Add a note on internal capsule. 4, Blood supply of brain * 5. Nuclei, course, branches and clinical anatomy of Facial Nerve ***** 6. Spinal cord and blood supply. 7. Cerebellum- external and internal features, blood supply, applied anatomy. 1. Oculomotor nerve * 2. Trochlear Nerve ** 3. Abducent Nerve *** 4, Hypoglossal Nerve ** 5. Glossopharyngeal Nerve 6. T.S of Medulla at the level of sensory decussation * 7.T.S of Medulla at the level of Pyramidal decussation 8. TS of Medulla at the level of Olivary Nucleus *** 9. T.S of Pons at the level of facial colliculus *** 10. TS of upper pons ** 11. T.S of midbrain at the level of superior colliculus *** 12. TS of midbrain at the level of inferior colliculus *** 13. Cerebellar Peduncles *** 14. Floor of 4th Ventricle / Rhomboid Fossa *** 15. Third Ventricle *** 16. Lateral Ventricle *** 17. Base of Brain * 18. Caudate Nucleus *** 19. Corpus striatum * 20. Internal capsule in detail ***** 21. Corpus callosum ** 22. Circle of Willis **** 14 TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 23. Sub arachnoid cisterns ** 24. Spinal cord **** 25, Subarachnoid cisterns* 26. Wallenberg syndrome/ lateral medullary syndrome’. 15 TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK PHYSIOLOGY RABE General physiology 17 Haematology 17 Nerve and Muscle physiology 19 Gastrointestinal physiology 20 Renal physiology 21 Endocrine physiology 21 Reproductive physiology 22 Respiratory physiology 24 Cardiovascular physiology 25 Neurophysiology cNns 26 Special Senses 28 18 TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY 1. Functions of mitochondria.** 2. Classify fluid compartments in our body and give their normal values. Mention 2 methods to determine ECF volume. * 3. Primary Active Transport / Na+ -K+ ATPase pump *** 4, Secondary active transport * 5, Feedback Mechanisms *** 6. Facilitated Diffusion ** 7. Carrier Mediated Transport ** 8. Aquaporins * 9. Phagocytosis ** 10. Apoptosis ** 11. Cell junctions* 12. G Protein * 13. Cytoskeleton* 14,Transport across cell membrane* » HAEMATOLOGY 1. The blood investigations of a patient named althea, female of age 25 years reads the following values RBC count 4.5 million/ Hb 13 g/dl Total WBC count 9000 cells/ Total platelet count 2.54 lakhs/ A. Comment on the values? And write the normal range? B. Name the process by which red blood cells are formed? Explain it in detail and the factors affecting the process? C. Name the Vitamins involved and their role in maturation of red blood cells? (or) Define erythropoiesis, the stages involved and the factors affecting it? *** TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 2. In physiology lab after pricking your finger with a lancet you notice the bleeding stops after three minutes ‘A, What is the mechanism by which the bleeding stops? Explain in detail about the process and the factors involved? B. What is clotting time and what do you infer from it? (or) Define haemostasis? The intrinsic and extrinsic pathway of coagulation? *** 3. A. Why do we do vaccination, what system does it stimulate? What is the type of immunity? B. Classify immunity and add a note on cell mediated immunity? *** C. Physiological role of granulocytes circulating in the blood? (1 role for each granulocyte) 4, Define anaemia. Classify them and important investigations *** 5. ABO blood grouping and Rh blood grouping? And a note on erythroblastosis fetalis. * 1.Functions of plasma proteins ** 2.Erythroblastosis fetalis * 3.Mononuclear phagocyte system * 4.Functions of platelets ** 5.Autoimmune disease *** 6.Transfusion reactions 7.Haemophilia *** 8.Thalassemia 9.Lymphatic circulation ** 10.Thymus 11.Clot retraction and dissolution 12.Blood indices 13. Starling forces and pathophysiology of edema ** 1B TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK NERVE MUSCLE PHYSIOLOGY 1.Discuss the Molecular Mechanism of Muscle contraction. Add a note on Rigor mortis**** 2. Write in detail the electron microscopic structure of skeletal muscle and the molecular mechanism of muscular contraction** 3. Neuromuscular junction -structure , mechanism, transmission and dysfunction**** 4. Excitation - contraction coupling. Add note on muscle relaxation** 5. Explain the sliding filament hypothesis and outline the main events in the cross-bridge cycle.** Structure and functions of Neuromuscular junction* 2.Draw a neat labelled diagram of Neuromuscular junction and explain the events in neuromuscular transmission* 3.Genesis of resting membrane potential* 4.Cells in fibrous tissue & their functions.* 5.Negative feedback mechanism with example* 6.Ultrastructure of skeletal muscle / Sarcomere ** 7.Sarco tubular system *** 8.Muscle Tone and Factors responsible for it *** 9.Isometric and Isotonic contraction *** 10.Action Potential Curve ***** 11.Simple muscle twitch * 12.Chronaxie and Rheobase 13.Classification of nerve fibres 14.Mallerian degeneration* 15.Properties of smooth muscle 16.Latch bridge mechanism * 17.Rigor mortis* TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK GASTROINTESTINAL PHYSIOLOGY 1.Describe the mechanism of secretion of Hydrochloric acid in the stomach. What are the factors regulating acid secretion? Add a note on peptic ulcer.*** 2.Composition function and regulation of pancreatic secretions*** 3.Functions of liver and jaundice ** 4.Phases of swallowing ** 5.Describe the digestion and absorption of proteins in the digestive tract. Write a Note on Malabsorption. 6.1ypes of salivary glands. Composition, function, regulation of secretion of Saliva. 1.Compositions and functions of saliva ** 2.Stages of deglutition. 3.Functions of Stomach. Secretion of HCI in'the stomach and its regulation. Composition and functions of Gastric juice. 4.Phases of gastric juice secretions ** 5.Gastric emptying. 6.Mechanism and causes of vomiting *** 7.Composition and functions of bile *** 8.Differences b/w hepatic and gallbladder bile ** 9.Exocrine pancreas. Composition and functions of pancreatic juice. * 10.Digestion and absorption of fat. 11. Succus entericus *** 12. Small intestinal movement **** 13. Functions of large intestine ** 14.Describe the enteric and colonic movements. Discuss the role of the enteric nervous system. 15.Counter current blood flow in the villi. 16.Dietary fibres *** 17. Defecation reflex *** 18. Steatorrhea TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK RENAL PHYSIOLOGY L.Define GFR. Explain the factors regulating GFR and measurement of GFR.***** 2. Explain in detail about the countercurrent mechanism in concentration of urine.***** 3.Explain the factors influencing acidification of urine and mechanism of urine acidification.***** 1.Juxtaglomerular apparatus .** 2.Renin- Angiotensin system.**** 3.Renal circulation. *** 4Tubuloglomerular feedback.*** 5.Water diuresis vs osmotic diuresis.* 6 Diuretics." ‘7.Micturition reflex.**** 8.Cystometrogram and its significance.*** 9.Non excretory functions of the kidney.** JE PHYSIOLOGY 1.Glucose Homeostasis - Hormones involved and their effects.Add a note on diabetes mellitus*** 2qThyroid - hyperthyroidism)**** 3.Calcium Homeostasis - role of calcium, hormones involved and their effects, osteoporosis)** 4.Adrenocortical hormones - physiological anatomy of adrenal cortex, hormone synthesis, functions of cortisol and aldosterone, disorders (Addison disease, Cushing syndrome, Conn syndrome)*** 5.Growth hormone - secretion, effects, regulation, disorders (Acromegaly, Dwarfism, Gigantism) a TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 1. Secondary messenger mechanisms 2. Classification of hormone receptors - 4 types (G Protein)* 3. Acromegaly 4. Dwarfism. 5. Diabetes insipidus - Central, Nephrogenic 6. Milk Ejection reflex (Neurohormonal reflex) 7. Grave's disease 8. Hypothyroidism - Myxedema, Cretinism, Hashimoto's disease 9. Parathyroid hormone - function, regulation 10. Cortisol - functions 11. Cushing's syndrome 12. Pheochromocytoma 13. Insulin - mechanism of action, effects, note on somatomedin C 14, Addison disease, Addisonian crisis 15. SIADH 16. Adrenal medulla | NOTE : Study the clinical features of all hormone related disorders carefully.t can be asked for a Case Based | Question{ALL QUESTIONS ARE IMPORTANT) (ODUCTIVE SYSTEM 1. Ovarian Changes in Menstrual Cycle**** 2. Endometrial Changes in Menstrual Cycle**** 3. Hormonal regulation of Menstrual Cycle**** 1. Stages of Spermatogenesis**** 2. Functions of Testosterone*** 3. Blood testis Barrier** 4. Actions of Estrogen*** 5. Ovulation*** 6. Functions of Placenta*** 2 TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 7. Pregnancy tests* 8. Female Contraceptives**** 9. Mechanism of Parturition NOTE : Short Notes (1,2,3) can be asked as part of an essay question Short Notes (5,7,8) can be asked as part of an essay question 23 TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK RESPIRATORY PHYSIOLOGY 1.Neural control of respiration. Add note on periodic breathing **** 2.Chemical control of respiration. Add note on Cheyne Stokes breathing **** 3.Hypoxia — causes, its types and features*** 4.Oxygen dissociation curve with diagram. Add note on Bohr effect** 5.Mechanics of breathing** 6.Physiological changes occurring during and after exercise 1.Non respiratory functions of lungs*** 2.Special features of pulmonary circulation*** 3.Lung volumes and capacities** 4.Compliance of lungs* 5.Ventilation perfusion ratio* 6.Role of surfactant in pulmonary mechanics* 7.Caisson’s disease (Dysbarism/Decompression sickness)* 8.Alveolar capillary membrane* 9.Transport of 02 and CO2* 10. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation** 11.Oxygen — hemoglobin dissociation curve* 12.Neural control of respiration ** 13.Chemical control of respiration ** 14.Timed vital capacity 15.Periodic breathing 16.Cheyne Stokes breathing * 17.Hering — Breuer reflex ** 18.Acclimatization * 18.Dead space 19.Asphyxia TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY 1. Define cardiac cycle & various events in it. Describe the pressure & volume change during cardiac cycle.*** 2. Define arterial blood pressure. Describe the mechanism of regulation of arterial blood pressure.*** 3. Define cardiac output. Discuss the factors regulating it & affecting it. Enumerate the methods to measure it.*** 4. Define ECG. Describe normal ECG waves, segments & intervals. Add a note on ECG leads. 5, Structure & function of conducting system of heart. List the properties of cardiac muscle.** 6. Describe the innervation of heart & regulation of heart rate. 7. Define shock & its types. Describe in detail about the hypovolemic shock & its management.* 1. Windkessel vessels 2. Cardiac innervation - Sympathetic & Parasympathetic 3. Frank starling law of heart* 4. Properties of cardiac muscles 5. Action potential in cardiac tissues** 6. Pacemaker potential*** 7. Conducting system of heart* 8. ECG leads*** 9. Einthoven's law & Kirchoff's law* 10. Lead Il ECG*** 11. JvP 12. Heart sounds*** 13. Heart lung preparation* 14. Regulations of heart rate* 15. Law of Laplace 16. Korotkov sounds* 17. Microcirculation 18. Baroreceptor reflex* 19. Cushing reflex 28 TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 20. Humoral mechanism of BP regulation** 21. CV changes during exercise 22. Autoregulation of blood flow* 23. Special features of cerebral blood flow 24, Regulation of cerebral blood flow* 25. Special features of coronary circulation* 26. Regulation of coronary circulation*** 27. Triple response*** 28, Fetal circulation** 29. Hypovolemic shock* Bs evaa 30. Types of shock and causes** 31. Heart failure* 32. Heart block** 33, Tracing of Intra Atrial pressure curve* 34, Changes in ventricular volume during different phases of cardiac cycle** 35. Normal ECG*** 36. Significance of *** (a) PR interval (b) ST segment 37. Preload & Afterload* 38. Reynold’s number** 39. Cardiac output & Cardiac index** BARS CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 1.Enumerate the descending tracts of the spinal cord. Describe in detail the pyramidal tract. Mention its function and effects of lesion at different levels*** 2. Enumerate the nuclei of hypothalamus. Explain its connections and Functions*** 3. Classify pains, what are the receptors for pain? Add a note on analgesic system in brain Describe the dual pathway for pain in detail* 4.List the ascending tract of spinal cord and discuss the tracts of posterior column with diagram* 5.Describe the connections and functions of basal ganglia in detail. Explain the clinical disorders and physiological basis of management*** 28 TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 6. Name the functional lobes of cerebellum. Describe its structure , connections and functions. Mention the clinical features of cerebellar disease*** 7.ARAS- Components , Functions and Significance .** 8.Referred Pain- Definition, Examples , Dermatome role , Projection theory , Facilitation theory * 1. Waves of EEG and clinical significance** 2. EEG changes during sleep * 3. REM and NREM sleep . 4. Role of hypothalamus in hunger and satiety in human beings** 5. Functions of thalamus*** 6. Hypothalamic thermostat mechanism 7. Parkinson's disease** 8. Basal ganglia and its functions .** 9. Brown sequard syndrome*** 10. Homunculus** 11. Saltatory conduction** 12. Describe the formation, circulation and functions of CSF** 13, Tracts of Goll and Burdach* 14. Blood Brain Barrier. 15. Spinocerebellar tract 16. Degeneration & Regeneration of nerve fibres 17. List out the differences between UMN & LMN lesions .** 18. Gate control theory. 19. Types of Memory. Neural mechanism of memory.** 20. Role and function of the Limbic System.** 21. Neuromuscular Transmission* 22. Control of appetite.” 23. Synapse* 24, Stretch Reflex* TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK SPECIAL SENSES 1.Describe in detail the photochemical mechanism of vision and mechanism of dark adaptation* 2.Draw and explain the visual pathway . Discuss the effects of lesions at various levels along its courses*** 3.Describe the various refractive errors of the eye. Explain the physiological basis of their connection* 4.With the help of a diagram,describe the auditory pathway. Add a note on conduction deafness* 5. Explain the mechanisms of hearing* 6.Middle ear and its functions. Explain transmission of sound waves & Mechanism of hearing 1.Aqueous humor** 2.Dark adaptation*** 3.Draw the optic pathway. Depict the lesions at various levels.** 4.Pupillary light reflexes* 5.Mechanism of accommodation for near vision* 6.Color vision*** 7.Refractory errors of the eyes*** 8 Structure and functions of middle ear*** 9.Cochlea 10.0rgan of corti 1 Travelling wave theory 12.Discuss the phenomenon by which sound waves in air induce action potentials in the cochlear nerve. 13.Cochlear micro phonic potential** 14.Taste pathway with diagram*** 15.Theories of hearing 16.Hearing defects 17Theories of colour vision 18.Refractory errors of eye / Defects of image forming mechanism 19.Mechanism of Phototransduction 20.Mechanism of Gustatory transduction 28 TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 21.0lfactory pathway and applied physiology 22.Taste pathway* 23.0tolith organ* TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK Molecular and functional organisation of 32 cell and its subcellular components Chemistry, Digestion and absorption of 32 carbohydrates and disorders of Carbohydrate metabolism Chemistry, Digestion and absorption. of lipids and disorders of lipid 34 metabolism Enzymes. 35 Vitamins 36 Electron Transport chain and 37 Biological oxidation Citric acid cycle and metabolic 37 integration Nutrition 38 Heme synthesis, Porphyrins, Hemoglobin 38 and metabolism of Bilirubin TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK Chemistry, Digestion and absorption of proteins and inborn Investigation and Interpretation errors in protein metabolism x Chemistry of Purines, Metabolism of 42 Purines, Hyperuricemia Molecular Biology 43 Maintenance of Fluids and Electrolytes 44 Maintenance of pH and Acid base 44 disorders Xenobiotics and cancer 45 & 47 chemistry Minerals 46 Hormones 46 Laboratory instrumentation, 45 & 47 n TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 1. a) Fluid mosaic model** b) Factors affecting fluidity of membrane c) Membrane proteins 2. Transport mechanisms*** a)Passive b)Active c)Transport of large molecules 1.Marker enzymes** 2.Lysosomes and its clinical applications* 3.Peroxisome and mitochondria.** 4.Difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.** 1. Mucopolysaccharides and genetic disorders associated with it *** 2. Isomerism in carbohydrates 1. Anomerism ** 2. Mutarotation *** 3. Principles of Benedict's test **** 4, Glycosaminoglycans *** 5. Heteropolysaccharides ** 6. Glycoproteins * TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 1.Glycolysis — definition, sequence of reaction, energetics, regulation*** 2.TCA cycle — definition, sequence of reaction, energetics, regulation*** 3.Gluconeogenesis — definition, sequence of reaction, energetics, regulation*** 4, HMP shunt and its significance *** 5. Glycogen synthesis * 6. Glycogenolysis ** 7. Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates ** 8. Regulation of Blood glucose in fasting and fed states *** 9. Metabolic changes & complications in Diabetes Mellitus and the biochemical investigations of diabetes mellitus * 10.Glycogen storage disorders 1. Substrate level phosphorylation ** 2. Rapoport Luebering Shunt *** 3, Fate of pyruvate *** 4. Lactose intolerance ** 5. Oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate *** 6. Anaplerotic Reactions *** 7. Cori’s cycle and Cahill cycle **** 8. Von Gierke disease ***** 9, Galactosemia ***** 10. G-6-P-D deficiency **** 11. Uronic acid pathway * 12. OGTT *** 13. Significance of HMP shunt *** 14, Pompe disease ** 15. Mc Ardle disease ** 16. Essential pentosuria *** 17. Essential Fructosuria *** 18. Sorbitol Pathway ** 19. Von- Gierke’s disease 20. Fate of pyruvate 3B TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 1. Phosphatidylcholine or lecithin.*** 1. PUFA and its clinical significance*** 2. Unsaturated fatty acids* 3. Describe a) saponification*** b) lodine number** ) Rancidity of fat* 4, Functions and clinical applications of lipids.* 1. Digestion and absorption of lipids.** 2. Beta oxidation of fatty acids*** 3. Ketogenesis and ketosis*** 4, Biosynthesis and regulation of Cholesterol.** 5. Cardiac biomarkers* A) Cardiac troponins 8) Creatine kinase C) Myoglobin and LDH 2 3 LAlpha and Omega oxi 2. Adipose tissue in well fed and fasting condition.** 3. White and brown adipose tissue* 4. Fatty liver** 5. Lipotropic factors** 6. Cholesterol structure*** 34 TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 7. Apo lipoprotein** 8. Chylomicrons** 9. VLDL**# 10. LOL*** 11. HDL/Reverse cholesterol transport** 12. a)Formation of bile acids* b) functions of bile and bile salts* 13. Atherosclerosis*** 14. Explain a) Abetalipoproteinemia*** b) Tangier disease*** 15. Frederickson classification of hyperlipoproteinemia** 16. Prostaglandins ** 17. Write about*** A) Gaucher ‘s disease B) Niemann Pick disease C) Tay - Sachs disease 18. Source and fate of acetyl Co -A** 1. Enzymes - definition, factors affecting their activity and regulation. Write in detail about types of enzyme inhibition with examples **** (or) When blood is collected for glucose analysis, a container with fluoride is used. Fluoride irreversibly inhibits enolase and hence fluoride will stop the whole glycolysis. i, What are the factors affecting enzyme activity? Write in detail about types of enzyme inhibition with examples. How is the activity of an enzyme regulated? iii. Give another example for irreversible inhibition. 2. Define enzyme. Write about IUBMB classification and add a note on the concept of active site. *** TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 1. Mechanism of enzyme action. (lock and key model, Hand in glove model, Fischer's Template theory and Kochland’s Induced Fit Theory)"** 2. Line weaver burk’s plot*** 3. Michaelis Menten Equation, Km value and its significance *** 4, Factors regulating enzyme action *** 5. Types of enzyme inhibition. What happens to Km and Vmax in each case? **** 6. Suicidal inhibition ** 7. Allosteric inhibition *** 8. Allosteric enzymes * 9. Metalloenzymes and zymogens *** 10. Isoenzymes — Examples, diagnostic uses and their clinical significance **** 11. Isoenzymes in MI **** 12. LDH isoenzymes and their clinical importance ** 1. Chemistry,source,RDA, functions, deficiency manifestations of Vitamin A *** 2. Chemistry , synthesis,functions, deficiency manifestations and toxic manifestations of Vitamin D ** 3. Chemistry, functions, deficiency manifestations of Vitamin B1 *** 4. Chemistry, functions, deficiency manifestations of Vitamin B12 ** 5. Chemistry,RDA,source, functions, deficiency manifestations of Vitamin ¢ **** 6. Chemistry, functions, deficiency manifestations of Vitamin Pyridoxine *** . Beriberi *** . Wernicke korsakoff syndrome ** .Pellagra ***** . Biochemical functions of Pyridoxine ***** . Functions of Folic acid **** . Functions of Vitamin ¢ **** - Wald'’s visual cycle **** . Hypervitaminosis A ** Deficiency manifestations of Vitamin A *# POnanrwne TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 10. Synthesis and functions of Vitamin D *** 11. Folate trap **** 12.Vitamin D toxicity (or) Hypervitaminosis D ** 13.Rickets [NOTE : Read the clinical manifestations of all the vitamins clearly and remember the differentiating feature of all vitamins as they can be asked as a case based question 1. Describe citric acid cycle in detail and its regulation. Justify why the TCA cycle is called an amphibolic cycle. ** 2. Components, reactions and regulation of ETC. Describe the events and inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation.* 3. What is oxidative phosphorylation? Discuss the stepsand mention its significance. 4. Describe the steps of the HMP shunt pathway. Mention its significance. How is it regulated? 1. Chemiosmotic theory *** 2. Components affecting ETC and Oxidative phosphorylation. 3. Inhibitors of ETC 4. Oxidative phosphorylation 1. Metabolic adaptations during starvation & fed state * 2.Integrated metabolism at Cellular and Organ level 1. Metabolic profile of brain, liver , adipose tissue 2.Metabolic changes during starvation a) Short term starvation b) Long term starvation TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 1 Respiratory quotient** 2.Dietary fibers *** 3.Essential amino acid** 4.BMR and affecting factors* 5.Nitrogen balance and affecting factors 6.Protein- energy malnutrition** 7.Obesity 8.Glycemic index*** 9.Limiting amino acid ** 1, Structure and functions of hemoglobin 2.Describe in brief heme synthesis and its regulation. Add a note on porphyria, its types, enzymes defect in each type and findings***. 3.Describe in brief degradation of heme and fate of its degradative product** 4.Hemoglobinopathies * 5.Jaundice Formation, transport and fate of bilirubin. 2.What is porphyria and explain any 3 in detail. 3.Synthesis and regulation of porphyrins 4.Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia** 5.Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia 6 Differential diagnosis of jaundice. 7.Acute intermittent porphyria** 8.Catabolism of Hb 9.Obstructive jaundice 10.Physiological jaundice 11.Thalassemia *** 12. 2,3 BPG *** 13. Abnormal haemoglobin * 14. Sickle cell anemia 15.Disorders of Heme Catabolism * TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 1. Secondary structure of proteins*** 2. Structural organisation of proteins** 3. Precipitation of proteins*** 4. Classify amino acids based on structure and give examples. Add a short note on essential amino acids 5. Write about the general reactions of amino acids 6. Classification of proteins 7. Quantitative estimation of proteins* 1, Structure of collagen*** 2. Isoelectric point and its significance *** 3. Denaturation of proteins*** 4. Optical activity ** 5. Motif ** 6. Biuret method** 7. Conjugated proteins* 8. Significance of heat coagulation** 9. Precipitation by alkaloid reagents** 10. Isoelectric precipitation*** 11. Kjeldah'’s procedure 12. Proteomics 1. Formation, transport and disposal of ammonia . ** 2. Why is ammonia toxic to the body? What are the ways by which ammonia is disposed of in the body ? Add a note on hyperammonemia condition.** 3. Urea cycle- regulations, significance, disorder. What is the normal urea level and what are the causes of abnormal urea concentration? ** 4, Metabolism of phenylalanine and disorder associated with it.**** 5. Tyrosine metabolism and disorder associaygd with it.**** TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 6. Tryptophan metabolism and disorder associated with it.*** 7. Metabolism of glycine and it’s disorder.*** 8. Branched chain amino acid - metabolism and disorder.* 9. Metabolism of methionine and disorder associated with it. Explain transmethylation with any 5 examples. 1. Digestion and absorption of proteins 2. Transamination reactions* 3. Transport of ammonia* 4. Urea cycle**** 5. Compounds formed from Glycine*** 6. Metabolic disorders of branched chain amino acids 7. Metabolism of creatine. Clinical relevance of serum creatinine levels 8. Disorders of phenylalanine and tyrosine (Each separate short notes) 1) Phenylketonuria Il) Alkaptonuria Il) Tyrosinemia 9. Functions of tyrosine and compounds derived from tyrosine 10. Compounds derived from tryptophan 11. Carcinoid syndrome 12. Hartnup disease 13. Active forms of methionine and mention its functions 14. Homocystinuria 15. One carbon metabolism 16. Aminoacidurias 17. Polyamines 18. Formation of uric acid a TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 1.Describe the de novo synthesis of purine nucleotides. Add a note on its regulation** 2.Explain in detail the formation , fate of uric acid and abnormalities of urate metabolism 3. De Novo synthesis of pyrimidines and regulation 4. Uric Acid : a) Reference range of serum uric acid b)Source of uric acid in the body Ultimate fate of uric acid d)Causes of abnormalities in levels of serum uric acid. Purine salvage pathway and its importance in body*** 2.Gout*** 3.Hyperuricemia*** 4.Catabolism of purines and related disorder 5.Regulation of purine (or pyrimidine) de novo biosynthesis. 6. Catabolism of pyrimidine & disorders of pyrimidine metabolism 7. Formation of uric acid 8. Purine salvage pathway 9. Hyperuricemia 10. Regulation of pyrimidine synthesis. TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 1. Protein synthesis / Translation — Steps , post translational modifications & inhibitors of protein synthesis 2. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) ~ Steps & applications 3. DNA replication in detail with its inhibitors 4, Recombinant DNA technology — Different techniques & applications 5. Transcription. Note on Post transcriptional processing & inhibitors 6. .Describe the separation of serum proteins by paper electrophoresis. 7. Draw the pattern of electrophoresis in a)Multiple myeloma b)Nephrotic syndrome 1. Post translational modifications with examples 2. Blotting techniques 3. Genetic code & its properties 4. DNA repair mechanisms 5. Mutation & its types 6. Post transcriptional processing 7. Reverse transcriptase 8. Plasmid 9. Gene therapy 10. Lac Operon 11. tRNA structure 12. Restriction endonuclease & their uses 13. m- RNA structure 14, Hybridoma technology & its applications 15. Cloning & its types 16.Protein targeting and degradation 17.Wobble hypothesis 18.RFLP and its application & DNA library TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 1. Write in detail about sodium. 2. Write in detail about potassium.* 1. Causes of hyper and hyponatremia* 2. Causes of hyper and hypokalemia* 3. Renin angiotensin system** 4, Assessment of fluid and electrolyte balance.** 1. Normal ph of blood and various mechanisms to regulate it*** 2. Plasma and renal buffers in acid base homeostasis*** 3. Disturbances in acid base balance 1. Role of lungs in acid base balance** 2. Renal regulation of acid base homeostasis *** 3. Anion gap, it’s importance ** 4, Metabolic acidosis*** 5. Respiratory acidosis and its causes 6. Composition, action and factors affecting action of buffers. 7. Compensated metabolic acidosis. TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 1. Define xenobiotics. What is detoxification? Explain the phases of detoxification in detail. ** 1. Cytochrome Paso ** 2. Phase 2 detoxification reactions / Conjugation reactions* 3. Alcohol metabolism 4. Glutathione 1LLiver function tests and their diagnostic significance** 2. Renal function tests and their diagnostic significance* 1.Classify jaundice based on liver function tests * 2. Tests to assess synthetic functions of liver 3. Tests to assess renal tubular functions 4. Thyroid function tests 5. Proteinuria and its types 6. Creatinine clearance 7.Urinary findings in jaundice 8.Nephrotic syndrome TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 1. Sources, RDA, biochemical functions, absorption & factors affecting it, deficiency manifestations & toxicity of Iron **** 2. Calcium — source, RDA, Absorption & factors affecting absorption, functions, regulation of blood calcium levels. **** 1. Factors regulating blood calcium levels *** 2. Calcium homeostasis & disorders *** 3. Fluorosis 4, Mucosal block theory **** 5.Functions of Calcium ** 6.Menky’s syndrome 7.Regulation of Serum Calcium *** 8. Wilson's Disease *** 9.Digestion, absorption and transport of iron *** 10. Potassium Homeostasis ** 11.Functions of zinc ** 1 Classification of hormones a)based on their chemical nature b)based on their mode of action 2.Mechanism of action of Fat soluble hormones/steroid hormones 3.Mechanism of G protein coupled receptor (or) Mechanism of action of Water soluble hormones *** 4 Secondary messengers ** TYTANZ'19 QUESTION BANK 1)Electrophoresis- definition, principle. 2)Draw Patterns of Electrophoresi: a) Normal person b) Multiple myeloma c) Nephrotic syndrome d) Chronic infection e) Liver cirrhosis 1) Proto oncogene, oncogene- egs., Clinical significance (any 2)** 2) Tumor markers (AFP, PSA)** 3) Lab diagnosis of multiple myeloma** 4) ELISA** 5) Electrophoresis** 6) Chromatography** 7) Flame photometer* 8) Cell cycle* 9) Monoclonal antibody 10) AIDS and anti HIV drugs

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