Finalprojectexample 11

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My AC1 Project

By teacher Efraín

I currently live in Valencia, Venezuela. But I would like to visit Sydney,

Australia. Why? Well, I want to live in a place where I can practice and
improve my English skills. Australian's accent is difficult to catch, so I'd
prefer to live there to understand their slang. Also, I love to swim in the
ocean and meet new animals species.

What are Australians like?

Most Australians immigrated from Europe during the
past four centuries, with the exception of some
indigenous people. I met David on my first day here.
David has a very Australian accent. As everyone here,
he doesn't pronounce the /r/ at the end of words. If I
say car, he says "kaa". It's very funny, actually. David is
two feet tall, has splendid blonde hair, perfect teeth,
his eyes are blue and he has a beard. He's chatty and
nice, always willing to help me out.

An Aussie always...

has a laid-back lifestyle and fondness for

good food. Australia, aside from being
known for its festivals and events, also
has a reputation for incredibly friendly
people. This is because, in most cases,
people here are incredibly laid-back and
do not take on much stress. "No worry
mate", that's David's favorite expression.

Oh, Sydney
Sydney is simply the most beautiful, amazing,
cosmopolitan and best place to live in the
world… Famous from its Habour and iconic
Opera House, surrounded by water and
beautiful beaches. The warm climate makes is
the most pleasant city to live. These are just
some of the 30 odd beaches in Sydney - all are
clean, sandy with great surfing conditions and
free to enjoy.

How to
But... describe my
dream city?
It's expensive, a lot. Also, Sydney has
boomed in population, but bad planning
and development of housing without 1. Beautiful
proper infrastructure (Public Transport and 2. Seductive
Roads) means Sydney traffic has gone 3. Vibrant
from bad to terrible! 4. Exciting
5. Magic

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