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In 1828, in the Australian continent, there was a
forest named Callitris Forest. There was a kingdom
Agustina, and the king of this kingdom was
Anthony. Anthony ruled the kingdom for many
years. He was a kind king, beloved by his people.
He was respected and admired by other continent
leaders. He had a very encompassing kingdom.
People living there were very happy with Anthony.
He was the richest king of that time. Moreover, his
kingdom was so powerful that no one dared to
fight with it. His reign will forever be remembered
as one of the most successful in history. He was a
wise ruler and had a great sense of justice, which
earned him admiration from his peers. He was
generous with his people and took care of their
needs, leading them to prosperity. His army was
well-trained and powerful, ensuring the kingdom's
safety and preventing any outside forces from
challenging them. His legacy of a strong and
prosperous kingdom will live on because of the
people's loyalty and admiration for him. His
kingdom was known far and wide, and its
influence and power extended beyond its borders.
People from all over the world sought his counsel
and advice, and his kingdom was known for its
fairness and justice. He was a well-loved ruler, and
his kingdom flourished under his rule.
Anthony’s Love
towards The
Callitris Forest
This forest has been Anthony's favorite since he
was a child. He liked visiting the forest and the
wildlife there.
He was too eco-friendly. He was always aware of
the importance of respecting the environment and
preserving it for future generations. He made sure
to treat it with care and caution while enjoying the
beauty of nature. He always promoted eco-friendly
activities and encouraged others to do the same. He
implemented strict laws against pollution and
deforestation. He was a true eco-warrior. He loved
the tribal people and gave fifty percent of the
kingdom’s land to them. Having grown up in the
forest, he had a deep understanding of it. He knew
each path of the forest. Tribal could be miss guided
but not him.

After hearing the chirping of a bird, he could tell

which bird it was. He knew how to control an
angry turbulent animal without violence with just
peace. He was truly an ecoist. This affection
towards nature starts with his birth …………………

45 years ago, a boy named Anoi was born to Blads
(a tribe of Callitris Forest). His mother was Chiama
and his father was Narrpit. They were a lovely
couple. His mother was smart. She farmed in the
forest with other women. His father was the tribe's
head. Anoi was the only child of the couple. He
grew up in the Callitris Forest and was surrounded
by the love of his parents and the beauty of nature.
He was a happy child with a bright future ahead.
Anoi had a deep connection with nature and his
parents taught him the importance of respecting it.
As Anoi grew older, his passion for protecting the
Callitris Forest only deepened. He spent his
childhood exploring every nook and cranny of the
forest, learning about its diverse ecosystem and the
delicate balance of life within it. His parents
nurtured his love for nature, teaching him ancient
wisdom passed down through generations. He was
determined to protect the Callitris Forest, no matter
what. Anoi was determined to ensure the forest
stayed safe and intact. He was passionate about
preserving its beauty for future generations. He
vowed to do whatever it took to protect the forests
of his homeland and to ensure that they would
remain a home to the wildlife and his people. He
was a champion of the environment and his legacy
will live on. He dedicated his life to conservation
and his efforts will be remembered for generations
to come. He inspired all who wanted to protect the
environment. He was unwavering in his
commitment to the conservation of his homeland,
providing a shining example of how one individual
could make a difference in the fight against
environmental degradation.
Ampa Inordinate
There was a very common tradition in Blads.
They worshipped a goddess named Ampa. It
was said that with her blessings anything could
be done. So, they worshipped her before
working. The Blads celebrated a festival called
"Ampa Inordinate". This day was celebrated
with zeal and enthusiasm. The preparations
included collecting wood and other materials to
build a bonfire, gathering flowers and other
offerings to the goddess, and organizing food
for the feast. The people also put up decorations
to create a festive atmosphere. They also
practiced traditional songs in preparation for the
celebration. A man was made to dance with an
earthen pot on his head. In order to prepare for
this festival, a month earlier preparations were
The people made various kinds of food and offered
them to Goddess Ampa. They chanted, “On one
side is the Callitris Forest and on the other side
is faith and between these two is goddess Ampa.
Our goddess is the most innocent but the most
knowledgeable. Every particle here has infinite
love of the divine goddess who protects us till the
last breath. No one can do anything to us as long
as we have the blessings of the goddess.”
After chanting it together, they shared the food
and ate it.
Dead Animals in the
The sun was rising brightly, the Blads were
working. Women were in the fields farming. Men
in the panchayat were handling civil matters.
Suddenly there was animals screaming. Everyone
got frightened. A group of men with an axe, dagger
and spear moved towards the forest. They saw a
herd of sheep and deer killed with arrows and their
skin had been taken out ruthlessly. There was a
deer howling in pain that a group of hunters came
on the horse with the bow and arrows shot them
with the arrows. People looked up at a pregnant
elephant lying on the ground without tusks and an
arrow in its womb. The infant in the womb was
killed. Their hearts melted and their eyes filled with
water. The men got angry and decided to take
revenge. They sought the hunters who committed
the crime. They vowed to bring justice and protect
natural resources.
After some searching, they managed to track down
the hunters and brought them to the panchayat. The
hunters were punished for their crime and the
panchayat declared that anyone found hunting in
the area would be similarly punished. This decision
ensured the safety of the forest and its animals.
After some questioning, they got to know this was
all done by the order of the king of Agustina, Clare.
He was the cruelest king of the time. He gave
sacrifice of wild animals in front of lord in order to
get power. He sold the skins of wild animals, tusks
of elephant in foreign countries and made money.
Knowing all these things people can’t do anything
or take action towards him.
Forests Fire
Few days later, everyone had come to their normal
life away from the worries. They were busy in their
daily stuffs. As the sunset, after the work people
were going to their houses. Suddenly, then a fire
broke out in the forest which led to a great loss of
life of animals and tribal. Another day, when
everyone was crying for losing their lovely ones, a
man came running from the palace told the people
that all this was done by the king and its army.
They all broke out in a great flame of anger, and
decided to kill the king. To encourage more people
to participate in the fight against Clare, Narrpit
said, “Make your hands a weapon. Turn your
breath into storms.” “Our blood is the greatest
army. Jai Ampa”, he shouted. Each men of the
tribe participated. They marched to the palace and
attacked the army. The whole palace was alarmed.
They crushed the first set of army but was unable
to go further any more. With the modernized
weapons, Clare’s army were able to stop and kill
them. The Blad’s leader, Narrpit was arrested. He
was tortured very rudely. His nails were taken out
and he was kept in the box full of cockroaches and
rats. After the two days of harsh torture, he was
kept in the box of snakes and killed. Then, his dead
body was sent in the carriage to the Blad’s village.
Everyone cried except his own son, Anoi. Anoi
thought he will cry only when he would take
revenge from Clare.
Anoi’s Revenge

The next day, he joined Clare's army under the

wrong identity to find out where his weaknesses
lie. In a short period of time he was promoted to an
even higher rank as a result of his loyalty to Clare.
There he made many friends. But, one day in
conversation, he told his true identity and why did
he join Clare’s army and what his motive was. At
first, they seemed to be shocked. But, after
assuming that situation they started supporting him
and asked, “What will be your next step now?”
Then Anoi told his plan to them and everyone
agreed to be the part of the plan.
He used this newfound support to gain insight into
Clare's battle strategies and weaknesses. He
eventually used this information to his advantage.
They made a fix date to attack Clare’s army that
was one week from the day. Anoi also joined his
Blad friends into his army. In order to accomplish
this, Anoi planned for his friends to attack from the
back gate at night when the guards would be
asleep, and taking advantage of this, he would
directly attack the king's suite. The day came and
everything happened as per the plan but Clare’s
wife and son were able to escape. After the
victory, Anoi was made a hero by his kingdom. His
friends were proud of him and celebrated his
victory. He was seen as a symbol of courage,
strength and resilience, inspiring others to follow in
his footsteps. His success also served as an
example that, with the right support and courage,
even the most difficult tasks can be accomplished.
Anoi's victory was a testament to the power of
friendship and the importance of believing in
Then he was named Anthony for his bravery. From
then he lived peacefully.
Anthony’s Peaceful Reign
After the victory, Anthony ascended to the throne.
His mother was very proud of crowning her son.
Without wasting any of the time he started
working for his people. Anthony was determined
to bring peace and prosperity to his kingdom. He
created new laws and enforced them strictly and
brought much-needed reforms to the kingdom like
providing education and healthcare to the poor
and abolishing slavery. He reduced taxes and
poverty, and improved infrastructure by building
schools, hospitals, rest houses and hospices. For
knowing more about the problems of the kingdom
he held regular meetings with his councilors.
Anthony brought justice to the kingdom and
ensured its prosperity and strength. He flourished
the kingdom's economy through encouraging
trade and commerce. He prohibited the poaching
of animals and made it illegal, and also helped the
peasants, merchants, and other commoners by
creating a fair and balanced taxation system. He
raised the morale of his subjects by recognizing
the accomplishments and rewarding those who
deserved and reduced corruption and bribery
among the government officials and established a
more efficient bureaucracy. People loved him.
There was peace, harmony and happiness in his

But this peace did not last for long.

The Rebels of Anthony
One day Anthony was visiting his kingdom’s
outskirts through the forest. Besides the bushes,
some rebels looked closely at his cart. Anthony had
been warned by his advisors that the outskirts of
the kingdom were dangerous and that there were
rebel groups that were hostile to the kingdom's rule.
He knew that the sight of his cart could draw
unwanted attention, and he suspected that the
rebels were planning an attack. Anthony’s
commander saw something suspicious in the
bushes so he alerted his army. Suddenly there was
smoke all around and most of Anthony's army was
killed. Anthony was confused about what was
happening. An arrow struck his chest as he tried to
run. Anthony managed to get back to the castle, but
he was badly injured. He was determined to find
out who had betrayed him and get revenge.
Anthony recovered from his injury and began his
investigation. He gathered his remaining soldiers
and set out to find the traitor. He tracked down the
source of the smoke and found out it had come
from a nearby village. He and his soldiers stormed
the village to find the person responsible for the
attack. Anthony set out to question the villagers
and find out what had happened. After some time,
he was able to determine that the source of the
smoke was a man named Rodrigo, who had been
hired by a rival kingdom to assassinate him.
Anthony decided to take matters into his own
hands and set out to find Rodrigo and exact his
revenge. Anthony and his soldiers tracked down
Rodrigo and eventually found him in a nearby
forest. They captured him and brought him to the
castle. After a heated interrogation, Anthony
discovered that Rafal had bribed him for doing this.
After hearing this information from Rodrigo,
Anthony began to wonder why Rafal wanted to kill
him and what relationship Rafal had with him.
Anthony immediately released Rodrigo and sent
him away. He now had a plan to take revenge on
Rafal, and he was determined to find out the truth
about their relationship.
Rafal was the king of the kingdom- “The Phileas
City”. He was a cruel and kind ruler. You won't
understand what I said. Actually, it depends on his
mood. When he is distressed, he becomes a cruel
ruler, and when he is happy, he becomes a kind
ruler. He was very unpredictable and this made his
subjects very scared of him. His subjects were
always on their toes, never sure of what to expect.
They lived in fear and obeyed his orders without
question. However, despite his unpredictable
nature, his subjects loved him for the prosperity
and peace his rule had brought to the kingdom.
They respected him and would do anything for
him. He was a beloved ruler who was deeply
respected by the people of Phileas City. He was a
strong and wise leader, and his people were
grateful that he had brought them a better life. He
was an example of a leader who inspired loyalty
amongst his people. He equipped his massive army
with guns. He led his troops to victory in many
battles and was an outstanding warrior, feared by
his opponents. This made the other kingdoms
tremble in fear, and they respected him even more.
He was an exceptional statesman who was wise in
his decision making, generous with his people and
had a strong sense of justice. He was a masterful
negotiator and diplomat, and he used his
knowledge and experience to bring stability to the
region. He was a visionary who had the courage to
make bold moves and take risks when needed. He
was a man of honor who was willing to sacrifice
himself for the greater good. He was a true leader,
who earned the trust and loyalty of the people of
Phileas City. The great ruler, however, would cry at
night because he had to take revenge for his father.
His father was Clare. When Rafal thought of
Anthony, his eyes burned red.
When Anthony attacked Clare's kingdom, Rafal
and his mother escaped. Rafal's mother fled to her
brother's kingdom for help. Her brother allowed
them to live in his palace. Rafal was the apple of
his uncle’s eyes. When Rafal grew up, he ascended
to the throne. But his aversion to Anthony grew
day by day.
Rafal’s Revenge to his Friendship with Anthony

For revenge, he appointed a group of rebels under

Rodrigo for killing Anthony but got failed. This
made him decide to fight a war with Anthony. He
was determined to get revenge on Anthony and was
willing to go to any lengths to do so. In order to
prepare for the war, he needed to make sure he had
the necessary supplies and personnel. He began to
stockpile tanks, ammunition, and train his army of
men in order to be prepared for a fight. He also got
the support of his allies. He was ready for battle
and was confident that he would succeed in the
battle and that he would come out victorious.
This gave Charos, his cousin (uncle's son) a chance
to capture the throne. He thought his father loved
Rafal but not him. He was jealous of Rafal. Charos
was determined to get the throne and revenge for
his father's supposed lack of love. He was ready to
do anything to achieve his goal of taking control of
the kingdom.
So, he betrayed Rafal and informed Anthony of
Rafal's plan. This alarmed Anthony. He had very
little time to deal with this situation. Yet, in a short
timeframe, he was able to come up with an idea.
The idea was that Rafal would be kidnapped by
Charos at night and brought to him. Charos
successfully executed the plan and Rafal was
brought to Anthony. Anthony knew Rafal was a
powerful and influential figure and had many loyal
followers. He was afraid that if he took any action
against Rafal it would lead to unrest and chaos. So,
he came up with the plan to have Rafal kidnapped
and brought to him. This was where he could deal
with the situation without causing too much
Anthony told Rafal about Charos's betrayal. But,
instead of getting shocked, he laughed and said,
"So, what happened? You also did the same to my
father?" "You cheated on my father. He trusted you
but you killed him," he shouted. Anthony tried to
tell him that his father was a cruel king. Rafal,
however, was not ready to trust him. Anthony sent
his men to bring the lady from the other
interrogation room. This lady was Rafal's servant
when he was young. Seeing her, Rafal had a smile
on his face. She was the only person in the world
he trusted after his mother. Anthony asked the lady
to tell them whatever she knew about Clare. The
lady said, "When hundreds of demons died, Clare
was born." Listening this Rafal said, "How can you
say this?" She told that Clare always killed animals,
punished innocents and whoever opposed him, he
decapitated their head off.
With this newfound insight, Rafal accepted and
apologized to Anthony, and the two became
Charos -“Father’s Devotee” to a “Traitor”

Charos loved his father more than himself. He

would do anything to make his father happy and
proud. He worked hard and always put his father's
needs before his own. He was obedient and loyal,
no matter the cost. Charos was willing to make
major sacrifices for his father. He even gave up his
own dreams and ambitions to fulfill his father's
wishes and expectations. He was always willing to
go above and beyond what was asked of him, and
never gave up no matter how difficult the task. He
was truly devoted to his father and his love was
But his father always thought that due to Charos's
birth he became unfortunate. When he was in his
mother's tummy, a drought caused 100s of families
to die, and when he was born, his mother also died.
From that day on, his father hated him. Charos's
father was superstitious and blamed Charos for the
drought and wife's death. He was convinced that
Charos was some kind of unfavorable omen and
that his birth was the cause of all misfortune in
their family. Charos's father was cruel to him and
made him believe he was cursed. Yet, he loved his
father deeply and wanted to make him proud. He
tried to be the best son he could be, despite his
father's cruel treatment. Charos was determined to
prove that he was not a bad omen and that he could
bring good fortune to his family.
But the turn came when his father gave the throne
to his cousin, Rafal. He was totally depressed.
Charos was devastated and felt completely
betrayed. He knew his father didn't believe in him,
and he had no choice but to accept his fate. He had
to find a way to make his own fortune, without
relying on anyone else. Charos was determined to
prove his worth, and this newfound motivation
pushed him to extreme lengths: he wanted revenge
against his father for doubting him and for not
giving him the throne. He saw his father's betrayal
as a failure of justice and ultimately decided that
the only way to restore that justice was to take his
father's life.
Rafal gave him the least punishment by locking
him in prison for 5 days. Charos never trusted him.
Rafal was always considered a cheater by Charos,
and he predicted Rafal would kill him as he gained
power. This made Charos betray Rafal by telling
Anthony everything about Rafal's plan.
The 3 Friends
Charos thought for days before coming up with an
idea to determine whether he was correct. When he
started thinking, he approached it from his father's
perspective. Then he realized that anyone in his
father's place would have done the same. Charos
understood that his father's decision must have
been based on the same rationale he had used, so he
felt he needed to apologize for his lack of
understanding. By placing a bouquet on his father's
He also apologized to Rafal for his betrayal. Then,
he promised never to cheat on anyone.
All three - Anthony, Rafal, and Charos - became
friends. They decided to stay together and help
each other whenever they needed. They also made
a pact to never betray each other's trust. From then
on, the three were inseparable. Their friendship was
based on mutual trust and respect, as well as a
shared commitment to help one another out in any
situation. In addition, they also had a bond of
honesty between them, which meant that they
could always rely on each other to tell the truth.
They were always there for each other, and their
bond only grew stronger over time. They were like
brothers, and they supported each other through
thick and thin.
There was a common thing between them - “They
all loved their father ". It is well said and I quote -
"Love is not an affectionate feeling, but a steady
wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as
it can be obtained.”

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