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Answers 1

Self Assessment Paper-5

Section – A
i. (C) Tea
Explanation: Lines from the passage: “What’s the one thing that you associate with your college
days? For me, it was consuming copious amounts of chai. A cup of tea was a panacea to all troubles
and the companion to all joys.”
ii. Something that will cure all problems and difficulties/a universal remedy.
iii. (B) He was successful and flourishing in his business.
Explanation: “The business did so well that soon he had installed more than ten telephones…..”
iv. The author’s growing years were a struggle because his father passed away and his mother had to bring
up four children. So, meeting expenses was difficult.
v. (C) His family had close association and good rapport with OTs.
Explanation: “….because some officers came in and decided to teach us how to make them.” This
shows the feeling of acceptance and closeness.
vi. It is a motivational story. It teaches us to work hard, stay humble and value human relationships.
vii. (A) Where there is a will, there is a way
Explanation: The willingness to work hard made him successful.
viii. (B) Humility
Explanation: Humility means being humble and unpretentious, that is the reason, how he and his
family learnt new dishes from the officers and he appreciated them.
ix. They were fascinated by the homely feeling of the Dhaba. Also, with separate cabins to talk over phone,
they enjoyed privacy.
2. i. Value Points:
Some possible ways: (Any 2/relevant)
• Help travel companies to tailor their services to meet the preferences and expectations of young adult
travellers, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
• Provide insights for the development of new travel packages and itineraries that cater to the specific
needs and interests of young adult travellers.
• Enable the tourism industry to better understand the changing preferences and behaviours of young
adult travellers, which can inform future marketing and promotional strategies.
• Can help policymakers and tourism boards to identify key trends and areas of growth in the tourism
sector, and plan accordingly.
• Allow researchers to gain a better understanding of the motivations and travel behaviours of young
adults, which can inform academic studies and literature in the field.
• Can provide a benchmark for comparison with similar studies conducted in different regions or
countries, helping to identify cross-cultural differences in travel preferences.
• Help young adults themselves to gain a better understanding of their own travel preferences and
motivations, and make more informed travel decisions in the future.
• Can highlight the importance of certain factors in the decision-making process for young adult travellers,
such as budget, safety, and cultural exploration, which can inform discussions and debates around the
future of the tourism industry
2 Oswaal CBSE Sample Question Papers, ENGLISH CORE, Class-XII

ii. (D) Desire for making new friends

iii. The top choices in the survey, for travelling solo and in a group suggest that young adult travellers value
independence and freedom when travelling alone and when travelling in a group, they value socialising
and making new friends.
iv. (B) Nawaz – I’m happy sharing a room in a hostel. I don’t need hotel accommodation.
Explanation: solo traveller-budget friendly; (a) group traveller- organised transport; (c) group traveller
high focus on safety and security.
v. (A) Trying new cuisine
Explanation: It allows an individual to explore new flavours and ingredients that they may not have
been exposed to before, thus helping them discover more about themselves by way of likes/ dislikes.
vi. Value Points:
• To cater to budget-conscious solo travellers, the industry may need to provide more affordable
accommodation options such as hostels and budget hotels.
• For group travellers, the industry may need to focus on offering more luxury accommodations and
experiences that cater to their desire for comfort and convenience. (Any one)
vii. Value Points (Any one)
• a shared desire for adventure.
• a willingness to step outside of their comfort zones.
• the fact that young adults in India are becoming more interested in cultural exchange and global
understanding. (Any other relevant)
viii. FALSE
Explanation: The passage is not about solo travel trend but more of solo vs group travel debate among
young adults in India.

Commonly Made Error

The students only refer to the lines of the passage for writing answers. Inferential questions are not
attempted correctly.

Answering Tip

The students should practice inferential questions and try to read in between the lines.

Section – B
3. A.

Minerva Public School

March 11, 20XX
Career Counselling Workshop
This is to inform the students of Grade IX–XII, a career counselling workshop is being conducted by the
school on March 20, 20XX. The workshop will emphasise the importance of various streams in prospect
to different career paths available. The workshop is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 12 noon in the School
Auditorium. It will be headed by Career Counsellor, Mr. Manoj Porwal.
Requesting maximum attendance.
Head Boy/Girl
Vijay/ Veena
Answers 3

A.B.M. Public School, Telangana

21 September, 20XX
PQR House: Editing in ‘Discovery’ Competition
This is to inform all the PQR House Members from X-XII that due to some avoidable and unstated reason,
there is a change in the topic and the submission date for Round-1 of ‘Discovery’-the upcoming Inter-
House Research-based Paper Presentation Competition. The old topic stands cancelled and the new topic
is ‘Hidden Treasure’. Also the last date for submission is now 1 October 20XX instead of 25 September,
20XX. The inconvenience caused is regretted. For more details contact the undersigned.
Kruthika Reddy
(PQR House Captain)

Commonly Made Errors

Some students forget to mention the word ‘NOTICE’ on the top.
Many students give unnecessary details making the notice too long.

Answering Tips

Always mention the word ‘NOTICE’ on first/second line of the notice.

The students must adhere to necessary facts like date, time and venue.
The notice must have some contact information like class and section, designation, email, mobile
number, etc. for the interested persons to contact.
Give one line space between the heading and beginning of the content.

4. A. House no 123
Sector B, Spring Valley Colony
Red Cross Road

15 January 20XX

Dear Sumit

I hope this letter finds you in pink of health. I miss you so much dearest Sumit.
I hope after receiving my letter, I will be able to bring a smile on your face.
I am excited to tell you about an adventurous trip on which I am going to ask you to come with me. I want
to explore that trip with you my friend, I have planned a trek trip in winter vacations to Kalghat. Hope that
you wouldn’t say no for this trek, I have way too many hopes attached to this question…” Are you ready
to go on this trip with me “I will be really happy if you join me on this trip. I will give you the trip plan as
soon as you answer my question.

Say hello to Uncle and Aunty and give my love to Riya.

Yours Lovingly
4 Oswaal CBSE Sample Question Papers, ENGLISH CORE, Class-XII


51, Pushp Farms

Tulsi Apartments
Evershine Nagar

13 February 20XX

Dear Mrs and Mr Vaz

Congratulations! Thank you for your cordial invitation for your daughter, Jane’s engagement ceremony
on Sunday, February 14 at 6:30 p.m. at your residence, Tulsi Apartments, Mumbai. It would be my
pleasure to be a part of this momentous occasion.
I would like to confirm my participation.

Yours lovingly

Commonly Made Errors

Name of the person or organisation sending the invitation is missed.
Time and venue are omitted.
Subject is not mentioned.

Answering Tips

Name of host, time, venue, etc. must be clearly stated.

Name of VIP, if there is any, must be mentioned.
Only present tense to be used while giving details of the event.

5. A. Shastri Nagar

26 February 20XX

The Director
Skill Development Institute

Dear Sir

Subject: Application for the post of part-time trainer for computers

In response to your advertisement published in The Meerut Times, dated 23 February 20XX I wish to be
considered for the position.
I believe I have the educational qualifications and skills to carry out the mentioned responsibilities. I
have attached my bio-data for your perusal. I guarantee that if selected for the post, I would perform my
duties with honesty and proficiency.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully
Mitali Kedia
Answers 5

Name: Mitali Kedia
Father’s Name: Mr. Rajiv Kedia
Date of Birth: xx-xx-xxxx
Contact No. xxxxxxxxxx
Marital Status: Unmarried
Educational Qualifications: BSc (Computers) Diploma in Computer Graphics
Work Experience: 5 years as a computer trainer at Benz Institute.
Skills: Excellent communication skills
Proficient in working with different software for
office use like Ms Office Suite, Adobe, Photoshop,
Tally etc.
Languages Known: Hindi, English
Hobbies: Reading, Painting
Reference: Mr. Pant, Manager, Benz Institute
Mitali Kedia
B. Content
l Lack of awareness of the significance of zebra crossings and traffic rules, ignorance of etiquettes
involved, and the lack of enforcement of existing laws related to road safety.
l Increased risk of accidents, injuries, and fatalities, disruption of traffic flow, damage to public property,
legal penalties and fines, and revocation of driving licenses.
l Public campaigns, educational programs in schools, colleges, and other public places, informative
pamphlets, posters, and videos on traffic rules and etiquettes, and highlighting the consequences of
not following traffic rules and respect for zebra crossings.
l Imposing penalties and fines for those who violate traffic rules and do not respect zebra crossings,
attending road safety awareness classes, and revoking driving licenses if necessary. Strengthening
traffic police and providing them with the necessary resources and technology to monitor and enforce
traffic laws.
Detailed Answer:

Mall Road

1 April 20XX

The Editor
The Times of India
Darya Ganj, Delhi

Subject: Lack of awareness of the significance of zebra crossing and traffic rules

Being a regular reader of your newspaper, I wish to use the columns of your esteemed newspaper
to bring to the notice of the public and of the concerned authorities, the lack of awareness
about the significance of zebra crossings and road safety. The roads of the Central Delhi are
filled with traffic for the whole day and thus are the cause of accidents every single day. Most
of the people are neither aware of the significance of zebra crossing nor road safety rules.
It is the responsibility of the concerned authorities to spread awareness among the general
public about the road safety rules. It should be ensured that road safety signs are put beside
busy roads. Workshops can be organised at schools to let the children be aware of the road
safety and traffic rules. Social media is the most important weapon to spread awareness.
I hope my views will find a suitable place in your newspaper to create awareness among the general public
and the concerned authorities.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours faithfully
Soma Baruah
6 Oswaal CBSE Sample Question Papers, ENGLISH CORE, Class-XII

Commonly Made Errors

Students write the letters in one whole.
Students do not read the question thoroughly; thus, they are unable to grasp the topic.

Answering Tips

Letters should always be written in paragraphs.

Read and analyse the questions, then start answering in proper format using specific points related
to the topic instead of rambling.
Establishing cause and effect relationship helps in logical flow of ideas.

6. A. Rising Prices: An Ordeal for Common Man

-by Nalini
Prices are ever on the increase. A rise in prices, economists say, is a sign of development and prosperity.
However, during the last two decades, prices of almost all essential commodities have been increasing at
an alarming rate. These soaring prices have caused great unrest and frustration among the people. Even
more, the soaring prices have become a big threat and an open challenge to the government.
There are many causes of the unprecedented rise in prices. Inflation, black marketing, hoarding, faulty
credit system, over population and improper system of distribution are some of the major causes of hike
in prices. The standard of living of the people has improved. People need more things than they needed
earlier. The increasing demand leads to hike in prices.
It is the duty of the government to bring down the prices of the essential commodities. Price line is the
lifeline of a nation. Black marketers, hoarders and profiteers must be booked. Family Planning programmes
should be stepped up to check over-population. More fair-price shops should be opened in different
localities. There should be an equitable distribution through the fair price shops. Shopkeepers should be
directed to display the stock of essential commodities along with their prices. Those people who buy things
in the black market should be punished. Production of food should be increased. Sincere efforts should
be made to stabilise prices of essential commodities. Evils of corruption, bribery, smuggling and illegal
gratification deep-rooted in the society must be rooted out.
We as students can also help our parents by reducing wastage and minimising our demands. Let us hope
that the government will be able to bring down the soaring prices. What is needed is the right intention
and the force of will. The government has, in recent past, taken some steps to control the prices to revamp
the economy of the country. The government efforts have met a partial success and inflation has been
controlled to some extent.
B. Worker Safety Needs to be a Priority in Construction Zones
By- Suvidha (Jr. Staff Correspondent)
Mysuru, Karnataka, 21 September 20XX
The construction sector is believed to be quite hazardous and has the maximum number of fatal work injuries.
A safety fair was organised by ‘Building Safely’, an NGO in Mysuru, Karnataka with the overarching them,
‘Worker Safety Needs to be a Priority in Construction Zones’. There was a congregation of site workers
and managers who actively participated in the programme. The special feature of the programme was
inauguration of a special insurance programme for the site workers. There were interesting toolbox talks,
video presentation dedicated for the deceased, speeches, safety demonstrations, emergency response drill
and safety games also. This event was followed by a picnic lunch with the bosses where there were some
informal conversations too. The whole programme was a grand success due to the interactive session. The
NGO Manager presented a vote of thanks and culminated the event.
Sample Question Papers 7

Section – C
7. A.
1. (D) she has embroidered them
Explanation: They are the resultant of her imagination.
2. The phrase ‘a world of green’ suggests forest.
3. they are bold whereas Aunt Jennifer is timid and she creates opposite natured tigers.
4. It means the kind behaviour of men towards the women.
5. (D) her ordeals
Explanation: Aunt Jennifer is mastered by her hardships and difficulties that she faced during her
6. False.
Explanation: Aunt Jennifer is an old and submissive woman. But the tigers she is embroidering on the
panel appear to be bold and chivalric.
1. (C) Introspective, aware
Explanation: One has to introspect and be aware of the needs of oneself to be free and lead a peaceful
2. (B) challenges finiteness of life.
Explanation: When death is inevitable, there is no point of raising a threat against it.
3. It signifies the deep understanding and the realisation of the truth.
4. The poet wants global peace and harmony. He wants the human beings to stop all the destructive activities.
5. tranquil, serene tone
Explanation: Since the poet is urging his readers to stay silent and still, he himself adopts a very tranquil
serene tone, to set the mood of the poem.
6. Humans have sacrificed their emotional needs in the race of materialistic world. They have lost their
mental satisfaction while fulfilling their ambitions, which has made them sad and secluded.
8. A.
1. The author is talking about the time of birth of Tiger King.
2. Ten-day-old child uttered a question to the astrologers.
3. ask a question beyond his age.
4. (D) They were stupefied
Explanation: They were speechless to see a ten-day-old child speaking.
1. To highlight that labels are arbitrary and essentially reflect a common life experience.
2. Gloomy. There was a hint of sadness in Derry’s tone when he says that him and Mr. Lamb are not the
3. (C) One man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist.
4. weed and flowers which elucidates the difference between them.
9. A.
1. The author tried to copy other boys and paddled with his new water wings.
2. Swimming.
3. After sometime, the author gained confidence and felt comfortable at the pool.
4. (A) Tossed by a boy in pool.
Explanation: A bully took advantage of his helplessness.
5. (A) is correct.
Explanation: Aping means copying.
6. ‘I did this two or three times on different days and was just beginning to feel at ease in the water’ is the
line which suggests that author’s terror had left and he began to enjoy swimming.
1. Franz was not prepared for his rules of participles and scared of teacher’s reprimand.
8 Oswaal CBSE Sample Question Papers, ENGLISH CORE, Class-XII

2. (B) A bit settled

Explanation: Initially he was scared to come late to school but when the teacher didn’t react, he felt
3. (A) He was dressed for special occasion
4. The line ‘that he never wore except on inspection and prize days’, bears the evidence that shows Franz
noticed a change.
5. It was his last day in school and he had to deliver the last lesson.
6. The phrase “jumped over the desk” means that Franz quickly approached his seat and settled down.
10. i. Serves as a significant backdrop for the events that unfold in the story.
• creates a sense of isolation and desolation, emphasising the loneliness and despair that the peddler
• the harsh winter conditions and the barren landscape add to the overall tone of melancholy and
• the forest also represents the metaphorical wilderness of the human soul, highlighting the struggles
and temptations that people face in their journey through life Therefore, the setting plays a vital role
in establishing the mood and atmosphere of the story.
Detailed Answer:
The setting of the remote forest location in ‘The Rattrap’ serves as a significant backdrop for the events that
unfold in the story. It creates a sense of isolation and desolation, emphasising the loneliness and despair
that the peddler experiences. The harsh winter conditions and the barren landscape add to the overall
tone of melancholy and hopelessness. The forest also represents the metaphorical wilderness of the human
soul, highlighting the struggles and temptations that people face in their journey through life. Therefore,
the setting plays a vital role in establishing the mood and atmosphere of the story.
ii. Value Points:
Prussians put a ban on the French language - People realised the importance of holding onto their mother
M Hamel was considered strict and the classes/work given by him were not taken seriously - After he was
ordered to leave the country, villagers realised the importance of his contribution to the society.
Detailed Answer: “You realise the true value of a thing only on losing it.” When Prussians put a ban on
the French language, it was then that the people realised the importance of holding onto their mother
tongue. In another instance, M Hamel was considered strict and the classes or the work given by him were
not taken seriously but when he was ordered to leave the country, villagers realised the importance of his
contribution to the society.
iii. Subbu’s success in the film industry reveals that loyalty, creativity, and versatility are essential qualities for
success in this field –
• Subbu was an extremely loyal employee who identified himself completely with his principal and
turned his entire creativity to his principal’s advantage.
• He was also a highly versatile and creative person who could be inspired to come up with numerous
alternatives when given a problem to solve.
• Additionally, he had the ability to work well with others and was tailor-made for the film industry.
These qualities made him an invaluable asset to the Gemini Studios during its golden years.
iv. It is certain that God’s lineage cannot be challenged. It is true that we as human beings are not efficient
enough to challenge our own destiny. In the case of Mukesh, he is the type of person who is more interested
in making his career as a professional motor mechanic. This is what he wants to prove by trying to defy
what is written in his destiny.
v. The poet hopes that these people are put at one stroke out of their pain. The poet wants that the authorities
should come to him and offer to put him ‘gently out of my pain’. The poet identifies himself with the
village folks as far as their economic conditions are concerned.
vi. Douglas was about four years old. He visited a beach with his father. They stood in the surf. A powerful
wave swept him and knocked him down. He was terrified. He had avoided water since then as he had
grown an aversion to water.
11. i. • In the given lines, Hana is expressing her frustration with Yumi, who is hesitant to help her with the
wounded white man.
• By saying “Is this anything but a man? And a wounded helpless man!” Hana is highlighting the fact that
they are all humans, regardless of their race or nationality.
Sample Question Papers 9
• She believes that their common humanity makes it their moral duty to help the wounded man.
• In these lines, she is asserting her own intervention and belief in the importance of doing the right
thing, even if it goes against traditional values or societal norms.
• This demonstrates her sense of moral superiority over Yumi, who is more concerned with following the
strict rules of her society than with helping a fellow human being.
ii. The landlord’s man asked Bama’s brother on which street he lived, to predict the caste to which he
belonged to. Actually, Bama’s brother was a literate person. So, he spoke confidently in a rich language. It
made the landlord unable to make out which caste he was from.
iii. Charley knew that though it was less profitable, the quiet business of hay, feed and grain would give Sam
a greater sense of satisfaction. Moreover, being a psychiatrist, he had no scope of reverting to his own
Profession as in 1894, a psychiatrist would be unacceptable since in 1894 the science of psychiatry was in
its infancy.

12. A. Dear Franz

I know you have always preferred to run in the open fields and enjoy all the other trivial things like seeking
birds’ eggs instead of learning your lessons. The bright weather, woods, fields and chirping of birds have
tempted you to spend the day outdoors. You have always been full of high spirit to seek pleasure but never
realised how poor you were at your own native language. You hardly know how to write in French and
now would never again have the opportunity to learn it. French would be replaced with German from the
following day.
Always remember that French is the most beautiful language in the world. It is the clearest and the most
logical language. You must now guard it among your fellow companions and never forget as much as you
know. Mark my words that when people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language, they
have the key to their prison.
Vive La France!
M. Hamel
B. Suggested response:
Good morning, everyone. As I analysed the allotted texts, I noticed that though each portrayal of women
was unique, they all offered varied insights into the experiences of women in society.
To begin with, Aunt Jennifer was portrayed as a victim of patriarchy, living in a world where women were
expected to confirm to societal norms and expectations and were unable to attain freedom and strength
she desired, due to the limitations imposed upon her by society.
In contrast, Sophie was portrayed as ambitious and determined to break free from societal norms. She
refused to be limited by her gender and sought to challenge the restrictions placed upon her. Sophie’s
mother, on the other hand, from a generation prior, had chosen to conform and sacrifice her individuality
to societal expectations.
Similarly, in “Lost Spring,” the grandmother and daughter-in-law, in Firozabad, were portrayed as
resilient in the face of poverty and the societal constraints of their caste. However, unlike Sophie’s and
Aunt Jennifer’s need to find an outlet, they found ways to make the best of their situation, despite the
limitations placed upon them.
When we analyse the portrayal of the aged mother, in “My Mother at Sixty-six,”, she is presented as
vulnerable and in need of protection. Sadly, it does make one wonder about the unaddressed vulnerability
of Sophie’s mother and the grandmother in “Lost Spring”. A point worth considering is that Kamala Das’
mother’s acceptance of her circumstances comes across as a voluntary decision, whereas that of the women
in “Lost Spring” is akin to resignation.
These portrayals of women offer valuable insights into the experiences of women in our society -from
victimisation to the resilience in the face of poverty – and offer us important lessons about strength,
vulnerability, and the need for empathy and respect.
To conclude, I’d like to say that as readers, we can learn from their experiences and strive towards a more
equitable and just society. These characters, stress that it is important to recognise the complexities of each
woman’s experiences and refrain from passing sweeping judgements as women are not a uniform group,
but rather unique individuals. They are also a part of the society and must be treated with the same dignity
and respect as provided to the other genders of the society.
10 Oswaal CBSE Sample Question Papers, ENGLISH CORE, Class-XII

13. A. Saturday, 14 April 20XX

10:00 p.m.
Dear Diary
Present day, Antarctica was the centre of a huge landmass called Gondwana. It was a giant southern super
continent. It existed about 650 million years ago and thrived for 500 million years. Then, it was not cold.
Climate was warm. Thousands of species of flora and fauna lived there, but there were no human beings.
Then this landmass disintegrated. India broke away and pushed against Asia and created the Himalayas.
South America drifted away to join North America. Indeed, Antarctica holds the key to the geological
history of our world. It helps to understand the significance of Cordilleran folds and pre-Cambrian granite
shields, ozone and carbon, evolution and extinction.
Tourist Guide
B. Saturday, 14 April 20XX
9:30 p.m.
Dear Diary
As much as I know Mr. Lamb, he represents a symbol of optimism and hope. He constantly tries to convince
Derry that there is no essential difference between them and that they are both human beings with the
same potential for goodness. Mr. Lamb’s optimistic outlook on life is evident when he says, “The sun’s
shining now, and that’s a good sign” despite being held captive by the enemy during the war.
Mr. Lamb’s hope for a better future is also evident in his conversation with Derry about the potential for
peace and understanding between people of different backgrounds. He does not let his circumstances get
him down and always looks for the good in every situation. He is hopeful that Derry will eventually come
around and see things from his perspective, and his positive attitude towards Derry even in the face of his
hostility is a testament to his unwavering hope for a better future.
In summary, Mr. Lamb’s character represents a symbol of hope and optimism in the story. His unwavering
faith in humanity and his hope for a better future are evident throughout the story and serve as an example
of how one can maintain a positive attitude even in the face of adversity.
Derry’s mother


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