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Name:__________________________ Sci 10 Pre-AP


Use the periodic table to answer the following questions

1. Match each letter or letters above with the description below:

i) Alkali metal(s): __________
ii) Lanthanide(s): __________
iii) Halogen(s): __________
iv) Non-transition element __________
v) Monatomic gas at room temp. __________
vi) Multi-valent __________
vii) Liquid at room temp. __________
viii) Gas with incomplete octet __________
ix) Exception to the octet rule __________
x) Can form a 5+ ion charge __________
xi) Forms no isotopes __________

b) The table below describes two of the elements above. Write the formula of how
they would be bonded, using the letters to identify them.

Element 1 Element 2
High boiling point Yellow, brittle solid
Located in the 4th period Has 2 lone pairs and 2 bonding electrons
Is not multivalent Poor conductor of heat and electricity
Four elements from the periodic table are described below
Element A: This metal reacts vigorously with water and its electrons are distributed
among three energy levels.
Element B: This nonmetal is located in Period 3 and used to disinfect or kill
bacteria in pools.
Element C: Its electron configuration is pictured in the Bohr model to the right
Element D: Its outermost energy level is full and it could have 22 neutrons.
2. Complete the table by indicating the symbol, the name of the chemical family, and the
lewis dot diagram for each of these elements.

Element Symbol Family Name Lewis Diagram

Element A

Element B

Element C

Element D

Use the following information to answer the next question

A newly discovered element known as “Y” is placed in the periodic table in the
following way:

3. Based on the element’s symbol, read the paragraph below and fill in the blanks.
The atom of element contains a) #protons, b) #neutrons and c) #electrons. It forms an ion with a
1- charge. In its ionic form, the ion would have d) #protons, e) #neutrons and f) #electrons. This
element must be located in g) Group # on the periodic table. When the atom forms an ion, its
atomic radius will be h) larger/smaller/the same than its neutral form. In its ionic form, the
element will have i) # of energy levels assuming that each energy level holds the maximum
number of electrons. It will also form diatomic ionic compounds with the j) Group # elements.

a) f)

b) g)

c) h)

d) i)

e) j)

a) g
i) B
ii) A
iii) I
iv) B, J, N, I, G, O
v) G
vi) H, M, C, D
vii) M
viii) I
ix) N
x) C
xi) D

b) K2O3

Element Symbol Family Name Lewis Diagram

Element A Na Alkali

Element B Cl Halogen

Element C Mg Alkaline Earth

Element D Ar Noble Gases

a) 181 f) 182
b) 122 g) 17
c) 181 h) Larger
d) 181 i) 6
e) 122 j) 1

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