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Brief Lesson Plan

Teacher Name: Year: Date: Additional staff:

Namra Ijaz Khan 4

Period: 2,4 Topic: Types of Adjectives (numbers, colours, feelings, size, shape, quality)

To make students understand the use of Adjectives and Adjectives are the
Lesson Objectives
quality of the noun.
Revision and practice of sentence writing.

Students understand the use of Adjectives and understand that adjectives are the
quality of the noun.
Learning Outcomes
Students can make, and write a simple sentence

Resources /
White board
Time Teaching & Learning
Sitting plans: Students with hearing difficulties will be seated near the front or near
whoever is speaking, whether it is the teacher or another student.

Students with vision difficulties will be seated closer to the front as well. Their
worksheets will be tailored to the student, for example, text may be larger to make it
easier to read. Students with vision problems will be reminded to use their glasses as
(Bell needed.
5 minutes
Students who have behavioral concerns will be put in a group that is less prone to
misbehave. They will also be located close to the teacher.

Some random questions like how the weekend was and etc.

Starter & Quick recall and revision of previous topic.

10 Review or intro to adjectives.

15 minutes
Main Display pictures and ask random questions;
Activities & Draw any picture on board and let the Childrens to describe that picture later
Plenaries write the questions related to the description of that picture and tell them to
write the answer in a proper sentence.
Brainstorming and reasoning questions.

Plenary 20 minutes Worksheets

Homework Homework sheets

Teacher Self Evaluation:

Tick the appropriate box which needs improvement:
☐ could accomplish the lesson objectives ☐ warm up could be lighter and interesting
☐ could avoid monotony / monotone approach ☐ class management could be better
☐ could use training / AV aids more effectively ☐ could make it more interactive
☐ could use more illustrations ☐ could make teaching easy
☐ could generate interest ☐ could manage time properly
☐ linkage could have been better ☐ could manage to cover entire topic
☐ could make it more participative
☐ could include hands on activity for effective learning
Overall: very good ☐ good ☐ average ☐ weak ☐

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