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Report File


Class: X Sec: A Session: 2021-22

Subject: COMPUTER Subject Code: 165

Submission Date:
Aims / Objectives:
• To create a webpages for your own school

• By using HTML and CSS coding

Hardware & Software requirements:

• Destop
• Notepad++(application)
• Google Chrome
• Bing
• Keyboard
• Mouse

Flowchart Diagram:
Trivia Public school

(Main page)

Contact us Fee Detail Facilities

Contact Registration Transport Boarding


Sign. of Teacher 2|Page

Input and Output of different Web Pages:
➢ homepage.html

<html lang="en"><head><meta charset="UTFS"><Title>HOME</Title></head>
color="red" size="9"><u>WELCOME TO
TRIVIA</u></font></b></i></center><hr size="5"><img src="02.jpg"
width="30%" align="left"><font color="black"
warm welcome to one who visiting the website. We are a four-form
entry school in the heart of the Sparkhill community with the most
wonderful children and families. <br><br>There is something very
special about Greet; everybody who walks through our school
notices how amazing our children are. They are beautifully behaved,
well-mannered and aspirational. <br><br>Our community is
supportive of our endeavours to give our children the very best
education, which we do through our values of excellence,
partnership and perseverance. <br> <br>Our staff are hardworking
and committed to the children at Greet. As a research-informed
school, we value continued professional development and invest in
this so we can give our children the best. <br><br>Our mission at
Greet is simple. We are committed to creating ever better learning
outcomes and securing futures for our pupils, based on a
collaborative culture with shared values and a clear moral

Sign. of Teacher 5|P age

➢ homepage.html

Sign. of Teacher 6| P a g e

<html lang="en"><head><meta charset="UTF-S"><Title>TRIVIA

PUBLIC SCHOOL</Title><link href="style1.css" rel="stylesheet"
type="text/css"></head> <body><ul class="menu"><li><a
href="CONTACT US.html">CONTACT US</a></li><li><a
US.html">ABOUT US</a></li><li><a href="FEE
href="home page.html">HOME</a></li></ul><center><font
color="blue"><h1><u>TRIVIA PUBLIC
width="100%" height="70%"></body></html>

Sign. of Teacher 3| P a g e
➢ Mainpage.html

Sign. of Teacher 4| P a g e
➢ Contactus.html

<html lang="en"><head><meta charset="UTF-S"><Title>CONTACT

<body><center><b><i><font color="red" size="9"><u>CONTACT
US</u></font></b></i></center><hr size="5"><img src="03.PNG" width="30%"
color="black" SIZE="5"><p>Contact no.</p>Phone no.:-
9543211124<br><br>tollfree no. :-
1800023455<br><br><Br><br><br><form><lable>First name</lable><input
type="text" value="Type
your first name" maxlength="30"<br><br><br><lable>last name</lable><input
value="Type your last name" maxlength="30"<br><br><br><lable>Father
type="text" value="Type your father name"
name</lable><input type="text" value="Type your mother name"
maxlength="30"<br><br><br><lable>Email address</lable><input type="text"
value="Type your
email address" maxlength="30"<br><br><br><lable>select
type="radio"><br><br><br><label>Select your
el>Whatsapp no.</label><input type="number" value="write your whatsapp no."
maxlength="10"><br><br><lable>Phone no.</lable><input type="number"
value="calling number"
maxlength="10"<br><br><br><input type="submit" value="save"><input

Sign. of Teacher 7|Page

➢ Contactus.html

Sign. of Teacher 8|Page

➢ Facilities.html
<html lang="en"><head><meta charset="UTF-S"><Title>FACILITIES</Title></head>
<body><center><b><i><font color="red" size="9"><u>FACILITIES</u></font></b></i></center><hr
size="5"><img src="06.jpg" width="30%" align="right">The new purpose-built campus for primary,
secondary and senior secondary boys, features a number of facilities designed to meet their specific
requirements.<br><br><b>General Facilities</b><br><br><b>The School Library</b><br><br>The
spacious school library is stocked with periodicals, newspapers and an impressive index of titles,
covering both fiction and non-fiction. These have been selected for the informative and educational
value, catering to all age groups. Children are encouraged to make full use of these facilities in order
to foster a healthy reading habit and satiate the inquisitive mind. The library is managed by highly
qualified library personnel. In addition, the library also features an integrated audio-visual suite with
internet facility to complement the research activities.<br><br><b>Multi-purpose
Hall</b><br><br>The school boasts a multi-purpose hall, used for all major school functions. The
multi-purpose hall provides an ideal space for school assemblies, events, productions, minor games,
and inter-school activities.<br><br><b>Art Room</b><br><br>The school possesses a specialized
creative Art Room with internet access where students are encouraged to explore their creative
talents and showcase their creative expressions.<br><br><b>Music Room</b><br><br>The wellequipped
music room provides a variety of instruments including guitars, keyboards and drum sets
for students inclined to music.<br><br><b>Cafeteria</b><br><br>The school cafeteria offers a range
of healthy snacks and beverages served throughout the day.<br><br><b>Books and Uniforms
Store</b><br><br>The school houses a book store, which stocks prescribed textbooks, notebooks,
stationery, and a range of miscellaneous items at a special price for the convenience of students. The
Uniform store stocks prescribed school uniform and in order to maintain uniformity, parents are
encouraged to make use of this facility.<br><br><b>Medicare</b><br><br>The school has a health
unit, manned by 2 full-time doctors and 4 qualified nurses. Students undergo regular medical checkups and a
health record is maintained for each child. While routine first aid is administered by the
unit, any emergency is referred to the nearby Hospital.<br><br><b>Science and
Technology</b><br><br>Our modern Science labs are fully equipped to meet the needs of our
Secondary and SeniorSecondary students.<br><br><b>ICT Laboratories</b><br><br>Information
and Communication Technology (ICT) :The School has 2 ICT labs and more than 5 trolleys which
consist of 36 laptops/iPad for students. All computers are equipped with multimedia kits and
interconnected nodes with internet facilities. Technology is used to make teaching and learning
meaningful and fun. ICT is well integrated into all subject areas. New technology tools like
Interactive LED boards have been installed in all classrooms and learning areas. ICT laboratories
which are equipped with computers and a number of peripherals so that each student has a
machine to himself. The laboratories are used to support the teaching of ICT, beginning as early as
Grade 1. To keep our students abreast with the world around them, the school has inter-connected
nodes with ISDN lines for Internet browsing.<br><br><b>Interactive LED</b><br><br>The
interactive flat panel Clevertouch LED 75” displays have been newly installed in the classrooms. It is
a leading educational interactive flat panel which is a highly effective collaborative device to
facilitate classroom teaching and digital learning.<br><br><b>Audio-Visual Facilities</b><br><br>We
also have a wealth of audio-visual learning facilities, including smart boards, LCD projectors,
televisions, DVD players, overhead projectors, and stereo
systems.<br><br><b>Sports</b><br><br>Beyond the development of skills, our sporting facilities
support students in their goals of leading healthy and active lifestyles.<br><br><b>Indoor sports
facilities</b><br><br><b>Badminton and Basketball provision</b><br><br><b>Tennis
courts</b><br><br><b>Standard Soccer field</b><br><br>To encourage student interest in
programmes of physical education, a range of sports facilities are available that include indoor sports
facilities, badminton and basketball provision, Cricket nets, tennis courts and a standard soccer

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➢ Facilities.html

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➢ Curricumlim.html
<html lang="en"><head><meta charset="UTF-S"><Title>CURRICULUM</Title></head>
<body><center><b><i><font color="red"
size="9"><u>CURRICULUM</u></font></b></i></center></font><hr size="5"><img src="07.jpg"
width="30%" align="right"><font size="4"><i>A CHILDS MIND IS LIKE A DRY SPONGE.
SOAK. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS TAKE IT TO THE WATER”</i><br><br>Curriculum plays a
important role as we believe that learning is not just about teaching, books and lessons but much
more than that. The emphasis is more on the overall development of the child, as we understand
that schooling is the time in the life of every child, which influences their future.<br><br>To do this,
creation of world - class infrastructure facilities and a favorable atmosphere is a sine qua non for any
child to learn not just academics but lessons of life, character, ethics and values. We impart all these
qualities in the children so that they emerge as responsible individuals. We have a curriculum that is
integrated. The curriculum is concept oriented rather than exam oriented. At the curriculum is
designed keeping in view the overall development of a child. The classroom is the nerve center of
the activities that are undertaken in shaping and grooming the leaders of tomorrow. The integrated
curriculum not only concentrates on the academics but also on the qualitative development of every
individual child.<br><br><br>Our strength lies in our ability to maintain the completeness of our
programs, offering unique and important options to each and every person and providing a way to
evaluate each student's learning to ensure that we all continue to grow and we remain completely
accountable to our community.<br><br><b>Special Features : </b><br>* Highly Qualified,
Experienced & dedicated faculty.<br>* Well equipped Science & Mathematics Laboratories.<br>*
Career guidance, Individual & group counselling facilities.<br><br>* Personality development
from trained professionals.<br>* Classrooms equipped with Smart Boards having latest
modules.<br><br>* Regular counseling, Aptitude Tests & workshops for students.<br>* Well
panoplied Library.<br></font></body></html>

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➢ Curricumlim.html

Sign. of Teacher 12 | P a g e
➢ FeeDetail.html

<html lang="en"><head><meta charset="UTF-S"><Title>FEE DETAIL</Title></head>

<body><center><b><i><font color="red" size="9"><u>FEE
size="5"><font color="black" SIZE="5"><center><table border="12" bgcolor="white"
height="10%"><tr><td colspan="7" align="center" bgcolor="yellow"><font color="red"><b>
PUBLIC SCHOOL,KATIHAR </td></b></font></tr><tr><td colspan="7"
fee</td><td>Food Fee</td><td>Resdient
Fee</td><td>Enrichment</td><td>Personal account</td><td>Lab
Charges</td></tr><tr><td>Nursery,KG & I </td><td>1,05,000/-</td><td>30,000/-</td><td
align="center">-</td><td>30,000/-</td><td align="center">-</td><td align="center">-
</td></tr><tr><td>II to IV</td><td>1,25,000/-</td><td>35,000/-</td><td align="center">-
</td><td>25,000/-</td><td align="center">-</td><td align="center">-</td></tr><tr><td>V to
X</td><td>1,25,000/-</td><td>45,000/-</td><td align="center">-</td><td>25,000/-</td><td
align="center">-</td><td align="center">-</td></tr><tr><td>XI & XII(comm.)</td><td>1,55,000/-
</td><td>45,000/-</td><td align="center">-</td><td>25,000/-</td><td align="center">-</td><td
align="center">-</td></tr><tr><td>XI & XII(Sci.)</td><td>1,55,000/-</td><td>45,000/-</td><td
align="center">-</td><td>25,000/-</td><td align="center">-</td><td>10,000/-</td></tr><tr><td
colspan="7" align="center"><b>BOARDING</b></td></tr></tr><tr><td>Grade</td><td>Tution
fee</td><td>Food Fee</td><td>Resdient Fee</td><td>Enrichment</td><td>Personal
account</td><td>Lab Charges</td></tr><tr><td>V to X</td><td>1,45,000/-</td><td>55,000/-
</td><td>70,000/-</td><td>40,000/-</td><td>10,000/-</td><td align="center">-
</td></tr><tr><td>XI & XII(comm.)</td><td>1,55,000/-</td><td>55,000/-</td><td>70,000/-
</td><td>40,000/-</td><td>10,000/-</td><td align="center">-</td></tr><tr><td>XI &
</td><td>10,000/-</td><td>10,000/-</td></tr></table></center><br> <br> <hr
size="5"><center><table border="12" bgcolor="white" width="70%" height="10%"><tr><td
r><tr><td>0 -
2</td><td>20,000/-</td></tr><tr><td>2.1 - 5</td><td>35,000/-</td></tr><tr><td>5.1 -
7</td><td>45,000/-</td></tr><tr><td>7.1 and above</td><td>55,000/-

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➢ FeeDetail.html

Sign. of Teacher 14 | P a g e
➢ flightsbooking.html

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➢ flightsbooking.html

Sign. of Teacher 16 | P a g e
➢ holidaysbooking.html

Sign. of Teacher 17 | P a g e
➢ holidaysbooking.html

Sign. of Teacher 18 | P a g e
➢ contactus.html

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➢ contactus.html

Sign. of Teacher 20 | P a g e
➢ feedbackform.html

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➢ feedbackform.html

Sign. of Teacher 22 | P a g e
Learning Outcome:

• Learnt how to create webpages by using HTML and CSS code.

• Learnt how to link different web pages in awedsite.
• Learnt how to decorate webpage.

Future Prospects:
• This will be use for making a website for schools
• To enchance coding skill
• It can be further develop to create more pages

• W3Schools

• Youtube

Sign. of Teacher 15 | P a g e

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