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Adama Science Technology University

Faculty of Natural Applied Science

Department of Applied Geology

Course Title: Economic Geology Course Code: Geol 4121

Exit Exam Model Questions Time allotted: 2hrs.

Maximum Marks: 100%

Full Name: -------------------------------------------------------- ID NO: ------------- section: ----------

By: Abdela B. (MSc)

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For Instructor Use Only:
Part–I (100%) Total (100%)
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1. Which of the following are the causes of minerals' Crystallization?

A. Temperature and Pressure decreases
B. Temperature decreasing, pressure increasing
C. Not only temperature but also pressure increasing
D. None of the above
2. The operating costs for a gold mine are 55 $/ton. The recovery at the mill is 90%
and the mining dilution is 10%. At a gold price of $400/oz, what is the break-even
cutoff grade in oz Au/ton?

A. 0.15 oz Au /ton

B. 0.5 oz Au /ton

C. 0.25 oz Au /ton

D. None of the above

3. Which of the following is true about ore?

A. It is mined at a profit

B. It is the valuable solid mineral that is sought and extracted from the working of a mine:

C. It is natural concentrations of useful minerals/ rocks that can’t be economically exploited.

D. A and B

4. Which of the following is wrong regarding the cutoff grade?

A. It is the valuable solid mineral that is sought and extracted from the working of a mine:

B. It is the minimum minable grade

C. It is useful at the operational level in distinguish ore from the waste

D. It is determined by the operating cost and price of minerals in the world market
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5. If the operating cost increases whereas the metal price per unit grade decreases,

what happens to the cutoff grade?

A. Increasing

B. Decreasing

C. Not determine

D. None of the above

6. Which of the following is not true about dilution?

A. Dilution is the result of mixing waste with ore-grade material during mining operation:

B. Internal Dilution is low-grade material surrounded by high-grade material

C. External dilution is not low-grade material marginal to high-grade material

D. It is leading to an increase in tonnage and a decrease in grade relative to original expectations

7. Which of the following is not associated with stages in the life of mine?

A. Exploration

B. Development

C. Exploitation

D. Production rate

8. An ore body showing ‘saddle reef structure is formed by:

A. magmatic crystallization process

B. Metasomatism processes

C. Hydrothermal process

D. Metamorphic process
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9. Which of the following is the highest rank of coal?

A. Peat

B. Lignite

C. Bituminous coal

D. Anthracite

10. Which of the following is associated with brecciated Iron Ore Copper-Gold
(IOCG) deposits?

A. Uranium

B. Sliver

C. Galena

D. Zinc

11. Placer deposits are formed by:

A. Metasomatism

B. Magma segregation

C. Gravitational separation

D. Metamorphism

12. In a vein body comprising ‘galena – pyrite sphalerite – quartz’, which is the
gangue mineral(s)?

A. Quartz and pyrite

B. Sphalerite and quartz

C. Galena and sphalerite

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D. Only quartz

13. Which of the following is not an ore mineral of copper?

A. Malachite

B. Chalcopyrite

C. Azurite

D. Molybdenite

14. Which of the following rocks could be an important source of diamonds?

A. Lamprolite

B. Granite

C. Kimberlite

D. A and C

15. Among the following ores, which is gossan a characteristic surface indicator?

A. Malachite – Azurite

B. Chalcocite – Hematite

C. pyrite – goethite, limonite

D. None of the above

16. Malachite – Azurite are characteristics ore minerals of:

A. Leached zone

B. Zone of oxidation

C. Zone of supergene enrichment

D. Gossan zone
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17. Covellite and Chalcocite are the characteristics ore minerals of

A. Enrichment zone

B. Oxidation zone

C. Leached zone

D. Gossan zone

18. Extensive hydrothermal alteration is generally associated with:

A. Skarn deposits

B. Orthomagmatic sulphide deposits

C. BIF deposits

D. Porphyry copper deposit

19. Mineral often referred to as ‘Fool’s gold is----------------

A. Pyrite

B. Magnetite

C. Chromite

D. Ilmenite

20. Economically recoverable quantities of each resource are called---------

A. Reservoir

B. Reserves

C. Resource

D. None of the above

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21. Supergene sulphides enrichment occurs:

A. Zone of oxidation

B. Gossa zone

C. Below the water table

D. Leached zone

22. Which of the following is not an essential condition for hydrothermal deposits?
A. Highly active fluids

B. Highly enriched fluids

C. Highly inactive fluids

D. Suitable pathways

23. Which of the following is not associated with magmatic ore deposit processes?

A. Magma segregations

B. Residual enrichment

C. Metasomatism

D. Lateral secretion

24. Which of the following is a type of vein commonly found in igneous rocks?

A. Fissure-veins

B. Ladder-veins

C. Gash-veins:

D. Stockworks
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25. Gash-veins are commonly found in----------------

A. Sulfate minerals

B. Silicate minerals

C. Metallic minerals

D. Carbonate minerals such as limestone

26. The term used for hydrothermal deposits that occur in veins of exceptionally

small size, but in good number is so-called -----------------------

A. Fissure-veins

B. Ladder-veins

C. Gash-veins

D. Stockworks

27. Type of veins which are bodies of tubular shape/elongated in pre-existing


A. Fissure-veins

B. Ladder-veins

C. Gash-veins

D. Stockworks

28. Mineral deposits that were formed after the formation of the host rocks are

A. Syngenetic

B. Epigenetic
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C. Syncgenetic

D. Sinclogenetic

29. Mineral deposits that have formed simultaneously with the enclosing rock are

A. Syngenetic

B. Epigenetic

C. Syncgenetic

D. Sinclogenetic

30. Which of the following are rock-forming minerals except:

A. Quartz and Calcite

B. Olivine and pyroxene group

C. Clay minerals

D. Coal

31. Which of the following is not a mineral resource type?

A. Indicated

B. Measured

C. Inferred

D. Proven

32. Which of the following ore forming processes except:

A. Metasomatic

B. Supergene enrichment
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C. Magmatic segregation

D. Rock-forming minerals

33. Which of the following is the process of altering the composition of a rock,
either by the addition or subtraction of chemical elements?

A. Metamorphosis

B. Metasomatism

C. Supergene enrichment

D. Placer formation

34. Which of the following is not a geometer/form of the ore body?

A. Layered

B. Vein

C. Brecciated

D. Epigenetic

35. How could be identified deposit types?

A. Based on geometry and size of the deposit.

B. Based on the type of host rock.

C. Laboratory analysis of ore and gangue minerals.

D. None of the above

36. Which one of the following is a sedimentary ore deposit?

A. Placer deposit

B. Skarn deposit
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C. Porphyry copper deposit

D. Bounded Iron Formation (BIF) deposit

37. Which of the following are magmatic ore deposits except:

A. Hydrothermal deposits

B. Orthomagmatic sulphide deposits

C. Pegmatitic deposit

D. Supergene enrichment deposit

38. A large amount of the minerals in the rocks are called-----------------------------

A. Veins of Gold

B. Lodes of Gold

C. Fissure veins of Gold

D. None of the above

39. The smaller amount of the minerals in the rocks are called----------------

A. Lodes of Gold

B. Veins of Gold

C. Fissure veins of Gold

D. None of the above

40. Which of the following is not associated with hydrothermal deposits?

A. Mesothermal deposits

B. Hypothermal deposits

C. Epithermal deposit
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D. Skarn deposits

41. Which of the following is a not hydrothermal fluid?

A. Connate water

B. Meteoric water

C. Magmatic fluid

D. Hydrothermal solution

42. Which of the following favorable condition of the hydrothermal fluid and its

A. Cap-rock

B. Heat source

C. An aquifer zone to contain the heated water

D. All

43. Which of the following are ore minerals of the mesothermal deposits except:

A. Chalcopyrite

B. Galenite

C. Sphalerite

D. Chromite

44. Which of the following is the correct combination?

A. Hypothermal deposit Antimonite, Cinnabarite

B. Epithermal deposits Cassiterite (SnO2), Au vein deposit

C. Residual deposits Bauxite and Laterite

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D. Skarn deposits chalcopyrite, galena

45. Skarn deposits so-called--------------------------

A. Contact-metasomatic ore deposits

B. Metasomatic ore deposit

C. Sedimentary ore deposits

D. Bounded Iron formation (BIF) deposits

46. Which of the following is wrong regarding the high sulfidation Epithermal

A. It has abundant pyrite.

B. It`s mineralization in breccia formed by the hydrothermal explosion.

C. Au and Cu are mined from high sulfidation Epithermal deposits.

D. Au and Ag are mined from the high sulfidation Epithermal deposit.

47. Among the following ore minerals which are the characteristics indicator of
Epithermal deposits?

A. Cassiterite

B. Chalcopyrite

C. Galenite

D. Sphalerite

48. Which of the following ore minerals are associated with Sedimentary
exhalative (SedEx) deposits except:

A. Chalcopyrite
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B. Sphalerite

C. Galena

D. Magnetite

49. Diamond drill hole plan and polygon for the Bonanza copper deposit are shown
figure below. Determined the average grade of Drill Hole D-1 is shown figure

No; Interval (Ft) Thickness Grade % Cu Grade*thickness Remarks

1. 0-100 100 0.31 - Below cutoff grade
2. 100-110 10 0.47 4.7
3. 110-122 12 0.72 8.75
4. 122-130 8 0.96 7.68
5. 130-150 20 1.04 20.80
6. 150-200 50 0.82 41.0
7 200-220 20 0.54 10.8
8. 220-250 30 0.42 12.6
9. 250-270 20 0.35 - Below cutoff grade
Total 150 106.33

Table 1. Assay data for Drill Hole D-1 Bonanza copper deposit
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A. 0.71 % Cu
B. 0.67 % Cu
C. 0.17% Cu
D. 1.41 % Cu

50. Which one of the following provides the mechanism of conversion from the
volume of ore to the weight of ore?

A. Tonnage factor
B. Grade
C. Reserve
D. D. Dilution

51. Mineralization below cutoff grade is not considered as---------------------.

A. Ore Minerals

B. Dilution

C. Indication of ore minerals

D. A and B

52. Which of the following are characteristics of the Pegmatitic deposits except:

A. Granite is the host rock for the pegmatitic deposits

B. I t could be formed at a temperature of 800-500 , and a depth of 2-11 km.

C. It has large crystals around ten meters in size

D. Ore minerals are sulphides

53. Gemstones:

A. It is the ore minerals of the pegmatitic deposits

B. It is ore minerals of the placer deposits

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C. It is ore minerals of the hydrothermal deposits

D. A and B

54. Which of the following country have large uranium (U) deposits in the world?

A. Rössing, Namibia

B. Manono, Democratic Republic of Congo

C. Bikita, Zimbabwe

D. Kenticha, Ethiopia

55. Which of the following ore minerals pegmatite deposits except:

A. Uraninite

B. Lepidolite,

C. Beryl

D. Galena

56. 50 % of the world the copper (Cu) mined from the -------------------------------

A. Porphyry copper deposits

B. Mesothermal deposits

C. VMS deposits

D. Pegmatitic deposits

57. Which of these is an ore mineral of Iron (Fe)?

A. Goethite

B. Siderite

C. Magnetite
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D. All

58. Which of these is an ore mineral of Tin (Sn)?

A. Cassiterite

B. Molybdenite

C. Magnesite

D. Rutile

59. Which of these is an ore mineral of the Zink (Zn)?

A. Sphalerite

B. Pyrolusite

C. Chalcopyrite

D. Ilmenite

60. Which of the following is an ore mineral of Manganese (Mn)?

A. Pyrrhotite

B. Rhodochrosite

C. Siderite

D. Malachite

61. Which of these is an ore mineral of silver (Ag)?

A. Argentite
B. Uraninite
C. Magnesite
D. Chalcocite
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62. Which of the following is an ore mineral of Nicle (Ni)?

A. Pentlandite

B. Sphalerite

C. Chromite

D. Molybdenite

63. Which of the following statement is not true regarding the Skarn Deposits?

A. It is formed along the contact of granite (diorite) intrusion with metamorphic rock

B. It is formed at a temperature of 350-650 and a depth of 1-5 Km

C. Ore body is irregular, and it is ore minerals in fracture-filling or dissemination

D. It has ore minerals such as magnetite, hematite, wolframite, and chalcopyrite

64. Chromite, magnetite, ilmenite, and, Pt-sulphides are ore minerals of the---------

A. Orthomagmatic Gravitational Deposits

B. Orthomagmatic sulphide deposits

C. Porphyry copper deposits

D. Hydrothermal deposits

65. What are the typical characteristics of the Orthomagmatic gravitational


A. Ore form/ geometry is layered and lense-shaped deposits.

B. Host rock is ultrabasic-basic (peridotite-gabbro).

C. The first the ore minerals crystallize, separated by gravitation.

D. All
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66. Which of the following is the typical example of the Orthomagamtic

gravitational deposit in the world?

A. Bushveld, South Africa

B. Sudbury, Canada

C. Rössing, Namibia

D. Kenticha, Ethiopia

67. Which of the following are ore minerals of the Orthomagmatic sulphide deposit

A. Chalcopyrite

B. Pentlandite

C. Pt-sulphide

D. Magnetite

68. Which of the following is the typical example of the Orthomagmatic sulphide
deposits in the world?

A. Sudbury, Canada

B. Bushveld, South Africa

C. Rössing, Namibia

D. All

69. Which of the following is not ore mineral of the Greisen deposits?

A. Cassiterite
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B. Lepidolite

C. Wolframite,

D. Chalcopyrite

70. Which of the following is a famous mine of diamonds in the world?

A. Cullinan mine, South Africa

B. Bushaveld mine, South Africa

C. Bayan Obo mine, china

D. None of the above

71. Which of the following is the main source of the REE mineralization mineral

A. Carbonatite- alkali complex

B. Hydrothermal

C. Skarn

D. Porphyry copper

72. Which of the following are platinum group metals (PGM) minerals except:

A. Ruthenium (Ru)

B. Palladium (Pd)

C. Platinum (Pt)

D. Silver (Ag)

73. Why the Metallogenic studies very important?

A. Because of the quest for the source of a valued element.

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B. Due to understanding mobilization and transport systems.

C. Because of the nature of the trap that caused the enrichment resulting in a mineral deposit.

D. All

74. What are the two geological cycles which determine mineral deposit

A. Rock cycle and plate tectonics

B. Plate tectonics and rocks type

C. Continental and oceanic crust

D. None of the above

75. Which of the following are the industrial minerals except:

A. Kaolinite

B. Limestone

C. Native Gold

D. Feldspars

76. The most common economic deposits of feldspars are in------------------

A. Pegmatitic deposits

B. Skarn deposits

C. Hydrothermal deposits

D. Orthomagmatic sulphide deposits

77. Which of the following is a factor that affects the deposition of minerals by
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A. Solubility contents

B. Temperature and Pressure

C. Depositional environment

D. All

78. Which of the following is correct regarding the evaporation order of evaporate
A. Calcite  dolomite  gypsum anhydrite (CaSO4)  halite (NaCl) K and Mg salts
B. Dolomite  Calcite  gypsum anhydrite (CaSO4)  halite (NaCl) K and Mg salts
C. K and Mg salts dolomite  Calcite  gypsum anhydrite (CaSO4)  halite (NaCl)
D. None of the above

79. Which of the following is not evaporate minerals?

A. Sylvite

B. Gypsum

C. Magnesite

D. Magnetite

80. Which of the following are carbonate rock except

A. Dolomite

B. Calcite

C. Magnesite

D. Gypsum

81. Which of the following industrial minerals potential is not found in Ethiopia?

A. Limestone
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B. Potash

C. Diatomite

D. Diamond

82. What are the factors determining the price of minerals?

A. Globalization

B. Geopolitics

C. Supply-demand

D. All

83. How the Diatomite industrial mineral could be formed?

A. It Forms in lakes or shallow seas by the accumulation of microscopic fossils of algae

B. It Forms by the decomposition of rhyolitic tuff by groundwater

C. Volcanic activity helps population growth of diatomite

D. A and B

84. Which of the following is a clean energy resource?

A. Uranium and geothermal

B. Coal and geothermal

C. Uranium and hydrocarbon (oil and gas

D. None of the above

85. Which of the following energy resource potential is found in Ethiopia?

A. Coal

B. Geothermal
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C. Petroleum

D. All

86. Which of the following is not a factor determining the choice of the mineral
exploration area?

A. Availability of geological information about rocks

B. Political risks and Accessibility:

C. Base maps and geological survey data are available

D. Mining method

87. Which of the following are the factors that affect the exploitation of mineral
reserves in the world?

A. Size of the deposits and grade of the ore

B. Mining methods and technology

C. Transportation facilities

D. All

88. Which of the following are surface mining methods except:

A. Open pit mining

B. Open cast (Stripping mine)

C. Placer mining

D. Longwall mining
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89. Which of the following are the surficial processes that form mineral deposits

A. Formation by weathering

B. Weathering enrichment and mechanical concentration

C. Low-temperature precipitation

D. Magma

90. Which of the following is not associated with Bounded Iron Formation (BIF)?

A. Lake Superior

B. Algoma

C. Rapitan

D. Pyrite

91. Which of the following is associated with placer deposits?

A. Gold

B. Preciouses’ stone

C. Chromite

D. All

92. Which of the following is true for modifying factors?

A. It is a consideration used to convert mineral Resources to ore reserves.

B. It is a consideration used to convert mineral reserve to mineral resources.

C. It is only the geological factors that are used to convert mineral resources to ore reserves.

D. None of the above

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93. --------- is an accumulation of valuable minerals formed by gravity separation

from the source rock during sedimentation.

A. Placer deposit

B. Supergene enrichment

C. Metasomatism

D. Hydrothermal processes

94. What is the source of metal in hydrothermal fluid?

A. Rocks through which fluids pass and interact.

B. Magmas.

C. Magmas mixing in a geothermal system.

D. All

95. Which of the following is true for low sulfidation (LS) Epithermal deposits?

A. It has less pyrite.

B. It has abundant pyrite.

C. It is mineralization in thin veins with quartz, calcite, and clay minerals.

D. A and C

96. Which of the following statement is correct?

A. volcanogenic Massive Sulphide deposits are common Cu-Zn, but minor Pb, Au.

B. Sedimentary exhalative deposits Mainly Zn-Pb lesser Cu, common Ba, Ag.

C. Sedimentary exhalative deposits formation linked with hydrothermal fluids.

D. All
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97. Where are the Orthomagmaatic gravitational deposits formed most of the time?

A. Divergent plate margin

B. Rift zone

C. Obduction zones

D. All

98. -----------is the science of origin and distribution of ore deposits in geological
space and time.

A. Metallogenic

B. Plate Tectonic

C. Mining geology

D. Mineral deposits

99. Which of the following is incorrect regarding the magnesite ore formation?

A. Macrocrystalline magnesite is formed by metasomatism of dolomite.

B. Cryptocrstalline magnesite is formed by the metamorphism of ultramafic rocks.

C. Sea water/brine is the source of magnetite.

D. None of the above

100. Which of the following are the clay minerals except:

A. Kaolinite

B. Montmorillonite

C. Illite

D. Feldspar

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