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Localisation of NK1 Receptor

Immunoreactivity to Neurons and
Interstitial Cells of the Guinea-pig
Gastrointestinal Tract
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Melbourne, Australia, 3052
(A.L.P., J.B.F., H.M.Y., B.R.S.) and Department of Cell Biology,
Duke University Medical Centre, Durham, North Carolina 27710 (S.R.V.)

Tachykinins, including substance P, neurokinin A, and neuropeptides K and y, are expressed
widely in the peripheral nervous system where they affect smooth muscle contraction, exocrine
gland secretion, vascular permeability, and neurotransmission. Substance P, the preferred
ligand for the NK1 receptor, is found in high concentrations in the enteric nervous system. In
the present study, the localisation and distribution of the NK1 receptor was studied throughout
the gastrointestinal tract of the guinea-pig by using a polyclonal antiserum raised against the
C-terminal 15 amino acids of the NKI receptor. Co-localisation with other neuronal markers
was examined in the ileum. Nerve cell bodies reactive for the NK1 receptor were found in the
myenteric plexus of all regions and the submucous plexus of the small and large intestines. In
the small intestine, the interstitial cells of Cajal were also immunoreactive. Immunoreactivity
was largely confined to cell surfaces. Almost all immunoreactive myenteric nerve cells had
Dogie1 type I morphology, and most of these were immunoreactive for nitric oxide synthase, a
transmitter of inhibitory neurons to the muscle and of descending interneurons. Neuropeptide
Y-containing secretomotor neurons in the submucous and myenteric plexuses also exhibited
NK1 receptor immunoreactivity. NK1 receptors were present on a minority of tachykinin
immunoreactive neurons of submucous ganglia. The results suggest that receptors on the
longitudinal muscle might not be conventional NK1 receptors, that excitation of the circular
muscle of the ileum is indirect, perhaps via the interstitial cells of Cajal, and that enteric
inhibitory neurons may be excited via NK1 receptors. z I!)'~w\Viky-Liss;, Inc.

Indexing terms: enteric nervous system, intestinal motility, substance P, tarhykinin receptor,

Tachykinins are a group of structurally related peptides of the receptors (Moussaoui et al., 1992; V i s a et al., 1994).
which share the common C-terminal sequence, Phe-X-Gly- For example, antibodies to the NKI receptor stain the
Leu-Met-NH?, and includes substance P, neurokinin A plasma membrane of rat kidney epithelial cells expressing
(NKA), and neurokinin B (NKB). Three receptors for the native NK1 receptor as well as neurons of the dorsal
tachykinins have been identified on the basis of agonist and horn of the rat spinal cord and ganglion cells in the
antagonist potencies, namely neurokinin 1 (NKl), NK2, myenteric plexus of the rat ileum (Moussaoui et al., 1992;
and NK3 (Guard and Watson, 1991; Nakanishi, 1991; Vigna et al., 1994; Sternini et al., 1995).
Maggi et al., 1993; Mussap et al., 1993; Regoli et al., 1994). Although preparations of intestine, particularly the il-
More recently, the structures of each of the receptors have eum of the guinea-pig, have been used in numerous pharma-
been determined and each has been shown to be a G cological assays of tachykinin analogue activities, it has
protein-coupled receptor of the 7 transmembrane spanning been difficult to determine the physiological sites of action
of tachykinins, which receptors are on different cell types,
class (Sasai and Nakanishi, 1989; Yokota et al., 1989;
Hershey and Krause, 1990; Shigemoto et al., 1990). Knowl-
edge of the amino acid sequences of receptors permits the Accepted Novernher 5,1995.
generation of specific antibodies which can be used in Addrcss reprint requests to A.L. Portbury, Department of Anatomy and
immunohistochemical studies to determine the localisation Cell Riology,University of Melbourne, Parkvillr. 3052, Victoria, Australia.



or even whether there may be other receptor types, such as preparations of longitudinal muscle and myenteric plexus
the septide-preferring receptor, in the gut (Mag@ et al., as well as submucous plexus were prepared.
1993; Burcher and Stamatakos, 1994). Frozen sections. Animals were anaesthetised with SO-
Immunoreactivity for substance P, the preferred ligand dium pentobarbitone (15 mg/kg subcutaneously),and intra-
for the NK1 receptor, is found throughout the guinea-pig muscular fentanyl (0.16 mgikg) plus fluanisone (5.0 mg/
ileum in a variety of myenteric nerve cells, including kg) and perfused transcardially with Zamboni’s fixative.
putative sensory neurons, ascending interneurons, circular Segments of tissue from the stomach, pancreas, duodenum,
muscle excitatory motor neurons, and longitudinal muscle ileum, caecum, and proximal and distal colon were removed
excitatory motor neurons (Costa et al., 1992). The tachyki- and placed in Zamboni’s fixative overnight at 4°C.Tissue
nins appear to act as excitatory transmitters to both the was cleared in DMSO as described above and placed in
circular and longitudinal muscle layers and also to affect PBS-sucrose-azide (PBS containing 0.1%’ sodium azide and
motility indirectly via activation of enteric neurons (Bartho 30% sucrose as a cryoprotectant) and stored at 4°C over-
et al., 1982; Bartho and Holzer, 1985; Costa et al., 1985; night. The following day, small segments of tissue were
Holzer, 1989; Maggi et al., 1993). Thus, the effects of transferred to a mixture of PBS-sucrose-azide and OCT
tachykinins on motility of the guinea-pig ileum are partly compound (Tissue Tek, Elkhart, IN) in a ratio of 1:l for a
neurogenic and partly direct (Maggi et al., 1990). In the further 24 hours before being embedded in 100% OCT.
circular muscle of the guinea-pig ileum, NK1 and NK2 Sections of 10 pm thickness were cut and collected on slides
receptors are thought to mediate the direct response of the coated with aminopropyltriethoxy-silane (AES; Sigma
muscle cells while NK3 receptors activate motor neurons Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) and left to dry for 1 hour at
which release acetylcholine and possibly endogenous tachy- room temperature. In the pancreas, neurons are found in
kinins to contract the muscle (Bartho et al., 1982;Maggi et interlobular ganglia. To ensure that sections of pancreas
al.; 1990; Maggi et al.; 1994). The longitudinal and circular that were processed for immunohistochemistry contained
muscle both appear to contain a novel, septide-preferring neurons, serial sections were taken through the tissue and
binding site (Chassaing et al., 1992; Petitet et al., 1992; every second section stained with toluidine Blue. Only
Patacchini et al., 1993).Substance P and related tachykinins sections of pancreas containing neurons were processed for
also enhance fluid secretion across the intestinal mucosa immunohistochemistry .
(Brown and Miller, 1991).In the guinea-pig small intestine, Seriaithin sections. Tissue that was to be examined as
the secretory effect has a direct component, and an indirect, semithin sections was processed as above for wholemounts
nerve-mediated component, implying that tachykinin recep- and incubated in anti-NK1 receptor (NKlr) antiserum and
tors are on both mucosal epithelial cells and neurons of the staining revealed using the DAB reaction. Following
secretomotor pathways iKeast et al.,1985; Perdue et al., this, wholemount preparations were dehydrated and embed-
1987). ded flat in Araldite resin and 1 bm sections were cut
Although these studies indicate that tachykinin receptors longtudinally, in the plane of the myenteric plexus, to
are present in the gastrointestinal tract, they do not provide reveal immunoreactive cells.
direct information concerning the cellular localisation of
the receptors. In the present study, a polyclonal antiserum, NK1 receptor immunohistochemistry
raised against the C-terminal 15 amino acids of the NK1 Tissue sections or wholemounts were incubated in 10%
receptor from rat brain, has been used to study the normal sheep serum in PBS for 1hour at room temperature
localisation of the NK1 receptor throughout the guinea-pig prior to exposure to primary antisera. The primary antise-
gastrointestinal tract. Double staining has been used to rum to NKlr was raised in a rabbit against the C-terminal
identify the nerve cell types that have NKl receptor 15 amino acids of the rat NK1 receptor (antiserum code
immunoreactivity in the small intestine. 11886.5, see Vigna et al., 1994, for further characterisation
of this antiserum) and was diluted at 1:1,000 for whole-
mounts and 1:2,000for sections in buffered PBS-azide, pH
MATERIALS AND METHODS 7.0. Tissue was incubated for 48 hours at room tempera-
Tissue was obtained from guinea-pigs of both sexes, in ture, and then excess serum was washed off with 3 x 10
the weight range 200- 400 g , which were stunned by a blow minute changes in PBS. Tissue was then incubated in goat
to the head and killed by severing the carotid arteries. All anti-rabbit IgG coupled to biotin (Vector Laboratories,
procedures have been approved by the University of Mel- Burlingame, CA) at a dilution of 1 2 0 0 for 2 hours. Follow-
bourne Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee. ing incubation in the secondary immunoglobulin, the tissue
was washed in 3 x 10 minute changes of PBS and incubated
Tissue preparation in avidin-biotin horseradish-peroxidase complex (Vector
Wholemounts. Fresh tissue was removed and placed in Laboratories, Burlingame, CA). The horseradish peroxi-
phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; 0.9% NaCl in 0.01 M dase was revealed by the diaminobenzidine (DAB) reaction.
sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.01, containing the muscle
relaxant nicardipine M, Sigma Chemical Co. St. Double staining
Louis, MOj. Segments of intestine were cut along the Following fixation and clearing, wholemounts of myen-
mesenteric border, opened out and the contents flushed teric and submucous plexuses were incubated in 10%
away with PBS. The tissue was stretched tautly, pinned on blocking serum, of the same species in which the secondary
balsa board, mucosal surface facing down, and immersed in antibody had been raised, for 1 hour at room temperature.
Zamboni’s fixative (2% formaldehyde and 0.2% picric acid Excess serum was removed from the tissue which was
in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0) for 24 hours at subsequently incubated in mixtures of primary antisera,
4°C. Following fixation, the tissue was cleared of fixative diluted appropriately (see below), for 48 hours at room
with 3 x 10 minute washes in dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO), temperature, after which excess antisera were washed from
followed by 3 x 10 minute washes in YBS. Wholemount the wholemounts with 3 x 10 minute changes in PBS.
Tissue was then incubated in a series of secondary antibod- coupled to Texas Red (RPN 1233; Amersham, Melbourne,
ies to obtain differential labelling of each primary antibody Australia) at a dilution of 1:50 in PBS for 1 hour at room
on the tissue. To ensure that no cross reactivity occurred, temperature.
one or other primary antiserum was omitted in control
tests. No cross reactivity was observed.
Double staining carried out in the myenteric plexus RESULTS
involved antisera against the following combinations of Distribution of NKl receptor
antigens: NKlr plus nitric oxide synthase (NOS), NKlr immunoreactivity throughout the guinea-pig
plus neuropeptide Y (NPY), and NKlr plus a mixture of gastrointestinal tract
NOS and NPY. Double staining carried out in the submu-
cous plexus involved the following combinations: NKlr plus NKlr immunoreactivity was examined in wholemounts
NPY, and NKlr plus vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and sections from the stomach, duodenum, ileum, caecum,
and NKlr plus tachykinin (TK). proximal and distal colon, and in sections of the pancreas.
NKlr plus NOS irnmunoreactivity. The primary anti- NKlr immunoreactive nerve cell bodies were found in the
NOS serum was a sheep polyclonal raised against the full myenteric plexus of all gut resons examined (Figs. IA-E,
length sequence of neuronal NOS (code 205, a gift from Dr. 2A-El. The highest frequency of occurrence of NKlr
P.C. Emson) and was incubated at 12,000 with the anti- immunoreactive nerve cells was in the duodenum and
NKlr antiserum (1:1,000)in PBS. Tissue was subsequently ileum and the lowest was in the proximal colon. Nerve cell
incubated in donkey anti-rabbit IgG coupled to biotin (RPN bodies were stained in the submucous plexus (Fig. 2B) of all
1004; Amersham, Melbourne, Australia), diluted at 1:200 regions except the gastric corpus, a regon where submu-
in PBS for 2 hours a t room temperature. Tissue was then cous ganglia are rare or absent. The intensity of staining of
washed with 3 x 10 minute changes of PBS and subse- submucous neurons was usually greater than that observed
quently incubated in a mixture of streptavidin coupled to in the myenteric plexus. No stained nerve terminals were
observed in either the muscle layers or the ganglia (Figs.
Texas Red (RPN 1233; Amersham, Melbourne, Australia)
diluted at 150, plus donkey anti-sheep antibody coupled to 2A,I3,G, 3A) and no staining was observed in association
with blood vessels in the submucous plexus. In sections, a
FITC (code 713-095-147; Jackson ImmunoResearch, West
dense line of immunoreactivity was seen in the small
Grove, PA) diluted at 1:150 for 90 minutes at room
intestine at the level of the deep muscular plexus (Fig. 2G).
temperature. In wholemounts, it was possible to discern the shapes of
NKlr plus NPY irnrnunoreactiuity. The primary anti- individual cells in this layer; they conform in appearance to
NPY serum was a sheep polyclonal (code E2210, see the interstitial cells of Cqjal (Fig. 2H). In the duodenum,
Furness et al., 1985) and was diluted a t 1:800 and mixed NKlr immunoreactivity was also observed in cells resem-
with the anti-NKlr antiserum (1:lOOO) in PBS. Subsequent bling the interstitial cells of Cajal at the level of the
labelling of the tissue to reveal both antisera was as myenteric plexus (Fig. 1D). In the pancreas, no immunore-
described above for the NKlr plus NOS combination. activity was localised to nerve cell bodies. The longitudinal
NKlrplus NOS and NPY. This combination of antisera and circular muscle layers were not stained in any of the
was used to determine if the NOS and NPY subgroups of regions examined (Fig. 2G).
NKlr immunoreactive neurons accounted for all the NKlr
neurons in the myenteric plexus. The sera used were as Nerve cell morphology and pattern of NKlr
described above, and the second labelling systems were also immunoreactivily in the ileum
as outlined above.
NKlr plus VIP. The primary antibody against VIP was Most NKlr immunoreactive nerve cell bodies in the
a mouse monoclonal (code 55, see McConalogue et al., 1995) myenteric plexus had Dogie1type I morphology with numer-
and was used at 1:2,000 with the anti-NKlr antiserum ous lamellar dendrites protruding from the cell body (Figs.
(1:1,000)in PBS. The tissue was then incubated in donkey BA,C,D,E, 3A, 4A,B). Immunoreactive cells appeared to
anti-rabbit IgG coupled to biotin (RPN 1004; Amersham, have only one axon. Although the initial segments of the
Melbourne, Australia), diluted at 1:200 in PBS, for 2 hours axons were immunoreactive for NK1 receptors, this ex-
at room temperature. Tissue was then incubated in horse tended only as far as approximately 4 cell body diameters
anti-mouse coupled to AMCA (code 8104; Vector Laborato- (Fig. 3B) and, as mentioned, there was no staining of
ries, Burlingame, CA) at a dilution of 1 5 0 , plus streptavidin terminals in either the ganglia or the muscle. A small
coupled to Texas Red (RPN 1233; Amersham, Melbourne, proportion of nerve cells had the morphology of secretomo-
Australia) at a dilution of 1 5 0 in PBS for 1 hour at room tor neurons (see below) with filamentous dendrites that
temperature. often arose predominantly from one end of the neuron
NKlr plus TK. The primary antibody used was a rat (Figs. 3B, 4A). At the other end, each of these cell bodies
monoclonal raised against substance P (code NC1/34HL; had a very prominent and intensely immunoreactive axon
see Cue110 et a]., 1979).This antibody was characterised by (Fig. 3B). Semi thin (1.0 pm) sections through stained
radioimmunoassay for binding to synthetic substance P, but neurons and confocal microscopy revealed that the staining
cross-reactivity with other tachykinins was not determined. was mostly confined to the cell surface (Figs. 2D,F, 3A,A”).
Therefore, in this study this antibody is referred to as The surface staining was concentrated in small patches
tachykinin (TK) antibody. The TK antibody was diluted a t around the cell perimeter (Fig. 2F). The staining intensity
1:200 with the anti-NKlr antiserum (1:1,000) in PBS. The of cell bodies was equivalent to that of the dendrites and the
tissue was then incubated in donkey anti-rabbit I& coupled initial parts of axons.
to biotin (code BlOOO; Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, Co-localisation studies: ileum
CA) diluted at 1 2 0 0 in PBS for 2 hours at room tempera-
ture. Tissue was then incubated in donkey anti-rat IgG Co-localisation of NKlr immunoreactivity with immuno-
coupled to FITC (code 27674; Jackson ImmunoResearch, reactivity for NOS, NPY, VIP, and TK was examined.
West Grove, PA) diluted at 1 : l O O in PBS plus streptavidin Colocalisation with NOS immunoreactivity was examined

Fig. 1. S K l r immunoreactivity in nerve cells in various reginna of' brane. D: Wholemount preparation of a myenteric ganglion in the
the guinea-pig gastrointestinal tract. A Wholemount preparation of a duodenum illustrating immunoreactive nerve cells (arrow heads) and
myenteric ganglion in the corpus of the stomach showing NKlr interstitial cells of Cajal (small arrows) at the level of the myenteric
immunoreactive nerve cell bodies. Cells show Dogiel type I morphology ganglia. The nerve cell bodies exhibit Dugiel type I morphology with
and immunorcactivity is largely confined to the cell surface membrane. flattened lamellar dendrites and a prominant axon. E: Wholemount
B,C: Wholemount preparations of myenteric ganglia in the antrum of preparation of the myenteric ganglia of the distal colon showing three
the stomach. Staining appears particularly punctate in this region with NK1 receptor immunoreactive neurons. Scale bars, 20 bm for A,R,C,E;
large aggregations of immunoreactivity dotting the cell surface mem- 50 )*m for D.

because most myenteric NKlr immunoreactive cells were cells) (Fig. 3B,B'), accounting for approximately 7% of all
similar in shape to NOS cells (Furness et al., 1994). NPY NKlr cells in the myenteric plexus of the small intestine.
immunoreactivity was examined because a small propor- Along with the secretomotor neurons, there was a very
tion of the myenteric and many submucous NKlr immuno- small number of Dogiel type I cells with faint NPY immuno-
reactive cells exhibited the morphological characteristics of reactivity that were also stained for NKlr. To determine if
the secretornotor neurons which are NPY immunoreactive. all NKlr immunoreactive neurons contained either NOS or
NPY immunoreactive secretornotor neurons have filamen- NPY, tissue was incubated in antisera against all three
tous dendrites that often arise predominantly from one end substances (NOS, NKlr, and NPY). It was found that only
of the neuron and at the other end these cell bodies have a 72 2 8% (787 nerve cells) of cells wit,hNKlr immunoreactiv-
prominent and anally projecting axon (Furness et al., ity were also labelled for NOS or NPY.
1985). NPY immunoreactivity, TK immunoreactivity, and Submucous plexus. Of NKlr irnmunoreactive neurons
VIP immunoreactivity were used in the submucous plexus in the submucous plexus 72 '-c 6% (478 nerve cells in four
to identify the NKlr immunoreactive cells found there. animals) were also immunoreactive for NPY (Fig. 4C,C'i.
These three classes of neurons make up nearly 90% of All of the NPY immunoreactive neurons (292 nerve cells)
neurons found in the submucous plexus (Bornstein and also contained NKlr immunoreactivlty. There was no
Furness, 1988). overlap between NKlr and VIP staining of neurons in the
Myenteric plexus. Based on counts of 899 nerve cells submucous plexus (400 nerve cells with immunoreactivity
from four animals, 63 t 7% (mean standard deviation) of for NKlr); 3.5 ? 3% of NKlr immunoreactive submucous
NKlr immunoreactive cells in the myenteric plexus of the neurons were also immunoreactive for TK (545 nerve cells),
small intestine were also immunoreactive for NOS (Figs. while 23 2 6% of TK cells were immunoreactive for NKlr
3A,A',A", 4h,A',B,B'). These cells were all Dogiel type I (131 nerve cellsj (Fig. 4D,D').
cells. About one third of NKlr immunoreactive cells were
not double labelled (Fig. 4A,A') and these appeared to be
closer to the longitudinal muscle than nerve cells that were DISCUSSION
double labelled with NOS. Moreover, 24 t 7% (666 nerve
cells in four animals) of NOS immunoreactive neurons were Receptors on muscle
not double labelled for NKlr. This study revealed NK1 receptors on neurons, but not
Every NPY immunoreactive secretornotor neuron that on smooth muscle, throughout the guinea-pig gastrointesti-
was examined was also NKlr immunoreactive (39 nerve nal tract. Immunoreactivity also occurred on the intersti-
Fig. 2. NKlr immunoreactivity in nerve cells and interstitial cells in neuron also has prominent lamellar dendrites (arrows).F: A 1pm resin
the ileum. A Wholemount preparation of a myenteric ganglion showing section through the cell bodies of two NKlr immunoreactive neurons
NKlr immunoreactive nerve cell bodies. The majority have Dogie1 I demonstrating the punctate surface staining (arrow heads). G: Confo-
morphology with flattened lamellar dendrites (arrows).B: Wholemount cal microscope image o f a frozen section through the wall of the small
preparation of submucous ganglia. NKlr immunoreactive nerve cell intestine. An immunoreactive ganglion cell (asterisk) is present in the
bodies are evenly distributed within each ganglion, but no nerve fibres myenteric plexus (mp) and there is a dense layer of immunoreactivity at
show NKlr immunoreactivity. C-F: Examples of the appearance of the level ofthe deep muscular plexus (icc), where the interstitial cells of
nerve cells immunoreactive for NKlr. C: High magnification fluores- Cajal are found. Note the absence of nerve fibres and terminals in the
cence micrograph of a cell body with prominent lamellar dendrites circular muscle layer icm). H: Wholemount preparation of circular
(arrows). D: Confocal microscope image (projection of 28 optical muscle. Interstitial cells on the surface of the muscle apposed to the
sections, 0.3 pm z steps) of an immunoreactive neuron showing the submucous plexus are immunoreactive for NKlr and form a highly
surface distribution of immunoreactivity (arrow heads) and numerous branching network but muscle cells in the same field of view are
lamellar dendrites. E: Light micrograph of an immunoreactive neuron unreactive. Scale bars, 50 pm for A,B; 20 pm for C,G,H; 10 pm for
after processing using avidin-biotin HRP and the DAB reaction. This D,E,F.

Fig. 3. Confocal microscope optical sections of neurons in t h e The different distribution of the two substances is clearly evident with
myenteric plexus showing the colocalisation of N K l r immunoreactivity N K l r immunoreactivity confined to the cell perimeter and KOS
with XOS immunoreactivity ( A - A 1 and NPY immunoreactivity (B- immunoreactivity labelling thc cytoplasm of the cell body, but not t h e
E' 1. A: Single image of 0.5 IJ-moptical thickness of a N K l r immunoreac- nucleus. B,B': Projection of 15 optical sections (0.5 IJ-mz steps) showing
tive nerve cell body illustrating the surface staining observed when a N K l r immunoreactive nerve cell body (B, asterisk) which is also
using this antiserum. The nerve cell has Dogie1 I morphology. A immunoreactive for NPY [B', asterisk). N K l r immunoreactivity is
lamellar dendrite emerges from the right hand side of the cell. There concentrated around the cell body as well as in discrete patches on its
are no terminals with N K l r immunoreactivity on or around the nerve surface. Note that nnly the initial part of the axon is immunoreactive
cell body. A': The same cell also shows immunoreactivity for NOS. for N K l r . The same neuron shows NPY immunoreactivity and t h e axon
There are numerous NOS immunorcactive terminals around the cell. is traceable to the edge of t h e section. The bright varicose fibre in this
A : A compositc image showing N K l r and NOS iminunoreactivities. field of view is a n axon from a neighbouring cell. Scale bars, 20 IJ-m.

Fig. 4. Paired micrographs showing the colocalisation of NKlr for NOS. B!R': A nerve cell reactive for both antigens and an example of
immunoreactivity with NOS, NPY and TK in wholemount preparations a NOS immunoreactim neuron iarrow) that does not show NKlr
of mycnteric and submucous ganglia. A,A'; B,B': In the myenteric immunorcactivity. C,C': In the siihmucous plexus, all of the NPY
plexus, many nerve cells had both NKlr and NOS immunoreactivity. immunoreactive neurons also showed NKlr immunoreactivity. D,D': A
However, the overlap was not complete. A,A': Two NKlr immunoreac- TK immunoreactive neuron in the submucous plexus showing NKlr
tive cells have NOS immunoreactivity but a third (arrow)is not reactive immunoreactivity.Scale bars, 20 pm for A,A',B,B': 10 p m for C,C',D,D'.

tial cells of Cajal at the level of the deep muscular plexus in and antigenic properties. A splice variant of the human
the small intestine. In the ileum, the lack of detectable NKlr with a truncated C-terminal has been identified
receptors on the muscle contrasts with pharmacological (Fong et al., 1992). This truncation, after amino acid 311,
evidence that the muscle of the guinea-pig small intestine is would render the receptor unreactive t o the antiserum used
contracted by tachykinins acting at NK1 receptors on the in the present work, which was raised against amino acids
muscle itself. Although there is only one known gene for the 393-407. Kage et al. (1993) have also identified a shortened
NK1 receptor, results from pharmacological studies indi- N K l receptor in rat, which they deduce to have a C-
cate that there may be a number of receptor subtypes terminal truncation of 60 to 70 amino acids. It is also
(Maggi et al., 1993). Differential splicing could lead to tho feasible that post-translational modification, e.g., sulfation,
generation of NK1 receptors with different pharmacological could alter the antigenicity of the receptor.

In the lon,gitudinal muscle of the guinea-pig small intes- intestinal tract may be because the muscle has a NKlr
tine, excitatory receptors, detected pharmacologically or in subtype that is not recognised by the antiserum used in the
ligand binding studies, were initially deduced to be N K l present study.
receptors, but more recent studies suggest that these differ
from NK1 receptors elsewhere. Petitet et al. (19923 found Receptors on enteric neurons
that two presumed NKl receptor agonists, septide and Although NK3 receptors are the type most commonly
[Progl-SPwere equally potent in the longitudinal muscle, detected on myenteric neurons (Laufer et al., 1985; Guard
but septide was about 200 times less potent than [Pro"l-SP and Watson, 19871, functional N K l receptors also appear to
in displacing [Pro9]-SPbinding. Moreover, the NK1 recep- be present. Guard et al. (19911 reported transmitter release
tor antagonist, GR 71,251, was over ten times as effective in from myenteric neurons in response to NK1 receptor
antagonising septide-induced contractions, compared to its activation and Burcher and Stamatakos (1994) found that
antagonism of [Prog]-SP-inducedcontractions. Thus, it is septide stimulates inhibitory neurons, but it was not deter-
possible that the dominant receptor type is a septide- mined whether this was due to the agonist action of septide
preferring receptor, distinct from the established NKl at NK1 receptors or a t septide preferring receptors of the
receptor, and that GR 71,251 is an effective antagonist of type found in the muscle. The present study revealed NK1
the septide receptor. Other pharmacological and ligand receptors on NOS immunoreactive nerve cells in the guinea-
binding data also point to the presence of a novel receptor pig ileum. NOS is known to be contained in enteric inhihi-
on the longitudinal muscle that differs from NK1 receptors tory neurons ofthe guinea-pig intestine (Costa et al., 1992),
elsewhere (Chassaing et al., 1992; Ireland et al., 1992; so the localisation of NK1 receptors is consistent with the
Mussap and Burcher, 1994). The lack of immunohistochemi- pharmacological observations of Burcher and Stamatakos
cal localisation of NK1 receptors in the longitudinal muscle (1994). Our results show that 76%, of NOS neurons were
in this study supports the contention that these muscle also immunoreactive for the NK1 receptor. Since 19%of all
receptors are a subtype of NK1 receptors. myenteric nerve cell bodies in the guinea-pig ileum contain
In the circular muscle of the guinea-pig small intestine, NOS (Furness et al., 19941, we estimate that 14% of all
direct contractile effects appear to be mediated through myenteric neurons show immunoreactivity for both NOS
both NK1 (LPro9]-SPactivated) and NK2 receptors (acti- and the NKI receptor. However, the results of this study
vated by p-alaR-NKA-4-10and antagonised by MEN 10207; also demonstrated that NOS immunoreactive neurons com-
Maggi et al., 1990). The present work suggests that contrac- prised only 63%)of all NKI receptor immunoreactive neu-
tions evoked by NK1 receptors may be a consequence of the rons. Thus, neurons expressing the NK1 receptor comprise
activation of interstitial cells of Cajal at the inner surface of approximately 23% of all myenteric nerve cell bodies in the
the circular muscle, which, in contrast to the circular mus- guinea-pig ileum.
cle, were strongly iminunoreactive for N K l receptors. The In submucous ganglia of the ileum, N K l receptors were
autoradiographic localisation of tachykinin binding sites in found on all NPY immunoreactive neurons, which are
dog small intestine are consistent with the present observa- known to be cholinergic secretomotor neurons, as well as on
tions; Mantyh et al. (1988) found that the NK1 ligand, a minority of substance P neurons, which are probably
Bolton Hunter Substance P, bound to sites forming a thin sensory (Bornstein and Furness, 19883, but they were not
band at the inner surface of the circular muscle, but not to found on the VIP immunoreactive, non-cholinergx secreto-
the bulk of the muscle. The resolution of the autoradiogra- motor neurons. NPY immunoreactive neurons comprise
phy was not sufficient to identify the cell type to which the approximately 30%of all submucous neurons in the guinea-
label bound, but the location of the label coincides with that pig ileum (Bornstein and Furness, 1988). Since only 72% of
of the interstitial cells. N K l r immunoreactivity is also the NK1 receptor immunoreactive neurons also showed
found on interstitial cells at the inner surface of the circular immunoreactivity for NPY, it can be estimated that 42% of
muscle in the rat ileum (Vigna et al., 1994; Sternini et al., submucous nerve cell bodies in the guinea-pig ileum ex-
1995). The interstitial cells are linked to the muscle via press the NK1 receptor. NK1 receptors have also been
tight junctions and appear to drive contractile activity in located on submucous nerve cells by Burcher and Bornstein
the muscle (Hara et al., 1986; Rarajas-Lopez et al., 1989; (1988) and SP has been shown to stimulate secretomotor
Langton et a]., 1989; Ward and Sanders, 1990; Ward et al., neurons of the guinea-pig small intestine (Keast et al.,
1994). They may in fact be a specialised type of smooth 1985). Tachykinin containing nerve terminals surround
muscle cell (Zhou and Komuro, 1992; Torihashi et al., submucous nerve cells, so it is possible that substance P
1993). It is notable that the circular muscle is less sensitive contributes to excitatory transmission to the neurons via
to tachykinins after the mucosal layer is removed; this loss NK1 receptors.
of sensitivity could result from injury or inadvertent removal In conclusion, the immunohistochemical localisation of
of interstitial cells at the inner surface of the muscle (Bauer NK1 receptors assists the interpretation of pharmacologi-
and Kuriyama, 1982; Costa et al., 1985; Maggi et al., 1990). cal and ligand binding studies. The localisation supports
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tinal tract also has excitatory receptors for tachykinins. that tachykinin receptors on longitudinal muscle are a sub-
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been pharmacologically classified. In the duodenum and may be indirectly excited via interstitial cells of Cajal; and it
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