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Growth of Skeletal Components in the Young Squirrel Monkey

(Saimiri sciureus boliviensis): A Longitudinal Experiment
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientı́ficas y Técnicas (CONICET),
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 1900 La Plata, Argentina
Centro de Investigaciones en Genética Básica y Aplicada (CIGEBA),
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 1900 La Plata, Argentina
Servicio de Diagnóstico por Imágenes, Facultad de Ciencias
Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional de La Plata,
1900 La Plata, Argentina

KEY WORDS primates; nutrition; growth curves; linear equa-

tions; functional indices

ABSTRACT A functional skeletal criterion, as an extension of the van der

Klaauw’s cranial theory, was adopted in the present study. The null hypothesis
tested was: “The major skeletal components of the platyrrhine body grow lin-
early, regardless of their functional dependence to different demands.” The
acceptance of the hypothesis will imply that all Saimiri skeletal growth may be
satisfactorily explained by independent variables in a single equation. The
rejection will suggest that such skeletal growth patterns have to be explained by
variables in several different equations, and perhaps these equations may vary
with the effect of sex and undernutrition. Control and undernourished squirrel
monkeys were radiographed monthly for 2 years; they were also measured; and
their volumetric and morphometric neurocranial, facial, and pelvic indices were
calculated. The curves that best described each of the 24-point sequences were
obtained. Three main growth patterns were observed: 1) Simple linear (femur
length for all groups, and pelvic index for control and undernourished females),
for which the simple regression equation explained more than 95% of the vari-
ation; 2) Complex linear (pelvic index for control and undernourished males, and
neurocranial and facial indices for all of the groups), for which more than 95% of
the variation was explained by one of the four four-function type equations; and
3) Noncorrelated with age (neurofacial index for undernourished males, and
pelviofemoral index for control females and undernourished males and females),
which showed nonsignificant correlations with respect to age. The food intake
and the oscillations of the environmental temperature might help to explain the
undulating growth trajectory observed in the complex linear components. Am J
Phys Anthropol 112:57– 68, 2000. © 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Longitudinal studies are a useful way to

understand how humans and other mam-
mals grow from birth to adulthood. How- Grant sponsor: CONICET; Grant sponsor: Universidad Nacio-
ever, due to their high cost in money and nal de La Plata.
*Correspondence to: Dr. Héctor M. Pucciarelli, Centro de In-
time, such studies are not frequently em- vestigaciones en Genética Básica y Aplicada (CIGEBA),
ployed in comparative and experimental Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Calles 60 y 118, Casilla
de Correo 296, 1900 La Plata, Argentina.
auxology. Rather, they are replaced by the E-mail:
faster, easier, and less expensive cross-sec- Received 2 March 1998; accepted 13 December 1999.



tional studies. The cross-sectional informa- ing cranial structures (Moss and Young,
tion, however, is far from being sufficiently 1960; Pucciarelli et al., 1990), though there
accurate. The main problem with cross-sec- is no reason for not extending it to the re-
tional data is that the comparisons are be- maining parts of the skeleton. A good exam-
tween the means from different individuals ple is the recent cross-sectional study made
at different age stages. The main advantage by Humphrey (1998) on growth in humans.
of the longitudinal method is that a given According to Tanner (1988), fitting curves
individual may act as his own control at in growing individuals may be an actual
different growth stages. We agree with Tan- muddle. Stature, for example, is composed
ner (1988) that, although longitudinal stud- of several different osseous individualities
ies have to be accompanied by cross-sec- measured by height, foot, leg, thigh, pelvis,
tional surveys and animal experimentation vertebrae, and skull height. Each of these
not to become sterile, longitudinal methods has its own modality of growth. Fitting
are indispensable in growth research. The curves may indeed be impossible if one has
“purely longitudinal” method is the best a classical conception of the skeleton, but it
variant of longitudinal growth studies, be- is feasible when the functional criterion is
cause this approach requires all individuals extended to the skeletal frame. If specific
to share the same birthday, and thus they curves are adjusted to each growing compo-
are all measured simultaneously. This is nent, we will explain each functional behav-
feasible in experimental animals, in which, ior by its best fitted curve. Each functional
apart from age, all independent variables component may be measured by specific
can be kept equally controlled throughout variables and indices which assure a degree
the analysis. of homogeneity in growth behavior (Puc-
Morphologists can start researching on ciarelli et al., 1990; Pucciarelli and Neves,
craniology from two opposite paradigms. 1992; Dressino and Pucciarelli, 1997). In the
The typological one considers the skeleton present study, the Saimiri skeleton was
from a merely descriptive point of view. The studied from this functional point of view.
other paradigm is not static and holds some The growth of the neurocranium, face, and
independence in the growth behavior of pelvis was measured by functional indices,
skeletal components due to the functional together with indicators of linear (femur
demands imposed by a related organ, tissue, length) and three-dimensional (body weight)
and/or cavity. The latter is the basic concep- growth modalities.
tion of the functional cranial theory postu- The nearer to humans the taxonomic dis-
lated by Klaauw (1948 –1952) in mammals tance of the experimental animals, the more
and developed by Moss and Young (1960) useful the experiment to understand human
and Moss (1973, 1979) for human and growth processes. In this respect, the squir-
nonhuman primates. The skull can be con- rel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) is specially
sidered as composed of many functional useful in experimental studies, since, ac-
components, which display relative inde- cording to several authors (Ameghino, 1909;
pendence among each other. The variation Biegert, 1963; Petit-Maire, 1971; Petit-
of a functional cranial component (FCC) re- Maire et al., 1974), many morphological re-
flects the demands imposed by the growth of semblances between Saimiri and Homo
different related structures of the head. genera permit generalizing our findings to
Each FCC is composed of a functional ma- humans more than would findings in other
trix (FM) and a skeletogen unity (SKU). The New World monkeys. Several mixed-longi-
FM includes all the elements (organs, tis- tudinal (Leigh, 1996), longitudinal (Ha-
sues, nerves, functional spaces, etc.) neces- mano et al., 1990; Garber and Leigh, 1997),
sary to perform a function. The SKU sup- and purely longitudinal (Dressino, 1991;
ports and protects biomechanically its Dressino and Pucciarelli, 1997) studies on
specific FM (Moss, 1973, 1979), and should growth in Saimiri species were made during
be the object of measurement when osteolo- the past few years.
gists go beyond a mere descriptive study. The present purely longitudinal study
This conception is specially useful for study- was designed to test the null hypothesis:

“All major skeletal components of the synthetic diet ad libitum (see Dressino and
platyrrhine body grow linearly, regardless Pucciarelli, 1997, for details).
of the functional dependence on different Two radiographs, one in strict later-lat-
demands.” If the null hypothesis is ac- eral view and the other in strict dorsi-ven-
cepted, femur length and the three func- tral view, were taken per animal/month,
tional components studied here have to be from the 13th to the 36th month of age. For
explained by a single equation. If true, the this purpose, a Siemens Heliophos 4 from
conclusion would be that the platyrrhine the Servicio de Diagnóstico por Imágenes,
skeleton is genetically hardwired and with 240 mA and 125 Kv of power, was
growth changes due to the environment af- employed. Shoots were regulated at 100
fect it linearly. If the hypothesis is rejected, mA; 0.02 seg; 40 –50 Kv (according to the
the conclusion will point out that different age of the animal). A 110cm focus-film
growth patterns in the skeletal frame do (AGFA 18 ⫻ 24 cm) distance was used to
exist and the environment will act differen- reduce the magnification effect, calculated
tially on them. This study sets the three as: MgC ⫽ Bx/Ax; where MgC ⫽ magnifica-
following objectives as its goals: 1) to find tion coefficient, Ax ⫽ variable measured on
the equations that best describe the growth the 24th month radiograph; and Bx ⫽ the
of the different functional skeletal compo- same variable measured on the skull
nents in Saimiri of both sexes; 2) to estab- (Dressino and Pucciarelli, 1997). Data from
lish whether the equations that fit best in the present study were multiplied by a
controls are the same as in undernourished MgC ⫽ 0.94 to get the actual value.
animals; and 3) to infer if there is a relation- In the later-lateral view, the following
ship between Saimiri growth trends and measurements were made: neurocranial
environmental conditions of the tropical length (Nl), from nasion to opisthocranion;
forest. neurocranial height (Nh), from basion to
bregma; face length (Fl), from prosthion to
MATERIALS AND METHODS posterior nasal spine; face height (Fh), from
Ten male and ten female platyrrhine nasion to gnation; pelvic length (Pl), the
monkeys (Saimiri sciureus boliviensis) were maximum anterior-posterior distance mea-
born and grown in captivity at the Centro sured perpendicularly to the vertebral col-
Argentino de Primates (CAPRIM). After umn; pelvic height (Ph), from the highest
weaning the males weighed, on average, point of the iliac crest to the lowest point of
463.2 ⫾ 24.1 g and the females 412.7 ⫾ the pubis, and femur length (Fel), maximum
35.7 g. The animals were transferred to the length of the femur (parallel to the caliper).
Centro de Investigaciones en Genética Bá- In the dorsi-ventral view, the following mea-
sica y Aplicada (CIGEBA), and placed in surements were made: neurocranial width
individual cages measuring 60 ⫻ 60 ⫻ 60 (Nw), bi-eurion distance; face width (Fw),
cm. They were fed ad libitum on a 20% pro- bi-zygomatic distance; and pelvis width
tein semisynthetic diet. Each animal re- (Pw), maximum distance between the iliac
ceived a daily supplement of 40 g of fresh crests. The following functional indices were
orange, and 5 ml of a 50% glucose fat-free calculated:
milk water solution. This supply lasted un-
til the end of the adaption period (1 year of Neurocranial index 共Ni兲
age). The animals were periodically tested
and prevented from developing parasitism ⫽ 100 冑3 N ⴱ Nw ⴱ Nh
and other illnesses. When the animals were
12 months old, they were rearranged in four
Facial index 共Fi兲 ⫽ 100 冑3 F ⴱ Fw ⴱ Fh
groups of five: a) control males and b) con-
trol females received the 20% protein semi-
Pelvic index 共Pi兲 ⫽ 100 冑3 P ⴱ Pw ⴱ Ph
synthetic diet ad libitum, while c) under- Neurofacial index 共NFi兲 ⫽ 100 ⴱ NiⲐFi
nourished males and d) undernourished
females received a low-protein (10%) semi- Pelviofemoral index 共PFi兲 ⫽ 100 ⴱ PiⲐFel

TABLE 1. One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) statistics for testing normality of the frequency distributions1
Control Undernourished
Male Female Male Female
Body weight 0.148 0.617 0.148 0.669 0.135 0.776 0.118 0.895
Femur length 0.127 0.791 0.163 0.544 0.128 0.114 0.198 0.305
Neurocranial length 0.138 0.699 0.138 0.699 0.092 0.975 0.099 0.956
Neurocranial width 0.163 0.494 0.161 0.512 0.221 0.166 0.188 0.321
Neurocranial height 0.219 0.174 0.219 0.174 0.102 0.944 0.119 0.846
Facial length 0.127 0.791 0.127 0.791 0.154 0.567 0.153 0.575
Facial width 0.142 0.670 0.142 0.670 0.146 0.633 0.142 0.668
Facial height 0.103 0.938 0.103 0.938 0.132 0.748 0.138 0.698
Pelvic length 0.119 0.843 0.119 0.843 0.195 0.283 0.150 0.596
Pelvic width 0.152 0.582 0.152 0.582 0.171 0.433 0.154 0.571
Pelvic height 0.114 0.882 0.114 0.882 0.160 0.519 0.085 0.990
Neurocranial index 0.133 0.787 0.233 0.146 0.177 0.443 0.111 0.927
Facial index 0.100 0.972 0.156 0.601 0.198 0.306 0.126 0.839
Pelvic index 0.232 0.147 0.101 0.979 0.176 0.447 0.112 0.925
DN, result of K-S test; P, statistical probability. P ⬎ 0.05 means that the frequency distribution is symmetric.

The femur length was used as an indica- nourished females to DN ⫽ 0.233 for neuro-
tor of growth in stature. The first three in- cranial index of control females. These re-
dices are called volumetric, since they detect sults showed that the variables were
size plus shape changes (Pucciarelli et al., normally distributed (Table 1).
1990); they were expressed as the cubic root Correlation tests, and simple and multi-
in order to compare the three-dimensionally ple regressions, were performed with the
measured components with chronological Systat 7.0 statistical program. Curve fitting
age. The same procedure was followed for procedures were carried out by the Table-
body weight. The last two indices are called Curve 2D program (Jandel, 1994).
morphometric, since they detect only shape
changes in terms of linear shift (Pucciarelli
et al., 1990): the neurofacial index measures The monthly mean and standard devia-
growth linearity between the neurocranium tion values for body weight and femur
and the face, while the pelviofemoral index length in male and female control and mal-
does so between the pelvis and the femur. nourished animals are shown in Tables 2
Food intake and water consumption were and 3, respectively.
estimated per animal/day. The monthly av-
Simple linear equation fitting
erage values for maximum, medium, and
minimum temperature of the animal room The constant values for adjusting each
were also calculated. Humidity was assured component to the simple linear y ⫽ a ⫹ bx
with a 1.0 ⫻ 0.5 ⫻ 0.5 m metallic reservoir equation are shown in Table 4. In four com-
permanently filled with water. In this way parisons (neurofacial index in undernour-
the environment was wetter when the tem- ished males and pelviofemoral index in all
perature increased and vice-versa. These except control males), there were nonsignif-
values, together with body weight, were em- icant Fm values. Consequently, the simple
ployed as independent variables in the mul- regression model was invalidated in those
tiple regression analyses. cases, and residual values were not regis-
Differences in body weight at the begin- tered. The determination coefficient (r2) ex-
ning of the experiment fluctuated between plained more than 95% of the variation in
425 g and 490 g in males, and 380 g and femur length for all the groups, and in the
455 g in females, i.e., by no more than 15% pelvic index for control and undernourished
and 20%, respectively. The frequency distri- females (Fig. 1). The neurocranial and facial
butions were tested by the one sample Kol- indices in the four samples, the pelvic index
mogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test. Results ranged in males, the neurofacial index in control
from DN ⫽ 0.085 in pelvic height of under- males and control and undernourished fe-
TABLE 2. Descriptive statistics for body weight and femur length in male and female controls
Males Females
Femur length Femur length
Body weight (g) (mm) Body weight (g) (mm)
Age (months) X SD X SD X SD X SD
13 504.4 22.1 66.2 2.8 509.7 37.4 67.3 2.9
14 516.3 24.1 67.1 2.9 515.4 38.7 68.1 2.8
15 527.7 24.0 67.8 2.8 520.8 38.5 68.7 3.1
16 538.5 21.9 68.6 2.8 525.9 38.8 69.4 2.9
17 548.9 20.3 69.4 2.8 530.7 38.9 70.0 3.0
18 558.9 22.2 70.0 2.9 535.3 38.6 70.5 3.2
19 568.5 22.6 70.7 2.9 539.6 38.4 71.2 3.1
20 577.8 25.5 71.4 2.9 543.8 39.0 71.7 3.1
21 586.8 25.2 72.0 3.0 547.8 38.5 72.2 3.0
22 595.5 26.0 72.6 3.0 551.7 39.2 72.7 3.0
23 603.9 28.4 73.1 3.0 555.4 39.3 73.0 3.3
24 612.0 28.8 73.6 3.0 558.9 39.7 73.7 3.2
25 620.0 29.3 74.2 3.0 562.4 39.9 74.2 3.2
26 627.7 28.9 74.5 3.1 565.7 40.4 74.6 3.4
27 635.2 29.4 75.2 3.2 568.9 41.6 75.1 3.7
28 642.5 29.2 75.7 3.2 572.0 42.7 75.3 3.0
29 649.7 26.3 76.2 3.2 575.1 43.1 75.8 3.6
30 656.7 30.7 76.6 3.2 578.0 43.0 76.3 3.3
31 663.5 28.4 77.2 3.2 580.9 43.1 76.6 3.2
32 670.2 29.3 77.5 3.2 583.7 42.0 76.9 3.3
33 676.3 31.2 77.8 3.3 586.4 42.9 77.3 3.7
34 683.1 27.4 78.3 3.3 589.0 42.4 77.6 3.1
35 689.4 27.9 78.7 3.3 591.5 43.2 77.9 3.3
36 695.6 27.2 79.1 3.3 594.1 44.4 78.0 3.4
X, mean values; SD, standard deviations.

TABLE 3. Descriptive statistics for body weight and femur length in male and female undernourished animals1
Males Females
Femur length Femur length
Body weight (g) (mm) Body weight (g) (mm)
Age (months) X SD X SD X SD X SD
13 492.4 29.2 65.9 3.5 397.5 31.8 63.5 2.7
14 489.2 33.9 66.4 3.4 399.9 33.3 64.1 2.7
15 486.3 31.2 66.7 3.6 402.4 35.1 64.6 2.8
16 483.7 27.7 67.0 3.5 404.6 34.9 65.1 2.8
17 481.1 27.4 67.7 3.6 406.8 35.5 65.6 2.8
18 478.8 26.1 68.0 3.5 408.9 36.8 66.1 2.9
19 476.6 23.6 68.3 3.6 410.8 36.3 66.4 2.8
20 474.4 26.4 68.7 3.6 412.6 36.7 66.5 2.8
21 472.5 25.9 69.0 3.6 414.4 37.8 67.3 2.9
22 470.6 26.3 69.4 3.6 416.1 37.5 67.6 2.7
23 468.8 26.2 69.7 3.7 417.7 37.6 68.0 2.9
24 467.1 27.3 69.9 3.7 419.2 38.4 68.4 2.9
25 465.4 28.1 70.1 3.7 420.7 39.4 68.6 2.9
26 463.9 29.5 70.5 3.7 422.2 39.5 69.0 3.0
27 462.4 29.6 70.7 3.7 423.6 38.7 69.3 3.3
28 460.9 29.5 71.0 3.8 424.9 41.2 69.7 3.1
29 459.5 28.0 71.3 3.8 426.2 38.8 69.9 2.9
30 458.1 30.2 71.4 3.7 427.5 39.4 70.1 2.8
31 456.9 29.4 71.7 3.8 428.7 38.8 70.4 3.0
32 455.7 26.1 71.9 3.7 429.9 38.1 70.8 3.1
33 454.5 26.0 72.1 3.3 431.0 36.5 71.1 3.3
34 453.3 26.7 72.4 3.8 432.1 34.8 71.3 3.0
35 452.2 25.9 72.6 3.8 433.2 34.2 71.5 3.2
36 451.1 24.2 72.7 3.6 434.3 33.3 71.8 3.5
X, mean values; SD, standard deviations.

TABLE 4. Bivariate analysis for femur length and indices1

Regression parameters ANOVA
Equation and group r r2 a ta b tb Fm RSS RMS
Equation: Y ⫽ a ⫹ bx
Control males
Femur length 0.995 99.0 64.4 169.2** 0.57 37.9** 1,435.9** 5.66 0.26
Neurocranial index 0.720 51.8 37.9 557.1** 0.06 22.1** 490.8** 0.18 0.01
Facial index 0.840 70.6 30.9 258.0** 0.09 19.3** 370.5** 0.56 0.03
Pelvic index 0.921 84.8 23.8 125.4** 0.14 18.7** 350.8** 1.41 0.06
Neurofacial index 0.878 77.1 81.7 285.9** 0.10 8.6** 74.2** 2.76 0.13
Pelviofemoral index 0.772 59.6 36.8 98.4** ⫺0.08 ⫺5.7** 59.9** 0.71 0.56
Control females
Femur length 0.996 99.2 65.9 205.6** 0.51 40.1** 1,609.6** 4.01 0.18
Neurocranial index 0.775 60.1 37.0 133.1** 0.07 5.9** 35.1** 3.02 0.40
Facial index 0.931 86.7 29.4 312.4** 0.11 28.7** 822.0** 0.93 0.04
Pelvic index 0.998 99.6 25.6 170.4** 0.19 31.9** 1,014.9** 0.88 0.04
Neurofacial index 0.680 46.2 80.0 123.0** 0.11 4.3** 18.6** 1.13 0.05
Pelviofemoral index ⫺0.245 6.0 39.0 121.9** ⫺0.02 ⫺1.2 1.5
Undernourished males
Femur length 0.977 95.5 65.0 140.7** 0.36 20.0** 397.9** 8.34 0.38
Neurocranial index 0.652 42.5 36.7 97.6** 0.10 6.8** 46.3** 5.52 0.25
Facial index 0.741 40.7 29.6 106.7** 0.09 8.7** 75.0** 3.01 0.14
Pelvic index 0.753 56.7 24.0 195.7** 0.06 12.3** 151.8** 0.59 0.03
Neurofacial index 0.341 11.6 80.7 144.7** 0.04 1.7 2.9
Pelviofemoral index ⫺0.351 12.3 35.0 59.9** ⫺0.04 ⫺1.7 0.1
Undernourished females
Femur length 0.981 96.2 62.8 149.0** 0.40 22.7** 516.4** 7.86 0.36
Neurocranial index 0.667 44.5 36.3 164.2** 0.09 10.8** 116.2** 1.90 0.09
Facial index 0.864 74.7 28.8 186.2** 0.11 17.4** 302.2** 0.93 0.04
Pelvic index 0.994 98.8 22.2 264.8** 0.17 50.9** 2,591.3** 0.27 0.01
Neurofacial index 0.570 32.5 79.9 168.2** 0.06 3.3** 10.6** 1.12 0.05
Pelviofemoral index 0.081 0.7 35.8 84.4** 0.02 0.8 0.7
r, correlation; r2, determination coefficient; a, intercept; b, slope; Fm, validity of the model; RSS, residual sum of squares; RSM,
residual mean of squares; **P ⱕ 0.01.

males, and the pelviofemoral index in con- The variation fraction explained by the
trol males, are all partially explained by the curves ranged from 98.0% to 99.7%. The
simple regression equation. The unex- unexplained variation was 1.3 % on aver-
plained fraction of the variation ranged age. The adjusted standard errors ranged
from 13% (facial index in control females) to from 0.05 (neurocranial index in control
67% (neurofacial index in undernourished males) to 0.12 (pelvic index in control
females). males), and are low enough to reject any
Tetra function equation type fitting significance of the residuals.

The components in which more than 5% of Multiple regression

the variation was not explained by simple
regression were fitted by one of the four The multiple regression tests showed
four-function equations with intercept of which of the independent variables (factors)
the type y ⫽ a ⫹ bx ⫹ cf1(x) ⫹ df2(x) ⫹ acted on the patterns described by the four-
ef3(x) (Table 5; Figs. 2, 3). The adjustment function equations (Tables 6, 7). The results
was defined by the determination coefficient in Table 7 show the validity of the model
(r2), and by both the variance analysis (Fm) through the highly significant (P ⬍ 0.01) Fm
and the standard error (SEm) of the model. values. On average, the model explained
The highly significant Fm values assessed more than 99% of the variation, since the
the validity of the regression model in all determination coefficient range is 0.994
comparisons: the smallest Fm was 169.1 (neurocranial index) to 0.997 (pelvic index).
(P ⬍ 0.01), for the pelvic index in under- Six of the seven tested factors had (except
nourished males; and the greatest one was for age in neurocranial index) highly signif-
1554.4 (P ⬍ 0.01), for the facial index in icant (P ⬍ 0.01) influence on old indices.
undernourished females. Water consumption was of lesser but signif-

Fig. 1. Example of simple linear growth in control females. The central straight line means that
growth explained more than 98% of the variation in femur length. The proximal lines are the confidence
intervals. The lateral ones limit the prediction intervals.

icant (P ⬍ 0.05) influence in all of the com- (Pearl, 1925; Bock and Thissen, 1976;
parisons (Table 6). Preece and Baines, 1978; Lebeau et al.,
1986; Jolicoeur and Pirlot, 1988; Tanner,
1988; Hiyaoka et al., 1989); asymptotic
There is consensus about the difficulty of (Jolicoeur et al., 1988, 1992; Kanefuji and
fitting linear equations to biological data Shohoji, 1990; Humphrey, 1998); and Low-
(Koops, 1986; Jolicoeur and Pirlot, 1988; ess (Cleveland, 1979; Cleveland and Devlin,
German et al., 1994). This is true not only 1988; Efron and Tibshirani, 1991; Leigh,
for simple regressions but also for more 1992, 1994, 1996) regression models, among
complex linear relationships. The main others, have been successfully employed for
problem stems from the fact that growth is studies in human and nonhuman primates.
neither a constant, nor an even or an infi- An exception can be made in favor of the
nite process. It has a starting point (concep- linear models. When short periods of growth
tion, birth), uneven velocity (growth spurts), are studied in genera such as Saimiri,
and asymptotic trends towards the end of which does not display a plain growth spurt
the growth period. Because of this complex- in adolescence (Leigh, 1996), the linear
ity, nonlinear equations are employed in the models are suitable and easier to interpret
study of long-lasting growth spans in mam- than the nonlinear ones. Two main restric-
mals with monosexual or bisexual spurts of tions, however, have to be considered. First,
adolescence. Nonlinear exponential (Hiyaoka the linear equations define a line that ex-
et al., 1989; German et al., 1994); logistic tends infinitely in both directions. No mat-

TABLE 5. Components of growth fitted by complex linear equations1

Group and ANOVA Regression parameters

equation (r2) SEm Fm a b c d e
x d e
Control males, equation: Y ⫽ a ⫹ bx ⫹ c ⫹ ⫹
lnx lnx x
Neurocranial index 99.0 0.05 468.8 14,640.9 173.1 ⫺1,049.4 ⫺44,287.8 74,533.6
Facial index 98.8 0.08 358.5 24,557.2 291.5 ⫺1,766.7 ⫺74,328.1 53,523.8
Pelvic index 98.9 0.12 396.2 23,350.7 271.8 ⫺1,653.9 ⫺71,011.9 119,732.5
Control females, equation: Y ⫽ a ⫹ bx ⫹ cx2 冑x ⫹ dx3 ⫹ ee⫺x
Neurocranial index 98.0 0.10 214.9 31.8 0.8 ⫺0.0 0.0 ⫺0.0
Facial index 98.3 0.11 275.5 26.4 0.5 ⫺0.0 0.0 ⫺0.0
d e
Undernourished males, equation: Y ⫽ a ⫹ bx ⫹ cx 冑x ⫹ ⫹
lnx x
Neurocranial index 99.3 0.08 715.6 6,523.7 ⫺57.4 4.3 ⫺23,103.4 39,872.4
Facial index 98.8 0.09 395.8 4,939.9 ⫺43.0 3.2 ⫺17,516.7 30,284.7
Pelvic index 98.2 0.08 169.1 ⫺1,486.5 14.1 ⫺1.1 5,352.5 ⫺9,213.1
Undernourished females, equation: Y ⫽ a ⫹ bx ⫹ cx 冑x ⫹ dx2 lnx ⫹ e
Neurocranial index 98.0 0.11 226.3 7,883.7 1,557.6 ⫺85.8 0.6 ⫺4,802.6
Facial index 99.7 0.05 1,554.4 3,162.3 619.1 ⫺33.8 0.2 ⫺1,913.8
The components of growth were fitted by the four four-function (b, c, d, e) standard linear equations with intercept (a), of the type
y ⫽ a ⫹ bx ⫹ cf 1( x) ⫹ df 2( x) ⫹ ef 3( x), with determination coefficient (r2), and ANOVA standard error (SEm), and significance
for the model (Fm).

ter how high or low a value of X is proposed, males, with the highest regression slopes
the equation can predict a Y value. This (bx ⫽ 0.46), and the pelvic index in control
assumption is rarely reasonable in biologi- and undernourished females, with medium
cal data. Nevertheless, we can preserve the slope values (bx ⫽ 0.18). 2) The complex
model by employing the predictors of the linear pattern involved components with an
model only within the range of X values average of 40.8%of the variation unex-
defined by the experiment (Motulsky, 1995). plained by the simple regression, with the
Second, the relationship between X and Y is smallest regression slopes (bx ⫽ 0.09). The
usually employed not to depict the best pos- highest percentages of explanation (r2 ⱖ
sible fit, but to know which proportion of the 95%) were obtained by four four-function
variation can be explained by age as an in- standard linear equations of the type: y ⫽
dependent variable. In these circumstances, a ⫹ bx ⫹ cf1(x) ⫹ df2(x) ⫹ ef3(x). Each
a simple regression equation has been suc- equation described the growth of the compo-
cessfully employed in previous studies on nents from one specific group. Conse-
Saimiri (Hamano et al., 1990; Dressino, quently, the components are genetically
1991; Dressino and Pucciarelli, 1997, 1999). (sex) and environmentally (nutrition) influ-
Neural structures such as the brain and enced (Table 5; Figs. 2, 3). 3) The noncorre-
the eyes show fast early growth, with the lated with age pattern was reserved for mor-
structures approaching adult size during phometric indices that test the linearity of
childhood. The body organs, however, follow growth between the components. Hence,
general somatic trends and reach adult size these indices were not included in the fitting
after puberty (Humphrey, 1998). These pat- of complex linear equations. Their nonsig-
terns are observed in the results obtained in nificant simple regression models stated,
the present study. The growth of Saimiri e.g., that a linear relationship of growth ex-
skeletal functional components was de- ists between the pelvis and the femur. On
scribed by three different patterns. 1) The the other hand, linear growth between the
simple linear one comprised components neurocranium and the face was absent,
whose variability was entirely explained since significant regression models were
(r2 ⱖ 95%) by the Y ⫽ a ⫹ bx equation. found in most of the cases.
These components were femur length in In this study, the null hypothesis pro-
control and undernourished males and fe- posed that all major skeletal components of

Fig. 2. Example of complex linear growth in control males. The central curved line means that growth
explained about 97% of the variation in neurocranial components. The proximal lines are the confidence
intervals. The lateral ones limit the prediction intervals.

the platyrrhine body grow linearly, regard- ments explained only part of the variation
less of different demands for different func- in the complex linearly patterned compo-
tions. Accepting the null hypothesis implies nents. The remainder of the variation was
that linear growth in the skeletal frame of due to the sum of other independent vari-
Saimiri would be expected. The results, ables. Because the sinuous trajectory found
however, allowed us to reject the hypothe- in the complex linear components is not an
sis. The skeleton did not grow evenly but artifact (Jandel, 1994), eco-geographical fac-
according to functional demands imposed by tors may explain this pattern. For example,
related soft tissues and body cavities. The several observations have been made about
simple linear pattern seen in the femur of the intraspecific differences in size due to
both sexes may be linked to the steady the latitude, habitat, and rainfall affecting
growth in height of the young animals. The Macaca (Albrecht, 1978, 1980; Hamada et
same may occur in the female pelvic index, al., 1986; Albrecht and Miller, 1993; Fooden
maintaining the normal bony conditions for and Albrecht, 1993; Turner et al., 1997) and
parturition, in both the control and stressed Callithrix (Albrecht, 1982) genera. This sug-
environments. gests that eco-geographic variation in pri-
Because complex linear equations were mates may be multifactorial, i.e., with differ-
necessary for explaining skeletal growth, a ent factors influencing different situations.
nongenetic mechanism influences growth in The strong oscillation in environmental tem-
the Saimiri genus. This implies that factors perature, food intake, and body weight seen in
independent of age were acting. Age incre- our experiment on squirrel monkeys corre-

Fig. 3. Example of complex linear growth in undernourished females. The central curve line means
that growth explained more than 99% of the variation in facial components. The proximal lines are the
confidence intervals. The lateral ones limit the prediction intervals.

TABLE 6. Multiple regression tests for total sample

Body Food Water Environmental
Index Age Sex weight intake intake temperature
Neurocranial 1.0 7.3** 21.9** 13.3** 3.9** 2.4*
Facial 5.4** 11.2** 14.9** 3.5** 4.1** 2.3*
Pelvic 6.5** 3.6** 21.3** 2.2** 2.9** 2.1*
* P ⬍ 0.05.
** P ⬍ 0.01.

sponds to that of the tropical forest in which TABLE 7. Adjusted ANOVA for multiple
regression model1
significant seasonal variation occurs. The
cool-rainy season (winter) lasts from Decem- Index MS SE F Adj.r2 D-W
ber to April, and the warm-dry one (summer) Neurocranial 31,725.6 6.4 4,926.0* 99.4 6.441
from May to November (Murrieta et al., Facial 43,601.5 5.3 8,279.3* 99.6 2.295
Pelvic 22,007.6 2.2 9,951.4* 99.7 0.513
1989). Alternate conditions make food produc-
tion and food reserves cyclic (Rosenblum and MS, mean square values; SE, standard error of the mean
squares; F, F significance of indices; Adj.r2, adjusted determina-
Coe, 1985). The dry season, with high temper- tion coefficients expressed as percent; D-W, Durbin-Watson test.
* P ⬍ 0.01.
atures, low relative humidity, and food scar-
city, might decrease growth rates, which are
responsible for the lowest slopes of the four- availability of food, might increase growth
function curves. The rainy season, with mod- rates, which are responsible for the highest
erate temperatures and greater quality and slopes of the complex linear equation curves.

In fact, the simple linear growth components be evoked during the dry season, when
also suggest an undulating trend, although food quality and quantity generally turn
masked by the high growth rate of the com- poorer than in the rainy season.
ponents involved (see Fig. 1). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
CONCLUSIONS The authors are grateful to Med. Vet.
The null hypothesis tested in the present Daniel O. Arias from Servicio de Cardiologı́a
experiment was rejected in regard to the (FCV, UNLP) for his useful help in the
following considerations. health care of the experimental animals;
and to Miss. Damiana C. Pucciarelli for her
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