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Coherent Bremsstrahlung at FCC-ee

AGH University, Kraków



Ep E′p


The Classical Theory of Fields, Landau & Lifshitz (1971)

K. Piotrzkowski 2
Reference CBS paper
At HERA I, for Eg = 10 keV, ℏ/Dpz ≈ 11 cm at LAB ⇒ beam electron
interacts with whole proton bunch and bremsstrahlung event rate
becomes proportional to number of protons squared! Hence
extraordinary signal amplification.

Critical energy =

K. Piotrzkowski 3
Bremsstrahlung ⟷ Coherent Bremsstrahlung ⟷ Beamstrahlung
↳ Synchrotron radiation aka magnetobremsstrahlung

Coherence effects turn on when coherence length lc > bunch length sz but properties of coherent radiation
are different for electron average deflection angles a (in magnetic field of positron bunch) much larger or
smaller than radiation range Dq ≈ me /Ee – as measured by their ratio:
h = re Np /sx ≈ ⟨a /Dq ⟩ where re is classical electron radius, Np is number of
positrons and sx is bunch horizontal size
If h ≳ 10 then corresponding radiation is called beamstrahlung and if h ≲ 1 that is CBS case – nota bene:
synchrotron radiation is special case of beamstrahlung in uniform (external) field.

K. Piotrzkowski 4
Bremsstrahlung ⟷ Coherent Bremsstrahlung ⟷ Beamstrahlung
↳ Synchrotron radiation aka magnetobremsstrahlung

Coherence effects turn on when coherence length lc > bunch length sz but properties of coherent radiation
are different for electron average deflection angles a (in magnetic field of positron bunch) much larger or
smaller than radiation range Dq ≈ me /Ee – as measured by their ratio:
h = re Np /sx ≈ ⟨a /Dq ⟩ where re is classical electron radius, Np is number of
positrons and sx is bunch horizontal size
If h ≳ 10 then corresponding radiation is called beamstrahlung and if h ≲ 1 that is CBS case – nota bene:
synchrotron radiation is special case of beamstrahlung in uniform (external) field.

At FCC-ee h0 ≃ 48/23/25/11 for √s = 91/160/240/365 GeV, respectively. That is not very far from
CBS regime, at 365 GeV in particular. Therefore, for significantly larger horizontal beam sizes
or/and smaller bunch populations CBS takes place, resulting in different spectra shapes
characterized by different critical energies:
Ecr (CBS) ≃ 4ge2/sz vs. Ecr (BS) ≈ 1.5h ge2/sz
where ge = Ee /me ≈ 1/⟨qr ⟩
Radiated energy scales with h2 for both CBS and BS.
K. Piotrzkowski 5

K. Piotrzkowski 6

In London I assumed head-on collisions, which is obviously not the case at FCC-ee.
⇒ one needs to correct h for Piwinski angle F, and:

hP = h0/√(1+F 2)
But then hP ≃ 2.2/6/4.6/8.5 for √s = 91/160/240/365 GeV, respectively, and conclusions
are very different!

This is when I asked you for having this meeting, but meantime…

K. Piotrzkowski 7
Recent paper on BS at FCC-ee

After reading this paper and

mail exchanges with Andrea,
I realized that corrections for
the Piwinski angle are not
enough for very large bunch
intensities, and one has still
to correct for “bunch kicks”,
apart from “bunch pinching”:

K. Piotrzkowski 8
Assuming that additional ak ≈ ⟨qx ⟩ ⇒ final, rough estimate for h at FCC-ee is:

h ≈ hP + ge ak
and then h ≈ 2.2+4/6+5.5/4.6+5.4/8.5+3.6 for √s = 91/160/240/365 GeV,
Final observation: collisions at Z peak might require special and tricky treatment
(due to transition between CBS and BS regimes), and at higher energies it seems
BS dominates with proviso that Piwinski angle/bunch intensities are not lower,
which for (long) initial running will be the case anyway.
Personal suggestion: CBS should be introduced asap to the FCC-ee software for
beam-beam effects, first simply as option wrt. to BS. (In parallel, description of
CBS-BS transition hopefully be developed.)

K. Piotrzkowski 9
Recent paper on BS at FCC-ee

K. Piotrzkowski 10
Recent paper on BS at FCC-ee

K. Piotrzkowski 11

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