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Synaptic Innervation of Midbrain

Dopaminergic Neurons
by Glutamate-Enriched Terminals
in the Squirrel Monkey
Centre de Recherche en Neurobiologie, H8pital de 1’Enfant-Jesus and Universite Laval,
Quebec, Canada G1J 124

The excitatory amino acid, glutamate, has long been thought to be a transmitter that plays
a major role in the control of the firing pattern of midbrain dopaminergic neurons. The present
study was aimed at elucidating the anatomical substrate that underlies the functional
interaction between glutamatergic afferents and midbrain dopaminergic neurons in the
squirrel monkey. To do this, we combined preembedding immunocytochemistry for tyrosine
hydroxylase and calbindin D-28k with postembedding immunostaining for glutamate.
On the basis of their ultrastructural features, three types (so-called types I, 11, and 111) of
glutamate-enriched terminals were found to form asymmetric synapses with dendrites and
perikarya of midbrain dopaminergic neurons. The type I terminals accounted for more than
70% of the total population of glutamate-enriched boutons in contact with dopaminergic cells in
the dorsal and ventral tiers of the substantia nigra pars compacta as well as in the ventral
tegmental area, whereas 5-20% of the glutamatergic synapses with dopaminergic neurons
involved the two other types of terminals. The major finding of our study is that the
glutamate-enriched boutons were involved in 70% of the axodendritic synapses in the ventral
tegmental area. In contrast, less than 40% of the boutons in contact with dopaminergic
dendrites were immunoreactive for glutamate in the dorsal and ventral tiers of the substantia
nigra pars compacta. Approximately 50% of the terminals in contact with the perikarya of the
different populations of midbrain dopaminergic neurons displayed glutamate immunoreactiv-
In conclusion, our findings provide the first evidence that glutamate-enriched terminals
form synapses with midbrain dopaminergic neurons in primates. The fact that the proportion
of glutamatergic boutons in contact with dopaminergic cells is higher in the ventral tegmental
area than in the substantia nigra pars compacta suggests that the different groups of midbrain
dopaminergic neurons are modulated differently by extrinsic glutamatergic afferents in
primates. I IWi Wile?.-Liss, Inc.

Indexing terms: substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area, GABA, postembedding

immunocgtochemistry, primate

In vivo, the dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra neurons are recorded in brain slices that are devoid of
pars compacta (SNc) and the ventral tegmental area (VTA) afferents (Grace and Onn, 1989; Johnson and North, 1992;
exhibit two different firing patterns, namely irregular Wang and French, 1993). Recent pharmacological and
single spiking or burst firing (Bunney et al., 1973; Grace electrophysiological data have demonstrated that glutama-
and Bunney, 1983, 1984a,b; Clark and Chiodo, 1988; tergic afferents are likely to participate in the generation of
Overton and Clark, 1992; Smith and Grace, 1992; Niss- burst firing in midbrain dopaminergic neurons. For in-
brandt et al., 1994; Zhang et al., 1994). The exact mecha-
nism for the generation of burst firing in midbrain dopamin-
ergic neurons has not been elucidated. However, it is well Accepted July 10. 1995.
Address reprint requests to Dr. Yoland Smith, Centre de Recherche en
established that afferent input to these cells must play a Neurobiologie, HBpital de I’Enfant-Jesus, 1401, 18ieme Rue, Quebec, QC,
critical role, because burst firing is absent when dopamine CANADA, G I J 124.


stance, microiontophoretic application of glutamate stimu- results of this study have been presented in abstract form
lates the burst activity in nigral dopamine neurons (Grace (Smith et al., 1994a, 1995).
and Bunney, 1984b). In keeping with these data, stimula-
tion of the cerebral cortex (Gariano and Groves, 1988) and
the subthalamic nucleus (Smith and Grace, 1992; Chergui MATERIALS AND METHODS
et al., 19941, which are known to be potential sources of Animals and preparation of tissue
glutamatergic afferents to the SNc and VTA (Carter, 1982;
Kornhuber et al., 1984; Christie et al., 1985; Kita and Kitai, Three adult (body weight 950-1,050 g) male squirrel
1987; Groenewegen and Berendse, 1990; Robledo and monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) were used in the present study.
Feger, 1990; Smith et al., 1990; Sesack and Pickel, 1992a), They were deeply anesthetized with an overdose of pentobar-
induce burst firing in midbrain dopaminergic neurons. On bital and were perfused transcardially with 300 ml of cold
(4°C) oxygenated Ringer's solution containing 126 mM
the other hand, intraventricular infusion (Grenhoff et al.,
NaCl, 26 mM NaHC03, 3 mM KCl, 1.2 mM KH2P04,1.3
1988a) or local perfusion (Charlety et al., 1991) of the
mM MgS04, 2.4 mM CaC12, 5 mM HEPES, and 15 mM
broad-spectrum excitatory amino acid antagonist, kynure- dextrose. The brains were fixed with 1.2 liters of a solution
nate, reduce burst activity in midbrain dopaminergic cells. containing 2% paraformaldehyde and 1%glutaraldehyde in
Several studies support the notion that activation of phosphate buffer (PB; 0.1 M), pH 7.4, at room temperature.
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) (Johnson and North, 1992; The free aldehydes were then washed out with 1liter of PB
Overton and Clark, 1992; Zhang et al., 1994) or non-NMDA at 4°C. The brains were then removed from the skull, cut
(Zhang et al., 1994) glutamatergic receptors produces burst into l0mm-thick blocks in the transverse plane, and placed
firing in nigral and VTA dopaminergic neurons. In line with into cold phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; 0.01 M), pH 7.4,
these findings, results obtained by means of ligand binding, until sectioning. The blocks were then sectioned at 60 km
in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry have re- in the transverse plane on a vibrating microtome, collected
vealed the existence of different types of NMDA and in cold PBS, and treated for 20 minutes in sodium borohy-
non-NMDA glutamatergic receptors associated with mid- dride (1%in PBS). After repeated washes in PBS, the
brain dopaminergic neurons in the rat (Albin et al., 1992; sections including the SNc and the VTA were processed for
Petralia and Wenthold, 1992; Martin et al., 1993; Sat0 et TH or calbindin D-28k immunocytochemistry.
al., 1993; Standaert et al., 1993, 1994; Laurie and Seeburg,
1994; Petralia et al., 1994). TH and calbindin D-28k immunocytochemistry
On the basis of these data demonstrating that glutamate
plays a major role in controlling the activity of midbrain Light microscopy. Serial sections were first preincu-
dopaminergic neurons in the rat, it is reasonable to believe bated in PBS (0.01 M), pH 7.4, containing 1%normal horse
that the SNc and VTA neurons are contacted by glutamater- serum (NHS), 1%bovine serum albumin (BSA, Sigma, St.
gic terminals. To our knowledge, there is no direct evidence Louis, MO), and 0.3% Triton X-100 for 1 hour at room
of synaptic contacts between glutamatergic terminals and temperature. They were then incubated overnight at room
dopaminergic cells, except for a recent report demonstrat- temperature in the primary antisera solution containing
either mouse anti-TH antibodies (1:1,000; INCSTAR, Still-
ing that cortical boutons, which probably contain gluta-
water, MI) or mouse anti-calbindin D-28k antibodies (1:
mate, form asymmetric synapses with tyrosine hydroxylase
2,500; Sigma). After three washes (10 minutes each) in
(TH)-immunoreactive neurons in the VTA of the rat (Se-
PBS, the sections were incubated for 1 hour at room
sack and Pickel, 1992a). In the light of data suggesting that
temperature in biotinylated horse anti-mouse immuno-
not only the cerebral cortex but also the pedunculopontine globulin (IgG; 1:200;Vector Labs, Burlingame, CA), washed
nucleus (Scarnati et al.,1986; Di Loreto et al., 1992; Lavoie again in PBS, and incubated for 1 hour at room tempera-
and Parent, 1994) and the subthalamic nucleus (Smith and ture in avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC; 1:100; Vec-
Grace, 1992; Chergui et al., 1994) provide glutamatergic tor Labs) according to the method of Hsu et al. (1981). The
afferents to the midbrain dopaminergic neurons, we under- primary and secondary antibodies as well as the ABC were
took a series of experiments aimed at elucidating the diluted in the preincubation solution. The bound peroxi-
ultrastructural features and synaptic organization of the dase was then revealed by placing the sections in Tris buffer
glutamatergic boutons in contact with TH-immunoreactive (0.05M), pH 7.6, containing 3,3' diaminobenzidine tetrahy-
neurons in the SNc and the VTA of squirrel monkeys. drochloride (DAB;0.025%;Sigma), 0.01 M imidazole (Fisher
Taking into account that burst-firing neurons are more Scientific, Nepean, Ontario, Canada), and 0.006% hydrogen
frequent in the VTA than in SNc (Chiodo et al., 1984; peroxide for 10 minutes. The reaction was stopped by
Grenhoff et al., 1988b), we paid particular attention to the repeated washes in PBS. The sections were then mounted
comparison of the proportion of glutamatergic terminals in on chrome ahmigelatin-coated slides, dehydrated, and a
contact with these two groups of dopaminergic neurons. In coverslip was applied with Permount.
the light of recent colocalization studies in rat and monkey Electron microscopy. The sections were placed in a
showing that more than 90% of the calbindin D-28k- cryoprotectant solution (PB, 0.05 M, pH 7.4, containing
positive neurons in the VTA display TH immunoreactivity 25% sucrose and 10% glycerol) for 20-30 minutes. After
(Rogers, 1992; Gaspar et al., 1993) and that none of the sinking, they were frozen at -80°C for 20 minutes. They
dopaminergic cells in the ventral tier of the SNc contain were then thawed and washed many times in PBS before
calbindin (Rogers, 1992; Gaspar et al., 1993), we used the being processed to localize TH or calbindin D-28k according
immunoreactivity for calbindin D-28k as a specific marker to the protocol described for light microscopy except that
for dopaminergic neurons in the VTA of the squirrel Triton X-100 was not included in the solutions, and the
monkey. Therefore, we combined the postembedding immu- incubation in the primary antisera was carried out at 4°C
nogold labelling for glutamate with the preembedding for 48 hours. The bound peroxidase was localized with
immunocytochemistry for TH or calbindin D-28k. The benzidine dihydrochloride (BDHC; Sigma). The sections

were washed three to five times in PB (0.01 M), pH 6.8, nonimmune rabbit serum. Another series of control grids
before being preincubated in a solution of BDHC that was was incubated with GABA and glutamate antisera that had
prepared according to Levey et al. (1986).After a 10 minute undergone liquid-phase preadsorption with structurally
preincubation, the reaction was initiated by adding hydro- related amino acids conjugated to ethanolamine with glutar-
gen peroxide to a final concentration of 0.005% in fresh aldehyde (Dale et al., 1986). Each antiserum was pread-
BDHC solution. The reaction was terminated after 5-7 sorbed with taurine, GABA, glutamate, and glutamine
minutes by extensive washings in PB (0.01 M),pH 6.8, conjugates. After incubation, the tissue was almost com-
before processing for electron microscopy. For controls, a pletely devoid of gold particles in the cases where the GABA
few sections were incubated in a solution in which the and glutamate antisera were preadsorbed with GABA- and
primary antisera had been replaced by nonimmune serum. glutamate-glutaraldehyde-conjugates, respectively. In con-
trast, preadsorption of the antisera with other amino acids
Processing for electron microscopy conjugates had no effect on the intensity of staining.
The sections were washed in PB (0.01M), pH 6.8, before
being postfixed in osmium tetroxide (1%solution in the Analysis of the material
corresponding PB) for 20 minutes. They were then washed Selection o f the appropriate areas for electron micro-
in PB and dehydrated in a graded series of alcohol and scopic analysis. A total of 15 blocks were selected for
propylene oxide. Uranyl acetate was added to the 70% electron microscopic analysis of the synaptic relationships
ethanol (30 minutes) to improve the contrast in the electron between glutamate-enriched terminals and midbrain dopa-
microscope. The sections were then embedded in resin minergic neurons. All of these blocks were taken from the
(Durcupan ACM; Fluka) on microscope slides, placed in the same animal except for three that were selected from the
oven, and cured for 48 hours at 60°C. After examination by other cases. Although the chemical characteristics were a
light microscopy, regions of interest were drawn, and some good criterion for differentiating the dorsal from the ven-
were photographed, cut out from the slides, and glued on tral tiers of the SNc, such was not the case for the dorsal
the top of resin blocks with cyanoacrylate glue. Serial SNc or the VTA. The exact limit between these two regions
ultrathin sections were then cut on a Reichert-Jung Ultra- was difficult to trace on the basis of chemical characteris-
cut E ultramicrotome, collected on Pioloform-coated single- tics, because both neuronal groups displayed calbindin and
slot nickel grids, and processed for postembedding immuno- T H immunoreactivity. To make sure that we selected the
gold labelling for glutamate or y-aminobutyric acid (GABA). appropriate area for electron microscopic analysis, the
Postembedding immunocytochemistry blocks in the VTA were taken only from regions medial to
the third nerve, including the so-called parabrachial pig-
Serial sections from different sectors of SNc and VTA mented nucleus and the rostra1 linear nucleus (Halliday
were processed for postembedding immunocytochemistry and Tork, 1986). Therefore, five blocks were cut from the
for GABA or glutamate. The GABA immunocytochemistry ventral tier of the SNc (SNc-v),four blocks were taken from
was used as a control to identify terminals in which the dorsal tier of the SNc (SNc-d), and six blocks included
glutamate serves as a precursor for the synthesis of GABA. the VTA. All of the blocks in the SNc-v were taken from
The postembedding immunogold procedure was carried out TH-immunostained tissue (Fig. lA), whereas two blocks in
with a n antiserum raised in rabbit against GABA (Hodgson the SNc-d and three blocks in the VTA were cut from
et al., 1985) and with two different antisera raised in rabbit calbindin-immunostained sections (Fig. 1B).
against glutamate (Arne1 Products, New York, NY; Sigma). Measurement ofglutamate immunoreactivity. The level
The production, characterization, and specificity of these of glutamate immunoreactivity was measured over a sample
antisera have been described in detail elsewhere (Hodgson of type I, type 11, and type I11 terminals that were randomly
et al., 1985; Somogyi and Hodgson, 1985; Somogyi et al., selected in ultrathin sections of the VTA and the SNc-v.
1985; Hepler et al., 1988). The protocol used for immuno- The level of glutamate immunoreactivity was also mea-
staining was introduced by Hodgson et al. (1985) and sured over a randomly selected population of terminals that
included recent modifications (Phend et al., 1992). Briefly, a formed symmetric synapses and displayed GABA immuno-
series of adjacent ultrathin sections was preincubated for reactivity in adjacent sections. A terminal was considered
10 minutes in Tris-buffered saline (TBS; 0.05 M), pH 7.6, immunoreactive for GABA if the density of gold particles
containing 0.01% Triton X-100. This was followed by an associated with it was at least four times higher than that
overnight incubation at room temperature with the pri- overlying neighboring terminals that formed asymmetric
mary antisera (GABA 1:10,000 or glutamate 1:10,000) synapses and displayed strong glutamate immunoreactivity
diluted in TBS/O.Ol% Triton X-100. The sections were then in adjacent sections. For a control for the level of glutamate
washed three times (twice for 10 minutes and once for 30 involved in metabolic functions, the density of gold particles
minutes) in TBS/0.01% Triton X-100 followed by TBS (0.05 associated with glial cells was also measured in the gluta-
M),pH 8.2, for 10 minutes. They were then incubated with mate-immunostained sections. Although the pattern of
the gold-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG (BioCell; 1:25 in GABA and glutamate immunostaining was not signifi-
TBS 0.05 M), pH 8.2, for 90 minutes at room temperature, cantly different in the three animals used in the present
washed in distilled water, and stained with uranyl acetate study, the ultrastructural features and the intensity of
( 1%in distilled water) for 90 minutes. Finally, after wash- immunostaining were better in one of these cases. There-
ing in distilled water and staining with lead citrate (Rey- fore, we selected all of the terminals for the quantitative
nolds, 1963), they were examined with a Phillips EM 300 analysis from this animal. To determine the level of immu-
electron microscope. noreactivity, the cross-sectional area of the boutons was
measured with the aid of the Ultimage software (Graftek,
Control experiments France) and a Macintosh computer. All gold particles
The specificity of labelling was tested by incubation with (including those over mitochondria) were counted over each
solutions in which the primary antisera were replaced with profile. The results of these measurements are illustrated
in Figure 3. Student’s t test was used to ascertain the was not homogeneous throughout the section, some termi-
significance or the differences between the mean values. nals were associated with a large density of gold particles,
Relative distribution ofpostsynaptic targets. The rela- whereas other boutons were almost completely devoid of
tive distribution of the postsynaptic targets in contact with labelling. Therefore, we measured the density of gold
glutamate-enriched terminals was determined by analysis particles in order to determine the immunoreactivity or
of the synaptic inputs to randomly chosen perikarya and nonimmunoreactivity of a particular element for glutamate
dendritic shafts in the SNc and the VTA. The ultrastruc- or GABA.
tural features and the level of glutamate immunoreactivity
of the terminals that formed synapses with these elements Quantitative measurements of glutamate
were determined, and were included in one of the three immunoreactivity
categories of glutamate-enriched boutons described in our
study. To ensure that the pattern of synaptic innervation of Glutamate is an essential component of intermediary
neuronal perikarya was similar throughout their full ex- metabolism and is a precursor for the synthesis of GABA.
tent, they were examined in five to ten serial sections. For this reason, all cells in the brain, including neuronal
elements that use GABA as a neurotransmitter, are ex-
pected to contain a certain level of glutamate. In sections of
RESULTS midbrain reacted with antiserum to glutamate, gold par-
ticles were, in fact, associated with all neuronal and nonneu-
Identification of the different groups ronal structures. However, their surface density differed
of dopaminergic neurons at midbrain level significantly upon visual inspection. Quantitative measure-
The midbrain dopaminergic neurons were subdivided ments were therefore carried out to substantiate these
into three groups on the basis of their localization, morphol- differences. The density of gold particles associated with
ogy, and immunoreactivity for calbindin D-28k. The tissue putative glutamate-immunoreactive boutons, i.e., those
examined in the electron microscope was taken from sec- forming asymmetric synapses and overlaid by a high den-
tions of the middle one-third of the substantia nigra, where sity of gold particles (Fig. 2A,C,D), was compared to the
the three groups of dopaminergic cells were well defined density over glial cells and boutons that formed symmetric
(Fig. 1).The anatomical and histochemical criteria used in synapses and displayed GABA immunoreactivity in adja-
the present study for identifying these three groups of cent sections. Statistical comparison of the immunoreactiv-
neurons were as follows: The neurons in the SNc-v were ity associated with different processes gave similar results
densely packed and displayed immunoreactivity for TH but in the three animals used in the present study. The overall
not for calbindin D-28k (Fig. 1);the neurons in the SNc-d pattern of immunostaining did not change from one animal
were more loosely distributed and displayed immunoreactiv- to the other. The possibility that the intensity of labelling
ity for both TH and calbindin D-28k (Fig. 1);finally, the associated with a particular group of neuronal elements
neurons in the VTA also displayed immunoreactivity for differed from one postembedding reaction to the other was
TH and calbindin D-28k but were localized more medially tested. A comparative analysis of the density of gold
than neurons in the SNc-d. particles associated with different structures in sections
processed in six different postembedding reactions revealed
Overall labelling at the electron that the intensity of labelling over a particular group of
neuronal elements remained the same after each incuba-
microscopic level tion. The total number of terminals measured in the
In the material prepared for electron microscopy, the TH- present study is given in Table 1. The measurements
and calbindin-immunoreactive neurons were localized by obtained in sections taken from one incubation are shown
means of immunohistochemical techniques using BDHC as in Figure 3.
chromogen. At the light microscopic level, the BDHC- On the basis of their ultrastructural features, three
containing elements were recognized by the presence of populations of glutamate-enriched boutons were found to
large, dark crystals that were randomly dispersed through- form asymmetric synapses with dopaminergic neurons in
out the labelled structures (Fig. 6A). At the electron the SNc and the VTA. The type I terminals were small to
microscopic level, the BDHC deposits appeared as large, medium-sized (maximum diameter ranging from 0.5 pm to
electron-dense aggregates dispersed throughout the cyto- 2.0 pm) and contained round synaptic vesicles and one or
plasm of immunoreactive elements (Figs. 2 , 5 , 6 , 10, 11).In two mitochondria (Figs. 2A, 5D, 7A, 8E, 1OC).The density
the TH-immunostained tissue, the BDHC deposits oc- of gold particles associated with these boutons was signifi-
curred exclusively in perikarya and dendritic shafts, whereas cantly higher than that associated with glial cells or bou-
in the calbindin-immunostained material, axon terminals tons forming symmetric synapses (Fig. 3A). A particular
were also labelled. feature concerning these terminals was the fact that the
In sections that were processed for the localization of intensity of labelling associated with them was significantly
glutamate or GABA immunoreactivity by the postembed- higher in the VTA than in the SNc (Fig. 3A). This was not
ding immunogold method, the tissue was overlaid with gold due to a higher background staining in the VTA, because
particles (Figs. 2, 5-8, 10, 11).Overall, the perikarya and the density of gold particles associated with glial cells or
dendritic shafts containing the BDHC deposit were lightly boutons forming symmetric synapses in the VTA was not
labelled except in the glutamate-immunostained material, significantly different from that in the SNc (Fig. 3A).
where the mitochondria sometimes contained a substantial Like the type I terminals, the type I1 boutons were
number of gold particles (Figs. 2D, 8E). The glial cells were packed with small round vesicles but also contained numer-
almost completely devoid of labelling in both glutamate-and ous large dense-core vesicles (Figs. 2C, 10D, 11).Overall,
GABA-immunostained tissue (Fig. 7C,D). The axon termi- these boutons were larger than the type I terminals (maxi-
nals were the neuronal elements that contained the highest mum diameter ranging from 1.0 km to 3.0 pm). Com-
density of gold particles. However, the intensity of labelling parative measurements of the density of gold particles

Fig 1. Photomicrographs showing t h e three groups of midbrain cornpacta (SNc-v) a r e immunoreactive for TH but not for CaBP,
dopaminergic neurons at t h e level where t h e blocks were taken for whereas neurons in t h e dorsal tier of t h e SNc (SNc-d) and t h e ventral
electron microscopic analysis. A: Section stained for tyrosine hydroxy- tegmental area (VTA) display both TH and CaBP immunoreactivity.
lase ITHI. B: Adjacent Section stained for calbindin D-28k (CaBP). Scale bar = 1 mm in A (also applies to B).
Note that neurons in t h e ventral tier of t h e substantia nigra pars

associated with the type I1 terminals in SNc (n = 7 ) and I1 boutons remained the same in both structures. There-
VTA ( n = 5 ) revealed that, in contrast to the type I fore, we decided to pool the values obtained in SNc and VTA
terminals, the intensity of labelling associated with the type to prepare the histogram presented in Figure 3B. The

Fig. 2 . Electron micrographs showing the three types of glutamate- synapse (arrowhead in B) with the dendrite. C illustrates a type I1
enriched terminals visualized in the SNc-v of the squirrel monkey. A terminal (b2) in contact with a TH-positive dendrite (d2) in a section
and B illustrate adjacent sections of a TH-immunoreactive dendrite that has been incubated with an antibody against GLU. Note the
( d l ) that have been processed using the postembedding immunogold occurrence of numerous dense-core vesicles (indicated by arrows) and
method for revealing glutamate (GLU; A) or y-aminobutyric acid the high density of gold particles in b2. D shows a GLU-enriched type
(GABA; B). Note that b l is immunoreactive for glutamate but not for I11 terminal that forms an asymmetric synapse (arrowheads) with a
GABA. The density of gold particles associated with this terminal (bl) TH-containing dendritic shaft (d3). This bouton contains a few dense-
in the GLU-immunostained section is significantly higher than that core vesicles (arrows) and numerous mitochondria. Note the row of
overlying neighboring boutons (asterisks), whereas this is the reverse postjunctional dense bodies associated with the synaptic contact. Scale
in the GABA-immunostained material. This bouton displays the ultra- bars = 1 pm in A (also applies to B), 1 pm in C (also applies to D).
structural features of the type I terminals and forms an asymmetric

density of gold particles overlying this population of termi- TABLE 1. Total Number of Terminals and Glial Cells of Which the
nals was significantly higher than that associated with Glutamate ImmunoreactivitvWas Measured in SNc-V and VTA
nonimmunoreactive structures (Fig. 3B). Elements examined
The type I11 boutons were characterized by their high
Terminals with
number of mitochondria and by the occurrence of postjunc- Brain Glial symmetric Type I Type 11 Type I11
tional dense bodies at the synaptic junctions (Fig. 2D). structures cells synapses glu glu glu
These boutons contained numerous round synaptic vesicles
SNc-V 31 127 95 8 19
and a few dense-core vesicles (Fig. 2D). Like the type I1 VTA 22 79 135 25 8
terminals, no difference in the intensity of labelling associ- Total number of
elements examined 53 206 230 33 27
ated with these boutons was found between the SNc (n = 5)

% 701 VTA, Type I ( f SEM=103.9 f 3.9; n 4 0 )

SNc-V, Type I ( _+ SEM=68.8 f 3.5; n=26)

Glial cell processes ( x fSEM=8.5f 0.2; n=17)

50 - VTA, symmetric synapses (Ef SEM=18.8 f 2.4; n=19)
SNc-V, symmetric synapses ( 57 f SEM=16.4 f 0.8; n=38)
40 -

30 -

20 - 3

10 -

0 -- I
1 0 . 2 0 . 30 ' 40 ' 50 ' 60 ' 70 ' 80 ' 90 '100'110'120'130'140'150'160'170'

% 60 701 VTA/SNc-V, Type I1

VTNSNc-V, Type I11 (

(xf SEM=63.7 f 1.2; n=12)
f SEM=70.8 f 0.9; n=8)

10 ' 20 ' 30 ' 40 ' 50 ' 60 ' 70 ' 80 ' 90 ' 100' 110' 120' 130' 140' 150' 160' 170'


Fig. 3. A,B: Histograms comparing the density of gold particles that the glia and boutons forming symmetric synapses display the
associated with the three types of glutamate-enriched terminals de- lowest GLU immunoreactivity. The density of gold particles associated
scribed in the present study to the density of gold particles overlying with these elements is significantly lower ( P < 0.0051 than that
glial cells and boutons that form symmetric synapses in the SNc-v and associated with the three types of glutamate-enriched boutons in the
in the VTA. The measurements were made from elements stained in SNc and VTA. Note also that the density of gold particles associated
the same incubation for GLU or GABA. In B, the type I1 and type 111 with the type I terminals in the SNc is significantly lower ( P < 0.0051
terminals in the VTA and SNc-v were pooled because there was no than that associated with the same type of terminals in the VTA.
difference in the intensity of labelling between these two regions. Note

0 SNc, ventral tier

SNc, dorsal tier

70 4

30 1

20 : 1
I I1 I11
Fig. 4. Histogram showing the relative abundance of the three types of GLU-enriched boutons in the
different groups of midbrain dopaminergic neurons. To prepare this histogram, a total of 238 type I, 24 type
11, and 38 type I11 terminals were randomly encountered in the different midbrain dopaminergic cell

and the VTA (n = 3 ) . The density of gold particles that sections immunostained for glutamate or GABA. The num-
overlaid these terminals was significantly higher than that ber of terminals in contact with each dopaminergic element
overlying nonimmunoreactive structures (Fig. 3 ) . was determined. Among these boutons, the percentage of
those that displayed a high level vs. a low level of glutamate
Relative distribution of the three types immunoreactivity was established (see Fig. 9). On the basis
of glutamate-enrichedboutons of the quantitative data presented in Figure 3, we consid-
Among the three types of glutamate-enriched terminals ered that terminals with a “high” level of glutamate
described above, the type I boutons formed the largest immunoreactivity were those associated with more than 50
population (Fig. 4).Examination of 161glutamate-enriched gold particles/ pm2. In addition, these terminals had to be
boutons in randomly chosen ultrathin sections revealed nonimmunoreactive for GABA in adjacent sections (Fig. 9).
that the type I boutons accounted for 73-88% of the total The typical ultrastructural features of the terminals form-
number of glutamate-enriched terminals in contact with ing synapses with the different populations of dopaminergic
dopaminergic neurons in the two tiers of SNc and VTA (Fig.
neurons are depicted in Figures 2 , 5 , 7 , 8 , 10, and 11.
4).In contrast, the type I1 terminals represented less than
10% of the glutamate-enriched boutons in contact with the SNc-u. A total of 41 proximal dendrites (diameter larger
different populations of midbrain dopaminergic neurons than 2.0 pm), 28 distal dendrites (diameter smaller than 2
(Fig. 4).The type I11 terminals were slightly more abundant pm), and 7 perikarya were examined in the SNc-v. Typical
(20%) in the SNc-v than in other midbrain dopaminergic examples of dendritic shafts receiving inputs from gluta-
cell groups ( 5 1 0 % ) (Fig. 4). mate-enriched terminals in this region are illustrated in
Figures 2 and 5 . The vast majority (more than 70%) of
Pattern of synaptic innervation terminals in contact with dendritic shafts displayed a low
of dopaminergic neurons by level of immunoreactivity for glutamate but were strongly
glutamate-enrichedboutons labelled for GABA (Fig. 2A,B). Most of the glutamate-
The pattern of synaptic innervation of dopaminergic enriched terminals in contact with distal dendrites dis-
neurons was determined by examination of boutons in played the ultrastructural features of type I boutons (Fig.
contact with randomly chosen perikarya and dendritic 2A,B), whereas both type I and type I11 terminals formed
shafts in the ventral and dorsal tiers of the SNc as well as in synapses with proximal dendrites (Fig. 2D). A few type I1
the VTA. These elements were examined on adjacent terminals encountered in this region were in contact with

Fig. 5. Electron micrographs showing various features of boutons symmetric synapses (A-C, arrows). D-F Three adjacent sections of a
forming synapses with TH-immunoreactive dendrites in the SNc-v. type I GLU-enriched terminal (h4)in asymmetric contact (arrowheads)
A-C: Adjacent sections of the same dendrite ( d l )contacted by different with a small TH-positive dendrite (d2). Note that the density of gold
types of terminals (indicated by b l , b2, b3, and asterisks). One of these particles overlying b4 is much higher than t h a t associated with a
houtons ( b l ) forms an asymmetric synapse (A,B, arrowheads) but neighboring terminal (b5) in the sections immunostained with two
displays a low immunoreactivity in sections immunostained with two different glutamate antisera (D,E),whereas this is the reverse in the
different antisera for GLU (A,B). In contrast, this terminal is strongly section processed for GABA (F).The asterisks in D and E indicate other
labelled for GABA (C). In the GABA-immunostained section (C), the boutons that display a low immunoreactivity for GLU. Scale bar = 1 km
density of gold particles associated with b l is not different from that in A (also applies to B-F).
overlying neighboring terminals, which, in some cases (h2), form
distal and proximal dendrites. These glutamate-enriched dopaminergic elements in the SNc-v than in the SNc-d (Fig.
terminals were interspersed among a large number of 4). The innervation of perikarya, as mentioned above, was
GABA-positive boutons, which for the most part, were quite similar in the two tiers of the SNc (Figs. 6,7).
packed with ovoid vesicles and formed symmetric synapses VTA. A total of 39 proximal dendrites, 51 distal den-
(Figs. 2A,B, 5A-C). Three terminals that had a morphology drites, and 6 perikarya were examined in the VTA. The
similar to the GABA-immunoreactive terminals but that glutamatergic innervation of dopaminergic elements in this
formed asymmetric synapses were also seen in contact with region is depicted in Figures 10 and 11. The major differ-
TH-immunoreactive dendrites (see Fig. 5A-C, bouton bl). ence between the VTA and the SNc was the higher percent-
To ensure that these boutons displayed a low level of age of glutamate-enriched terminals in contact with den-
immunoreactivity for glutamate, three adjacent sections drites in VTA than in the two tiers of SNc (Fig. 9). This
containing one of these terminals were immunostained difference was particularly obvious for the distal dendrites
with two different glutamate antisera and the GABA anti- that received more than 70% of their innervation from
body (Fig. 5A-c). This was compared t o the immunostain- glutamate-enriched boutons in the VTA vs. 30-40% in the
ing of a bouton in the same section that formed an SNc (Fig. 9). However, the percentage of glutamate-
asymmetric synapse with a distal dendrite (Fig. 5D-F). In enriched terminals in contact with perikarya was quite
the two cases, the glutamate antisera and the GABA similar in the VTA and the SNc (Fig. 9). Like the SNc, most
antibody gave opposite patterns of immunostaining. No (88%) of the glutamate-enriched terminals visualized in the
significant difference was noted between the patterns of VTA displayed the ultrastructural features of type I termi-
immunostaining revealed with either glutamate antisera, nals (Fig. lOA,C). The other glutamate-enriched boutons in
except that the overall intensity of labelling was slightly contact with VTA neurons were of the type I1 category.
lower with the Sigma antibody (GLU-S; compare Fig. 5D to Although they were much less abundant than the type I
Fig. 5E). terminals, some of the glutamate-positive type I1 boutons
The pattern of innervation of perikarya in the SNc-v was were seen in contact with dendritic shafts and also with
relatively similar to that in the SNc-d and the VTA, except perikarya of VTA neurons (Figs. 10B,D, 11).The type 111
that the percentage of glutamate-enriched boutons was terminals accounted for less than 5% of the glutamate-
slightly higher in the VTA than in the SNc (Figs. 6, 7, 9). A enriched boutons in contact with dopaminergic neurons in
typical example is shown in Figures 6 and 7. The perikarya the VTA (Fig. 4).
of dopaminergic neurons were pyramidal to fusiform in
shape and had a maximum diameter that ranged from 20 DISCUSSION
km to 35 IJ-m. They contained an invaginated nucleus
surrounded by cytoplasm that was rich in organelles includ- The present study provides the first description of the
ing endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, synaptic innervation of midbrain dopaminergic neurons by
and numerous lysosomes. Overall, the density of boutons glutamate-enriched terminals in primates. The major find-
forming synapses with perikarya was lower than the num- ing of our investigation is that the proportion of glutamate-
ber of terminals in contact with dendritic shafts. Figure 7 enriched terminals in contact with dopaminergic neurons is
shows that most of the glutamate-enriched terminals in much higher in the VTA than in the SNc of squirrel monkey
contact with dopaminergic somata displayed the ultrastruc- (Fig. 12). These data serve as evidence of a potential
tural features of type I terminals (Fig. 7A,B). These termi- anatomical substrate underlying the powerful control ex-
nals were interspersed among a larger number of boutons erted by excitatory amino acids on the activity of midbrain
that were immunoreactive for GABA (Fig. 7C-G). Most of dopaminergic neurons.
these GABA-positive terminals displayed ultrastructural
features that resembled those of boutons in contact with Overall synaptic innervation of midbrain
dendritic shafts (Fig. 2A,B) except for a population of dopaminergic neurons
large-sized terminals, which contained pleomorphic vesicles Although the synaptic organization of the substantia
and numerous mitochondria (Fig. 7E-G). These boutons nigra was the topic of many early studies (Rinvik and
formed short symmetric synapses. Frequently, puncta ad- Grofova, 1970; Gulley and Wood, 1971; Schwyn and Fox,
herentia were associated with these terminals (Fig. 7E-G). 19741, the fact that the dopaminergic neurons were not
A particular chemical feature of these boutons was the identified makes the comparison difficult between these
display of strong immunoreactivity for glutamate and data and those obtained in the present study. However, the
GABA (Fig. 7E-G). Overall, this population of terminals introduction of sophisticated immunohistochemical tech-
represented 1 5 2 0 % of the boutons in contact with peri- niques at the electron microscopic level allowed the chemi-
karya in the different groups of dopaminergic neurons cal characterization of different populations of terminals in
examined. None of these boutons was seen in contact with contact with dopaminergic neurons in the rodent SNc. It is
dendritic shafts. now well established that boutons immunoreactive for
SNc-d. A total of 24 proximal dendrites, 28 distal den- GABA (Van den Pol et al., 1985; Bolam and Smith, 19901,
drites, and 5 perikarya were examined in this region. An substance P (Mahalik, 1988; Bolam and Smith, 1990;
example of a calbindin-positive dendrite receiving synaptic Mendez et al., 19921, enkephalin (Bolam and Smith, 19911,
inputs from glutamate-enriched boutons is shown in Figure serotonin (Nedergaard et al., 1988; Corvaja et al., 19931,
8. The pattern of synaptic innervation of dopaminergic and choline acetyltransferase (Bolam et al., 1991) form
neurons in this region resembled that described in the synapses with SNc dopaminergic neurons in the rat. Our
SNc-v, except that the percentage of glutamate-enriched results provide the first evidence of direct synaptic contact
terminals in contact with dopaminergic cells was slightly between glutamate-enriched boutons and SNc dopaminer-
higher in this region than in the ventral tier of SNc (Fig. gic neurons in primates. The fact that the ultrastructural
9A,B).Another difference between the two parts of SNc was features displayed by the peptidergic, serotonergic, and
the higher percentage of type I11 terminals in contact with cholinergic terminals correspond, in many cases, to those of

Fig. 6. Correlated light (A) and electron (B) micrographs of a micrograph has been taken in a section immunostained for GLU. The
CaBP-immunoreactive perikaryon in the SNc-d. The arrows in B area in the rectangle and boutons b5 and h6 are shown at higher
indicate crystals of henzidine dihydrochloride (BDHC). The electron magnification in Figure 7. Scale bars = 10 Fm in A, 2 bm in B.
Figure 7

the type I and type I1 terminals described in our study dopaminergic dendrites in the VTA formed asymmetric
suggests the possibility that other neuromediators coexist synapses and displayed strong glutamate immunoreactivity
with glutamate in subpopulations of glutamate-enriched in the squirrel monkey. The most likely explanation for this
terminals in contact with SNc neurons in primates. In discrepancy is a difference between the sampling method
keeping with previous data (Bolam and Smith, 1990), the used in these studies. In our case, the percentage of
vast majority of boutons in contact with SNc neurons were glutamate-enriched boutons in contact with dopaminergc
lightly labelled for glutamate but displayed strong GABA dendrites was obtained by counting the number of immuno-
immunoreactivity. We estimate that about 30% of the reactive and nonimmunoreactive terminals in contact with
terminals in contact with dopaminergic dendrites in the randomly selected dopaminergic dendrites in the VTA. In
SNc of squirrel monkey displayed glutamate immunoreac- the rat, the authors purposely selected areas that were
tivity. Most of the remaining terminals were immunoreac- enriched in GABA-positive boutons (Bayer and Pickel,
tive for GABA. These data are in keeping with those 1991) because of the problems relating to the penetration of
suggesting that 70% of the terminals that form synapses antibodies in tissue stained with preembedding methods. It
with SNc neurons displayed GABA immunoreactivity in the is therefore likely that the overall proportion of GABA-
rat (Bolam and Smith, 1990). Therefore, in both primate containing boutons in contact with dopaminergic neurons
and non-primate species, the vast majority of terminals in in the rat VTA is lower than that proposed in this study
contact with dendrites of dopaminergic neurons in the SNc (Bayer and Pickel, 1991). Of course, differences between
display GABA immunoreactivity. primate and nonprimate species must also be considered.
Similar to the dendrites, a minority of terminals in A particular feature that stood out in our material was
contact with perikarya of SNc neurons displayed strong the fact that the average density of gold particles associated
glutamate immunoreactivity. We estimated that about 40% with the glutamate-enriched boutons in the VTA was
of the axosomatic synapses in SNc involved glutamate- significantly higher than that in the SNc. This was not due
enriched boutons. A particular population of terminals that to a particular technical problem concerning the VTA,
was found in contact with perikarya, but not with dendritic because the intensity of labelling associated with nonimmu-
shafts of SNc neurons, displayed immunoreactivity for both noreactive structures was similar in the VTA and the SNc.
glutamate and GABA. The ultrastructural features of these Previous quantitative studies have established a positive
terminals corresponded to those arising from the external correlation between the density of gold particles and the
pallidum (or the globus pallidus in nonprimates). Direct absolute quantity of glutamate in brain tissue (Ottersen,
synaptic contacts between pallidal boutons and dopaminer- 1989). If this is the case in the VTA and the substantia
gic neurons were previously found in the rat (Smith and nigra of monkeys, then our data suggest that the level of
Bolam, 1990). Moreover, we recently showed that the glutamate in terminals that form synapses with VTA
terminals from the external pallidum in contact with neurons is higher than those in contact with SNc cells. The
neurons in the internal pallidum displayed strong immuno- other possibility is that a particular population of boutons
reactivity for both glutamate and GABA (Shink and Smith, richer in glutamate occurred in the VTA but not in the SNc
1994,1995).The possible functional significance of coenrich- of squirrel monkey. Future studies, like the one presented
ment of glutamate and GABA at the terminal level has been in the companion paper (Charara et al., 1996) in which the
discussed in detail in a previous study (Shink and Smith, anterograde tract-tracing method was combined with
1995). postembedding glutamate immunostaining, should help to
According to previous electron microscopic analysis of the resolve this issue.
VTA in the rat, the majority of terminals in contact with the It is likely that glutamate coexists with peptides or with
dopaminergic neurons in this region formed symmetric serotonin in terminals forming asymmetric synapses with
synapses and displayed GABA immunoreactivity (Bayer VTA neurons, as was the case in the SNc, because boutons
and Pickel, 1990, 1991). In contrast to these findings, our with ultrastructural features that resembled those of the
results show that 60-70% of the terminals in contact with type I and type I1 terminals described in our study displayed
immunoreactivity for enkephalin (Sesackand Pickel, 1992b),
dynorphin (Pickel et al., 19931, or serotonin (Herve et al.,
1987; Van Bockstaele et al., 1994) in the rat VTA.
Fig. 7. Electron micrographs showing ultrastructural features and Possible sources of glutamate-enriched
neurotransmitter content of houtons in contact with t h e CaBP-
immunoreactive perikaryon illustrated in Figure 6. A,B: Adjacent terminals in contact with midbrain
sections of t h e area in the rectangle in Figure 6. T h e section in A was dopaminergic neurons
processed for GLU immunostaining, whereas t h a t in B was immuno-
stained for GABA. Note t h a t b l , b2, and b 3 display a high level of GLU There are at least four possible sources of glutamate-
immunoreactivity but a r e nonimmunoreactive for GABA. In contrast, enriched terminals in contact with midbrain dopaminergic
b4 is lightly Iahelled for GLU but is strongly immunostained for GABA. neurons: the cerebral cortex, the subthalamic nucleus, the
C,D: Bouton h6 shown in adjacent sections immunostained for GLU pedunculopontine nucleus, and the raphe nuclei.
tCi o r GABA (D). This bouton and a neighboring terminal (D, open Cerebral cortex. The existence of a direct connection
arrow) a r c lightly labelled for GLU b u t are strongly immunoreactive for
GABA. Bouton b6 forms a symmetric synapse (D, paired solid arrows), from the cerebral cortex to the substantia nigra and the
whereas the neighboring terminal establishes a n asymmetric synaptic VTA was first suggested on the basis of results obtained in
contact ID, arrowhead) with t h e perikaryon. Note t h e low GLU degeneration studies (Afifi et al., 1974; Usunoff et al., 1982;
immunoreactivity associated with t h e glial cell in t h e same field. E-G Nitsch et al., 1984). These data were further confirmed
Bouton h5 shown in adjacent sections stained with two different GLU with retrograde (Bunney and Aghajanian, 1976; Gerfen et
antisera IE,FIand with t h e GABA antibody (GI. This bouton is strongly
immunoreactive for both GLU and GABA and forms a symmetric
al., 1982) and anterograde (Beckstead, 1979; Sakai, 1988;
synapse I G , arrows) with the perikaryon. A punctae adherentia ( E , F , Shook et al., 1991; Sesack and Pickel, 1992a; Naito and
arrows) is associated with this terminal. Scale bars = 1 k m in A (also E t a , 1994) tracing techniques. Although there is still some
applies to BI, 1 pm in C (also applies to D-G). controversy regarding the exact origin of the corticonigral

Fig. 8. Electron micrographs showing two boutons in contact with a not for GLU, forms a symmetric synapse (B, arrows) with the dendritic
CaBP-immunoreactivedendrite in the SNc-d. A: Low-power view of the shaft. D,E: Illustrations of b2 in adjacent sections immunostained for
dendrite in a GABA-immunostained section. Two boutons in contact GABA (D) or for GLU (El. This bouton is strongly immunoreactive for
with this dendrite ( b l and b2) are shown at higher magnification in GLU but is nonimmunoreactive for GABA. It forms a synapse (arrow-
B-E. B,C: Bouton b l shown in adjacent sections stained for GABA (B) heads) with the dendrite. Note the crystal of BDHC at the bottom of E,
or for GLU (C). This bouton, which is immunoreactive for GABA but which indicates immunoreactivity for CaBP.

projection, anterograde tract-tracing studies revealed that al., 1989; Shook et al., 1991; Sesack and Pickel, 1992a;
the prefrontal cortex contributes more significantly to this Naito and Kita, 1994). A common feature that stood out
pathway than other cortical areas (Kiinzle, 1978; Sesack et from these anatomical studies is that the cerebral cortex is

the source of a relatively sparse input to midbrain dopamin- cantly the level of burst firing in nigral dopaminergic cells
e r g c neurons. in the rat (Smith and Grace, 1992). Therefore, the subtha-
Early analysis at the electron microscopic level revealed lamic nucleus appears to contribute directly to the excita-
that the cortical terminals are packed with round electron- tion of dopaminergic neurons in the rat SNc. In keeping
lucent vesicles and form mainly asymmetric synapses with with these data, our findings demonstrate that a population
SNc neurons (Malinov et al., 1982; Usunoff et al., 1982; of glutamate-enriched boutons, the so-called type I11 termi-
Nitsch et al., 1984). More recently, the use of double nals, display the ultrastructural features of subthalamic
immunocytochemical techniques at the electron micro- boutons (Kita and Kitai, 1987; Rinvik and Ottersen, 1993;
scopic level has allowed researchers to demonstrate that Bevan et al., 1994; Smith et al., 199413; Shink and Smith,
some of the VTA neurons that receive cortical inputs 1995) and form asymmetric synapses with dopaminergic
displayed TH immunoreactivity (Sesack and Pickel, 1992a). neurons in the SNc and VTA of squirrel monkey. However,
To our knowledge, the existence of direct synaptic contacts the type I11 terminals represent a minority of glutamatergic
between cortical boutons and dopaminergic neurons in the
boutons in contact with midbrain dopaminergic cells in the
SNc still remains to be demonstrated. The ultrastructural squirrel monkey.
features of the anterogradely labelled terminals in contact
Pedunculopontine nucleus. The possibility that the
with dopaminergic neurons in the rat VTA (Sesack and
pedunculopontine nucleus is the source of glutamate-
Pickel, 1992a) largely correspond to those of the type I
enriched boutons in contact with midbrain dopaminergic
terminals described in our study. These data combined with
data suggesting the glutamatergic nature of the cortical neurons was investigated and is discussed in detail in the
input to midbrain dopaminergic neurons (Carter, 1982; companion paper (Charara et al., 1996).
Kornhuber et al., 1984; Christie et al., 1985; Gariano and Kaphk nuclei. The neurons in the dorsal and median
Groves, 1988) indicate that the cerebral cortex is likely to be raphe nuclei are well known as the sources of serotonin in
the source of some of the glutamate-enriched boutons that the substantia nigra and the VTA (Bobillier et al., 1976;
form synapses with dopaminergic neurons in the SNc and Van der Kooy and Hattori, 1980; Parent et al., 1981;
the VTA of squirrel monkeys. However, because of the Steinbusch, 1984; Imai et al., 1986; Lavoie and Parent,
scarcity of labelled terminals at the midbrain level after 1990). On the basis of electron microscopic data, it appears
cortical injections of anterograde tracers (Kiinzle, 1978; that the ultrastructural features of the serotonin-immuno-
Jurgens, 1984; Huerta et al., 1986; Leichnetz, 1986; Stan- reactive boutons that form asymmetric synapses with
ton et al., 1988; Shook et al., 1991), the cerebral cortex midbrain dopaminergic neurons in the rat (Herve et al.,
should not be considered to be the sole source of glutamater- 1987; Nedergaard et al., 1988; Corvaja et al., 1993; Van
gic boutons in contact with midbrain dopaminergic neurons Bockstaele et al., 1994) resemble those of the type I
in primates. This is particularly true for VTA neurons, terminals described in our study. In light of the findings
because our data demonstrate that more than 60% of the suggesting the coexistence of glutamate and serotonin in
boutons in contact with these cells display glutamate single raphe neurons (Fung et al., 1992; Nicholas et al.,
immunoreactivity. 1992; Johnson, 1994), it is likely that serotonin and gluta-
Subthalamic nucleus. The existence of a direct connec- mate coexist at the level of single terminals that form
tion from the subthalamic nucleus to the substantia nigra synapses with dopaminergic neurons in the SNc and the
has been demonstrated in various species by means of VTA of the squirrel monkey. On the other hand, it has been
anterograde (Nauta and Cole, 1978; Carpenter et al., 1981; shown that a substantial proportion of raphe neurons that
Kita and Kitai, 1987; Groenewegen and Berendse, 1990; project to the striatum in the rat are nonserotonergic
Smith et al., 1990; Rinvik and Ottersen, 1993; Bevan et al., (Steinbusch et al., 1980). These data combined with data
1994) and retrograde (Kanazawa et al., 1976; Parent and demonstrating that the raphe-nigral and raphe-striatal
Smith, 1987) tract-tracing techniques. In primates, this projections largely arise from the same neurons (Van der
projection arises from a group of neurons that is confined to Kooy and Hattori, 1980) suggest the possibility that some of
the ventromedial region of the subthalamic nucleus (Parent the raphe neurons that project to the SNc and VTA in
and Smith, 1987). Electrophysiological data has shown that monkeys use only glutamate as a neurotransmitter. In
the subthalamic nucleus is a powerful excitatory driver of keeping with this hypothesis, stimulation of the dorsal
nigral neurons (Hammond et al., 1978; Nakanishi et al., raphe nucleus induces a nonserotonergic, fast, excitatory
1987; Robledo and Feger, 1990). These data combined with effect in midbrain dopaminergic neurons in the rat (Gervais
immunohistochemical findings showing that the peri-
and Rouillard, 1993). The chemical content of the raphe
karyon (Smith and Parent, 1988; Albin et al., 1989) and
terminals in contact with midbrain dopaminergic neurons
terminals (Rinvik and Ottersen, 1993; Shink and Smith,
in primates is currently under investigation in our labora-
1995)of subthalamic neurons display glutamate immunore-
activity indicate that the subthalamic nucleus is likely to be tory.
the source of some of the glutamate-enriched boutons Other minor sources. The central nucleus of the amyg-
described in our study. Although direct synaptic contacts dala (Price and Amaral, 1981; Gerfen et al., 1982; Gonzales
between subthalamic terminals and dopaminergic neurons and Chesselet, 1990), the intralaminar thalamic nuclei
have never been shown, labelled varicosities occurred in the (Gerfen et al., 1982; Sadikot et al., 1992), and the lateral
SNc after injections of anterograde tracers in the subtha- hypothalamus (Gerfen et al., 1982) are additional sources
lamic nucleus of rat (Kita and Kitai, 1987; Groenewegen that may contribute to the glutamatergic innervation of
and Berendse, 1990) and monkey (Smith et al., 1990). midbrain dopaminergic neurons. However, the ultrastruc-
Moreover, stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus en- tural features and the exact proportion of the terminals
hanced dendritic release of dopamine in the substantia arising from these regions, which form asymmetric syn-
nigra (Mintz et al., 1986; Rosales et al., 1994). On the other apses with dopaminergic neurons, still remain to be estab-
hand, lesions of the subthalamic nucleus reduced signifi- lished.


~ r u W P c n ( n d c o c o 0


What does glutamate do to midbrain electrophysiological data, it is likely that terminals arising
dopaminergic neurons? from the cerebral cortex and the subthalamic nucleus
participate in the generation of burst firing in midbrain
The dopaminergic neurons in the SNc and the VTA, as dopaminergic cells. For instance, stimulation of these brain
mentioned at the beginning of this paper, exhibit two structures led to a higher degree of burst firing in subpopu-
different types of firing patterns: irregular single spiking or lations of midbrain dopaminergic neurons in the rat (Gari-
burst firing (see above). The pattern of discharge of mid- ano and Groves, 1988; Smith and Grace, 1992; Chergui et
brain dopaminergic cells is quite important, because the al., 1994). On the other hand, lesions of the cerebral cortex
burst activity in these neurons is positively correlated with or the subthalamic nucleus led to opposite effects, i.e., a
the release of transmitter in their targets (Gonon and Buda, decrease of burst firing (Svensson and Tung, 1989; Smith
1985; Suaud-Chagny et al., 1992; Nissbrandt et al., 1994). and Grace, 1992). However, it is worth noting that a large
It has been shown that the shift from the irregular single- proportion of recorded dopaminergic neurons were not
spike mode to the burst-firing mode is regulated by extrin- affected by changes of activity at cortical or subthalamic
sic glutamatergic afferents (see above). If this is also the level (Svensson and Tung, 1989; Smith and Grace, 1992).
case in primates (Schultz, 1986; Romo and Schultz, 19901, Therefore, it is important to keep in mind that other
then our data provide evidence of a potential anatomical glutamatergic afferents must be involved in the generation
substrate that underlies the control of the firing pattern of
of burst firing in dopaminergc cells. The potential role of
midbrain dopaminergc neurons in monkeys. However, it is
the glutamate-enriched terminals arising from the peduncu-
important to remember that glutamaterac afferents alone
lopontine nucleus is discussed in the companion paper
cannot induce burst firing in midbrain dopaminergic neu-
(Charara et al., 1996). The raphe nuclei, which contain
rons. For instance, in vitro recording from rat midbrain
glutamatergic neurons, may also exert an important con-
slices revealed that superfusion with excitatory amino acid
trol on the activity of SNc and VTA neurons, as mentioned
agonists increased the firing rate but never induced burst
firing in SNc and VTA neurons (Wang and French, 1993;
The recent introduction of specific oligonucleotide probes
Wu et al., 1994). Therefore, other modulatory afferents
and antibodies has revealed the existence of different types
must be intact in order to allow glutamatergic inputs to
change the firing pattern of midbrain dopaminergic cells. It
of ionotropic and metabotropic glutamate receptors associ-
is difficult to speculate on this issue, because the neuronal ated with midbrain dopaminergic neurons in the rat. The
mechanisms that underlie the generation of burst firing in NMDARl (Laurie and Seeburg, 1994; Petralia et al., 1994;
midbrain dopaminergic cells are still poorly understood. In Standaert et al., 1994) as well as the subunits GLURl and
light of recent data showing that burst firing can be induced GLUR213 of the a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxa-
in vitro if the superfusion solution contains a blocker of zoleproprionate (AMPA) ionotropic receptors (Petralia and
Caz+-activatedK+-conductance (Johnson and North, 1992), Wenthold, 1992; Martin et al., 1993) abound at midbrain
one possibility could be that afferents that reduce the level. On the other hand, mGLURl is the only subunit of
transmembrane potassium current facilitate the induction metabotropic receptors expressed by midbrain dopaminer-
of burst firing in midbrain dopaminergic cells by excitatory gic cells (Testa et al., 1994). Taken together, these data
amino acids. indicate that glutamate may generate excitatory influences
An important finding in our study is that the proportion in midbrain dopaminergic neurons through the activation
of glutamate-enriched terminals in contact with dopaminer- of various types of glutamate receptors. An issue that
gic neurons is significantly higher in the VTA than in the remains controversial is the possibility that AMPA recep-
SNc. In light of the data discussed above, one might expect tors are involved in the induction of burst firing. For
that VTA neurons may have a pattern of discharge different instance, in vivo extracellular recordings combined with
from SNc cells. In keeping with this suggestion, it has been microiontophoretic application of excitatory amino acid
demonstrated that VTA dopaminergic neurons display a agonists and antagonists revealed, on one hand, that ago-
much higher degree of burst firing than SNc neurons in nists of NMDA receptors, (but not those ofAMPAreceptors,
anaesthetized rats (Chiodo et al., 1984; Grenhoff et al., generate bursts in SNc and VTA neurons (Chergui et al.,
1988b). These findings strengthen the role of glutamatergic 1993): On the other hand, another group showed that
afferents in the generation of burst firing in midbrain AMPA, NMDA, and kainate agonists induce burst firing in
dopaminergic cells. midbrain dopaminergic cells in the rat (Zhanget al., 1994).
Our data have revealed the existence of three major Moreover, the latter study showed that blockade of NMDA
categories of glutamate-enriched boutons in contact with receptors had no effect on the induction of bursts by AMPA
dopaminergic cells in the SNc and the VTA of squirrel or kainate agonists (Zhang et al., 1994). On the basis of
monkeys. Various brain structures, as discussed above, recent electrophysiological and pharmacological studies, it
may be the source of these terminals. On the basis of appears that NMDA receptors mediate the excitatory ef-
fects generated by subthalamic afferents (Chergui et al.,
1994), whereas glutamatergic inputs from the pedunculo-
pontine nucleus act preferentially on non-NMDA receptors
Fig. 9 Histograms comparing the relative abundance of GLU- located on SNc dopaminergic neurons (Di Loreto et al.,
enriched terminals (open bars; > 50 gold particles/FmZ)and boutons 1992).It is worth noting that stimulation of the pedunculo-
with a low level of GLU immunoreactivity (solid bars; <50 gold pontine nucleus does not induce burst firing in dopaminer-
Z )contact with different parts of dopaminergc neurons
p a r t i c l e s ~ ~ n iin gic cells (Scarnati et al., 1986; Di Loreto et al., 1992),
in the ventral tA1 and dorsal (B)tiers of SNc as well as in the VTA iC). whereas activation of the subthalamic nucleus does so.
Note that the percentage of GLU-enriched terminals in contact with
deiidritic shafts is higher in the VTA than i n the ventral and dorsal tiers
These observations support the hypothesis that activation
of the SNc. In contrast, the proportion of GLU-enriched boutons in of NMDA is essential for generating bursts in midbrain
contact with perikarya remained the same in the three different regions dopaminergic cells (Chergui et al., 1994). Recent evidence
of midbrain dopaminergc neurons. has suggested a close interaction between NMDA and

Fig. 10. Electron micrographs depicting CaBP-immunoreactive den- belled, whereas b5 is immunoreactive. C,D: High-power views of these
drites ( d l and d2) that are contacted by GLU-enriched terminals in the terminals in GLU-immunostained sections. Boutons b l and b3 display
VTA. A,B: Low-power views of the two dendrites in sections immuno- the ultrastructural features of type I terminals and form asymmetric
stained for GLU (A) or for GABA (B). Three boutons (bl,b3, b5) in synapses (arrowheads) with d l (C). Bouton b4 displays the ultrastruc-
contact with d l and the bouton b4 in contact with d2 display a high level tural features of a type I1 terminal and forms an asymmetric synapse
of immunoreactivity for GLU. In contrast, b2 is lightly labelled for (arrowhead) with d2 (D). Scale bars = 1 pm in A (also applies to B), 1
GLU. In the GABA-immunostained section, b l , b3, and b4 are unla- pm in C (also applies to D).

non-NMDA receptors to generate excitatory postsynaptic they all indicate that the type of glutamate receptors
currents in SNc neurons (Mereu et al., 1991).Although the activated by a particular population of glutamatergic affer-
controversies regarding these data are difficult to explain, ents is a key feature in the global understanding of the

Fig. 11. A,B: Electron micrographs showing a bouton t h a t forms a n bouton is strongly immunoreactive, whereas it is unlabelled in the
asymmetric synapse iB, arrowheads) with a TH-immunoreactive peri- section processed for GABA immunostaining (B). The arrows indicate
karyon t PER) in the VTA. In the GLU-immunostained section (A). this dense-core vesicles. Scale bar = 1 km in A (also applies to B).

SNc (ventral tier) SNc (dorsal tier) VTA



Fig. 12. Schematic drawing summarizing the pattern of distrihu- levels of GLU immunoreactivity are involved in symmetric synaptic
tion of boutons enriched (solid terminals; > 50 gold particlesikm') or contacts. Note that the proportion of GLU-enriched boutons in contact
poor topen terminals; < 50 gold particles/pm2) in GLU a t the level of with dendritic shafts is higher in the VTA than in the SNc-v and the
single dopaminergic cells in t h e two tiers of the substantia nigra SNc-d. The innervation of perikarya is relatively similar in the three
compacta iSNc-v, SNc-d) and t h e VTA. All of the GLU-enriched groups of midbrain dopaminergic neurons.
houtons form asymmetric synapses, whereas the terminals with low

synaptic mechanisms involved in the control of the firing Potential clinical relevance
pattern of midbrain dopaminergic neurons. Future experi-
ments designed to elucidate the subcellular localization of Although various hypotheses have been suggested for the
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tribute to resolving this issue. disease. An important source of toxicity for the midbrain
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The authors thank Jean-Frangois Pare, Carole Harvey,
Chergui, K., H. Akaoka, P.J. Charlety, C.F. Saunier, M. Buda, and G.
and Lisette Bertrand for technical assistance as well as Chouvet f 1994) Subthalamic nucleus modulates burst firing in nigral
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of mesocortical dopamine neurons. Neuroscience 12:1-17.
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