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Superior College Sheikhupura

2nd Year Short Question (English)

1. What happened when the wandering star came nearer and nearer?
2. Why is there no life on the stars?
3. Write a note on the beginning of life on earth?
4. How has the scientific method helped us in our fight against disease?
5. How has scientific method helped us in the production and preservation of foods?
6. We are less fearful than our ancestors. What were our ancestors afraid of?
7. What part did astrology play in the lives of men and women in the past? Give examples?
8. How do mistaken ambitions on the part of boys and their parents lead to the failure of
the boys?
9. How does financial pressure lead to the failure of students described in the lesson? Do
you have similar cases in your country?
10. He liked holidays for their freedom- freedom for what?
11. How did he spend his summer holidays?
12. Why should bad books be destroyed?
13. How did he decide to get rid of them?
14. What was his first reaction?
15. Describe his visit to the medical man?
16. What was the prescription given to him by the doctor?
17. Why did the manager come to think that Leacock had an awful secret to reveal?
18. What sort of questions is asked by your examiners?
19. Why did not Churchill do well in examinations?
20. How did he do his Latin paper?
21. What had Christopher‘s foster mother to do with his desire to see distant places?
22. How did he manage to get a seat in the weapon carrier?
23. Describe the journey through ‘The land of Thirst and death’.
24. Where did Mr. Chips live after his retirement?
25. How did Mr. Chips measure his time when he was living at Mrs. Wickett's house?
26. What did Mr. Chips do before going to bed?
27. What advice did Mr. Wetherby give to Mr. Chips?
28. What was presented to Chips on his retirement?
29. A decent career decently closed? Comment
30. Who was Collingwood?
31. How did Mr. Chips came across Katherine Bridges?
32. Describe Katherine's physical grace.
33. Describe Katherine's ideas.
34. Why did Chips dislike Shaw and Ibsen?
35. What type of man was Mr. Chips before marriage?
36. What changes did marriage bring in Chips?
37. Describe Poplar boys' visit to Brookfield.
38. When and how did Katherine die?
39. Describe personality of Mr. Ralston.
40. Who was Ogilive?

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