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B1 Passive Voice PA001

Make passive sentences using the word parts and the given tense.

1. The window – open (present perfect simple)

2. Her room – paint (past progressive)
3. He – take – to the airport. (present perfect simple)
4. The bike – repair – at the moment (present progressive)
5. The cows – feed – every morning (present simple)
6. The novel – write – a hundred years ago (past simple)
7. The food – must put – in the fridge (present simple)
8. A press conference – hold – tomorrow afternoon (future simple)
9. Our new house – just – finish (present perfect simple)
10. The thief – see – by the policeman (past perfect simple)
11. The story – often tell – by grandmother (present simple)
12. The package – send – by a good friend (past simple)
13. He – not see – for ages (present perfect simple)
14. My dad – off – a new job – later this week (future simple)
15. The church – not renovate – for two hundred years (present perfect simple)
16. Breakfast – serve – from 7 to 10 (present simple)

1. The window – open (present perfect simple)

The window has been opened.
2. Her room – paint (past progressive)
Her room was being painted.
3. He – take – to the airport. (present perfect simple)
He has been taken to the airport.
4. The bike – repair – at the moment (present progressive)
The bike is being repaired at the moment.
5. The cows – feed – every morning (present simple)
The cows are fed every morning.
6. The novel – write – a hundred years ago (past simple)
The novel was written a hundred years ago.
7. The food – must put – in the fridge (present simple)
The food must be put in the fridge.
8. A press conference – hold – tomorrow afternoon (future simple)
A press conference will be held tomorrow afternoon.
9. Our new house – just – finish (present perfect simple)
Our new house has just been finished.
10. The thief – see – by the policeman (past perfect simple)
The thief had been seen by the policeman.
11. The story – often tell – by grandmother (present simple)
The story is often told by grandmother.
12. The package – send – by a good friend (past simple)
The package was sent by a good friend.
13. He – not see – for ages (present perfect simple)
He has not been seen for ages.
14. My dad – off – a new job – later this week (future simple)
My dad will be offered a new job later this week.
15. The church – not renovate – for two hundred years (present perfect simple)
The church has not been renovated for two hundred years.
16. Breakfast – serve – from 7 to 10 (present simple)
Breakfast is served from 7 to 10.
B1 Passive Voice PA002

Rewrite the sentences and make them passive.

1. They will send you the boxes next week.

2. Coca Cola has sponsored this programme.
3. The manager has locked the door.
4. After they had shut the doors nobody could get in.
5. The organizers of the event welcomed the president.
6. They are inviting hundreds of guests to the opening of the new theatre.
7. Los Angeles will host the 2028 Olympic Games.
8. The farmer milks the cows twice a day.
9. Everyone went to bed after they had switched off the lights.
10. Stephen Spielberg is directing a major action film at the moment.
11. The local authorities have cut down three trees in our street.
12. They serve lunch from 12 to 2.
13. When I got there, they were paving the road.
14. The referee will stop the match if the weather gets worse.
15. Mom hasn’t washed my jeans since October.

1. They will send you the boxes next week.

The boxes will be sent to you next week.
You will be sent the boxes next week.
2. Coca Cola has sponsored this programme.
This programme has been sponsored by Coca Cola
3. The manager has locked the door.
The door has been locked by the manager.
4. After they had shut the doors nobody could get in.
After the doors had been shut nobody could get in.
5. The organizers of the event welcomed the president.
The president was welcomed by the organizers.
6. They are inviting hundreds of guests to the opening of the new theatre.
Hundreds of guests are being invited to the opening of the new theatre.
7. Los Angeles will host the 2028 Olympic Games.
The 2028 Olympic Games will be hosted in Los Angeles.
8. The farmer milks the cows twice a day.
The cows are milked twice a day.
9. Everyone went to bed after they had switched off the lights.
Everyone went to bed after the lights had been switched off.
10. Stephen Spielberg is directing a major action film at the moment.
A major action film is being directed by Stephen Spielberg at the moment.
11. The local authorities have cut down three trees in our street.
Three trees in our street have been cut down by the local authorities.
12. They serve lunch from 12 to 2.
Lunch is served from 12 to 2.
13. When I got there, they were paving the road.
When I got there the road was being paved.
14. The referee will stop the match if the weather gets worse.
The match will be stopped if the rain gets worse.
15. Mom hasn’t washed my jeans since October.
My jeans haven’t been washed since October.
B1 Passive Voice PA003

Rewrite the sentences and make them passive.

1. They don’t expect you to win the match.

__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
2. He will finish the puzzle by tomorrow.
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
3. The judge has sentenced many criminals in his career.
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
4. Millions of people around the world love football.
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
5. They are tearing down the old bridge at the moment.
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
6. Has anyone opened these letters?
_____________________________________________________________________________________ ?
7. The boys pushed Tom into the river.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
8. They say he is an excellent pianist.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
9. They gave him a new outfit for the performance.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
10. What are they going to ask him?
_____________________________________________________________________________________ ?
11. We will have to do this work by next Monday.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
12. They could not reach the crash site in time.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
13. Mom is ironing your shirt.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
14. The headmaster did not allow students to smoke.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
15. The police should bring him to the station.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .

1. They don’t expect you to win the match.

You are not expected to win the match.
2. He will finish the puzzle by tomorrow.
The puzzle will be finished by tomorrow.
3. The judge has sentenced many criminals in his career.
Many criminals have been sentenced by the judge in his career.
4. Millions of people around the world love football.
Football is loved by millions of people around the world.
5. They are tearing down the old bridge at the moment.
The old bridge is being torn down at the moment.
6. Has anyone opened these letters?
Have these letters been opened?
7. The boys pushed Tom into the river.
Tom was pushed into the river by the boys.
8. They say he is an excellent pianist.
He is said to be an excellent pianist.
9. They gave him a new outfit for the performance.
He was given a new outfit for the performance.
A new outfit was given to him for the performance.
10. What are they going to ask him?
What is he going to be asked?
11. We will have to do this work by next Monday.
This work will have to be done by Monday.
12. They could not reach the crash site in time.
The crash site could not be reached in time.
13. Mom is ironing your shirt.
Your shirt is being ironed (by Mom)
14. The headmaster did not allow students to smoke.
Students were not allowed to smoke (by the headmaster).
15. The police should bring him to the station.
He should be brought to the station (by the police).
B1 Passive Voice PA004

Rewrite the sentences and make them passive.

1. Families in poor countries often force their children to work.

__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
2. They have offered him a good job.
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
3. They should have redecorated the house before Christmas.
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
4. They will repair my car by next week.
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
5. People say that he is a good surfer.
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
6. They have treated the prisoners badly for years.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
7. You haven’t answered to my question yet.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
8. We had to call the ambulance.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
9. In Asia children do a lot of the work.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
10. You cannot reach this village by train.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
11. Settlers built this town in 1802.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
12. Committee members handed out invitations for the meeting.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
13. You must park your car in the garage.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
14. They showed us the most important paintings in the gallery.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
15. They speak Spanish here.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .

1. Families in poor countries often force their children to work.

Children in poor countries are often forced to work by their families.
2. They have offered him a good job.
He was offered a good job.
A good job has been offered to him.
3. They should have redecorated the house before Christmas.
The house should have been redecorated before Christmas.
4. They will repair my car by next week.
My car will be repaired by next week.
5. People say that he is a good surfer.
He is said to be a good surfer.
6. They have treated the prisoners badly for years.
The prisoners have been treated badly for years.
7. You haven’t answered to my question yet.
My question hasn’t been answered yet.
8. We had to call the ambulance.
The ambulance had to be called.
9. In Asia children do a lot of the work.
In Asia a lot of the work is done by children.
10. You cannot reach this village by train.
This village cannot be reached by train.
11. Settlers built this town in 1802.
This town was built in 1802.
12. Committee members handed out invitations for the meeting.
Invitations for the meeting were handed out by committee members.
13. You must park your car in the garage.
Cars must be parked in the garage.
14. They showed us the most important paintings in the gallery.
We were shown the most important paintings in the gallery.
The most important paintings in the gallery were shown to us.
15. They speak Spanish here.
Spanish is spoken here.
B1 Passive Voice PA005

Rewrite the sentences and make them passive.

1. They are serving breakfast in the dining room.

__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
2. They play rugby in all the Commonwealth countries.
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
3. You must clean your suit for the ceremony.
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
4. The authorities are opening the town health centre next week.
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
5. Nobody can beat Liverpool.
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
6. After John had repaired the car, he sold it.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
7. Steven King wrote the book.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
8. You should send the email today.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
9. The doctor must examine you again.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
10. The company has produced cars since the beginning of the century.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
11. The Egyptians buried pharaohs in pyramids.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
12. They will meet you at the train station.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
13. Has everyone read the instructions?
_____________________________________________________________________________________ ?
14. The nurse reads the newspaper to the old man every day.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
15. They must have left the documents behind.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .

1. They are serving breakfast in the dining room.

Breakfast is being served in the dining room.
2. They play rugby in all the Commonwealth countries.
Rugby is played in all the Commonwealth countries.
3. You must clean your suit for the ceremony.
The suit must be cleaned for the ceremony.
4. The authorities are opening the town health centre next week.
The town health centre is being opened next week.
5. Nobody can beat Liverpool.
Liverpool cannot be beaten.
6. After John had repaired the car, he sold it.
After the car had been repaired it was sold.
7. Steven King wrote the book.
The book was written by Stephen King.
8. You should send the email today.
The email should be sent today.
9. The doctor must examine you again.
You must be examined again (by the doctor).
10. The company has produced cars since the beginning of the century.
Cars have been produced since the beginning of the century.
11. The Egyptians buried pharaohs in pyramids.
Pharaohs were buried in pyramids by the Egyptians.
12. They will meet you at the train station.
You will be met at the strain station.
13. Has everyone read the instructions?
Have the instructions been read (by everyone)?
14. The nurse reads the newspaper to the old man every day.
The newspaper is read to the old man by the nurse every day.
15. They must have left the documents behind.
The documents must have been left behind.
B1 Passive Voice PA006

Make sentences in passive voice using the tenses in brackets. Add words where

1. Great motorcycles - make – Japan (PRESENT SIMPLE)

__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
2. The lawn – not mow –last week (PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
3. The postman – not see – recently (PRESENT PERECT SIMPLE)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
4. The Gothic cathedral – build – 10th century. (PAST SIMPLE)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
5. Many languages – speak – in the EU (PRESENT SIMPLE)
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
6. The schoolhouse – repair – today (PRESENT PROGRESSIVE)
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
7. The prize – award – tomorrow (FUTURE SIMPLE)
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
8. After the accident – Harry – take – to a doctor (PAST SIMPLE)
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
9. When I came in – the fridge – repair (PAST PROGRESSIVE)
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
10. The jewels – find – in the basement. (PAST SIMPLE)
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
11. After the shop – close – it – sell (PAST PERFECT SIMPLE – PAST SIMPLE)
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
12. Special technology – use (PRESENT PROGRESSIVE)
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
13. The thief – not find – by the police (PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE)
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
14. The shop – close – next month (FUTURE SIMPLE)
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
15. The cat – call – Sissy (PRESENT SIMPLE)
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .

1. Great motorcycles - make – Japan (PRESENT SIMPLE)

Great motorcycles are made in Japan.
2. The lawn – not mow –last week (PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE)
The lawn has not been mowed since last week.
3. The postman – not see – recently (PRESENT PERECT SIMPLE)
The postman hasn’t been seen recently.
4. The Gothic cathedral – build – 10th century. (PAST SIMPLE)
The Gothic cathedral was built in the 10th century.
5. Many languages – speak – in the EU (PRESENT SIMPLE)
Many languages are spoken in the EU.
6. The schoolhouse – repair – today (PRESENT PROGRESSIVE)
The schoolhouse is being repaired today.
7. The prize – award – tomorrow (FUTURE SIMPLE)
The prize will be awarded tomorrow.
8. After the accident – Harry – take – to a doctor (PAST SIMPLE)
After the accident Harry was taken to a doctor.
9. When I came in – the fridge – repair (PAST PROGRESSIVE)
When I came in the fridge was being repaired.
10. The jewels – find – in the basement. (PAST SIMPLE)
The jewels were found in the basement.
11. After the shop – close – it – sell (PAST PERFECT SIMPLE – PAST SIMPLE)
After the shop had been closed it was sold.
12. Special technology – use (PRESENT PROGRESSIVE)
Special technology is being used.
13. The thief – not find – by the police (PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE)
The thief has not been found by the police.
14. The shop – close – next month (FUTURE SIMPLE)
The shop will be closed next month.
15. The cat – call – Sissy (PRESENT SIMPLE)
The cat is called Sissy.
B1 Passive Voice PA007

Fill in the correct passive form of the verb.

1. Romeo and Juliet ___________________ by Shakespeare. (WRITE)

2. The books _________________________ yet. (NOT PUBLISH)
3. As soon as I got home, I realized that my wallet _________________________. (STEAL)
4. Dinner _________________________ between 5 and 10 p.m. every day. (SERVE)
5. No letters _________________________ since the start of the strike. (DELIVER)
6. The building _________________________ torn down when we got there (BE).
7. Progress in many fields of science _________________________ in the last decade. (MAKE)
8. Since last week 5 of the 7 terrorists _________________________. (CATCH)
9. Taxes _________________________ by the new government next month. (INCREASE)
10. The classroom _________________________ next week. (REDECORATE)
11. The church _________________________ by a famous architect in the 18th century.
12. The tunnel _________________________ at the moment, so it's closed for all traffic.
13. My phone _________________________. I can't find it anywhere. (TAKE)
14. The application _________________________ by Friday. (MUST SEND)
15. When we first met, I had _________________________ a job at the bank. (ALREADY OFFER)
16. Olives _________________________ in Mediterranean countries. (GROW)
17. He _________________________ French when he spent his childhood there. (TEACH)
18. "A Hard Days Night" _________________________ by the Beatles. (WRITE)
19. We _________________________ about the hurricane for the last few days. (WARN)
20. Before the meeting was over all the food _________________________. (EAT)
21. I _____________________________ extra pay this month. (ALREADY GIVE)
22. I _________________________ by the music so I couldn't concentrate. (DISTURB)
23. Aluminium _________________________ out of bauxite. (MAKE)
24. _________________________________________ yet? (THE PACKAGES , DELIVER)
25. A UFO _________________________ by several witnesses yesterday evening. (SEE)

1. Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare. (WRITE)

2. The books have not been published yet. (NOT PUBLISH)
3. As soon as I got home, I realized that my wallet had been stolen. (STEAL)
4. Dinner is served between 5 and 10 p.m. every day. (SERVE)
5. No letters have been delivered since the start of the strike. (DELIVER)
6. The building was being torn down when we got there (BE).
7. Progress in many fields of science has been made in the last decade. (MAKE)
8. Since last week 5 of the 7 terrorists have been caught. (CATCH)
9. Taxes are being increased/ will be increased/ are going to be increased by the new
government next month. (INCREASE)
10. The classroom will be redecorated/ is being redecorated next week. (REDECORATE)
11. The church was designed by a famous architect in the 18th century. (DESIGN)
12. The tunnel is being repaired at the moment, so it's closed for all traffic. (REPAIR)
13. My phone has been taken. I can't find it anywhere. (TAKE)
14. The application must be sent by Friday. (MUST SEND)
15. When we first met, I had already been offered a job at the bank. (ALREADY OFFER)
16. Olives are grown in Mediterranean countries. (GROW)
17. He was taught French when he spent his childhood there. (TEACH)
18. "A Hard Days Night" was written by the Beatles. (WRITE)
19. We have been warned about the hurricane for the last few days. (WARN)
20. Before the meeting was over all the food had been eaten. (EAT)
21. I have already been given extra pay this month. (ALREADY GIVE)
22. I was disturbed by the music so I couldn't concentrate. (DISTURB)
23. Aluminium is made out of bauxite. (MAKE)
24. Have the packages been delivered yet? (THE PACKAGES , DELIVER)
25. A UFO was seen by several witnesses yesterday evening. (SEE)
B1 Passive Voice PA008

Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice.

1. Someone has already paid the workers.

_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
2. Who wrote that book?
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
3. They taught him Spanish and gave him a word list.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
4. People say that the strike will end soon.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
5. My friend offered me a job at the bank.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
6. The boss asked him to leave the meeting.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
7. Did the proposal interest you?
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
8. They will show the paintings at the exhibition until Monday.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
9. They are repairing the church bells at the moment.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
10. They say that the man is living in London.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
11. You have never watered these plants.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
12. When I entered the room, the teacher was passing out the test instructions.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
13. They treat and cure people at hospitals.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
14. They haven't seen him since last week.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
15. Everyone says he is a great footballer.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
16. The police told her that they had found her lost purse.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ .
1. Someone has already paid the workers.
The workers have already been paid.
2. Who wrote that book?
Who was that book written by?
3. They taught him Spanish and gave him a word list.
He was taught Spanish and given a word list.
4. People say that the strike will end soon.
The strike is said to end soon.
5. My friend offered me a job at the bank.
I was offered a job at the bank by my friend.
A job at the bank was offered to me by my friend.
6. The boss asked him to leave the meeting.
He was asked (by the boss) to leave the meeting.
7. Did the proposal interest you?
Were you interested by the proposal?
8. They will show the paintings at the exhibition until Monday.
The paintings at the exhibition will be shown until Monday.
9. They are repairing the church bells at the moment.
The church bells are being repaired at the moment.
10. They say that the man is living in London.
The man is said to be living in London.
11. You have never watered these plants.
These plants have never been watered.
12. When I entered the room, the teacher was passing out the test instructions.
When I entered the room the test instructions were being passed out.
13. They treat and cure people at hospitals.
People are treated and cured at hospitals.
14. They haven't seen him since last week.
He hasn't been seen since last week.
15. Everyone says he is a great footballer.
He is said to be a great footballer.
16. The police told her that they had found her lost purse.
She was told (by the police) that her lost purse had been found.
B1 Active and Passive Voice PA009

Complete the sentences with the correct active or passive form of the verb in

1. At last night's ceremony, they _____________ the award to an unknown actress. (GIVE)
2. The survivors __________________ by a cruise ship that __________________ to be near
3. Two hours after the accident the doctor __________________ him dead. (DECLARE)
4. I remember __________________ to the circus by my father. (BE TAKE)
5. The weather _____________________ in the next few days. (NOT IMPROVE)
6. Coffee _____________________ before you __________________ it. (MUST ROAST, SELL)
7. The bridge _______________________ at the moment so it _____________________. (REPAIR,
8. The police __________________ the victim a picture of the suspect. (SHOW)
9. The new staff members _____________________ all the help they need. (GIVE)
10. That door _________________________ for ages. (NOT OPEN)
11. A few days ago, a judge __________________ him to appear before court next month.
12. The Times __________________________ such a shocking letter before. (NEVER PUBLISH)
13. They _________________________ on what to do when the headmaster __________________
14. The vandals __________________ bottles into windows and __________________ a few cars.
15. The new teammates _______________________ more time to get accustomed to the
practice sessions. (SHOULD GIVE)
16. After dad __________________ me to the zoo, he __________________ me some new
clothes at the department store. (TAKE, BUY)
17. I __________________ to the party last Thursday because I ____________________. (NOT
18. I __________________ so surprised by such an outstanding performance before. (NEVER
19. When we __________________ out of the cinema, the bus __________________ to take us
home. (COME, WAIT)
20. All the papers _____________________ in by next Friday. (MUST HAND)

1. At last night's ceremony, they gave the award to an unknown actress. (GIVE)
2. The survivors were rescued by a cruise ship that happened to be near them.
3. Two hours after the accident the doctor declared him dead. (DECLARE)
4. I remember being taken to the circus by my father. (BE TAKE)
5. The weather will not improve in the next few days. (NOT IMPROVE)
6. Coffee must be roasted before you sell it. (MUST ROAST, SELL)
7. The bridge is being repaired at the moment so it can't be used. (REPAIR, CANNOT
8. The police showed the victim a picture of the suspect. (SHOW)
9. The new staff members will be given all the help they need. (GIVE)
10. That door hasn't been opened for ages. (NOT OPEN)
11. A few days ago, a judge ordered him to appear before court next month. (ORDER)
12. The Times have never published such a shocking letter before. (NEVER PUBLISH)
13. They were being instructed on what to do when the headmaster came in.
14. The vandals threw bottles into windows and destroyed a few cars. (THROW,
15. The new teammates should be given more time to get accustomed to the practice
sessions. (SHOULD GIVE)
16. After dad had taken me to the zoo, he bought me some new clothes at the
department store. (TAKE, BUY)
17. I didn't go to the party last Thursday because I was not invited/ had not been
invited. (NOT GO, NOT INVITE)
18. I have never been so surprised by such an outstanding performance before.
19. When we came out of the cinema, the bus was waiting to take us home. (COME,
20. All the papers must be handed in by next Friday. (MUST HAND)
B1 Passive Voice PA010

Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice.

1. The mechanic cannot repair mother's car because they have not delivered the spare
2. Farmers have grown wheat in this part of the country for decades.
3. All the newspapers are reporting the scandal.
4. How did you make this delicious meal?
5. The police didn't find the missing girl, so they issued a statement.
6. You should keep white wine at about 8°C.
7. Shop security will report all shoplifters to the police.
8. The doctors told Judy that she has six months to live.
9. Pupils must not step on the freshly cut lawn.
10. People speak English all over the world.
11. Hotel management asks all guests to check out before noon.
12. They were renovating the old museum when we walked by.
13. You can buy tickets for the concert here.
14. They brought him to the arena by helicopter.
15. Someone will steal your new bike if you don't put a lock on it.

1. The mechanic cannot repair mother's car because they have not delivered the spare
Mother's car cannot be repaired because the spare parts have not been
2. Farmers have grown wheat in this part of the country for decades.
Wheat has been grown in this part of the country for decades.
3. All the newspapers are reporting the scandal.
The scandal is being reported by all the newspapers.
4. How did you make this delicious meal?
How was this delicious meal made?
5. The police didn't find the missing girl, so they issued a statement.
The missing girl wasn't found so a statement was issued.
6. You should keep white wine at about 8°C.
White wine should be kept at about 8°C.
7. Shop security will report all shoplifters to the police.
All shoplifters will be reported to the police by shop security.
8. The doctors told Judy that she has six months to live.
Judy was told that she has six months to live.
9. Pupils must not step on the freshly cut lawn.
The freshly cut lawn must not be stepped on.
10. People speak English all over the world.
English is spoken all over the world.
11. Hotel management asks all guests to check out before noon.
All guests are asked by hotel management to check out before noon.
12. They were renovating the old museum when we walked by.
The old museum was being renovated when we walked by.
13. You can buy tickets for the concert here.
Tickets for the concert can be bought here.
14. They brought him to the arena by helicopter.
He was brought to the arena by helicopter.
15. Someone will steal your new bike if you don't put a lock on it.
Your new bike will be stolen if a lock isn't put on it.
B1 Passive Voice PA011

Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice.

1. They will read out the names of the winners in tomorrow's show.
2. The shop assistant offered a refund to the customer.
3. Look! someone has broken the vase.
4. The police are investigating the murder.
5. Candidates must write their answers in ink.
6. The judge shouldn't have postponed the hearing.
7. They said that he was innocent.
8. They make all of the components in foreign factories.
9. I don't like people lying to me.
10. Picasso painted Guernica in 1937.
11. People have fought wars throughout history.
12. They have often described New York as the busiest city in the world.
13. Nobody has done the washing up.
14. They are demolishing the stadium so the team can't play any games there.
15. The city authorities sold the land three years ago.

1. They will read out the names of the winners in tomorrow's show.
The names of the winners will be read out in tomorrow's show.
2. The shop assistant offered a refund to the customer.
A refund was offered to the customer.
The customer was offered a refund.
3. Look! someone has broken the vase.
Look! The vase has been broken.
4. The police are investigating the murder.
The murder is being investigated by the police.
5. Candidates must write their answers in ink.
Answers must be written in ink (by the candidates)
6. The judge shouldn't have postponed the hearing.
The hearing shouldn't have been postponed (by the judge).
7. They said that he was innocent.
He was said to be innocent.
8. They make all of the components in foreign factories.
All of the components are made in foreign factories.
9. I don't like people lying to me.
I don't like being lied to.
10. Picasso painted Guernica in 1937.
Guernica was painted by Picasso in 1937.
11. People have fought wars throughout history.
Wars have been fought throughout history.
12. They have often described New York as the busiest city in the world.
New York has often been described as the busiest city in the world.
13. Nobody has done the washing up.
The washing up hasn't been done.
14. They are demolishing the stadium so the team can't play any games there.
The stadium is being demolished so games cannot be played here.
15. The city authorities sold the land three years ago.
The land was sold by the city authorities three years ago.
B1 Passive Voice PA012

Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice.

1. Someone might have stolen the valuable jewels.

2. They are monitoring the whole area with TV cameras.
3. Everyone must wear hard hats when working on the building site.
4. Scientists have not tested the new product on humans.
5. The company normally delivers cars within a month.
6. They saw the suspect entering the building.
7. The teacher ought to have sent her to the headmaster.
8. The organizers will offer drinks during the break.
9. The manager will report all shoplifters to the police.
10. Border officials made me open my suitcase.
11. You cannot trust politicians.
12. My husband gave me a new cell phone for my birthday.
13. They were opening the parcel when I came in.
14. People say that the Copacabana is the most wonderful beach in the world.
15. They will have told him the news by next week.
16. Nobody has ever told him how to manage the club.

1. Someone might have stolen the valuable jewels.

The valuable jewels might have been stolen.
2. They are monitoring the whole area with TV cameras.
The whole area is being monitored with TV cameras.
3. Everyone must wear hard hats when working on the building site.
Hard hats must be worn when working on the building site.
4. Scientists have not tested the new product on humans.
The new product has not been tested on humans.
5. The company normally delivers cars within a month.
Cars are normally delivered within a month.
6. They saw the suspect entering the building.
The suspect was seen entering the building.
7. The teacher ought to have sent her to the headmaster.
She ought to have been sent to the headmaster.
8. The organizers will offer drinks during the break.
Drinks will be offered during the break (by the organizers).
9. The manager will report all shoplifters to the police.
All shoplifters will be reported to the police (by the manager).
10. Border officials made me open my suitcase.
I was made to open my suitcase by border officials.
11. You cannot trust politicians.
Politicians can't be trusted.
12. My husband gave me a new cell phone for my birthday.
I was given a new cell phone for my birthday by my husband.
13. They were opening the parcel when I came in.
The parcel was being opened when I came in.
14. People say that the Copacabana is the most wonderful beach in the world.
The Copacabana is said to be the most wonderful beach in the world.
15. They will have told him the news by next week.
He will have been told the news by next week.
16. Nobody has ever told him how to manage the club.
He has never been told how to manage the club.
B1 Passive Voice PA013

Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice.

1. The lawyer is preparing some important documents for the trial.

2. They are building a new amusement park in this neighbourhood.
3. The politicians will have reached a decision by tomorrow.
4. Millions of people all over the world watch this programme.
5. They ought to pay the workers more.
6. Somebody stole my car from the car park.
7. She hasn't watered these plants for over a week.
8. Joe introduced me to his girlfriend last week.
9. The audience is not listening to the speaker.
10. They might invite us to the party, but I'm not sure.
11. Candidates must return their applications by the end of next week.
12. We will finish all the school projects by the end of the next term.
13. Somebody took this picture a while ago.
14. The authorities should raise more money for the new church.
15. They gave us a guided tour of the museum.
16. The workers were repairing the roof when the fire started.

1. The lawyer is preparing some important documents for the trial.

Some important documents are being prepared for the trial by the lawyer.
2. They are building a new amusement park in this neighbourhood.
A new amusement park is being built in this neighbourhood.
3. The politicians will have reached a decision by tomorrow.
A decision will have been reached by tomorrow.
4. Millions of people all over the world watch this programme.
This programme is watched by millions of people all over the world.
5. They ought to pay the workers more.
The workers ought to be paid more.
6. Somebody stole my car from the car park.
My car was stolen from the car park.
7. She hasn't watered these plants for over a week.
These plants haven't been watered for over a week.
8. Joe introduced me to his girlfriend last week.
I was introduced to Joe's girlfriend last week.
9. The audience is not listening to the speaker.
The speaker is not being listened to.
10. They might invite us to the party, but I'm not sure.
We might by invited to the party, nut I'm not sure.
11. Candidates must return their applications by the end of next week.
Applications must be returned by the candidates by the end of next week.
12. We will finish all the school projects by the end of the next term.
All the school projects will be finished by the end of the next term.
13. Somebody took this picture a while ago.
This photo was taken a while ago.
14. The authorities should raise more money for the new church.
More money for the new church should be raised by the authorities.
15. They gave us a guided tour of the museum.
We were given a guided tour of the museum.
16. The workers were repairing the roof when the fire started.
The roof was being repaired when the fire started.
B1 Passive Voice PA014

Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice.

1. Someone will attend to you later.

2. I don't remember Jack giving me the tickets.
3. We must do something before the situation gets out of control.
4. You can hear the music in all sections of the stadium.
5. The company employs 5 people.
6. They are going to buy a new TV set next week.
7. My great grandfather built this house 60 years ago.
8. My sister gave me the key so I could get in.
9. Nobody said anything.
10. A loud noise woke me up last night.
11. How do you prepare such a dish?
12. I don't like someone lying to me.
13. She solved all her problems.
14. After a while she found out they hadn't told her the truth.
15. The outstanding performance impressed her.
16. You mustn't put the leftovers back in the fridge.

1. Someone will attend to you later.

You will be attended to later.
2. I don't remember Jack giving me the tickets.
I don't remember being given the tickets.
3. We must do something before the situation gets out of control.
Something must be done before the situation gets out of control.
4. You can hear the music in all sections of the stadium.
The music can be heard in all sections of the stadium.
5. The company employs 5 people.
5 people are employed by the company.
6. They are going to buy a new TV set next week.
A new TV set is going to be bought next week.
7. My great grandfather built this house 60 years ago.
This house was built 60 years ago by my great grandfather.
8. My sister gave me the key so I could get in.
I was given the key so I could get in.
9. Nobody said anything.
Nothing was said.
10. A loud noise woke me up last night.
I was woken up last night by a loud noise.
11. How do you prepare such a dish?
How is such a dish prepared?
12. I don't like someone lying to me.
I don't like being lied to.
13. She solved all her problems.
All her problems were solved.
14. After a while she found out they hadn't told her the truth.
After a while she found out that she hadn't been told the truth.
15. The outstanding performance impressed her.
She was impressed by the outstanding performance.
16. You mustn't put the leftovers back in the fridge.
The leftovers mustn't be put back in the fridge.
B1 Active or Passive Voice PA015

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb. Use active or passive voice.

1. A lot of old songs ____________________ on the radio last week. (PLAY)

2. The President ____________________________ about the coup in Central America. (JUST
3. If I ____________________ you I wouldn't go to the meeting. (BE)
4. The bank manager told me that the house ________________________ for. (NOT PAY)
5. I _________________________ the guitar since I was in nursery school. (PLAY)
6. Margie is very happy because she __________________________ an engagement ring
from her boyfriend. (JUST RECEIVE)
7. I _______________________ after the children while the garage ________________________ .
8. When Jane came to the office, she found out that her boss ________________________ .
9. Please don't interrupt us. We ____________________ an important conversation. (HAVE)
10. I reported to the police that my stamp collection _______________________ the week
before. (STEAL)
11. A short time after the pedestrian _______________________ by the car the ambulance
____________________ . (HIT, ARRIVE)
12. When Mr Kennel entered the room, emails ________________________ by his assistants.
13. Dad ________________________ for over three weeks. (NOT SMOKE)
14. He normally ____________________ up on his own but yesterday he ____________________
by his mom. (WAKE, WAKE)
15. They usually ____________________ visitors at the hospital. (NOT ALLOW)
16. All the houses in our street _______________________ every year during the Christmas
season. (DECORATE)
17. India _______________________ independence in 1947. (GRANT)
18. They _______________________ in southern Italy since the end of the war. (LIVE)
19. I ______________________ a car by the garage so that I could drive home. (GIVE)
20. Tom's father is an excellent athlete. He ____________________ some sort of sport every
day. (DO)

1. A lot of old songs were played on the radio last week. (PLAY)
2. The President has just been informed about the coup in Central America. (JUST
3. If I were/was you I wouldn't go to the meeting. (BE)
4. The bank manager told me that the house hadn't been paid for. (NOT PAY)
5. I have been playing the guitar since I was in nursery school. (PLAY)
6. Margie is very happy because she has just received an engagement ring from her
boyfriend. (JUST RECEIVE)
7. I looked/was looking after the children while the garage was being repaired. (LOOK ,
I am looking after the children while the garage is being repaired.
8. When Jane came to the office, she found out that her boss had already left. (ALREADY
9. Please don't interrupt us. We are having an important conversation. (HAVE)
10. I reported to the police that my stamp collection had been stolen the week before.
11. A short time after the pedestrian had been hit by the car the ambulance arrived. (HIT,
12. When Mr Kennel entered the room, emails were being typed by his assistants. (TYPE)
13. Dad has not smoked for over three weeks. (NOT SMOKE)
14. He normally wakes up on his own but yesterday he was woken by his mom. (WAKE,
15. They usually don't allow visitors at the hospital. (NOT ALLOW)
16. All the houses in our street are decorated every year during the Christmas season.
17. India was granted independence in 1947. (GRANT)
18. They have been living in southern Italy since the end of the war. (LIVE)
19. I was given a car by the garage so that I could drive home. (GIVE)
20. Tom's father is an excellent athlete. He does some sort of sport every day. (DO)

Change the sentences to passive voice.

1. The Browns have built the large house.

2. A jellyfish stung her while she was swimming.

3. They gave her a nice present.

4. Jane is singing the new song.

5. The storm destroyed the house.

6. People spent a lot of Monday on the first shopping Saturday.

7. How do you write that word?

8. She watered the flowers every day.

9. The headmaster called his parents to the office.

10. Ben will direct the show.

11. The dog has broken the window pane.

12. You must pay the bill first.

13. They were interviewing her for the job.

14. The professor told him not to talk in class.

15. You shouldn’t speak to your neighbor.

16. Do not leave your bicycle in the hall.

17. Can you learn French easily?

18. Your impolite tone surprises me.

19. James will repair the car.

20. An unknown author wrote the book.

21. They forced him to steal the money out of his dad’s room.

22. Our neighbors have invited us to dinner.

23. Why are they tearing down the old theatre?

24. I will present my ideas at the conference tonight.

25. She would have told you.


Change the sentences to passive voice.

1. The large house has been built by the Browns.

2. She was stung by a jellyfish while she was swimming.
3. She was given a nice present.
4. The new song is being sung by Jane.
5. The house was destroyed by the storm.
6. A lot of money was spent on the first shopping Saturday.
7. How is that word written?
8. The flowers were watered every day.
9. His parents were called to the office by the headmaster.
10. The show will be directed by Ben.
11. The window pane has been broken by the dog.
12. The bill must be paid first.
13. She was being interviewed for the job.
14. He was told not to talk in class by the professor.
15. Your neighbor shouldn’t be spoken to.
16. Bicycles must not be left in the hall.
17. Can French be learned easily?
18. I am surprised by your impolite tone.
19. The car will be repaired by James.
20. The book was written by an unknown author.
21. He was forced to steal the money out of his dad’s room.
22. We have been invited to dinner.
23. Why is the old theatre being torn down?
24. My ideas will be presented at the conference tonight.
25. You would have been told.

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