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READING AND VOCABULARY Rone ie eGc een nei) Work in pairs. Think of some products or services you can buy in Poland, their logos and advertising slogans. Then answer the questions below. 1. What do the logos and slogans tell the customers, about the product/service? 2 Which one appeals to you the most? Why? Match comments 15 with pictures a-e in your notebook. Which comments do you agree with and which do you disagree with? Why? 1 [love watching commercials on TV. Some are really funny, 2 Giving out flyers in the street does not make much sense. Nobody reads them! 3 Selling products with a free gift is a good idea, | always uy magazines with free DVDs in them. 4 Pop-up adverts on the Internet are really annoying | can’t stand them! 5 | don’t think people pay much attention to billboards in the street. | don’t, anyway. Read the text on the right and answer the question. “that would be a good title for the text? The most successful advertising campaign ever The success of amateur advertising The most creative man on Earth Favourite teenage brands Is it possible to earn a lot of money using just a cheap video camera and YouTube or Facebook? ‘The answer is yes if you know how to interest young people. Youngsters are hard to please, so companies must use marketing tricks to make them notice thet brand, like it and talk about it. A competition for a fan-made commercial is an example of such a trick - you simply ask young constimers to come up with cool and original ads for one of your products. One of the most well-known ‘companies which have used this idea is Tesla a U.S. car company run by Elon Musk. In March 2017, Tesla launched a competition for the best home-made advertisement of its latest car model. ‘The idea appealed to young people who entered the contest in large numbers. Two months later, when th results were announced, it turned out that the most catchy commercial was made by a well-known tech blogger - Marques Brownlee. Marques made a spot which was not only humorous and surprising, but also held the viewers’ attention until the last second. Although the successful blogger did not get to keep the car, he we invited to attend its launch party. I wouldn't mind that, would you? Of course, the commercial went viral, and attracted a lot of attention. ‘Wouldn't you say that it was a successful ativertising campaign? I certainly would, No money ‘was invested and so much interest was created! “@ ZAKUPY USLUGL, PRACA Rozumieniepisanych tkst6w Wybér wielokrotny, Uzupoiniane steszczenia

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