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IN THE CIRCUIT/COUNTY COURT 19% JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FLORIDA AFFIDAVIT Court Case Number Agency Case Number 562023CFOO30S0AXXXXX 2023-08814 State of Florida To ll and singular Sheriffs of the State of Florida whereas Detective Amanda Bukata has made an oath on Nov 06, 2023, that MAXINE MCMANAMAN in the aforesaid county did unlawfully violate Count(s) Offense Code Charge Description 1 FSS 831.01 Alter Public Record Certificate Ete contrary to the law in such case and provided, and against the peace and dignity ofthe State of Florida Statement of Probable Cause / Narrative Date of Crime: 12 (00:00 AM Time of Crime: 11:30 On April 13, 2023, I was assigned this ease for follow up. Ispoke with the reporter EEE who alleged the following: His father, Delroy Chambers Sr (SR), has been exploiting and abusing his elderly mother, HB for many years. Mf has been diagnosed ‘i a many years and has progressively gotten worse and since then, SR has taken advantage of Mf by having her sign documents and has failed to properly take care of her. SRs lack of proper care has resulted infil admission into the hospital multiple times. SR has had a mistress reside in the home where llived all while he failed to care for her. After reviewing a multitude of documents, civil and medical, sent to me by [was able to put together the following timeline April 25, 2008: Delroy Chambers Sr (SR) and [EEE filed a warranty deed to put their hone HS solely in ME name pril 29, 2010. a appointed lll as her health care surrogate and Power of Attomey. Her daughter, Maxine MeManaman (MM) would be her health care surrogate and Power of Attorney if ll was “unwilling” to do so. Fanuary 23, 2013 Medical records fiom EE ovine: MEE condition. The min diagnosis wv May 16,2013 PR cc sense 9s I 00 sirted ner AA October 31, 2013 ‘Agency Name: Port St. Lucie Police Department ‘Defendant Name: MAXINE MCMANAMAN ‘Agency Case # 2023-08814 SA Case ID: 2023-56.002508 Reviewing Prosecutor: Jonathon Libby Tudge Approved on: Nov 15, 2023 a s disease as “worse, III and notated that it was possible she was not aking May 20, 2014 Mliakesa of Ml points. Accord 16, 2015, less than a year later, [J took the same test and scored Ill out of seale means ty_ She scored ff out On February points, which, on the same point January 4. 2015: WB voluntarily surrenders her driver license. This is reflected on her DAVID account February 16, 2015 MlBvas seen by and the main concern listed was. EE family concemed about deterioration, The disease status was classified as “exacerbated”. During this time, = arted Mil On MEM alongside her prescribed [EEE is another prescription used for January 4, 2016: A letter fiom the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) sends a letter to Ill stating that her driver license has been cancelled as of the date of the letter (4/6/2016). The cancellation is because “Section 322.08, Florida Statutes, prohibits you from holding both a driver license and an identification card”. A second letter from DHSMV stated, “this is to acknowledge receipt of your current Florida driver’s license which indicates you no longer wish to drive. We are reflecting in your driving record that your driver’s license has been cancélled as of this date for “Driver License Voluntarily Surrendered April 5, 2016: <1 “ | pril 7, 2016: BBpleced fl into HIECommunity Care. Her main diagnosis listed was EE Her secondary diagnoses were! It was noted that wandered in the past and received a points on a scale of ‘on her fall risk assessment March 30, 2017 CS es TY One of the complaints also listed was[—i'' [he notes taken by the doctor during the visit states, The doctor also notated that aud she suffers fiom the On April 12, 2017 While still enrolled with EEE Community Care, an annual screening/assessment form was completed. On the form, a nurse wrote that the “son concemed that his father does not ensure that his mother eats when she is @ home”. Under the Risk of Imminent Harm section, the nurse wrote that the son “believes that his father leaves pt @ home alone @ times”. A fom called ls Agency Name: Defendant Name: MAXINE MCMANAMAN xy Case # SA Case ID: 2023-6.002508 Reviewing Prosecutor: Jonathon Libby Tudge Approved on: Nov 15, 2023 completed and [if received points. On the scale, zero (0) to seven (7) points means that the patient suffers na Tuly 6, 2017 DAVID reflects that lf obtained a replacement license at 11:31:49 AM. The signature is sloppily written and is partially cut off due to it being signed at an angle. Later that day, a Quitclaim Deed was signed by Il the property to SR and herself. The Quitclaim Deed (OR Book 4016, Page 1171) was recorded on 7, at 3:21:03 PM. This document was signed byllila little over three (3) months after her doctor diagnosed her with) land stated that oe muary 9, 2018, Wiealied| and advised that Publix Pharmacy informed him that [i medications were not bemg picked up. January 10, 2018 The bus driver for stated thatll was not going to the facility that day or for the rest of the week, SR informed Jand stated that lis taking her Mond that isthe only medication she is taking. Also, Afwas going to be staying with her sisters for the weekend and that is why she would not be attending the facility for the rest of the week. June 7, 2018. During an office visit at ) the doctor notated, June 26, 2019: SR files a Memorandum of MVR Homeowner Benefit Agreement. Both he and ll signed the document, signature is misspelled and looks sloppy. The document was notarized, and the notary documented that provided her passport as identification. February 13.2020: agreement for services paperwork shows a conumunication log in which the nurse wrote down her communication with Delroy Chambers Sr., who stated that he was a CNA (certified nursing assistant). [EEE 0 vides home health cate services April 30. 2020: Bis ctetcoh it LL, ..5 2 accompanied by SR. The main reason for the telehealth visit was for medication refills. Some of the notes listed stated that the patient’s husband “states he has stopped [EEEEss pt complained she no longer wants to be Il July 11, 2021) Agency Name: Port St. Lucie Police Department Defendant Name: MAXINE MCMANAMAN Agency Case # 2023-08814 SA Case ID: 2023-6.002508 Reviewing Prosecutor: Jonathon Libby Tudge Approved on: Nov 15, 2023 HB was hospitalized at Os {which began three (3) days earlier is described as, | Stated, “patient found to bein de to ack of appropri AL Pvas discharged on July 14, 202 August 25, 2021 During an ofice visit i doctor notated that the | P The doctor also notated that, cr March 28, 2022: Milled a complaint with the 0: agreement that was notarized. IJ complaint stated that the notary. Rochelle Emanuel, notarized Il signature although she was diagnosed wit e of the Govemor in reference to the memorandum of MVR homeowner April 13, 2 filed a Complaint to Quiet Title against SR referencing the Quitelaim Deed recorded on July 6.2017. In the complaint Bistxce that the quitclaim deed was void due to [uot having full J 0 do April 22, 2022: SR was served the complaint aud asked to provide a response showing interest in the property. SR was given twenty (20) days to file a response (56-2022-CA-000648), May 17, 2022: SR was found to be in default for not providing an answer. October 20, 2 A Special Warranty Deed was sigi ed and conveyed the property over ofl October 31, 2022: The courts ruled in favor off and quieted the title. A copy of this order was furnished to SR. December 5, 2022: ‘A Quitclaim deed was signed by MM and SR conveying the property to their name. The deed was prepared by MM Telisted the Graitor as “Delioy Chanbets” with a mahve aides ———rrara’ nd listed the Grantee as “Maxine C. McManan and “Delroy Chambers”. The notary Lisa Graziuso, noted that she was provided with a Florida drivers license and a Georgia drivers license. Lisa also noted that “Delroy Chambers/Maxine Chambers McManaman” appeared before her on December 5 2022. After reviewing the deed, I noticed that it did not specify whether it was referring to Delroy Chambers. Sr. Also, the signatu s his name. A DAVID check off for Delroy Chambers resembles how SR license reveals that the name listed is, iE onc it has been expired since 2019, Agency Name: Port St. Lucie Police Department Defendant Name: MAXINE MCMANAMAN Agency Case # 2023-08814 SA Case ID: 2023-6.002508 Reviewing Prosecutor: Jonathon Libby Tudge Approved on: Nov 15, 2023 e4 has since had a Georgia license. A DAVID check of SR revealed the name on his license is “Delroy Chambers” and is still valid. MM has a valid Georgia driver license. I called Lisa Graziuso and questioned her regarding the deed. Lisa stated she would not notarize a document if the identification was expired, but it might've slipped past her. When I mentioned that there was aff and a Sr and it wasn’t clarified as to who was signing, she stated that she writes the name on the document exactly how it is presented on the identification. This deed was ultimately reported to the Port St Lucie Police Department as being fraudulent (2022-29098) December 14, 2022 SR filed a Motion to Set Aside Amended Final Judgment. On June 1, 2023, I responded to the St. Lucie County West Annex (250 NW Country Club Drive) and spoke with Assistant Manager Salita Rogers of the Cleik’s Office. I presented Salita with the Quitelaim Deeds fiom July 6, 2017, and December 5, 2022. Salita assisted in providing me with the receipt for when the deeds were signed. Both were paid for by credit card. The deed dated July 6, 2017. was paid for by Lloyd Chambers. The deed dated December 5, 2023, was paid for by MM. I then went to the Property Appraiser division and asked for a clerk to explain to me what the Quitelaim Deed means and how it works. Going off on the deed from 2022, Twas informed that the way it reads is that “Delroy Chambers” with an address in Georgia, conveyed the home to MM and “Delroy Chambers”. The signature block on the second page lists both MM and “Delroy Chambers” as the Grantor. Meaning that they are signing that they are the owners of the home. After reviewing tiple other samples of SR’s signature fiom other court documents and his DAVID signature, I can positively say that the signature on the fraudulent quitclaim deed is SR’s signature and not| On April 18, 2023, [was officially deemed IEEE by medical professionals. On April 24, 2023.1 spoke with Maxine via a recorded line, | informed her of the allegations and she stated that her brother, Ml has made these allegations multiple times and that DCF has opened multiple investigations against them. She then informed me that she had current Power of Attomey (POA) due toll POA being suspended. | asked her to provide me with all documents pertaining to her being POA. Later in the day I got an email containing documents such as, POA Revocation Notice, Suspension of POA for [EE and a DCF report. did not believe that SR was abusinglll She also stated that SR has taken care of lffor past twelve (12) years and she does not know where accusations are coming from. MM denied that SR has a mistress, she did state that the younger female does live at home with SR but she is unaware of what their relationship is. MM said that if should have moved Mito Georgia in an assisted living facility near him. I then asked if SR ‘would be able to speak with me and MM replied by saying that she told him not to talk with anyoue. MM stated that [has multiple bed sores and has had bed sores even at the assisted living facility. I later received another email from MM which stated that [POA was permanently suspended. On April 26, 2023, I spoke with web via a recorded line. While on the phone she stated she stated she Later in the day, I called SR via a recorded line. 1 asked if he would be willing to speak with me regarding the allegations made by his son. He stated that his daughter already told me he would not talk. He also stated that he had taken care of his wife for twelve (12) years and that just wants to take his house. He then ended the phone call il 27, 2023, I emailed MM and asked, "Do you have the name of the doctor who provided care to —_ Also, when was she moved to Kozy Kottage and who made the decision to do that?" I got a response back which said, "I am respectfully declining to answer any additional question: ‘Ageney Name: Port St, Lucie Police Department ‘Defendant Name: MAXINE MCMANAMAN ‘Agency Case # 2023-08814 SA Case ID: 2023-86.002508 ‘Reviewing Prosecutor: Jonathon Libby Tudge Approved on: Nov 15, Page § On July 1 . Judge Waronicki ruled in favor of fl hat he will keep his durable power of attorney and health care surrogate over I] Judge Waronicki further ruled that MM is not permitted to act asl power of attorney or health care surrogate unlesslilis unable or willing to do so. The case was then closed. After my investigation, I determined the following: On December 5, 2022, a quitclaim deed, which was prepared by Maxine McManaman (as stated in the above Jefthand comer) stated that the Grantor, “Delroy Chambers” — unknown whether or Sr. - with a mailing address off ‘was listing Maxine MeManaman and Delroy Chambers (: or Sr.,) as the Grantee. There were two signatures on the back of the document both listed as Grantor. One was Maxine MeManaman’s with the letters “POA” in front and the other was for “Delroy Chambers”. The quitelaim deed was notarized and recorded on December 5, 2022, at 11:30:54am EEE could not have signed that document because he was at his residence located rT the day that this quitclaim deed was signed. He provided me with two (2) emails for the same date — one was for a Samsung appliance delivery which required his presence and the other was for a Door dash delivery. Both emails were addressed to him. Delroy Chambers Sr and his daughter, Maxine MeManaman, both violated Florida State Statute 831.01 when they falsified the quitclaim deed, which is a public record, in hopes of it being received as legal proof. This, witclain deed was falsified thirty-five (35) days after the Honorable Judge Belanger ruled in favor of| _ to which the property would be kept in his name. Witnesses Victims Vehicles Thereby request that an arrest warrant be issued for MAXINE MCMANAMAN for violation of Florida State Statute(s) listed above. ‘Under penalties of perjury. I. Detective Amanda Bukata, declare that I have read the foregoing and thatthe facts stated therein are ‘ue and correct to the best of my knowledge and belie. Ameria Zekaler Detective Amanda Bukata Affiant ceney Name: Port St. Lucie Police Department ‘Defendant Name: MAXINE MCMANAMAN wgency Case # 2023-08814 SA Case ID: 2023-86.002508 Reviewing Prosecutor: Jonathon Libby Tudge Approved on: Nov 15, 2023 Page 6 SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me on this the 6th day of Nov, 2023 heel Atwes Detective Sergeant Abel Joseph Alves Law Enforcement Officer Authorized to Administer Oaths under F.S. 117.10. ‘Agency Namie: Port St. Lucie Police Department ‘Agency Case # 2023-08814 Defendant Name: MAXINE MCMANAMAN SA Case ID: 2023-56-002508 ‘Reviewing Prosecutor: Jonatlon Libby Judge Approved on: Nov 15, 2023 Page 7 PERSONAL DATA INFORMATION SHEET ‘ALL INFORMATION MUST HE PROVIDED BY THE INVESTIGATING OFFICER COURT CASE NUMBER: $62023CF0030803 DEFENDANT: MAXINE MCMA ALIAS) MA ADDRESS: 1145 Kirkwood Ave Unit 4 Atlanta Georgia, 30316 DOB: 11/16/1969 SSN PHONE: MARITAL STATUS. POB: United Kingdom DL RACE: Black/African American SEX: Female ETHNICITY: CITIZENSHIP: USA HGT: $04" WGT: HAIR: Brown EYES: Brown, COMPLEXION: Medium SCARS. OCCUPATION’ EMPLOYER: FBI NUMBER: FDLE NUMBER: FINGERPRINTS AVAILABLE [Lyes [] no attach photo SOPICS pr. 02 of PHOTO, 0 IX] FL DL # DAVID Photo confirmed accurate by: DAVID [] Oiber State DL # State: (other Photo Souree [NO PHOTO AVAILABLE — Explanation for No Photo: Agency: Port St. Lucie Police Department Investigating Officer: Amanda Bukata Agency Name: Port St. Lucie Police Department wgency Case # 2023-08814 Reviewing Prosecutor: Jonathon Libby Defendant Name: MAXINE MCMANAMAN SA Case ID: 2023-86.002508 Tudge Approved on: Nov 15, 2023 ARREST WARRANT SAINT LUCIE COUNTY. FLORIDA, STATE OF FLORIDA ws MAXINE MCMANAMAN Defendant Clerk Case No: $62023CF0030S0AXXXXX Agency: Port St. Lucie Police Department wency#: 2023-08814 Lead Officer: Detective Amanda Bukata ASA: Jonathon Libby ASA Approve Date: Nov 15, 2023, In the name of the State of Florida - To all and Singular Sheriffs of the State of Florida and to Any State Attomey Tnvestigator - Greetings ‘You are HEREBY COMMANDED tt arrest: Def Name: MAXINE MCMANAMAN, Address: 1145 Kitkwood Ave Unit 4 Atlanta Georgia, 30316 DOB: 11/16/1969 Race/Sex: Black/African AmericanFemale HvWr sroa"y Eye/Hair: — Brown/Brown, SSN: 14-58-2632 DL#: FDLE: FBI Alias: Whereas upon the sworn affidavit, complaint or other sworn testimony of Detective Amanda Bukata of the Port St. Lucie Police Department the undersigned Judge, as found that there exists probable cause to believe that ome MAXINE MCMANAMAN. in Saint Lucie County. Flotida did commit the below listed offense(s). contrary to the provisions of Florida Statutes. Counts) | _ Offense Code ‘Charge Description Bond Amt "Total Amt 1 FSS 831.01 Alter Public Record Certificate Ete — $2,500.00 $2,500.00 COUNT 1 FORGERY (F 3) COUNT 1: On or about December 5, 2022 Maxine MeManaman did unlawfilly falsely make, alter, forge or counterfeit a public record, or a certificate, return or attestation of any clerk or register of a count, in relation toa ‘matter where such certificate, return or attestation may be received as legal proof, bond, or writing obligatory, or notice to appear with the intent to injure or defraud Julieth Chambers, or any person or firm, in violation of Florida Statute $31.01; These Are Therefore to Command you to forthwith arrest and bring the above-named defendant before me to be dealt with according to law. Given under my hand and seal this 15th day of Nov. 2023, ‘Agency Namie: Port St. Lucie Police Department Agency Case # 2023-08814 Defendant Name: MAXINE MCMANAMAN SA Case ID: 2023-56-002508 ‘Reviewing Prosecutor: Jonatlon Libby Judge Approved on: Nov 15, 2023 Page 9 Judge Lawrence M Mirman 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY OF SAINT LUCIE STATE OF FLORIDA Condition of Bond Release/Release on Recognizance: [X] No Contact with Victim: Until further order of the Court of the charge is dismissed by the State, the Defendant shall not directly or indirectly contact the vietian in person, by mail, e-mail, fax, telephone, through another person, or in any other manner. This restriction shall include the following condition(s), if marked: [X] Defendant may not knowingly come closer than S0 feet to the victim at any public place, except for court proceedings, or within $00 feet of the victim's residence or place of employment, or 100 feet of any vehicle regularly driven by the victim. (] Defendant may go to victim's residence one time with a law enforcement officer to get Defendant's clothing and personal effects [] Defendant may speak to victim on the telephone only to discuss sharing parental responsibility for their minor child(ren). {] Ifmarked, Defendant shall be held without bond until the First Appearance Hearing. [] OTHER BOND CONDITIONS: ‘Agency Namie: Port St. Lucie Police Department Defendant Name: MAXINE MCMANAMAN Agency Case # 2023-08814 SA Case ID: 2023-56-002508 ‘Reviewing Prosecutor: Jonatlon Libby Judge Approved on: Nov 15, 2023 Page 10

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