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Couplets: chūn lián 春联

1. Write vertically.
2. Include pinyin and English meaning. You can put them as decorations.
*Put your name on the back first *Use markers for pinyin and English.

骏马辞岁 一帆风顺
金羊迎春 心想事成
jùn mǎ cí suì yī fān fēng shùn
jīn yáng yíng chūn xīn xiǎng shì chéng
The fine horse farewell the old Everything goes well
year. Your dreams will come true
The golden sheep welcome the
new spring.
马去雄风在 花开富贵年年好
羊来福气生 竹报平安岁岁祥
mǎ qù xióng fēng zài huā kāi fù guì nián nián hǎo
yȧng lái fú qì shēng zhú bào píng ān suì suì xiáng
The year of horse passed by, but Blooming flowers brings fortune,
your power is still here. every year is the best.
The year of sheep comes, and Bamboo comes with peace, every
bring you all the good luck. year has good luck.
一帆风顺吉祥到 八骏嘶风传捷报
万事如意福临门 五羊跳跃展新图
yī fān fēng shùn jí xiáng dào bā jùn sī fēng chuán jié bào
wàn shì rú yì fú lín mén wǔ yáng tiào yuè zhǎn xīn tú
Everything goes well and good luck Eight horses shout and report the
arrives good news.
Everything goes as you wish and Five sheep jump and show a new
good luck come to your door.
Couplet: chūn lián
1. shù zhe xiě 着写-Write vertically.
2. xiě pīnyīn hé yīngwén. 写拼音和英文-Include pinyin and English meanings. You
can put them as decorations.
*pīnyīn hé zhōng wén yòng mǎ kè bǐ. 拼音和中文用马克笔。Use markers for
pinyin and English.

万事如意[wàn shì rú yì] 一帆风顺 [yī fān fēng shùn]

心想事成[xīn xiǎng shì chéng] 心想事成 [xīn xiǎng shì chéng]
Everything goes as your wish.
Everything goes well.
Whatever you think will come true. Your dreams will come true.

丹凤呈祥龙献瑞 [dān fèng 花开富贵年年好 [huā kāi fù

chéng xiáng lóng xiàn ruì] guì nián nián hǎo]
红桃贺岁杏迎春 [hóng táo hè
竹报平安岁岁祥[zhú bào píng
suì xìng yíng chūn]
Dragon and phoenix bring the prosperity ān suì suì xiáng]
Peach and apricot blossoms welcome the Blooming flowers brings fortune, every year is
spring the best.
Bamboo comes with peace, every year has
good luck.

一帆风顺吉祥到[yī fān fēng 事事如意大吉祥 [shì shì rú yì

shùn jí xiáng dào] dà jí xiáng]

万事如意福临门[wàn shì rú yì 家家顺心永安康 [jiā jiā shùn

xīn yǒng ān kāng]
fú lín mén]
May you have good luck in everything
Everything goes well and good luck arrives
May you feel content and your family healthy
Everything goes as you wish and good luck
come to your door.
Couplet: chūn lián
1. shù zhe xiě 着写
2. xiě pīnyīn hé yīngwén. 写拼音和英文
*pīnyīn hé yīng wén yòng mǎ kè bǐ. 拼音和英文用马克笔。

万事如意[wàn shì rú yì]Everything goes as your wish.

心想事成[xīn xiǎng shì chéng]Whatever you think will come true.
一帆风顺 [yī fān fēng shùn]Everything goes well.
心想事成 [xīn xiǎng shì chéng]Your dreams will come true.
新年快乐[xīn nián kuài lè] Happy New Year
万事如意[wàn shì rú yì]Everything goes as your wish.
花开富贵[huā kāi fù guì]Blooming flowers brings fortune.
竹报平安[zhú bào píng ān]Bamboo brings peace.
学习进步[xué xí jìn bù] Make progress in your study
四季平安[sì jì píng ān] Peace for all four seasons.
1. Write them vertically.
2. Also write Zhuyin Fuhao and Yingwen.
*Zhuyin Fuhao and Yinwen- use markers

萬 事 如 意 Everything goes as your wish.

心 想 事 成 Whatever you think will come true.

一 帆 風 順 Everything goes well.

心 想 事 成 Your dreams will come true.

新 年 快 樂 Happy New Year

萬 事 如 意 Everything goes as your wish.

花 開 富 貴 Blooming flowers brings fortune.

竹 報 平 安 Bamboo brings peace.

學 習 進 步 Make progress in your study

四 季 平 安 Peace for all four seasons.

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